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1、英语对话谈喜欢运动话题对话带翻译英语对话谈喜欢运动篇一 海伦: jack, what kind of exercises do you like to do 杰克.你平时做什么运动 杰克: well, i love to do push-ups.and i go cycling every day. 掌上压.每天我都骑车 海伦: what do you like about them 你喜欢它们什么 杰克: theyre free of charge anyway.chuckles.well, it makes me feel stronger, but the important thing

2、 is that it makes me feel good. 不用花钱笑它们让我感觉更强壮.不过重要的是它们让我觉得很舒服. 海伦: what else do you do 你还做什么运动 杰克: swimming, jogging, playing football- 游泳.慢跑.踢足球-. 海伦: wow!that sounds great. how often do you go jogging 太厉害了.你都什么时候去跑步啊 杰克: i try to do at least a little every day. the key to do exercise is to do it

3、regularly. 我每天都运动.重点是有规律. 海伦: what are the best exercises for my health 什么运动最有益. 杰克: i think its impossible to name one exercise thats good for everyone. 我想这很难讲. 海伦: what about yoga 瑜珈怎么样 杰克: oh, yeah, i almost forgot. yoga now is the most popular exercise in the states. lots of people are doing tha

4、t, especially those movie stars. they think its a good way of losing weight and it can calm you down, make you think of nothing, just concentrate 我差点忘了.那是美国最流行的运动.很多人都做.尤其是明星们.那会让你平静下来.忘记一切.杰克:集中精力. 海伦: that sounds like chinese breath exercise. 象中国的气功 杰克: what is that 那是什么 海伦: its called qigong. its

5、 just like yoga. you know that stuff, but in a different way. 中国话叫气功.就象瑜珈一样.你知道那种东西.只是方式不同. 杰克: well, allen, whats your favorite sport 海伦.你最喜欢什么运动 海伦: sleeping i guess 睡觉. 内容解析 短语concentrate on oneself表示集中精力.全神贯注.英语对话谈喜欢运动篇二 jane:well, whats this about ive received more than twenty useless fliers.呃,

6、这是关于什么的我已经 jane: well, whats this about ive received more than twenty useless fliers. 呃,这是关于什么的我已经收到了20多张没有用的宣传页了。 shirley: yes, thats really annoying. but this one is about bodybuilding. 呃,这是关于什么的我已经收到了20多张没有用的宣传页了。 jane: bodybuilding let me have a look!i do need such kind of thing. i start to look

7、 a little plump. 健身让我看看!我正需要类似的活动。我看起来有点发福了。 shirley: so, what do they say is there something special 上面怎么说有比较特别的东西吗 jane: yeah, it says they have a health club, a health farm and a health spa. 上面说他们有健身房,健身村和健身温泉疗养地。 shirley: and what sort of courses do they offer 他们有什么样的课程呀 jane: let me see, oh, th

8、ey have aerobics, yoga, hip-top, taekwondo and things like that. 让我看看,噢,他们有健美操、瑜伽、街舞、跆拳道等类似的运动。 shirley: sounds nice! aerobics is my favorite activity. its effective to deal with this waistline. dont you think my waistline is getting smaller 听起来不错,健美操是我最喜欢的运动。这对腰部的瘦身十分有效。你不认为我的腰围变得越来越小了吗 jane: yes,

9、ive noticed that. you know, my waistline has been a big problem since my son was born. ive tried a number of things, but theyve all turned out to be useless. its really irritating. 嗯,我注意到了。你知道吗自从我生完小孩后,腰围一直是个问题。我试了各种方法,但是结果都没有用。都快烦死我了。 shirley: yeah, what does it say about personal trainers we may w

10、ant to look into that, because some of them are irresponsible and unskillful. 也是,上面说到私人教练了吗我们必须了解清楚,因为现在很多教练不负责,而且也不专业。 jane: thats right. the flier says all the aerobics trainers there graduate from international personal trainer institute. 是这样的。这上面说所有的健美操教练都是国际私人教练学院毕业的。 shirley: oh, its relief to

11、 hear that. and another thing, can you hold on to it from beginning to the end 那就放心了。另外还有一件事,你能够坚持吗 jane: i see that could be a real problem for me. do you have any suggestions 我知道,那对于我来说确实是个问题。你有什么建议吗 shirley: once you made up your mind, dont give yourself any excuse for quitting. but i still wanna

12、 say before making any decision, you have to think it over. 一旦你做了决定后,不要给自己任何退出的理由。但是我仍然想说的是,在你做决定之前一定要好好想清楚。 jane: thats definitely right. but beauty never comes cheap. i believe i will overcome it. 那确实是这样。但是美丽是要付出代价的。我相信我能够克服的。 shirley: yes, nothing is impossible to a willing heart. i know you can

13、do it. 是的,有志者事竟成。我相信我能够做到。英语对话谈喜欢运动篇三 awould you like to go skiing with me i heard the new ski area is great. they have safe tracks, especially for the beginners and provide free training. i think it suits you best. 你要和我一起去滑雪吗我听说有一个新的滑雪的地方很不错。它们有安全的路线,特别是对于新手,它们还提供免费培训。我想它最适合你了。 bsounds not bad! you know, the only thing i worried about is the safety. im not an active exerciser and my muscle may be not strong enough for such an intense sport. 听起来不错!你知道的,我唯一担心的问题是安全。我不是一个活跃的运动者,对于那样一项激烈的运动,我的肌肉还不够强壮。 athen you can go to the three-day-long training camp first. therere some pr


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