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1、定语从句专项练习,we don t have the coatyou need.a. what b. who c. whom d. whichis the dictio narymum gave me for my birthday.a. which b. what c. whose d. whomyou know the manis sitt ing beh ind nan cy?a. what b. which c. who d. whombookhe bought yesterday is very in teresti ng.a. / b. why c. whe n d. whatha

2、ve found some pictures of the most in teresti ng placesyou can visit duri ng the win ter holidays.a. where b. which c. what d. thatd like to tell you aboutthe table mannersyoushould know whe n you visit korea.a. which b. who c. what d. howshall n ever forget those yearsi lived on the farmwith the fa

3、rmers,has a great effect on my life.a. whe n; who b. that; whichc. which; that d. whe n; whichoxyge n the only gashelps fire bur n?a. that b. / c. which d. itsome germa n frie nds visited last week?a. this school b. this the schoolc. this school one d. this school wherekind of music do you like?-i l

4、ike musichas great lyrics.a. that b. what c. who d. whoseis the only thi ngi bought from the supermarket.a. which b. that c. what d. whereplaceinterested me most was the children spalace.a. which b. where c. what d. in whichcomputerlast week has gone wrong.a. which i bought it b. i boughtc. what i b

5、ought d. i bought itis the poor boyfather died in a traffic accide ntlast year.a. who b. whom c. whose d. whichyou know the girlis sta nding un der the tree?a. who b. whom c. which d. wherethe woma ntalked to our teacher yesterday yourmother?a. who b. whom c. which d. whatyoung ladywe met yesterday

6、is our new mathsteacher.a. what b. whose c. whom d. whichlike to live in a houseis big and bright.a. that b. who c. how d. whyhate peopletalk much but do little.a. whom b. which c. who d. whe nam one of the boysn ever late for school.a. that is b. who are c. who am d. who isgreen, there is someoneat

7、 the front deskwould liketo speak with you.a. he b. who c. which d. whomlove the small villagei was bor n.a. that b. which c. where d. whosecomes the girl handwriting is the best in our class.a. which b. whose c. that d. whoparents usually buy mesomesimple clothes can lasta long time.a. who b. that

8、c. whom d. whosethe girlis in terviewi ng the man ager of thatcompa ny your friend?-yes, she is a jour nalist from cctv.a. whom b. which c. who d. whoseyou know everybodycame to the party?-no, i don t know the oneyou had a long talkwith n ear the door.a. who;/ b. whose; thatc. that; which d. /; whom

9、boywon the first prize is called roy.a. whe n b. whom c. who d. whichlike housesare pain ted in differe nt colours.a. which b. they c. those d. whatyou thi nk most stude nts prefer testshave easyquestio ns?a. who b. where c. that d. it30. he is one of the experie need engin eers in this factoryhard

10、work was repaid with the developme nt of thefactory.a. where b. whose c. in which d. thatkeys:I- 5 dacad6-10 adabaII- 15babca16-20 acacb21-25 bcbbc26-30acaca1. A football fan(球迷) ishas a stro ng in terest in football.A. a thing that B. someth ing thatC. a pers on who D. what2. The house , was destro

11、yed in the terrible fire, has beenrepaired.A. the roof of which B. which roofC. its roof D. the roof3. Can you lend me the no velthe other day?A. that you talkedB. you talked about itC. which you talked withD. you talked about4. The matter you were arguing about last night has been settled.A. that B

12、. what C. why D. for which5. They talked for about an hour of things and pers onstheyremembered in the school.A. which B. that C. who D. whom6. Whohas com mon sense(常识)will do such a thing ?A. which B. whoC. whom D. that7. All the applesfell dow n were eate n by the pigs.A. that B. those C. which D.

13、 what8. They asked him to tell them everyth inghe saw at the front.A. what B. that C. which D. where9. I ll tell youhe told me last night.A. all whichB. all what C. that all D. all10. A childpare nts are dead is called an orpha n.A. who B. who s C. whose D. which11. Is this the museumyou visited the

14、 other day?A. that B. where C. in which D. the one12. Is this museumsome Germa n friends visited last Wedn esday?A. that B. where C. in which D. the one13. -How do you like the book ?-It s quite different fromI read last month.A. that B. which C. the one D. the one what14. Which sentence is wrong ?A

15、. The fin ger I dipped into the cup was not the one I put it into my mouth.B. Do you know the boy who jumped onto the platform?C. Science and new tech no logy have made it possible for farmers to produce more food on the same amount of land.D. People in ancient times took it for gra nted that the su

16、n moved round the earth.15. The trainshe was traveli ng was late.the papers are kept.A. which B. where C. on which D. i n that16. He has lost the key to the drawerA. where B. on whichC. un der whichD. which17. An tarcticwe know very little is covered with thick ice allthe year round.A. which B. wher

17、eC. thatD. about which18. It s the third timelate this mon th.A. that you arrived B. when you arrived C. that you ve arrivedyou vearrived19. He often helps the stude ntshe thinks are not quick at theirA. that B. whereC. i n which D. to wherestudies.A. whom B. whoC. whe n D. because20. The Second Wor

18、ld Warmillions of people were killed ended in1945.A. whe nB. duri ng thatC. i n which D. which21. He was born in the yearthe An ti-Japa nese War broke out.A. which B. whe nC. on which D. duri ng which22. Mr. Crossettwill never forget the dayhe spent with his variousstude nts.A. whe n B. whichC. duri

19、 ng whichD. on which23. This is just the placeI am longing to visit these years.24. Weare going to spend the Spring festival in Guangzhou, livemy gra ndpare nts and some relatives.A. which B. thatC. who D. where25. The hotelduri ng our holidays sta nds by the seaside.A. we stayed at B. where we stay

20、ed atC. we stayed D. in that we stayed26. I have bought the same dressshe is weari ng.A. as B. thatC. which D. tha n27. He is nota fool.A. such/as he is looked B. such/as he looksC. as/as he is looked D. so/as he looks28. Is that the reas onyou are in favor of the proposal?A. which B. whatC. why D.

21、for that29. Some of the roads were flooded , made our journey moredifficult.A. which B. itC. what D. that30. He must be from Africa , can be see n from his ski n.A. that B. asC. who D. what31. He has two sons , work as chemists.A. two of whom B. both of whomC. both of which D. all of whom32. The bus

22、es , were already full , were surrounded by an angrycrowd.A. most of that B. which mostC. most of which D. that most33. My glasses , I was like a blind man , fell to the ground andbroke.C. without which D. thatA. which B. with which34. Mr. Wu , everybody likes , is going to give us a talk onchemistr

23、y.A. whom B. thatC. which D. /35. This is Mr. Smith , I think has something interesting to tellus.A. who B. whomC. that D. /36.,the compass was first made in China.A. It is know to all B. It is known thatC. We all know D. As is known to all37. I ,your good friendwill try my best to help you out.much

24、 can be lear ned.caused by careless ness.40. He lived in London for 3 mon ths,duri nghe picked up someA. who is B. who amC. that is D. what is38. He is a man of great experie neeA. who B. thatC. from which D. from whom39. It was such a serious mistakeA. which I think was B. which I think it wasC. I

25、thi nk which was D. I thi nk which it wasEn glish.A. this B. whichC. that D. when41. The gen eral at last got a cha nee to visit the villagehe usedto fight , he had been dreaming of for years.A. that/which B. where/thatC. in which/what D. where/which42. I will hire the manthey say is a good En glish

26、 speaker.A. who B. thatC. which D. whom43. He has to work on Sun days, he does no t like.A. and which B. whichC. and whe n D. whe n44.1 gave him a warning , he turned a deaf ear.A. of which B. for whichC. to that D. to which45. My father has made meI am.A. who B. whichC. what D. that46. She is one o

27、f the few girls whopassed the exam in ati on.A. was B. wereC. has D. have47. He is my son , a better son does not exist.A. but B. than whoC. aga inst whom D. tha n whom48. As many memberswere prese nt agreed to the pla n.A. who B. thatC. which D. asamalways49. You maycall on mefrom one to five o clo

28、ck , during Iat home.A. the time B. what timeC. that time D. which timespread50. China is the birthplace of kites , kiteflying(放风筝)to Japan , Korea , Thailand and India.A. from there B. whereC. from where D. there答案1-5 CADAB6-10 DABDC11-15 ADCAC 16-20 ADCBC21-25 BBADA26-30 ABCAB31-35 BCCAA 36-40 DBD

29、AB41-45 DABDC46-50 DCDDC1. Don t talk about such things ofyou are not sure.A. whichB. whatC. asD. those2. Is this the factory you visited the other day?A. thatB. whereC. in whichD. the one3. Is this factory some foreign friends visited last Friday?A. thatB. whereC. whichD. the one4. Is this the fact

30、ory he worked ten years ago?A. thatB. whereC. whichD. the one5. The wolves hid themselves in the places couldn t be found.A. thatB. whereC. in whichD. in that6. The freezing point is the temperature water changes into ice.A. at whichB. on thatC. in whichD. of what7. This book will show you can be us

31、ed in other contexts.A. how you have observedB. what you have observedC. that you have observedD. how that you have observed8. The reason is he is unable to operate the machine.A. becauseB. whyC. thatD. whether9. I ll tell you he told me last week.A. all whichB. thatC. all thatD. which10. That tree,

32、 branches are almost bare, is very old.A. whoseB. of whichC. in whichD. on which11. I have bought the same dress she is wearing.A. asB. thatC. whichD. what12. He failed in the examination, made his father very angry.A. whichB. itC. thatD. what13. We re talking about the piano and the pianist were in

33、 the concertwe attended last night.A. whichB. whomC. whoD. that14. The girl an English song in the next room is Tom s sister.A. who is singingB. is singingC. sangD. was singing15. Those not only from books but also through practice will succeed.A. learnB. whoC. that learnsD. who learn16. Anyone this

34、 opinion may speak out.A. that againstsB. that againstC. who is againstD. who are against17. Didn t you see the man ?A. I nodded just nowB. whom I nodded just nowC. I nodded to him just nowD. I nodded to just now18. Can you lend me the novel the other day?A. that you talkedC. which you talked withB.

35、 you talked about itB. whichD. you talked about19. Is there anything to you?A. that is belongedB. that belongsC. that belongD. which belongsI read last month.20. “How do you like the book?It s quite different fromA. thatB. whichC. the oneD. the one whatwho had already21. Mr. Zhang gave the textbook

36、to all the pupils except taken them.A. the onesB. onesC. someD. the others22. The train she was travelling was late.A. whichD. in that23. He has lost the key to the drawer the papers are kept.A. whereB. in whichC. under whichD. which24. Antarctic we know very little is covered with thick ice all the

37、 yearround.A. whichB. whereC. thatD. about which25. It s the third time late this month.A. that you arrivedB. when you arrivedC. that you ve arrivedD. when you ve arrived26. It was in 1969 the American astronaut succeeded in landing on themoon.A. thatC. whenD. in which27. May the fourth is the day w

38、e Chinese people will never forget.A. whichB. whenC. on whichD. about which28. We are going to spend the Spring Festival in Guangzhou, live mygrandparents and some relatives.A. whichB. thatC. whoD. where29. The hotel during our holidays stands by the seaside.A. we stayed atB. where we stayed atC. we

39、 stayedD. in that we stayed30. Is it in that factory “ Red Flag ” cars are produced?A. in whichD. that31. It is the Suez Canal separates Asia Africa.A. which, toB. where, fromC. that, fromD. that, withcanoe,32. Under the bridge, however, almost directly below, was a smallwith a boy in it.A. thereB.

40、whereC. itD. which33. He is not a fool .A. such, as he is lookedB. such, as he looksC. as, as he is lookedD. so, as he looks34. Is that the reason you are in favour of the proposal?A. whichB. whatC. whyD. for that35. He must be from Africa, can be seen from his skin.A. thatB. asC. whoD. what36. He h

41、as two sons, work as chemists.A. two of whomB. both of whomC. both of whichD. all of whom37. I, your good friend, will try my best to help you out.A. who isB. who amC. that isD. what is38. He is a man of great experience, much can be learned.A. whoB. thatC. from whichD. from whom39. Do you know the

42、town at all? No, this is the first time I here.A. wasB. have beenC. cameD. am coming40. I don t like you speak to her.A. the wayB. the way in thatC. the way whichD. the way of which41. The two things they felt very proud are Jims gold watch and Della shair.A. about whichB. of whichC. in whichD. for

43、which42. The dinner was the most expensive meal we .A. would haveB. have hadC. had never hadD. had ever had43. Do you know which hotel ?A. she is stayingB. she is staying inC. is she stayingD. is she staying in44. There is only one thing I can do.A. whatB. thatC. allD. which45. Who can think of a si

44、tuation this idiom can be used?A. whichB. thatC. whereD. in that46. I have many books, some of are on chemistry.A. themB. thatC. whichD. those47. They were interested you told them.A. in whichB. in thatC. all thatD. in everything48. The astronaut did many experiments in the spaceship, much help fork

45、nowing space.A. which we think it isB. which we think are ofC. of which we think isD. I think which is of49. The great day we looked forward to at last.A. comeB. cameC. comingD. comes50. I like the second football match was held last week.A. whichB. whoC. thatD. /参考答案:1 5 AADBA610 ABCCA1115AADAD16 2

46、0 CDDBC2125 ACBDC2630AADAD31 35 CABCB3640 BBDBA4145BDBBC46 50 CDBBC莲山课件原文地址: placein terested me most was the childre ns palace.a. which b. where c. what d. in whichyou know the man?a. whom i spoke b. to who spoke c. i spoke to d. that i spokeis the hotellast mon th.a. which they stayed b. at that t

47、hey stayed c. where they stayed at d. where they stayedyou know the yearthe chin ese com munist party was foun ded?a. which b. that c. whe n d. on whichis the dayill n ever forget.a. which b. on which c. in which d. whe nfactorywell visit next week is not far from here.a. where b. to which c. which

48、d. in whichcha nges have take n place si nee the n in the factorywe are work ing.a. where b. that c. which d. thereis one of the best films a. that have bee n show n this year b. that have show n c. that has bee n show n this year d. that you talkedyou lend me the bookthe other day?a. about which yo

49、u talked b. which you talkedc. about that you talked d. that you talkedpenhe is writi ng is mine.a. with which b. i n which c. on which d. by whicharrived at a farmhouse, in front ofsat a small boy.a. whom b. who c. which d. thatengin eermy father works is about 50 years old.a. to whom b. on whom c.

50、 with which d. with whomthere anyone in your classfamily is in the coun try?a. who b. whos c. which d. whosem in terested inyou have said.a. all that b. all what c. that d. whichwant to use the same dicti onarywas used yesterday.a. which b. who c. what d. asisnt such a manhe used to be.a. who b. who

51、m c. that d. asis good at en glish,we all know.a. that b. as c. whom d. whatming,to the concert enjoyed it very much.a. i went with b. with whom i went c. with who i went went with himdont likeas you read.a. the no vels b. the such no vels c. such no vels d. same no velstalked a lot about things and

52、 pers onsthey remembered in the school.a. which b. that c. whom d. whatletter is from my sister,is worki ng in beiji ng.a. which b. that c. whom d. whoour factory there are 2,000 workers, two thirds ofare wome n.a. them b. which c. whom d. whore the only pers onive ever metcould do it.a. who;/ b./;

53、whom c. whom;/ d./; wholost a book,i cant remember now.a. whose title b. its title c. the title of it d. the title of thatsummer we visited the west lake,han gzhou is famous in the world.a. for which b. for that c. in which d. whathave bought such a watchwas advertised on tv.a. that b. which c. as d

54、. itcan n ever forget the daywe worked together and the daywe spe nttogether.a. whe n; which b. which; whe n c. what; that d. on which; whe nwayhe looks at problems is wrong.a. which b. whose c. what d./is the reas onhe did nt come to the meet ing.a. in which b. with which c. that d. for whichmach ine,for many years, is still worki ng perfectly.a. after which i have looked b. which i have looked afterc. that i have looked after d. i have looked afterreas onhe did nt come washe was ill.a. why; that ;why c. for that;that which;whatis work ing hard


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