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1、Part 1 of a Report: IntroductionuIdentify the author and title of the work, and include the publisher and publication date. uWhen giving the information about the writer, you should include some historical and social background to which the book is related. uTo make things clear, you should read som

2、e reference materials, such as biographies of the writer and histories of the period in which the book was written. IntroductionTitle:Author:Type of book: Sons and Lovers is a novel written by Dvid Herbert Lawrence and it was first published in 1913 in London by Wyman & Sons. D. H. Lawrence was born

3、 at Eastwood, Notts, on September 11, 1885, the fourth child of a miner who had been employed at Brinsley Colliery since he was 7 years old. In 1911, his first novel The White Peacock was published. A Report on I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings In I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings (New York: Bantam Book

4、s, 1971), Maya Angelou (1928- ) tells the story of her earliest years. Angelou, a dancer, poet, and television producer as well as a writer, has continued her life story in three more volumes of autobiography. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings is the start of Maya Angelous story; in this book, she wri

5、tes with crystal clarity about the pains and joys of being black in America.Part 2 of a Report: A Summary of the WorkuWrite an informative summary of the material. It should include such ideas as the setting for the book, the time period in which the story is being told, the main characters and how

6、they interact with each other and the plot.uFiction or nonfiction, the idea is to recognize the main idea or ideas from which you will be able to cultivate an excellent report, a mirror that reflects your impression of the books purpose.uUse direct quotations from the work to illustrate important id

7、eas. Summarize the material so that the reader gets a general sense of all key aspects of the original work. Keep the summary objective and factual.uAs for the tense of the book report, it depends on the subject matter of the book. If it is a novel or a play, the present tense is more appropriate wh

8、ile the past tense is required for nonfiction such as history books. Summary I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings covers Maya Angelous life from age three to age sixteen. We first meet her as a gawky little girl in a white womans cut-down lavender silk dress. She has forgotten the poem she had memorized

9、for the Easter service, and all she can do is rush out of the church. At this point, Angelou is living in Stamps, Arkansas, with her grandmother and uncle. The town is rigidly segretated: “People in Stmaps used to say that the whites in our town were so prejudiced that a Negro couldnt buy vanilla ic

10、e cream” (40). Yet Angelou has some good things in her life: her adored older brother Bailey, her success in school, and her pride in her grandmothers quiet strength and importance in the black community. There is laughter, too, as when a preacher is interrupted in midsermon by an overly enthusiasti

11、c woman shouting, “Preach it, I say preach it!” (39) The woman, in a frenzied rush of excitement, hits the preacher with her purse; his false teeth fly out of his mouth and land at Angelous feet. Shortly after this incident, Angelou and her brother are taken by her father to live in California with

12、their mother. Here, at age eight, she is raped by her mothers boyfriend, who is mysteriously murdered after receiving only a suspended sentence for his crime. She returns, silent and withdrawn, to Stamps, where the gloom is broken when a friend of her mother introduces her to the magic of great book

13、s. Later, at age thirteen, Angelou returns to California. She learns how to dance. She rens away after a violent family fight and lives for a month in a junkyard. She becomes the first black female to get a job on the San Francisco streetcars. She graduates from high school eight months pregnant. An

14、d she survives. Part 3 of a Report: Your Reaction to the WorkuFocus on any or all of the questions below. nHow is the assigned work related to ideas and concerns discussed in the course? For example, what points made in the course textbook, class discussions, or lectures are treated more fully in th

15、e work?nHow is the work related to problems in our present-day world?nHow is the work related to your life, experiences, feelings, and ideas? For instance, what emotions did it arouse in you? Did it increase your understanding of an issue or change your perspective?uEvaluate the merit of the work: t

16、he importance of its points; its accuracy, completeness, and organization; and so on. Reaction 1 I was impressed with the vividness of Maya Angelous writing style. For example, she describes the lazy dullness of her life in Stamps: “Weekdays revolved in a sameness wheel. They turned into themselves

17、so steadily and inevitably that each seemed to be the original of yesterdays rough draft” (93). She also knows how to bring a scene to life, as when she describes her eighth-grade graduation. For months, she has been looking forward to this event, knowing she will be honored for her academic success

18、es. She is even happy with her appearance: Her hair has become pretty, and her yellow dress is a miracle of hand-sewing. But the ceremony is spoiled when the speakera white manimplies that the only success available to blacks is in athletics. Angelou remembers: “The mans dead words fell like bricks

19、around the auditorium and too many settled in my belly. The proud graduating class of 1940 had dropped their heads” (152). Later, Angelou uses a crystal-clear image to describe her fathers mistress sewing: “She worked the thread through the flowered cloth as if she were sewing the torn ends of her l

20、ife together” (208). With such vivid details and figures of speech, Maya Angelou re-creates her life for her readers. Reaction 2 I also reacted strongly to the descriptions of injustices suffered by blacks two generations ago. I was as horrified as the seven-year-old Maya when some “powhitetrash” gi

21、rls torment her dignified grandmother, calling her “Annie” and mimicking her mannerisms. In another incident, Mrs. Cullinan, Angelous white employer, decides that Marguerite (Angelous real name) is too difficult to pronounce and so renames her Mary. This loss of her namea “hellish horror” (91)is ano

22、ther humiliation suffered at white hands, and Angelou leaves Mrs. Cullinans employ soon afterward. Later, Angelou encounters overt discrimination when a white dentist tells her grandmother, “Annie, my policy is Id rather stick my hand in a dogs mouth than in a niggers” (160)and only slightly less ob

23、vious predudice when the streetcar company refuses to accept her application for a conductors job. We see Angelou over and over as the victim of a white society.Reaction 3 Although I was saddened to read about the injustices, I rejoiced in Angelous triumphs. Angelou is thrilled when she hears the ra

24、dio broadcast of Joe Louiss victory over Primo Carnera: “A Black boy. Some Black mothers son. He was the strongest man in the world” (114). She weeps with pride when the class valedictorian leads her and her fellow eighth-graders in singing the Negro National Anthem. And there are personal victories

25、, too. One of these comes after her father has gotten drunk in a small Mexican town. Though she has never driven before, she manages to get her father into the car and drives fifty miles through the night as he lies intoxicated in the backseat. Finally, she rejoices in the birth of her son: “He was

26、beautiful and mine. Totally mine. No one had bought him for me” (245). Angelou shows us, through these examples, that she is proud of her raceand of herself. Conclusion I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings is a remarkable book. Angelou could have been just another casualty to race prejudice. Yet by using

27、 her intelligence, sensitivity, and determination, she succeeds in spite of the odds against her. And by writing with such power, she lets us share her defeats and joys. She also teaches us a vital lesson: With strength and persistence, we can escape our cagesand sing our songs.Review: The Basic Str

28、ucture of a Book ReportIntroduction: Title/Author; Publication Information: publisher and year; A brief (1-2 sentences) introduction to the book and the report.Summary:When and where does the story take place? Time: Place:Who is the story about? Characters:What happened in the story or to the subjec

29、t of the book?What is the theme of the book?Reaction:What impression did the book leave you with?What were the things you especially liked or disliked about the book?Conclusion:Briefly conclude by pulling your thoughts together. Would you recommend the book for another person? Why or why not?Points to Keep in Mind When Writing a ReportuApply the four basic standards of effective writing (unity, support, coherence, andclear, error-free sentences).nMake sure each major paragraph presents and then develops a single main point. Then the report is closed with a short concludi


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