1、1, coal mines, mine are in charge of the water control work responsibility, and (b) specifically responsible for the technical management of water prevention and control work. A, Chief Engineer, mine b, c, geology, geological survey Vice President d section 2, coal mines, mine should be the preparat
2、ion of the medium-and long-term planning and control water (a) plans, and their implementation. A, year b, quarters c, 3, coal mines, mine should be (a) for water education and training to ensure employees have the necessary knowledge of water control, improving water control work skills and the abi
3、lity to resist water damage. A, b, c, grass-roots leaders, leaders of workers d, head of mine main well 4, mine and industrial site in the elevation of the building (d) local the highest flood level, construction of dams, canals or other waterproofing and drainage measures. A, is equal to b, no high
4、er than c, higher than d, less than 5, mine main pumping station should be at least (b) exits, an exit with inclined roadway into the wellbore, over and above the pump House floor 7m. A, 1 b, 2 c, 3 d, 4 6 mining area water Chamber, the effective capacity should be able to hold (b) normal inflow in
5、mining area. A, 2H b, 4H c, 6h d, 8h 7, short sump capacity should be maintained at a total capacity of (b) above. A, 40% b, 50% c, 60% d, 70% 8, in the year before the rainy season, should complete overhaul (a), and all pumps and backup pumps were 1 joint tests and found the problem and deal with i
6、t. A, 1 b, 2 c, 3 d, 4-9, complex and very complex hydrogeological conditions of mine on the ground could not be identified when mine hydrogeological condition and water filling factors should be persisted, (d) the principle of strengthening the work of survey water. A, digging after the first b, c
7、mining, after the first had the suspects will find d, excavations will be 10, penetrating exploration of goaf water, karstic water and drilling water, water drilling group layout, and in the roadway in front of the horizontal plane and vertical plane fan-shaped. Drill hole locations to meet horizont
8、al distance (d) as the standard, thick coal seam in the bore hole offset must not exceed 1.5M. A, 1M b, 1.5M c, 2m d, 3M 11, seam, prohibition in principle survey water pressure above (c) MPa water filling fault water, aquifer water and karstic water. If needed, you can waterproof wall and gate wall
9、 within survey water. A, b 0.5, 0.8 c, 1 d, 1.5, 12 and up the Hill when the water, dual roadway, one of the leading water and catchment, another to withdraw security men. Double room every (b) 1 m excavation contact Lane, and retaining walls. A, 10-30 b, 30-50 c, 50-70 d, 70-100 13, down-hole surve
10、y water should use a dedicated .浙江农林大学外国语学院双学位(英语)毕业论文写作规范1、结构要求英语双学位毕业论文采用汉语撰写,一般由6部分组成,依次为:(1)封面;(2) 中英文摘要及关键词;(3) 目录;(4) 正文;(5) 参考文献;(6)致谢。2、文本具体要求2.1 封面采用学院统一的封面。 2.2 中英文摘要及关键词中英文摘要篇幅长度一般在200字左右。简要介绍研究的课题内容、主要结论及创新之处,语言力求精炼。中英文摘要均要有关键词,一般为35个。中文摘要字体为小四号楷体,各关键词之间要有1个空格及分号。英文摘要应与中文摘要相对应,字体为小四号Time
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16、考文献(小三号楷体、加粗) 页码致谢(小三号楷体、加粗) 页码(目录内容、页码必须与正文内保持一致)正文部分1.(空一格) (小三号楷体,加粗)1.1(空一格) (四号楷体,加粗)(内容小四号楷体)1.2(空一格) (四号楷体,加粗)1.2.1(空一格) (小四号楷体)(内容小四号楷体)(作者,出版年份:页码)1.2.2(空一格) (小四号楷体) (内容小四号楷体)(作者,出版年份:页码)1.2.3(空一格) (小四号楷体) (内容小四号楷体)1.3 (空一行)2.1 参考文献(三号黑体加粗、居中、与下文间空一行)1 Kayeyama M. Incompatible displacement
17、methods A. Sptiet J.A., Numerical and Computational methods in Structural Mechanics C. New York: Academic Press, 1973: 30-45.2 Yoshida O Soong. Recent advance in research on applications of passive energy dissipation systems J. Earthquake 1997 (3).3 孔一庆. 一种硅材料的制备方法 P. 中国专利: CN891056088, 1982-05-02.4
18、 牛光庭. 建筑材料 M. 北京: 水利电力出社, 1993.5 隋允康, 王希诚. DDDU (2) 程序原理和结构的简要说明 R. 大连: 大连工学院工程力学研究所, 1984.6 陶建人. 动接触减振法其应用 D. 大连: 大连理工大学, 1988.7 王明亮. 关于中国学术期刊标准化数据库系统的进展 EB/OL.8 徐道远, 符晓陵, 寿朝晖. 混凝土三维复合型断裂的FCM和G A. 途传林, 第五届岩石、混凝土断裂和强度学术议论文集 C. 长沙: 国防科技大学出社, 1993.9 GB50023-95, 建筑抗震鉴定标准 S. (以上序号用方括号,与文字之间空一格。如果需要两行的,第
19、二行文字要位于序号的后边,与第一行文字对齐。中文的用小四号楷体,外文的用小四号TIMES NEW ROMAN字体,英文论著、期刊题名用斜体。) 致 谢(两字间空四格,三号黑体加粗、居中、与下文间空一行。) (内容:为小四号楷体)Exam exam elements 1. find out the Central thesis of the article 2: identify types of arguments summarized the arguments of the main content 3. identification of the methods used in this
20、 paragraph or sentence, and its benefits. 4. (this paragraph) demonstration (process) what is it? 5. taste the benefits or effects of some words in a sentence. 6. for an article to add a fact or reasonable argument 7. do you agree with the author? Please explain the reasons. Argumentative is talking
21、 about as the main expression of style. Through facts and reason, use logic to show that the authors views and attitudes to an issue and analysis on some phenomenon of insights and ideas. Three elements of argumentation elements: argument 1, argument: argument: authors opinions, views and ideas. (Ri
22、ght, distinct) Note: essays generally have only one argument, some around the central argument put forward several arguments, arguments are used to justify central argument. Find argument of method: a to see articles of title II to note argument in articles in the of location title reveals; b beginn
23、ing proposed; c talk process in the sharp proposed; d end antibody; articles in the no proposed, needed readers himself antibody note distinguish topics and argument: topics is talk paper by to described of main content, and argument is author on by described of content by made of clear of judge of
24、sentences. 2, looking for or refine the method arguments: (a), see topic (b), start (c), end (four), middle (five), his induction an honest man is always suffer? in the dark old days of corruption, honest people suffer is not surprising, even commonplace. However, with the development and progress o
25、f society, honest man suffer losses no longer become a common and normal phenomenon. Dishonest people may be proud of a moment, but ultimately the expense of them. As Lu Xun said leasing will also drown his own. Illusion and lies was uncovered the day liar He Yan people? some flattery, speculative hack who soon would be appreciated by a boss, bu
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