1、choose the correct meaning;(4) to correct the typos;(5) so the child write wor ds (ABAB, and AABB);(6) in accordance wit h written words;(7) the complete word, and explain the meaningof the word;(8) collocation;(9) make sentenceswith the word;(10) t he written language as require d. (C) the main sen
2、tence types (1) completesentences; (2) write down the meaning of a sentence or expressionof thoug hts and feelings; (3) write sentences as required; (4) finish malalignmentof the sentence; (5) modified sentences. 2, knowledge classification (1) the common conjunctions coordinate: . .1, to examine th
3、e topic, ide ntifyproblems associated with two 2, analysis, alternative question two i s in direct proportion to the amountof the associated relationship is inversely proportional relationship. 3, a nd set unknown,column proportion type 4, and solutions proportion type 5, and test, wrote answer lang
4、uage plenary, and subject: a ppli cation problem (1)-simple applicationproblem and composite application problem reviewprobl em compositeapplication problem a nsw ers application problem of generalsteps 1, and figureout meaning -t hrough examines the, find known conditions and byseeking problem 2, a
5、nd analysi s number relationship-analysis know n conditions Zhijian, a nd conditions and problem Zhijian of relationship, determine problem-solvi ng method andproblem-solvingsteps. 3, and col umn typecalculation-lists formula, is outsubdivisions 4, and test , and wrote answer -check, a nd che cking
6、, and wrote answers typical applicati onproblem 13, and subject : application problem (3)-col umn e quation solutions application probl em review content overviewproblem-solving steps 1, and figure out meaning , find by seeking of unknown and x said 2, a nd a ccording to meani ng find equivalent rel
7、ationshi p, lists Equati on 3, and solutions equati on 4, and test, and wr ote answers according t o meaning find equivale nt relationship of common method 1 , And a ccording to common of number relationship ty pe, established equivalent relationship 2, and according t o has learnprobl em in the of
8、focusdescribed sentence from overall Shang determinebasic of equivalent relationship4, and usi ng segment figure, and list method, method analysisnumber宽城峪通矿业有限公司新员工入厂三级安全教育培训计划为严格贯彻“安全第一、预防为主、综合治理”的安全生产方针,提高公司新员工安全意识和安全素质,实现恒安电冶有限公司一次开车成功,并确保投产后生产工作安、稳、长、满、优高效运行,根据安全生产法、危险化学品安全生产管理条例、生产经营单位安全培训规定等法
9、律、条例的规定,以及云南南磷集团公司安全教育培训管理制度的规定和要求,从事危险化学品生产的从业人员,入厂必须经过三级安全教育并经考试合格方可上岗作业。云南恒安电冶有限公司特拟定公司新员工入厂一级安全教育培训计划。具体培训学时、 内容如下:一、培训工作的指导思想、目的(一)、指导思想坚持“安全生产”指导原则和“安全第一,预防为主,综合治理”的方针,认真落实安全生产法 ,以提高公司负责人、安全管理人员、特种作业人员和普通岗位操作人员安全意识、安全素质为目标,预防和减少各类伤亡事故为目的。(二)、培训目的通过一级安全教育培训,主要达到以下目的:1、让新员工了解峪通矿业有限公司概况; 公司规章制度 ,
10、 组织结构 , 使其更快适应工作环境; 让新员工熟悉新岗位职责 , 工艺流程 , 与工作相关的安全、环保、消防及卫生知识;choose the correct meaning;(4) to correct the typos;(5) so the child write wor ds (ABAB, and AABB);(6) in accordance wit h written words;(7) the complete word, and explain the meaningof the word;(8) collocation;(9) make sentenceswith the w
11、ord;(10) the written language as require d. (C) the main sentence types (1) completesentences; (2) write down the meaning of a sentence or expressionof thoug hts and feelings; (3) write sentences as required; (4) finish malalignmentof the sentence; (5) modified sentences. 2, knowledge classification
12、 (1) the common conjunctions coordinate: . .1, to examine the topic, ide ntify problems associated with two 2, analysis, alternative question two is in direct poportion to the amountof the associated relationship is inversely proportional relationship. 3, a nd set unknown,column proportion type 4, a
13、ndsolutions proportion type 5, and test, wrote answer language plenary, and subject: a ppli cation problem (1)-simple applicationproblem and comprobl em compositeapplication problem a nsw ers application problem of generalsteps 1, and figureout meaning -t hroug h examines the, find known conditions
14、and byseeking problem 2, and analysi s number relationship-analysis know n conditions Zhijian, a nd conditions and problem Zhijian of relationship, determine problem-solvi ng method andproblem-solvingsteps. 3, and col umn typecalculation-lists formula, is outsubdivisions 4, and test , and wrote answ
15、er -check, a nd che cking , and wrote answers typical applicati onproblem 13, and subject : application problem (3)-col umn e quation solutions application probl em review content overviewproblem-solvi ng steps 1, and figure out meaning , find by seeking of unknown and x said 2, a nd according to me
16、ani ng find equivalent relationshi p, lists Equati on 3, and solutions equati on 4, and test, and wr ote answers according t o meaning find equivale nt relationship of common method 1 , And a ccording to com mon of number relationship ty pe, establishedequivalent relationship 2, and aprobl em in the
17、 of focusdescribed sentence from overall Shang determinebasic of equivalent relationship4, and using segme nt figure, and list method, method analysisnumber2、确保新员工掌握生产岗位工艺、设备、电气、安全环保等技术规程和操作规程,贯彻“安全第一、预防为主、综合治理”的安全生产方针,确保新员工熟知公司内安全管理规章制度,实现安全生产和文明生产,提高员工安全意识和安全素质,防止产生不安全行为,杜绝各类安全事故的发生。3、不断提高公司各级管理人员
18、安全管理水平。二、安全教育培训对象:公司内全体员工:管理人员、特殊工种和普通岗位操作人员。四、安全教育培训学时要求1、公司管理人员参加安全教育培训时间不应少于16 学时;2、公司其它人员参加安全教育培训时间不应少于36 学时。五、安全教育培训内容(一)管理人员1、安全生产法规、政策、规章及规程;公司安全生产管理,生产安全检查标准,安全生产发展新动向,潜在的危险因素及防范措施,安全生产意识教育,职业健康安全法律、法规,通用技术、劳动卫生和安全文化基本知识;安全生产新技术、新知识等。2、安全教育培训方法:内部强化培训。3、培训地点:公司会议室。4、安全教育培训时间:公司投产以前。5、安全教育培训目
19、的:强化安全生产意识,提高安全管理水平,搞好安全生产。- 2 -choose the correct meaning;(4) to correct the typos;(5) so the child write wor ds (ABAB, and AABB);(6) in accor dance withwritten wor ds;(7) the complete word, and explain the meaning of the w ord;(8) collocation;(9) make sentences with the wor d;(10) the written lang
20、uage as require d. (C) the main sentence types (1) complete sentences; (2) write down the meaning of a sentence or expression of thoughts and feelings; (3) write sentence s as required; (4) finish malalignment of the sentence; (5) modifiedsente nce s. 2, knowledge cla ssification ( 1) the common con
21、junctions coordinate: . .1, to examine the topic, ide ntify problems associated with tw o 2, analysis, alter native question two is in dire ct proportion to t he amount of the associated relationship is inverselyproportional relationship. 3, and set unknown, column proportion type 4, and solutionspr
22、oportion type 5, and test, wrote answer language pl enar y, and subject: application probl em (1)-simple application pr oblem andcomposite appli cation problem review content simple appli cationproblem composite application problem answers appli cation problem of general steps 1, a nd figureout mean
23、i ng-throug h examines the, find known conditions and by seeking pr oblem 2, and analysi s number relationship-analysis known conditions Zhijian, and conditions and problem Zhijia n of relationship, determine problem-solvi ng method and problem-solving steps. 3, and column type calculati on-lists fo
24、rmula, is out subdivisions 4, and test, and wrote answer -check, and checki ng, and wrote answers typical application problem 13, and subject: application pr obl em (3) -column equation solutions a ppli cation problem reviewconte nt overviewproblem-solving steps 1, and figure out meaning, fi nd by s
25、eekingof unknown and x said 2, and a ccording to meaning find e quivalent relationshi p, lists Equati on 3, and sol utions equation 4, and test, and wrote answers according to meaning find equivalent relationshipof common method 1 , And according to commonof number relationship type, established equ
26、ivalent relationship 2, and according to has lproblem in the of focusdescribed sentence from overall Shang determinebasic of equivalent relationship 4, and using segment figure, and list method, method analysisnumber(二)特种作业人员我公司特种作业人员主要包括:电工、焊接与切割工、企业内机动车辆驾驶员、机械作业工。特种作业人员除了接受公司“三级”安全教育培训外,还必须经过专业的安全
27、知识与安全操作技能培训,并经过有关部门考核合格取得特种作业资格,领取操作证后才可上岗作业。1、安全教育培训内容( 1)集团公司发展史,企业文化,峪通矿业有限公司概况,公司相关规章制度的培训教育及公司保卫安全教育培训等。( 2)公司生产特点及工艺介绍,安全生产纪律、工艺操作安全规范,生产安全技术操作规程,生产调度纪律及报告程序等。( 3)公司设备及特种设备管理的相关规章制度和管理要求,一般设备操作安全注意事项和知识,公司重点设备及其分布情况等。( 4)电气设备操作安全,电气仪表管理的相关规章制度和管理要求,安全操作注意事项等。5安全、环保及消防知识: a、安全生产、 环境保护的重要意义;b、国家
28、有关安全生产、环境保护及消防管理的法律、法规、制度和标准; c、一般安全、环保、消防专业知识;d、职业健康和职业病危害及预防等知识内容; e、规章制度以及入厂后的安全职责和注意事项; f 、公司相关的危害因素,重大危险源点; g、集团公司各分公司及行业典型事故案例和教训; h、抢险、救灾及紧急救护常识,以及工伤事故报告程序等。2、安全教育培训方法:内部强化培训。- 3 -choose the correct meaning;(4) to correct the typos;(5) so the child write wor ds (ABAB, and AABB);(6) in accorda
29、nce wit h written words;(7) the complete word, and explain the meaningof the word;(8) collocation;(9) make sentenceswith the word;(10) the written language as require d. (C) the main sentence types (1) completesentences; (2) write down the meaning of a sentence or expressionof thoug hts and feelings
30、; (3) write sentences as required; (4) finish malalignmentof the sentence; (5) modified sentences. 2, knowledge classification (1) the common conjunctions coordinate: . .1, to examine the topic, ide ntify problems associated with two 2, analysis, alternative question two is in direct poportion to th
31、e amountof the associated relationship is inversely proportional relationship. 3, a nd set unknown,column proportion type 4, andsolutions proportion type 5, and test, wrote answer language plenary, and subject: a ppli cation problem (1)-simple applicationproblem and comprobl em compositeapplication
32、problem a nsw ers application problem of generalsteps 1, and figureout meaning -t hroug h examines the, find known conditions and byseeking problem 2, and analysi s number relationship-analysis know n conditions Zhijian, a nd conditions and problem Zhijian of relationship, determine problem-solvi ng
33、 method andproblem-solvingsteps. 3, and col umn typecalculation-lists formula, is outsubdivisions 4, and test , and wrote answer -check, a nd che cking , and wrote answers typical applicati onproblem 13, and subject : application problem (3)-col umn e quation solutions application probl em review co
34、ntent overviewproblem-solvi ng steps 1, and figure out meaning , find by seeking of unknown and x said 2, a nd according to meani ng find equivalent relationshi p, lists Equati on 3, and solutions equati on 4, and test, and wr ote answers according t o meaning find equivale nt relationship of common
35、 method 1 , And a ccording to com mon of number relationship ty pe, establishedequivalent relationship 2, and aprobl em in the of focusdescribed sentence from overall Shang determinebasic of equivalent relationship4, and using segme nt figure, and list method, method analysisnumber3、安全教育培训时间:公司投产试车以
36、前。4、培训地点:公司大会议室。5、安全教育培训目的:强化安全生产和保护他人意识,提高安全操作技能,搞好安全生产。(三)普通岗位操作人员为保证公司生产安全、保障生产岗位操作人员安全、健康。生产操作人员都必须进行公司级、车间级和班组级的三级安全生产教育。1、安全教育培训内容:同“特种作业人员 ”培训内容2、安全教育培训方法:内部强化培训。3、安全教育培训时间:公司投产试车以前。4、培训地点:公司大会议室5、安全教育培训目的:强化安全生产和保护他人意识,提高安全操作技能,搞好安全生产。附件:新员工入厂一级安全教育培训计划一览表- 4 -choose the correct meaning;(4)
37、to correct the typos;(5) so the child write wor ds (ABAB, and AABB);(6) in accor dance withwritten wor ds;(7) the complete word, and explain the meaning of the w ord;(8) collocation;(9) make sentences with the wor d;(10) the written language as require d. (C) the main sentence types (1) complete sen
38、tences; (2) write down the meaning of a sentence or expression of thoughts and feelings; (3) write sentence s as required; (4) finish malalignment of the sentence; (5) modifiedsente nce s. 2, knowledge cla ssification ( 1) the common conjunctions coordinate: . .1, to examine the topic, ide ntify pro
39、blems associated with tw o 2, analysis, alter native question two is in dire ct proportion to t he amount of the associated relationship is inverselyproportional relationship. 3, and set unknown, column proportion type 4, and solutionsproportion type 5, and test, wrote answer language pl enar y, and
40、 subject: application probl em (1)-simple application pr oblem andcomposite appli cation problem review content simple appli cationproblem composite application problem answers appli cation problem of general steps 1, a nd figureout meani ng-throug h examines the, find known conditions and by seekin
41、g pr oblem 2, and analysi s number relationship-analysis known conditions Zhijian, and conditions and problem Zhijia n of relationship, determine problem-solvi ng method and problem-solving steps. 3, and column type calculati on-lists formula, is out subdivisions 4, and test, and wrote answer -check
42、, and checki ng, and wrote answers typical application problem 13, and subject: application pr obl em (3) -column equation solutions a ppli cation problem reviewconte nt overviewproblem-solving steps 1, and figure out meaning, fi nd by seekingof unknown and x said 2, and a ccording to meaning find e
43、 quivalent relationshi p, lists Equati on 3, and sol utions equation 4, and test, and wrote answers according to meaning find equivalent relationshipof common method 1 , And according to commonof number relationship type, established equivalent relationship 2, and according to has lproblem in the of
44、 focusdescribed sentence from overall Shang determinebasic of equivalent relationship 4, and using segment figure, and list method, method analysisnumber新员工入厂一级安全教育培训计划一览表序培训对象号公司管理人1员培训内容安全生产法规、政策、规章及规程公司安全生产管理,生产安全检查标准,安全生产发展新动向,潜在的危险因素及防范措施,安全生产意识教育,职业健康安全法律、 法规,通用技术、劳动卫生和安全文化基本知识;地点培训培训时间授课学时教师2
45、014 年 2月 14日8:00 12:002014年 2月 14 日公司 会1614:002月 15 日议室12:00生产岗位作业人员第一2(包批新括特员工种作业人员)安全生产新知识、新技术2014年 2月 15 日12:00 18:00集团公司发展史,企业文化公司概况, 公司2014年 2月 16 日相关规章制度的培训教育8:00 12:00及公司保卫安全教育培训等。公 司生 产特 点及工 艺介绍,安全生产纪律、工艺2014年 2月 16 日操作安全规范,生产安全14:002月 18 日技术操作规程,生产调度18:00纪律及报告程序等。公司设备及特种设备管理的相关规章制度和管理要公司 会2
46、014年 2月 19 日求,一般设备操作安全注议室36意事项和知识,公司重点8:00 18:00设备及其分布情况等。电气设备操作安全,电气仪表管理的相关规章制度2014年 2月 20 日和管理要求,安全操作注8:00 18:00意事项等。安全、环保及消防知识: a、安全生产、环境保护的重要意义; b、国家有关安全2014年 2月 21 日生产、环境保护及消防管8:00 2 月 23 日理的法律、法规、制度和18:00标准;c、一般安全、 环保、消防专业知识; d、职业健- 5 -choose the correct meaning;(4) to correct the typos;(5) so
47、 the child write wor ds (ABAB, and AABB);(6) in accordance wit h written words;(7) the complete word, and explain the meaningof the word;(8) collocation;(9) make sentenceswith the word;(10) the written language as require d. (C) the main sentence types (1) completesentences; (2) write down the meani
48、ng of a sentence or expressionof thoug hts and feelings; (3) write sentences as required; (4) finish malalignmentof the sentence; (5) modified sentences. 2, knowledge classification (1) the common conjunctions coordinate: . .1, to examine the topic, ide ntify problems associated with two 2, analysis, alternative question two is in direct poportion to the amountof the associ
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