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1、选修六module 3interpersonal relationshipsfriendship(主题语境:人与社会社会服务与人际沟通)1 基础知识全面回顾2 考点探究素养演练3 课堂达标巩固提升1 基础知识全面回顾阅读词汇认读1confront v. _ 2slip v _ 3scratch v _ 4acute adj _ 5privilege n _ 单词分类巧记面对(危险、困难)滑倒;失足擦伤;划伤剧烈的;急剧的权利;特权核心词汇识记1_ adj亲密的;亲近的2_ v信赖;信任3_ n数量4_ v筹措(金钱)5_ v数6_ v& n吵架closetrustamountraisecoun

2、tquarrel7_ v责备;申斥8_ v撕破;撕裂9_ v提到;涉及10_ adv财政上地 _ adj财政上的;金融的 _ n财政11_ adj活泼的;有生气的 _ adj活的;现场直播的scoldtearmentionfinanciallyfinancialfinancelivelylive12_ v后悔;悔恨 _ adj懊悔的;遗憾的13_ adj体贴的;考虑周到的 _ v考虑;认为 _ n考虑14_ v原谅;宽恕 _ n原谅regretregretfulconsiderateconsiderconsiderationforgiveforgiveness15_ v预言;预测 _ n预言

3、_ adj可预测的16_ v逃跑;逃走(同义词) _ v逃跑predictpredictionpredictablefleeescape用所给词的适当形式填空1when the _ football match started, the atmosphere became _. (live)2he stared at me _ , for he felt _ for his rudeness to me. (regret)3the girl _ the picture into pieces in _. (tear)livelivelyregretfullyregretfultoretears

4、4although the disaster was _ , the experts didnt make _ in advance. (predict)5after much debate, they came to the conclusion that the worldwide _ is closely connected with _ freedom. (finance)6_ limited time, our _ teacher is _ making another plan. i hope shell take money into _ , too. (consider)pre

5、dictablepredictionsfinancefinancialconsideringconsiderateconsideringconsideration1对失去兴趣 _ 2筹款 _ 3和好;和解 _ 4保持联系 _ 5与失去联系 _ 6反过来;作为交换 _ 7属于 _ 短语互译速记lose interest inraise moneymake upkeep in touchlose touch within returnbelong to8burst out _ 9knock over _ 10from time to time _ 11. (be) ashamed of _ 12.

6、 (be) on good terms with _ 13all at once _ 14bring to mind _ 15turn round _ 突然发生;突然起来(开车)撞伤;撞死偶尔;有时对感到惭愧/羞耻与某人关系很好突然;忽然使想起转过身来选用上述短语填空1when she heard that her good friend had died in the accident, she _ crying. 2he goes home _ to see his parents. 3my family _ the villagers when we lived in the count

7、ryside. burst outfrom time to timewere on good terms with4you should _ yourself for telling such lies. 5the old song _ my happy childhood _. 6nowadays many parents _ with their children who are at college by wechat. be ashamed ofbroughtto mindkeep in touch1count形近词汇聚(1)counter n柜台(2)account n账户;描述(3

8、)discount n折扣;打折(4)county n县;郡(5)country n国家2raise形近词集锦(1)rise vi上升;起立(2)arise vi出现;上升(3)rouse vt唤醒;激发(4)arouse vt引起;唤醒;激发3“责备,表扬”相关词汇大观园(1)scold v责备;申斥(2)blame v& n责备(3)criticize v批评;指责(4)praise v表扬;赞扬(5)compliment n恭维;赞美4term短语万花筒(1)(be)on good terms with与关系好(2)(be)on bad terms with与关系不好(3)in term

9、s of在方面(4)in the long term长期而言(5)in the short term短期而言1i remember the first time i met roy. 我记得我第一次遇见罗伊的情形。精析the first time 用作连词。2having left something in the cloakroom,i went inside to get it 因为我把东西落在衣帽间了,我就进去取精析having left为现在分词的完成式作状语,表示原因。佳句精析精练3it would have been impossible to find my daughter w

10、ithout the help of friends reunited. 要是没有老友重聚网站的帮助,我就不可能找到我女儿。精析without此处表示一个含蓄条件,主句为与过去事实相反的假设。句式仿写根据上述句式完成句子1我清楚地记得我第一次在公共场合发言的情景。i vividly remember _ in public. 2因为以前没听说过这件事,所以汤姆和他一样吃惊。_ of it before,tom was as surprised as he/him. 3要是没有努力学习,他就不可能取得如此好的成绩。without working hard,he _ such good marks

11、. the first time i spokenot having heardwould not have gotv-ing形式的完成式作状语和v-ing形式和to do形式的区别1mr. bob, _ (work) as a manager for many years, found it hard to be an ordinary clerk again. 解析句意为:鲍勃先生做了多年经理之后,发现再做普通职员很困难。for many years与完成时连用,此处用v-ing的完成式。单元语法过关having worked2i regret _ (tell) you john has

12、been fired. i can hardly believe my ears. hes such a fine worker. 解析regret to do sth表示“很遗憾要做某事”,符合句意。3_ (do) quite well in the important exam, he came back home, _ (relax) and smiling. 解析本题用v-ing完成式表示动作的先后关系,第二空用过去分词作伴随状语。to tellhaving donerelaxed4_ (warn) of danger in the street at night, she had t

13、o go home, with a friend _ (follow) her. 解析第一空用v-ing完成式形式表示动作已经发生;第二空a friend与follow构成主谓关系,因此用v-ing形式。having been warnedfollowing5jack denied _ (take) to the police as a suspect and insisted that he was innocent. 解析考查非谓语动词。deny表示“否认”,其后接动名词作宾语。此处表示“杰克否认作为犯罪嫌疑人被交给警方”,表示被动关系,所以用being taken。being taken

14、2 考点探究素养演练1amount n数量v合计;达到激活知识语法填空(2020新全国卷)both the fat and thin versions of the actor took a large amount _ food. (2019全国卷)today $8 or $10 seems a small amount of money, but at that time these _ (amount) were forbidding to most citizens. ofamountslarge amounts of money _ (spend)on the project so

15、far. he is now in heavy debt, _ (amount)to 1 million dollars. have been spentamounting(1)a large amount oflarge amounts of 许多;大量a small amount ofsmall amounts of 少量in large amounts 大量地to the amount of 总数达(2)amount to 总计;达到;等于归纳拓展注意:a large/small amount of和large/small amounts of后面接不可数名词。“a large/smal

16、l amount of不可数名词”作主语时,谓语常用单数形式;“large/small amounts of不可数名词”作主语时,谓语常用复数形式。能力提升完成句子large amounts of my money _ spent on clothes every month while a large amount of hers _ spent on books. 每月我的大部分钱都花在衣服上,而她的大部分钱花在书上。areis(浙江高考)at the start of this year, foreigners living in italy _ 4.56 million of a to

17、tal population of 60.6 million, or 7.5 percent. 今年年初,居住在意大利的外国人的人口数达到456万,在总人口 6 060万中占7.5%。amounted to2raise vt筹措(金钱);提高;饲养;提出;举起;引起激活知识观察句子,写出下面黑体部分的含义(2020江苏高考)best of all, humor raises your energy, and that can have an effect on everything you do at school, at work, or in your personal life. ( _

18、 )(2020浙江高考)they began to depend less on what could be hunted or gathered from the wild,and more on animals they had raised and crops they had sown. ( _ )提升饲养(2019全国卷)he asked the children one day to raise their hands if they thought they could never be a president. ( _ )(2019天津高考)my progress in rea

19、ding raised my curiosity, and i wanted to know everything. ( _ )(2018天津高考) some analysts estimate that food production will need to be raised by 50 percent to maintain current levels. ( _ )(天津高考)she had not only 125 lost pounds, but also raised $25,000 for homeless children. ( _ )举起引起提高筹措易混辨析原形意义用法过

20、去式过去分词raise举起;抬高主动的动作作用于其他事物,也可表示抽象意义,如提高觉悟等raisedraisedrise上升;升起 主语自身移向更高的位置roserisenarise出现;发生 常用于事物或问题的出现arosearisen图解助记能力提升选词填空(rise/raise/arise)as is known to us,the sun _ in the east and sets in the west. it cant be too careful while driving,because accidents often _ from carelessness. this ev

21、ent _ awareness about the problem of global warming. risesariseraised3count vt. & vi. & n. 数;计数;认为;看作;有价值;算得上激活知识语法填空(2019天津高考)however,technology is also the application of scientific knowledge to solve a problem,touching lives in _ (count) ways. (江苏高考)the whole team count _ cristiano ronaldo,and he

22、 seldom lets them down. we count her _ one of our oldest friends. countlessonas导图助记能力提升完成句子we _ her _ one of our oldest friends. 我们把她看作交情最久的朋友之一。i cant join you; youll have to _. 我不能来,别把我算在内。you cant always _ the help from others. 你不能总是指望别人帮忙。countascount me outcount on4regret v& n后悔;悔恨;遗憾;抱歉激活知识语法填

23、空i regret _ (say) that we cant stay here any longer. one day when we are old,we will regret _ (achieve) nothing. _ my regret,i failed to pass the final exam. to sayachievingto(1)regret to do sth. 很遗憾地要做某事regret (doing/having done) sth. 后悔(做了)某事regret that 很遗憾(委婉地表示不能做某事)(2)with great/deep regret 非常遗

24、憾(much) to ones regret 令某人(非常)遗憾/后悔的是much to my regret, i missed the chance to go abroad. 令我非常后悔的是,我错过了这次出国的机会。归纳拓展注意:regret后面所接的非谓语动词形式不一样,表达的意思也不一样。后接动名词时,表示“后悔做了某事”;后接不定式(多为to say/to tell/to inform)时,一般表示“对即将发生的事表示遗憾/抱歉”。能力提升完成句子年轻时我们要努力,否则年老时,我们将会后悔一事无成。但我很遗憾地要说有些学生还没有认识到这一点。work hard when we ar

25、e young or we will _ _ when oldhowever,i _ that some students havent realized it. regret achieving/having achieved nothing regret to say5burst out 突然发生;突然起来激活知识语法填空they all burst out _ (laugh) at the expression on her face. knowing his son has been admitted into harvard university, the father burst

26、_ joy. laughingwithburst with joy/anger 非常高兴/勃然大怒burst in 闯进;破门而入(在此处in为副词,burst in还有“插话”之意)the door was thrust open and tom burst in. 门被猛地推开,汤姆冲了进来。归纳拓展提示:burst out与burst into都有“突然进入某种状态或发生某种情况”的意思,但into后接名词;out后接v-ing形式。burst into tearsburst out cryingburst into laughterburst out laughing能力提升句型转换h

27、earing the funny story, all the people present laughed suddenly. hearing the funny story, all the people present _. hearing the funny story, all the people present _. burst out laughingburst into laughter6keep in touch保持联系激活知识完成句子i try to _ current events by reading newspapers. 我试着通过读报来了解时事。keep in

28、touch withkeep in touch with 与保持联系be in touch with 和有联系be out of touch withget out of touch with 脱离;不了解;失去联系bring in/into touch with 使接触;使认识get in touch with 和取得联系lose touch with 和失去联系提示:touch vt. 感动be deeply touched by 深深地为所打动归纳拓展能力提升用touch 相关短语完成片段we used to _ (保持联系)friends by writing letters. if

29、our friends moved,we were likely _ (失去联系)them. now we can _ (取得联系)our friends by phone,e-mail and social website. it seems impossible to be _ (失去联系)them. keep in touch withto lose touch withget in touch without of touch with7in return 反过来;作为交换;作为报答;回报激活知识介词填空 _ her arrival,i told her the important n

30、ews immediately. people try to avoid public transportation delays by using their own cars,and this _ turn creates further problems. id like to do something for you in return _ everything youve done for me. oninforin return for 作为对的报答on ones return 某人一回来in turn 依次;反过来by turns轮流地;交替地归纳拓展能力提升句式升级as soo

31、n as she returned home, i will apologize to her and make up with her. _ , i will apologize to her and make up with her. (onn)on her return home8i remember the first time i met roy. 我记得我第一次遇见罗伊的情形。激活知识完成句子he looked much excited _ i saw him. 我第一次见到他时,他非常兴奋。 _ i come to see her, she is surfing the inte

32、rnet. 每当我来看她,她都在上网。the first timeevery time类似the first time引导时间状语从句的词或短语:(1)every/each time 每次the last time 最后一次next time 下一次 (2)the moment/the minute/the instant/the secondimmediately/directly/ instantlyas soon as一就归纳拓展易混辨析 (1)for the first time用作句子的状语,不可用来引导状语从句,它不具有连词的功能,这是它与the first time的区别。(2)

33、it/this/that is/was the first/second timethat-clause是个很重要的句型,其用法是:当前面的be动词是is时,后面句子用现在完成时;当前面是was时,后面句子用过去完成时。其表达的意思是“这是某人第几次做某事”。能力提升语法填空it is the second time that i _ (read)the book. i dont remember when i met the man _ the first time. have readfor9it would have been impossible to find my daughter

34、 without the help of friends reunited. 要是没有老友重聚网站的帮助,我就不可能找到我的女儿。激活知识语法填空but for your help,we _ (get)lost in the thick smog yesterday. we were stuck at the airport because of the heavy fog,otherwise we _ (arrive)here in time for the conference. would have gotwould have arrived(1)由without构成的介词短语表示含蓄条

35、件,相当于if引导的虚拟条件句,如果该短语表示与过去事实相反的情况,句子的谓语动词用would/could/might have done。(2)除了without外,表示含蓄条件的还有but for, otherwise, or, but等。归纳拓展能力提升句型转换if it hadnt been for your help,we couldnt have finished the work ahead of time. _,we couldnt have finished the work ahead of time. _,we couldnt have finished the work

36、 ahead of time. but for your helpwithout your help3 课堂达标巩固提升单句语法填空1though _ (raise) in a big city,the college student was more interested in village life. 2i regret _ (tell) you that your problems are beyond my poweryoull have to turn to some other one,im afraid. 3i hear theyve promoted tom,but he d

37、idnt mention _ (promote)when we talked on the phone. having been raisedto tellhaving been promoted4but for your help,i couldnt _ (overcome) the difficulty so quickly. 5it was _ (consider) of my secretary not to have let others disturb me this morning when i was occupied with my work. 6the old lady w

38、as knocked _ by a car when turning around the corner of the street. 7large amounts of money _ (spend) on the magnificent building in the past year,but the poor were not allowed to have a single room. have overcomeconsiderateoverwere spent8“it is not what you know but who you know that _ (count) if y

39、ou want to find a job in this company,”he said angrily. 9_ (raise) in a poor family, he had a long and hard road to becoming a successful figure. 10he gave me some cookies. _ return, i helped him with his homework. countsraisedin单句改错1all the workers belonged to the factory must obey the rule. belong

40、edbelonging 2a large amount of money have been saved by my mother these years. havehas 3the two brothers who are barely on good term often quarrel about small things. termterms 4the boy was the only one of the students who were awarded a prize. werewas 5i thought her very attractive and honest at th

41、e first time i saw her. 去掉at 6they helped us in return our promise to support them. return后面加for 7he telephoned to inform me of your birthday,or i would had known nothing about it. hadhave 8he would have given you more help,and he was too busy. andbut 教材衔接高考根据课文内容,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。the first time i met roy,he was standing in the centre of a group of boys,telling a joke. i thought he was 1. _ popular boy. i felt shy and lonely at my new school and roy was one of the few people who 2. _ (be) kind to me. roy and i became good 3. _ (friend). we trusted each other and t


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