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1、Published byMOBILEWORLD LIVEHUAWGI? 2016Delivering Mobile DiversityAs mobile conn ecti ons multiply and diversify, telecoms operators are look ing to deploy new flexible n etwork architectures.Nways.As well as deliveri ngpompelli ngon sumerow in terwovento the fabricof dailylife, mobile conn ectivit

2、y is being applied in all kinds of inno vativeservices, it is helpi ng drive the developme nt of the Internet ofThings (IoT), which promises to tran sform many differe nt partscf the econo mTodelivee verythirfcpmhighdefi niti onsometimes battery lifeeitertai nment to remote con trol of in dustrial e

3、quipme nt, mobilenetworks n eed to juggle a diverse set of dema nds. Sometimes IMH Uj .,they n eed to prioritise throughput, sometimes resp on sive ness,01 |WHITEPAPERMobile operators are resp onding by deplo ying 4G and 4.5G networks alongsidetheir legacy in frastructureThe nextge neratioof mobile

4、techno logie-5G - will furtherexpa ndtheir opti ons. Developecfepecificallyo supporta massivexpa nsioin conn ectivityG aimsto deliver a step cha nge in late ncy (sub 1ms on the radio access), capatQ0 (he capacityof 4G) and peak data rates(20 Gbps/ 10 Gbpsfor dow nli nk and upli nk respectively). But

5、 rather tha n sweep ing away its predecessors, 5G is likely to co-exist with both 4G and 4.5G n etworks for at least a decade.Leadingoperatorssuch as Vodafo neTelefnica, DeutscheTelekoma nd China Mobile, are deplo ying commercial and trial 4.5G n etworksnow, while the first pilot 5G n etworks are li

6、kely to appear from 2018 on wards.Chi nMobile pla ns to commercially deploy 5G in 2020,says Dajie Jia ng of Chi na Mobile Research In stitute. Aite begi nning, 5G will be deployed in regi ons where the n etwork capacity is limited or some services(e.g. ultra-reliable nd low late ncy commu ni cati on

7、s) cannot be provided by 4G, and the n gradually expcmtetiage4G and 4.5G will exist for a long time in future and be con ti nuously evolved with adva need features to address the emerg ing use cases, while 5G will gradually grow ”Dr. Choi Chan g-so on, a senior man ager at the 5GTech Lab of SK Telec

8、om, adds pretty sure operators will keep using 4G commercially for the time being. At least un til 5G freque ncies become widely available, 4G will be the main network for each operator for thettimg. ”The GSMA,the global mobileoperatoitrade group, no testhat its memberhavei nvested heavily in 4G and

9、 an ticipates the tech no logy will evolvethrougha len gthylifespa nIn a papdr en titled Unl ock ingCo mmerciaOpportu nities From 4G Evolution。5G, the GSMAsays: A sign ifica nt proport ionof the new bus in ess opportu nities can and should be accessible using an evolved 4G network. This has crucial

10、commerciaimplicationsinee it means that 4G will con ti nue tbe used tosupport legacy services(i ncludi ng IMS-e nabled commu ni cati ons servicesa nd therefore maximises the return of investment(ROI) in 4G, which the GSMA estimates to be in the tune of $1.7 trillion in the 10 years tQ020. ”By 2025,

11、the GSMA forecasts that 5G will account for about 10% of total non-machine-to mach ine(non-M2Mc onn ecti onsy hereasiG will accounfor 60%of conn ecti onSi milarly, Jun iper Research forecasts that 5G services will accou ntfor less tha n 10%of mobileservices reve nues by 2025Asig nifica nt proporti o

12、n of the new bus in essopport un ities can and should be accessible using anevolved 4nGetwork.GSMA1 http:/ Source: http:/ Mobile Div|e0r2sity3WHITEPAPERSource: 3GPPIn any casethe disti ncti on betwee n 4GG nd networks will become in creas in gly blurred. Release 14 of the 3GPFstandardsyhichis due to

13、 be completed in 2017 (see graphic), will in corporate both 4G and 5G technologieAlthough5G in troduces n eworthogo n&teque ncyvisi on multiplexi ng (OFDM)-based radio in terface, called New Radio (NR), leadingequipmenVendor Huawei says operators will also have the opti on of upgrading 4G networks t

14、o meet the 5G requireme nts set out in the 3GPP specificati ons. Tech ni canyestme nts on 4G can still be used for 5G, thereby maximizi ng opeROttH”awei says.T Thech no logiesr 5G, suchas multi-carriermulti-a nte nnsh)ortdelaya nd massive connections, can be fulfilled by 4G networks, so that operato

15、rs can obta in 5G tech no logy divide nds wth lower deploymuBts. ”Multiple antenna deployme nts are already un der way. Huaweisays that 4.5G FDD (freque ncy divisionduplex)networksire bein gdeployed using 4T4R/8T8R multi-antenna configurations, while 32T32R/64T64Rd 128T12Fhavebee n put into trial co

16、mmercial use on TDD networks (time divisio n duplex). Huawei says that massive carrier aggregatio(supporfor up to eightcarrier aggregation) is also being applied on 4.5G networks, while shorter transmission time interval (TTI) and vehicle-to-everyth in g(V2X) tech no logiehavebeen defi nedin 3GPPR14

17、 sta ndardut n ewwaveforrnjewcodesa nd con trol/user pla ne separati on, together with the 5G new air in terface tech no logy, are likely to be defi ned in 3GPP R15 sta ndards.*116289027Dfferent tech no logies for differe nt applicati onsHstoricallymobilenetworkech no logiehave been desig ned primar

18、ily to deliver communications, information and entertainment services, such as voice, messag ing and Internet access, to huma n beings rather tha n mach in es. Although2G, 3G an d4G networkare widely used to deliver mach in e-to-mach ine services and are supportinthe emergingpT,theyweren t desig ned

19、 for this purpose. The GSMA no tes that these legacy tech no logies are not optimised for large scale IoT applicati ons, have limited flexibility to supportbespokeservicesacrossindustry verticalsandcan necessarileliveithe low levels of late ncy required by some applicati ons, such as the so-called t

20、actile In ter net in which a user could remoteio ntroa dista ntnach ine, such as a drone or a precisi on tool (see graphic). By con trast, 5G is inten ded to be very versatile, support ing three classes of applicati ons: eMBB (enhan ced mobile broadba nd), mMTC (massive mach ine type commu ni cati o

21、na)nd URLLC (ultra-reliable and low late ncy commu ni cati on s).ThroughoutSource: GSMA paper: Unlocking Commercial Opportunities From 4G Evolution to 5GStill, 5G isn the only option. Some 4.5G tech no logies, such as Narrowba nd IoT, have bee n developecfepecificallyo supportthe IoT by providi ngel

22、iablea ndexte nsivcoveragwith low powe rrequireme ntDajieJia ngof Chi na Mobile says: “ 4nd 4.5G will meet the requireme nts of existi ng MBB services and also deliver some MTC services, for example, cellularbased IoT and LTE-bV2Xd ”In practice, much will depend on the availability of spectrum in sp

23、ecific markets and the restrictionsndividuagovernmentplace on which frequenciecan be used with which tech nologies n May 2016, the South Korean gover nment, for example, said that trials of 5G servicesneedto be carrieobut in the 28 GHz freque ncy band, using TDD modulati on, as well as with the exis

24、ti ng LTE n etwork in frastructure.Dr. Choi Chang-soon of SK Telecom notes that if 5G can only be deployed n high freque ncy spectrum, such as the 28 GHz band, cell sizes will have to be smalla nd coveraglemited which would be one of the challe ngefor early 5G commercialization. Froithis perspective

25、 would be more important and practical for mobile operatorsto get wide bandwidthin lower frequency, 5G supported services matrixServicesdeliverable by 4G and evolved 4GServices requiring5G capabilitiesPerson to personPerson to machineMachine to machinenetworksBandwidth1GBsays Dr. Choi Chang-soonHe a

26、nticipatesthat, as long as high frequency spectrum is only available for 56,阪6由s operators will use LTE Adva need (4.5G) n etworks to provide the broad macro-coverage, while 5G will be used in hotspots to boost capacity.Deliveri ng Mobile Diversity5WHITEPAPERIn tegrati ngiffere nt adio access n etwo

27、rksOver time, the questi on of which tech no logy is used for a specificserviceor customemay become mocThat b ecause 5G hotspots are set to becomeoart of a rich blendof radio n etworkjn whichc onn ectionare seamlessly passed betwee n differe nt access tech no logies. Rather than operating as separat

28、e networks, 4G, 4.5Ga nd 5G are likelyto be in tegratedhto a sin gle n etworkarchitectureT his architecture may eve n in tegrate 3G n etworks, as well as radio techno logies in un lice nsed spectrum, such as WiFi. Dajie Jia ng of Chi na Mobile “ayeepect 4G, 4.5G and 5G will be integrated more tightl

29、y than previous n etworks (e.g., 2G, 3G and 4G) to reduce the efforts of in terwork ing and operati onal spe ndingG, 4.5G and 5G will be integratedtightly to providea user centric n etwork, where the best user experie nee could beoffered. ”Dr. Choi Chang-soon of SK Telecom agrees that smooth and eff

30、icie nt in terwork ing betwee n LTE- Advaneed and 5G networks will be very important. In its 5G architecture design and implementation guideli nsSK Telecom saytAe in itial stage, 5G RAN will be deployedby in tegrati nghe existi ng LTE-Adva need, its evoluti on tech no logies, and new radio access te

31、ch no logies. Due to their heteroge neous n ature, it is importa nt to build an infrastructurewhere different radio access techno logies are seanhlesgtated.”Mobile operators pla n to use n etwork fun cti on virtualizatio n (NFV), software-defi ned n etworks (SDN), CloudRANand other solutions to man

32、age this in tegrati on, optimise the result ing user experienee and theprovision ofconn ectivity. Weouldlike to leveragJFV and SDN as muchpossiblesaysDajie Jia ng of China Mobile.FNFV, it could be an end-to- end man ageme nt and orchestrati on soluti on for both RAN and core network. For the operato

33、r, it will en able a rapid servicedeploymena nd better con trol of tteiwork. ”The role of CloudRANCloudRAN is a cloud-based, distributed architecture that brings differe nt radio n etworks together in to a si ngle n etwork. It comb ines the electr oniosf multiplasestati onjn a si ngle locatiorrthe b

34、asestationservewhichthe n uses avirtualised operati ng syfetemioritise workloads, both on-the-fly and to a predeterm ined schedule based on predicted n eeds and real-time needs. By coord inatinthe transmissionsf adjace ntbase stati on sover a large area, the CloudRANerveioptimisesne useof n etwork r

35、esources, providi ng both con sumer devices and machi nes with the best available sig nal.A CloudRAN soluti on promises multiple ben efits, such as less in ter-sitenterfere nceid better performa nee whe n a user is in an area where the signalsof multiphase stationsoverlapThe3http:/ can also be used

36、to impleme nt n etwork Sicing, so that specific services are allocated specific networkesourcebjelpingo meetcustomers quality of service (QoS) requireme nts. Moreover, by cen tralisi ng con trol of resource man ageme nt and scheduli ng, CloudRAN gives the mobile operator greaterflexibility. ajie Jia

37、 ng of Chin aMobile Research In stitute,Wiys:ive us the capability of the flexible deploymentthe automatic managemenand the rapid instantiatioof customized wiretesrage. ”HuawedescribeCloudRAais hugeleapin radio n etwdeploymeTtie”quipme nt ven dor says the con cept is prove n and well-accepted by ope

38、ratorsvho valuethe result in gagilitya nd flexibilityduawdielieveC loudRANillplaya pivotal role in en abli ng operators to move bey ond providingvanillaconnectivityo providinga“ platfomserviceo other bus in esses.In its 5G architecture design and implementation guidelines, SK Telecom says it will us

39、e CloudRAN (C-RANo providea virtualizedidge cloud platformas wellas seamlessiterworkinand han dover betwee n 5G and 4G n etworks. In fact, the Korea n operator pla ns to use CloudRAN for a variety of purposesNortly does C-RAN serve as flexible aggregationpoints for better performa noeptimizatioitca

40、nbe alsoa key en ablerfor a varietyof radioaccessietwork tech no logies, e.g., new radio access tech no logy (RAT), fron t-haul, and coord in ati on among multiRAT to satisfy5G requireme ntsn deed,SK Teleconnegarda CloudRANrchitectuas a key piece of the puzzle required to meet the 5G requireme ntf h

41、igh throughputow late ncy, guara nteed quality of service, high reliability and efficie ncy (see graphic)? Network Platformization ? Network Asset based Intelligent Services ? Analytics, Policy, and RulesThe whole 5G system is divided in to 5 segme nts, n amely Cloud Core, back-haul, Cloud RAN, fron

42、 t-haul, RF and Device.5G requireme ntsUser(Device/Thi ng)RF? New Radio Access, New Freq. BandFront-haul? Dual (or Multiple) Connectivity? High-Capacity Fronthaul/BackhaulCloud RANGuaranteed QoS? Multi-Cell/Network Cooperation? Reliable & Individually Tailored Connectivitywith Dedicated QoS MgmtServ

43、ice SecurityHigher Availability? Radio Access, Infrastructure, Cloud, Device,Higher efficiency? Open, Flexible, and Programmable NetworkReduced end-to-end latency? Multiple AntennaIncreased data rate &Circles are placed for each requireme nts for the most impacted segme nts.Source: SIFeleconSG archi

44、tecture design and implementation guidelinesNob nly does C-RAN serve as flexible aggregati on points for betterperformance optimization, it can also be a key enabler for a variety of radioaccess n etwork tech no logies, e.g., new radio access tech no logy (RAT),Delivering Mobile Div|e0r6sityfront-ha

45、ul, and coordination among mulrtei-qRuAirTemtoesnatsti.sfy 5”G SK TelecomSK Telecom pla ns to comb ine a CloudRAN architecture with cloud core n etworks which virtualise mobile network functions for flexibility and efficiency. It also intends to use a SDN controller to further enhance con siste ncy

46、and agility by separat ing the con trol pla ne fun cti ons from the data pla ne fun cti ons (see graphic).An alytics-based E2E orchestrati onNFV orchestrator SDN cdltrollerSource: SIFeiecorSG architecture design and implementation guidelines07WHITEPAPERHow and whe nCloudRAWill be deployedHuawes aysi

47、t is nowrunningpin ttestsof the CloudRAN architecture with Chi na Mobile, Telecom Italia, TeieCa, Vocfefone and other customers in preparati on for commercial deployme nts towards the end of 2017 or the beginninDf C0o8. Chang-sooof SK Teleconsays the Korean operator is also trialling CloudRAN and wi

48、ll deploy the architecture commercially as soon as possible. That is likely to be in 2018 as 3GPP finalises the 5G stan dards, he adds.China Mobile, which is expa nding its 4G n etwork to more than 1.1 million sites, is testing the impact of Huawei SloudRAN architecture on interference at the edge o

49、f cells in different parts of China, in clud ing Nanjing, Don ggua n, and An hui. In Ju ne2016Chi naMobileaidit hadseena n improveme nt in the cell edge user experie nce by a factor of 100%.China Mobile now pla ns to deploy CloudRAN in urba nareas,i ncludi ngSha nghato meet the challe ngi ngequireme

50、 nfor improvedjser experie nce in ultra-de nse n etwarkargos.”DajieJia ngof Chi naMobileesearchnstitute, adds: c Currentwe have introducedthe cen tralized BBU large scale deployme nt in several provin ces, with the sav ing of accessary equipme nt and powec on sumptionduc in CAPE)20% and OPEX 50-60%.

51、 . Right now, more and more vsndors joins us to define the CloudRAN equipme nt, and for optimistic estimati on, it will become mature in 20O8liafet.”Vodafo ne and Huawei have trialed a CloudRAN architecture at the ANZ Stadium in SyWteey. man agedto achieves per cent higheidata speeds at cell edge an

52、d 25 per cent overall cell averagewhichare sig nificanitnproveme nts,”Vodafo ne head of RAN, Yago Lopez; Tayes. results exceeded our expectati ons so n aturally we are very happy with the trial and are excited to begi n impleme nti ng this tech no logy over the n ext 18m on ths. ”In July 2016l,eleco

53、rhtalia said it is rolliogt Europe first live CloudRANtrials, using tech no logy from Huawei, i n Palermo. The trials are desig ned to deliver dow nl oad speeds of 300Mbps to existing Telecom Italia customers in the region. Gabriela Styf Sjoma n, Head of TIMLTbjssays: innovativeechnologys part of TI

54、M path towards becoming a Digital Telco, securing to its clients a high quality user experience on digital new n etwork tech nologiesn as CloudRAN to guara nteeustomesatisfactioandcreate valuethroughnetworlsoluti on thatare both tech no logically inno vatefficieidt.”Such trials will pave the way for

55、 a major shift in the way in which mobile n etworks operate. Once CloudRAN, NFV and SDN are deployed commercially, cellular n etworks will be con figured very differently to those in use today. There will no lon ger be a clear deli neati on betwee n differe nt radio accessnetworkswhileWi-Fia nd othe

56、r n etworks in un lice nsed spectrum could be fully in tegrated into a mobperatorprojDositi on. Cloud-based servers will automatically select the best conn ectioto provides specificservice, smoothly bala ncing the ban dwidth dema nds of on-dema nd high-defi niti on en terta inment services with the

57、late ncy and reliability dema nds of vital information services, such as enviro nmen tal mon itors and vehicle n avigati on.In time, the concept of a distinet cell served by a sin gle base stati on may become obsolete as the boun dariebetweenifferencellsareblurred and conn ecti ons are seamlessly and con ti nuously swapped betwee n base stati ons. Ultimately,


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