1、中南大学英语(下)在线考试题库(三套)(有答案)(第一套)1. fifty million public school children in america (1) a new school year. the number is a record high. yet, at the same time, school systems in many areas are facing budget problems. the (2) economy is not the only cause. another reason has to do with increased prices fo
2、r food and fuel. they mean (3) costs for school meals and bus transportation. the united states will spend more than five hundred billion dollars (4) public education for the coming school year. the federal government helps (5), but the responsibility for education is mostly on state and local gover
3、nments. two major sources of money for public schools are property taxes and sales taxes. a slowdown in consumer spending, the engine of the economy, means fewer goods to tax. and the collapse of the housing market means less money to collect in (6) taxes. a report in july from the national conferen
4、ce of state legislatures said thirty-one of the fifty states were having budget problems. and the center on budget and policy priorities (7) school officials in at least eleven states have cut or proposed cuts in education.florida, for example, has cut school aid by about two percent (8) student. st
5、ate officials say tax collections are low and lottery sales have fallen by one hundred million dollars. florida and many other states use money from sales of lottery tickets to help pay for education.around the country, the economic slowdown has added to the numbers of children (9) free or reduced p
6、rice lunches at school. in other words, (10) of the same economic problems that have hit school budgets have also hit family budgets.(20分)(1)1(2分)a.is starting b.are starting c.is started d.are started 标准答案:b(2)2(2分)a.weak b.thin c.little d.strong 标准答案:a(3)3(2分)a.low b.lower c.high d.higher 标准答案:d(4
7、)4(2分)a.in b.with c.on d.for 标准答案:c(5)5(2分)a.pay b.spend c.cost d.expend 标准答案:a(6)6(2分)a.prosperous b.prospect c.property d.proposal 标准答案:c(7)7(2分)a.say b.says c.call d.calls 标准答案:b(8)8(2分)a.per b.every c.each d.often 标准答案:a(9)9(2分)a.receives b.receiving c.to receive d.received 标准答案:b(10)10(2分)a.muc
8、h b.few c.great d.many 标准答案:d2. let go lovethere was once a lonely girl who longed so much for love. one day while she was walking in the woods she found two (1) songbirds (黄莺). she took them home and put them in a small (2). she cared them with love and the birds grew (3). every morning they greete
9、d her with a wonderful song. the girl felt great love for the birds. one day the girl left the door to the cage (4). the larger and stronger of the two birds flew from the cage. the girl was so frightened (5) he would fly away. as he (6) close, she grasped him wildly. her heart felt glad at her succ
10、ess in capturing (捕捉) him. suddenly she felt the bird go limp (四肢无力). she opened her hand and stared in (7) at the dead bird. her desperate (不顾一切的) love had killed him. she noticed the other bird moving back and forth on the edge of the cage. she could feel his great need (8) freedom. he needed to s
11、oar (高飞) into the clear, blue sky. she lifted him from the cage and tossed (抛) him (9) into the air. the bird circled once, twice, three times. the girl watched delightedly (高兴地) at the birds enjoyment. her heart was no longer concerned with her loss. she wanted the bird to be happy. suddenly the bi
12、rd flew closer and landed softly on her shoulder. it sang the sweetest melody (旋律) that she had ever heard. the fastest way to lose love is to hold on it too tight: the best way to (10) love is to give it wings! (20分)(1)1(2分)a.to starve b.starved c.starve d.starving 标准答案:d(2)2(2分)a.cage b.box c.bask
13、et d.room 标准答案:a(3)3(2分)a.big b.old c.strong d.fat 标准答案:c(4)4(2分)a.empty b.locked c.closed d.open 标准答案:d(5)5(2分)a.and b.that c.for d.but 标准答案:b(6)6(2分)a.walked b.ran c.flew d.went 标准答案:c(7)7(2分)a.horror b.delight c.advance d.surprise 标准答案:a(8)8(2分)a.to b.in c.about d.for 标准答案:d(9)9(2分)a.violently b.
14、suddenly c.freely d.softly 标准答案:d(10)10(2分)a.keep b.get c.gain d.win 标准答案:a3. in america schools there is something called home-coming day. many high schools and colleges with a football team have a homecoming game. this can be the most important event of the year except graduation or commencement (
15、毕业典礼) day. students plan homecoming day for many weeks in advance.several days before homecoming, students start to decorate (装饰) the school. there are signs to wish luck to the team, and many other signs to welcome all the graduates. many people still come to homecoming twenty or thirty years after
16、 their graduation.the members of school clubs build booths (摊位) and sell lemonade (柠檬汁), apples and sandwiches. some clubs help to welcome visitors.during the day people like to look for teachers that they remember from long ago. often they see old friends and they talk together about those happy ye
17、ars in school.everyone soon comes to watch the football game. when the game is half over, the band (乐队) comes onto the field and plays school songs. another important moment is when the homecoming queen or king appears. all the students vote a most popular student homecoming queen or king. it is a g
18、reat honor to be chosen.homecoming is a happy day, but it is not perfect unless the football team wins the game. even if the team loses, the students still enjoy homecoming. some stay at the school to dance, and others go to a party. for everyone it is a day worth remembering.(15分)(1)the most import
19、ant event of the year in high schools and colleges is _.(3分)a. homecoming b.the football game c.graduation d.winning the game 标准答案:c(2)when do students begin to arrange everything for homecoming?(3分)a.the day before homecoming. b.many weeks before the day. c.when the guests arrive. d.in the days bef
20、ore homecoming. 标准答案:b(3)which of the following is not done on homecoming?(3分)a.to see old friends. b.to call on teachers they remember. c.to watch the football game. d.to go home to see their family. 标准答案:d(4)the underlined word “vote” in the fifth paragraph means _.(3分)a. attend a meeting b. elect
21、 or choose c.hold a celebration d.have a football match 标准答案:b(5)who can probably become homecoming queen or king?(3分)a.the student who is liked most by the others. b.the guest who is most popular with the students. c.the student who is liked most by the guests. d. the player who plays best in the f
22、ootball game. 标准答案:a4. full-time university students spend all their time studying. they dont do other work. their course usually lasts for three or four years. medical students have to follow a course lasting for six or seven years. then they graduate as doctors. in britain, full-time university st
23、udents have three terms of about ten weeks in each year. during these terms they go to lectures or they study by themselves. their vacations are long, but of course they can use them to study at home.some universities, like oxford and cambridge in england, are residential. this means that during the
24、 university terms the students live in universities.other universities are non-residential. some of the students at these universities can live in a university hotel, but many live at home or in lodgings (寄宿舍) and have to travel daily to their lectures. large cities often have universities of this k
25、ind. sometimes the students have to spend quite a lot of time on their journeys.full-time students are also called internal students, because they spend all their time at universities. there are also external students who cannot attend the university full-time but who are studying for its examinatio
26、ns. they are part-time students. they have to do other work during the day, usually to earn their living, and they study in the evening.external students are often older than full-time internal students. sometimes they can attend lectures in the evening, but many of them have to study by corresponde
27、nce (函授). they write at home the work that is set by their tutors (指导教师). then they have to post their work to their tutors and the tutors post corrections and advice back to them.in some countries, “universities of the art” can now help students to receive degrees. after special lectures on radio o
28、r television, these students too have to send set work for correction by correspondence. however, for a few weeks each year they can attend special vacation courses at universities. (15分)(1) _ have to study at university for six or seven years.(3分)a.all the students b.medical students c. full-time s
29、tudents d.part-time students 标准答案:b(2)medical students all become doctors _.(3分)a. when they graduate b.before they graduate c.after they work in the hospital for six or seven years d.while they are studying at universities 标准答案:a(3)the residential students are those who _.(3分)a. live at home b.go t
30、o school every day c.live in a university d.have to do other work 标准答案:c(4)the part-time students _.(3分)a.work for a living in the daytime and study in the evening b. are internal students c.are residential students d. have to attend lectures during the day 标准答案:a(5)correspondence is a course _.(3分)
31、a. for older students b. for internal students c.for the residential students d.whose students send their work by post to their tutors 标准答案:d二.单选题(共30题,共30分)1.the chief reason for the population growth isnt so much a rise in birth rates (?) a fall in death rates as a result of improvements in medica
32、l care.(1分)a.and b.as c.but d.or 标准答案:b2.we should (?) much time on english if we want to learn it well.(1分)a.take b.cost c.spend d.need 标准答案:c3.pop music is (?) music for short.(1分)a.welcome b.popular c.folk d.classical 标准答案:b4.reputed to be the (?) of fabrics, it is light, lustrous, durable, soft,
33、 resistant to heat, and breathes very well.(1分)a.master b.queen c.samaritan d.aesop 标准答案:b5.it is complete different to run new-establishing firm than (?) a large organization.(1分)a.admit b.administer c.admire d.admission 标准答案:b6.the shops are a few minutes walk (?).(1分)a.out b.off c.way d.away 标准答案
34、:d7.the (?) can determine whether your background and potential seem to fit the position. (1分)a.interviewer b.interviewee c.applicant d.candidate 标准答案:a8.during the war there was a serious lack of food. it was not unusual that even the wealthy families had to (?) bread for days.(1分)a.eat up b.give a
35、way c.do without d. deal with 标准答案:c9.we founded an (?) garden with a wall. (1分)a.enclosing b. being enclosed c.enclosed d.having been enclosed 标准答案:c10.the house (?) windows are broken is empty.(1分)a.who b.which c./ d.whose 标准答案:d11.i can make you (?) what i say, but you cant make yourself (?) in e
36、nglish.(1分)a.understand; understand b.understand; understood c.to understand; understand d.understand; to be understood 标准答案:b12.how the old people wish that they (?) young once more.(1分)a.were b.could become c.had been d.should be 标准答案:b13.did you have any other (?) besides chest pain? (1分)a.symbol
37、s b.symptoms c.systems d.sympathies 标准答案:b14.though he had often made his little sister (?) , today he was made (?) by his little sister. (1分)a.cry;to cry b.crying;crying c.cry;cry d.to cry;cry 标准答案:a15.we are used to using body language to help (?) meanings.(1分)a.convey b.contact c.contract d.deliv
38、er 标准答案:a16.his rudeness (?) every one in the restaurant.(1分)a.influenced b.taught c.punished d.offended 标准答案:d17.you are required to collect marketing information through customer visit and market (?).(1分)a.investigate b.inspect c.examine d.survey 标准答案:d18. most importantly, if all of us get news a
39、nd information exclusively from television, there will be a decline in general (?).(1分)a.literature b.literacy c.literary d.literal 标准答案:b19. a great number of adults learn a second language through formal (?).(1分)a.structure b.educate c.direction d.instruction 标准答案:d20.make sure that the doctor is
40、(?) when needed.(1分)a.available b.optimistic c.positive d.attentive 标准答案:a21.who could (?) in the olympics? (1分)a.contest b.competition c.match d.compete 标准答案:d22.a small plane crashed into a hillside five miles east of the city, (?) all four people on board. (1分)a.killed b.killing c.kills d.to kill
41、 标准答案:b23.david threatened (?) his neighbor to the police if the damages were not paid.(1分)a.to be reported b.reporting c.to report d.reports 标准答案:c24.he believed that nothing is unchangeable (?) we try.(1分)a. as well as b.such as c.as long as d.as if 标准答案:c25.it is better to die on ones feet than (
42、?).(1分)a.living on ones knees b.live on ones knees c.on ones knees d.to live on ones knees 标准答案:d26.legacies cannot be learned from books, but must be taught from (?) to students.(1分)a.mentality b.mention c.menace d.mentor 标准答案:d27. the type of dress is definitely (?).(1分)a.on the way out b.on the w
43、ay to c.on the way d.in the way 标准答案:a28.the fat boy wants to (?) the windows of the warehouse, but he is too fat to pass.(1分)a.lie on b.pass along c.pass by d.get over 标准答案:d29.when boundaries between countries are not clearly (?), there is trouble.(1分)a.defined b.define c.defend d.defended 标准答案:a3
44、0.now that weve discussed our problem, are people happy with the decisions (?) ?(1分)a.making b.make c.made d.to make 标准答案:c1. fifty million public school children in america (1) a new school year. the number is a record high. yet, at the same time, school systems in many areas are facing budget prob
45、lems. the (2) economy is not the only cause. another reason has to do with increased prices for food and fuel. they mean (3) costs for school meals and bus transportation. the united states will spend more than five hundred billion dollars (4) public education for the coming school year. the federal
46、 government helps (5), but the responsibility for education is mostly on state and local governments. two major sources of money for public schools are property taxes and sales taxes. a slowdown in consumer spending, the engine of the economy, means fewer goods to tax. and the collapse of the housin
47、g market means less money to collect in (6) taxes. a report in july from the national conference of state legislatures said thirty-one of the fifty states were having budget problems. and the center on budget and policy priorities (7) school officials in at least eleven states have cut or proposed c
48、uts in education.florida, for example, has cut school aid by about two percent (8) student. state officials say tax collections are low and lottery sales have fallen by one hundred million dollars. florida and many other states use money from sales of lottery tickets to help pay for education.around
49、 the country, the economic slowdown has added to the numbers of children (9) free or reduced price lunches at school. in other words, (10) of the same economic problems that have hit school budgets have also hit family budgets.(20分)(1)1(2分)a.is starting b.are starting c.is started d.are started 标准答案
50、:b(2)2(2分)a.weak b.thin c.little d.strong 标准答案:a(3)3(2分)a.low b.lower c.high d.higher 标准答案:d(4)4(2分)a.in b.with c.on d.for 标准答案:c(5)5(2分)a.pay b.spend c.cost d.expend 标准答案:a(6)6(2分)a.prosperous b.prospect c.property d.proposal 标准答案:c(7)7(2分)a.say b.says c.call d.calls 标准答案:b(8)8(2分)a.per b.every c.each d.often 标准答案:a(9)9(2分)a.receives b.receiving c.to receive d.received 标准答案:b(10)10(2分)a.much b.few c.great d.many 标准答案:d2. let go lovethere was on
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