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1、西餐western restaurantWestern table manners mnz西餐的西餐的餐桌礼餐桌礼仪仪Western food culture 西餐饮食文化西餐饮食文化Western wine culture 西餐的酒文化西餐的酒文化Western table manners 西餐的餐桌礼仪西餐的餐桌礼仪水果叉水果叉1.西餐餐具Western tablewarefruit forkteaspoons Coffee spoon Dinner forkDinner Knife .Dinner spoonteiblw Napkin 餐巾餐巾Main Knife主餐刀主餐刀Main P

2、late主餐碟主餐碟Bread Plate面包碟面包碟Soup spoonMain forkDessert fork 甜点叉Fish fork 鱼叉Dessert spoon 甜品勺Water glasses Wine cup西餐摆台Pepper Shaker胡椒粉瓶Salt Shaker盐瓶eik diz:t npkin In front of each seat, tableware wine pendulum method.每个座位前面,餐具酒具摆法 Display method has not yet finished the knife and fork.尚未吃完的刀叉摆放法 Aft

3、er the knife has been placed in law.已吃完的刀叉摆放法 forks on the left rule。左叉右刀。 pendjulm tableware Left hand, right hand took the knife forkWill be put into a knife and fork, eight shape eip of the word put in the centralsentrl plate, bladebleid facing you, that want to take as many breaks yet to run out

4、 of food 右手持刀,左手拿叉右手持刀,左手拿叉 将刀叉摆成将刀叉摆成“八八”字形状放于盘子中央,刀刃朝向自己,表示要中字形状放于盘子中央,刀刃朝向自己,表示要中途休息,餐还未用完途休息,餐还未用完 Knife and fork, and emissions in the session, said that the food has finished eating traytrei can be withdrawnwidr:n. Remember not to put into the cross knife and fork, Westerners are tabootbu: 将刀叉

5、并排放于盘中,表示该菜已食用完可撤盘。切记不可将刀叉摆将刀叉并排放于盘中,表示该菜已食用完可撤盘。切记不可将刀叉摆成十字形,西方人很忌讳成十字形,西方人很忌讳 If at a formal Western dinner knife and fork should start with access to the outside to the inside, as applicableplikblon the order of the dishes.如出席正式的西餐宴会,使用刀叉应先从外侧往内侧取用,以适如出席正式的西餐宴会,使用刀叉应先从外侧往内侧取用,以适用按顺序所上的菜品。用按顺序所上的菜

6、品。 imins sen wine-tasting 西餐品红酒的正确方法是将酒杯倾斜,慢慢将酒送入口中,小口细细品味。西餐品红酒的正确方法是将酒杯倾斜,慢慢将酒送入口中,小口细细品味。 Western goods is the proper way to wine glass tilted, the wine slowly into the mouth, small mouth savor. eat soup 吃西餐饮用汤时首先要注意汤勺应从内向外舀喝。喝汤时闭嘴咀嚼,吃西餐饮用汤时首先要注意汤勺应从内向外舀喝。喝汤时闭嘴咀嚼,不要发出声响。不要发出声响。 Western food first

7、 thing to note when drinking soup spoon to scoop the inside out from drinking. Shut up and chew the soup, do not make noise 不 Coffeeblack tea 要用咖啡匙舀着一匙一匙地喝,应将咖啡匙取出再饮要用咖啡匙舀着一匙一匙地喝,应将咖啡匙取出再饮用,而且要一小口一小口地品用,而且要一小口一小口地品 Use a spoonful of coffee spoons with a spoonful of drinking, coffee spoon should be r

8、emoved to drink, but also to a small place products and a small mouth 6、去西餐厅应注意一下的问题1、去高档的西餐厅,男士要穿整洁 To high-end restaurant, the men wear clean .2、女士要穿晚礼服或套装和有跟的鞋子 Ladies wear evening dress or a suit and heels hi:lz.3、上高档的西餐厅不能穿牛仔裤 On the high-end restaurant can not wear jeans di:nz .4、西餐中酒的种类有:餐前酒、

9、餐中酒、餐后酒。 Western types of wine are: aperitif ,periti:, meal wine, dinner wine. 5、先生们喝的餐前酒一般是马丁尼(Martini)而女士一般喝雪莉酒(Sherry),这是一种非常清淡的白葡萄酒。 Gentlemen drink aperitif generally Martini m:ti:ni while women generally drink sherryeri , this is a very light white wine. Western food culture 西餐饮食文化西餐饮食文化Classi

10、fication of western 西餐的分类(1)distinguished according to differrent country:Western food in the first 西菜之首法式大餐Both simple and etiquette 简洁与礼仪并重英式西餐Western food ancestor 西菜祖始意式Nutrition fast 营养快捷美式菜肴Western food classic 西菜经典俄式Beer buffet 啤酒、自助德式菜肴,klsifikein (2)按照每天用餐的不同时段:A、dinner 正餐(午餐、晚餐)B 、 breakfa

11、st早餐C、 bruch 早午餐 D、 afternoon tea 下午茶F、 dot dt小点(3)按照制作正式与否分:A、home cooking 家常菜B、fast food 快餐C、restaurant menu 餐厅菜吃西餐应讲究以下6个“M”meau吃西餐应讲究以下6个“M”Meal Manner Meeting Mood MusicMenu mu:d Menu(菜谱菜谱)When you walk into western restaurant, the waiter first brought you to your table until you are firmly sec

12、ured, first brought to the menu is. Restaurant menus are regarded as the facade, the boss has always attached great importance, with the best fabrics to make the cover of the menu, and some even marked with a variety of beautiful patterns with a soft sheepskin.How to spot good food, there is a trick

13、 to open the menu, behold dish is named after the hotel, will be able to take it, you know, which the chef will not take their own name to make fun of, so they work hard to make dishes, certainly delicious, certain points.Looking at the menu, a la carte to eat Western food has become an essential pr

14、ogram, it is a way of life.当您走进西餐馆,服务员先领您入座,待您坐稳,首先送上来的便是菜单。菜单被视为餐馆的门面,老板也一向重视,用最好的面料做菜单的封面,有的甚至用软羊皮打上各种美丽的花纹。如何点好菜,有个绝招,打开菜谱,看哪道菜是以饭店名称命名的,一定可以取之,要知道,哪位厨师也不会拿自己店名开玩笑的,所以他们下功夫做出的菜,肯定会好吃的,一定要点。看菜单、点菜已成了吃西餐的一个必不可少的程序,是种生活方式。Music (音乐)Grand Superiors restaurant, have a band, play some soft music, the a

15、verage small restaurant also play some wonderful music. However, where the most emphasis is on the music of audibility, that sounds to achieve may hear and not hear the extent, that is, to concentrate and friends can not hear the conversation, in order to relax click to get heard, the furnace should

16、 master.豪华高级的西餐厅,要有乐队,演奏一些柔和的乐曲,一般的小西餐厅也播放一些美妙的乐曲。但,这里最讲究的是乐声的“可闻度”,即声音要达到“似听到又听不到的程度”,就是说,要集中精力和友人谈话就听不到,要想休息放松一下就听得到,这个火候要掌握好。Mood (气氛)Western attention to environment elegant, harmonious atmosphere. Must be accompanied by music, there are white tablecloths, fresh flowers placed all utensils must

17、be clean. In case of dinner, to the lights dim, the table must be red candles to create a romantic, charming, elegant atmosphere.西餐讲究环境雅致,气氛和谐。一定要有音乐相伴,有洁白的桌布,有鲜花摆放,所有餐具一定洁净。如遇晚餐,要灯光暗淡,桌上要有红色蜡烛,营造一种浪漫、迷人、淡雅的气氛。Meeting (会面)That is and who eat Western food, which must be selected, it must be friends,

18、like-minded people. Western food mainly in touch with friends, rarely do business in the Western table. So Western Chamber, little red in the face of situations.也就是说和谁一起吃西餐,这要有选择的,一定要是亲朋好友,趣味相投的人。吃西餐主要为联络感情,很少在西餐桌上谈生意。所以西餐厅内,少有面红耳赤的场面出现。Manner (礼节)Also known as eat with and eat state, in short, to f

19、ollow Western customs, do not have abrupt move, especially when holding the knife and fork, if dancing, will gaffe. Use a knife and fork, a knife should be right, take the left fork, the food into small pieces, then sent to the entrance with a knife and fork. In general, Europeans do not use a knife

20、 and fork hands, has been using the fork in the left of the food delivery entrance. Americans are good cut, the knife down, his right hand holding the fork food into the mouth. But whenever the knife is never send material inlet. Western banquet, the owner will arrange the adjacent men and women sit

21、, pay attention to ladies first Western gentleman, will show the ladies hospitality.也称之为“吃相”和“吃态”,总之要遵循西方习俗,勿有唐突之举,特别在手拿刀叉时,若手舞足蹈,就会“失态”。使用刀叉,应是右手持刀,左手拿叉,将食物切成小块,然后用刀叉送入口内。一般来讲,欧洲人使用刀叉时不换手,一直用左手持叉将食物送入口内。美国人则是切好后,把刀放下,右手持叉将食物送入口中。但无论何时,刀是绝不能送物入口的。西餐宴会,主人都会安排男女相邻而坐,讲究“女士优先”的西方绅士,都会表现出对女士的殷勤。Meal (食品)

22、An American Gourmet had this to say: The Japanese eat with your eyes, in the form of beautiful food, we eat Western food, is the nose, so we big nose; only you know the great Chinese people eat with their tongues. We Chinese Taste as the core, the core of Western based nutrition, as it is not compar

23、able with the taste of Chinese food.一位美国美食家曾这样说:“日本人用眼睛吃饭,料理的形式很美,吃我们的西餐,是用鼻子的,所以我们鼻子很大;只有你们伟大的中国人才懂得用舌头吃饭。”我们中餐以“味”为核心,西餐是以营养为核心,至于味道那是无法同中餐相提并论的。Western serving order 西餐上菜顺序 (1)头盆(头盆(Appetizers) (2)汤)汤(Soup) (3)色拉()色拉(Salads) (4)主菜)主菜(Main Course) (5)奶酪)奶酪(Cheese)、甜点、甜点(dessert) (6)咖啡或茶。)咖啡或茶。 (co

24、ffee or tea)pitaizs k:s The content of western-style breakfast西式早餐的内容(1)英式早餐(English breakfast)Coffee, tea or cocoa; fruit juice, tomato juice or vegetable juice; all kinds of bread; butter, jam dm, honey; cold or hot cereal, eggs and fish; meats such as sausagessid, bacon and so on. 咖啡、茶或可可;果汁、蕃茄汁或

25、蔬菜汁;各式面包;黄油、果酱、咖啡、茶或可可;果汁、蕃茄汁或蔬菜汁;各式面包;黄油、果酱、蜂蜜;冷或热的谷物食品,鸡蛋及鱼类;肉类如香肠、熏肉等。蜂蜜;冷或热的谷物食品,鸡蛋及鱼类;肉类如香肠、熏肉等。(2)欧陆式早餐(continental breakfast)Content is simple, no eggs ,no meat. Including: coffee, tea or cocoa; fruit juice, tomato juice or vegetable juice; bread, croissants or buns (one); butter, jam (limite

26、d).内容简单,无蛋无肉。包括:咖啡、茶或可可;果汁、蕃茄汁或蔬菜汁;面包、牛角面包或小圆面包(其中一种);黄油、果酱(限量)。kntent sirilbeikn ,kntinentl krw:s bnz rare 三分熟三分熟 Medium rare 四分熟四分熟 medium 五分熟五分熟 Medium well 七分熟七分熟 well done 全熟全熟 几分熟几分熟r mi:dim House Specialty 招牌菜招牌菜Bacon 熏肉熏肉French fries 炸薯条炸薯条cocktailkk,teil 开胃菜开胃菜cream 奶油奶油Salad 色拉色拉salmonsmn

27、三文鱼三文鱼Sausage ssid香肠香肠be sold out 卖完卖完table dhote 套餐套餐take order 写单写单take your time 满满来满满来WordsWestern restaurant wine cultureWestern restaurant wine culture The origin and development of wine酒的起源和发展1、brewing wine 酿造酒(1)Red wine 葡萄酒(2)beer wine 啤酒(3)sake seik日本清酒ridin bru:i 2、Distilled蒸馏酒(1)白兰地Brandy(2)威士忌whsiky(3)伏特加wodka(4)金酒 gin din (5)老姆酒 old rum rm (6


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