1、identifying special products in developing countries: preliminary findings of ictsds country studieshttp:/ products (sp) (para. 41) . developing countries will have the flexibility to designate an appropritate number of products as special products, based on criteria of food security, livelihood sec
2、urity and rural development needs. .these products will be eligible for more flexible treatment. .the criteria and treatment of these products will be further specified during the negotiation phase and will recognise the fundamental importance of sp to developing countries .http:/ rationale for spec
3、ial products food security: combination of domestic production, importation and public stockholding. however some degree of self-sufficiency for basic foodstuffs remains a major objective for dc. availability of foreign exchange is also a constraint on the import capacity of some dc. livelihood secu
4、rity: agriculture accounts for 70 % of the employment in low-income countries and 30 % in middle-income countries. alternative avenues of employment are lacking. rural development: in dc, agriculture constitutes a big slice of the gdp. since in the rural areas agriculture is the dominant economic ac
5、tivity, rural development can be sustained only by a vibrant and growing agricultural activity. importance of looking at the three criteria together as opposed to individuallyhttp:/ rationale for special products (cont.) as tariffs are removed, the livelihood of communities employed in import-compet
6、ing sector might be affected by lower prices and increased international competition.while this benefits urban consumers it might affect large rural populations who rely on agriculture but cannot compete with low prices on world market.developing countries have limited access to domestic resources t
7、o cushion farmers against adverse effects of imports; they essentially rely on border measures (tariffs)http:/ undernourished as a percentage of total population (average 2000-2002) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 zambia haiti mozambique tanzania zimbabwe congo madagascar kenya botswana mongolia nicaragua panam
8、a dominican rep guatemala senegal honduras philippines sri lanka india pakistan uganda venezuela benin cte divoire peru trinidad and tobago china el salvador suriname guyana jamaica nigeria iindonesia mauritius turkey korea, rep countries share of undernourishment source: based on the millennium dev
9、elopment indicators database (unsd) http:/ fao, wto agreement on agriculture: the implementation experience, fao, rome, 2003. http:/ of agricultural working forcenumber of countriese.g. cuba, venezuela, barbadose.g. honduras, peru, jamaica, guyanae.g. sri lanka, turkey, philippines nigeriae.g. haiti
10、, india, cte divoire, indonesiae.g. kenya, senegal, zambia, chinae.g. mozambique, tanzania, ugandaagricultural employment in g33 countriessource: earth trends database (world resources institute)http:/ of agriculture in gdpnumber of countriese.g. peru, mauritius, jamaicae.g. senegal, honduras, phili
11、ppines, surinamee.g. indonesia, kenya, china, belizee.g. nigeria, benin, guyanae.g. tanzaniashare of agriculture in gdp in g33 in countriessource: earth trends database (world resources institute)http:/ $ billionimportsexportssource: faoldcs and nfidcs agricultural trade evolutionhttp:/ groupmembers
12、mean tariffcoefficient of variation% of tariffs 60% of tariffs 120%1cte divoire, mongolia, surinamelow (15-20%)low (0.0-0.3)0%0%2core: cuba, dominican republic, honduras, indonesia, nicaragua, peru, philippines. outliers: panama, venezuela, sri lankamoderate (30-45%)low (0.2-0.3)less than 6%0%3botsw
13、ana, korea, turkeymoderately high (40-70%)very high (0.8-2.2)20-40%less than 20%4core: antigua & barbuda, barbados, belize, grenada, guyana, jamaica, kenya, pakistan, saint kitts & nevis, trinidad & tobago. outliers: saint lucia, saint vincent& the grenadineshigh (100-110%)low (0.0-0.3)close to 100%
14、less than 20%5core: nigeria, zimbabwe. outlier: mauritiusvery high (120-150%)very low (0.0-0.1)close to 100%close to 100%chinalow (15%)high (0.8)2%0%indiahigh (116%)moderate (0.5)56%18%6bound tariff structures in g33 countrieshttp:/ of a 40% reduction of bound tariffs on g33 applied tariff subgroup
15、asubgroup bsubgroup csubgroup dno effectminor effect ( 20)antigua & barbudabelizebarbadoschinasaint luciadominican republicbotswanacte divoiresaint vincent & the grenadinesgrenadacubakoreaguyanahondurasnigeriaindonesiaindiasurinamejamaicapanamaturkeykenyaperumauritiusphilippinesmongoliasri lankanica
16、raguavenezuelapakistansaint kitts & nevistrinidad & tobagozimbabwehttp:/ of tariff structure: subgroup asource: the g-33: an analysis of bound and applied tariffs on agricultural products mario jales, ictsdhttp:/ of tariff structure: subgroup bsource: the g-33: an analysis of bound and applied tarif
17、fs on agricultural products mario jales, ictsdhttp:/ of tariff structure: subgroup csource: the g-33: an analysis of bound and applied tariffs on agricultural products mario jales, ictsdhttp:/ of tariff structure: subgroup dsource: the g-33: an analysis of bound and applied tariffs on agricultural p
18、roducts mario jales, ictsdhttp:/ of tariff structure: subgroup dsource: the g-33: an analysis of bound and applied tariffs on agricultural products mario jales, ictsdcote divoire010203040506070010202040405070707080809090911111212141515161718202021222223334151hs chapter%boundappliedsources: wto (2004
19、) and wits (2002). http:/ studies background field research component of a dfid funded project on sp-ssm to take advantage of the strategic window of opportunity in july framework to address food security, livelihood security and rural development needs in current agricultural negotiations objective
20、 of country studies: providing some empirical-based and “scientific” justification for the selection of sps test possible indicators of food/livelihood securtiy and rural development which could subsequently be used by other countries in the preparation of their listhttp:/ associated with g 33non ld
21、csfocus on net food-importing developing countries (nfidc), low-income food-deficit countries (lifdc), small island developing states (sids)geographical balancefocus on subgroups b and ccountries with proven domestic research capacitycommitment of national government to actively support and particip
22、ate in the projectcountries selectionhttp:/ countries: barbados, caribbean (sids)honduras, central america (lifdc) kenya, africa (lifdc) methodology: developing an analytical framework for the operationalisation of food/livelihood securtiy and rural development test it in the field and refine the me
23、thodology a two track process guidelines stakeholder consultationpakistan, asia (nfidc)peru, south america (nfidc) sri lanka, asia (lifdc)countries selection (cont.)http:/ national sustainable development strategy identify beneficiaries, develop relevant indictors for sp and apply them to potential
24、products assess the potential direct and indirect impact of trade liberalisation on products identified establish a national list of sp to be defended in the negotiations review the list in the light of the evolution of multilateral negotiations and the flexibilities provided in a revised agreement
25、(tariff cut formula, sensitive products, sps) advancement of national sustainable development strategy trade policy makers (min. trade, foreign affairs, geneva negotiators non-trade policy makers (min. ag, env.) non-state actors (farmer groups, ngos, academia, etc) internal discussion multilateral n
26、egotiations ictsd country studiesconceptual framework for the identification of special productsconceptual framework for the identification of special productshttp:/ 1: identification of intended beneficiaries purpose of indicators possible indicators rural poverty number of households/persons below
27、 national poverty line or with income insufficient to cover basic needs measures of household expenditure w orld bank poverty line of us$ 1 per person per day geographical distribution of poverty identify rural area that are isolated or poorly endowed (scarcity of fertile land and water resources, l
28、ack of infrastructure) based on provinces/district based on agro-ecological conditions production capacity targeting subsistence and small farmers size of production units (number of hectares for cultivation or heads for livestock) productivity (kg/tonnes of produce per ha or per head of livestock)
29、focus on rural poor, small & subsitance farmers but also small comercial farmers assess economic and social importance of particular products for specific regionshttp:/ 2: identification of products:livelihood secutrity & rural development indicatorspurpose of indicatorspossible indicatorscontributi
30、on of a paricular product to the economy contribution of the product to national / regional agricultural gdp extension of land dedicated to a particular crop at national and regional level number of heads of livestock in the country or region share of per capita income derived from a particular sect
31、or in a specific region or at the national level environmental impact and agroecological sustainability analysis of links with the rest of the economy and potential for value addition (degree to which product can be locall processed; share of domestic ag. internediate inputs used in non-ag sectors;
32、value of good and services used as inputs in the sector)contribution of a particular product to employmenttotal number of labour engaged in the sector at the national and regional level share of ag population engaged in the production of a specific product at the national and regional level labour r
33、equirement: nb. of workers per day/year to cultivate one ha of land (crop/livestock and technology specific)http:/ 3: identification of products (cont.): food security indicatorspurpose of indicatorspossible indicatorsfood security product identified in national food securtiy baskets or strategies s
34、hare of the product in national/regional consumption contribution to the caloric intake of the population (complemented by contribution to protein and fat requirements) share of income spent on a particular product at nat/reg. level rate of selfsufficiency and import penetration import revenue (i.e.
35、 tariffs) as a contribution to financing of food security programmeshttp:/ of datareporting focusdata sourceagricultural gdp (rs/year)provincecentral banktotal net revenue (rs/unit/yr)crop / livestockdep. agriculturecrop extent (ha)districtdep. census & statisticslivestock (number)labour use (md/uni
36、t/year)crop / livestockdep. agricultureagriculture populationdistrictdep. census & statisticsmaterial cost of production (rs/unit/year)crop / livestockproduction of crops & livestock (mt/year)districtdep. census & statistics dcsnational requirement of product (mt/year)crop / livestockfood balance sh
37、eetnutrient conversion factors of productscalories / 100 gm; protein & fat gm / 100 gmdep. census & statistics dcscalories, protein & fat requirementdistrict & nationalfood balance sheetdata used for estimating sp indicators data used for estimating sp indicators http:/ selectedbarbados, honduras, pakistan, kenya, peru, sri lankamost common products:wheat, rice, maize, sugar, chicken and bovin
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