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1、RealCommunicationAn Integrated Course制作 外语教学与研究出版社 版权所有123456Active Reading 1Text Discuss the quotationGo to the text Whats in a Name? 1 Today its only the exceedingly famous who are known by just one name, but even Sting, Cher and Madonna started life with a surname. In England alone there are arou

2、nd 45,000 different surnames. But prior to 1000 AD in Britain, everyone was known by the given name only, or perhaps their nickname.Text 2 Different areas of the world adopted surnames at different periods in time. The Chinese were among the first people to use family names to honour their parents f

3、rom about 2800 BC. In Europe, the Romans started calling people by their given name and family name in Latin from 300 BC, but it wasnt common practice throughout Europe until the 10th or 11th century, when first, the lords and gentry, then middle-class citizens, and finally everyone used surnames. T

4、ext The necessity for surnames arose when the population began to grow. Suddenly there was more than one person with the same name in a village, so surnames were used. Generally, these surnames were not handed down to the next generation, but after the fall of the Roman Empire, Ireland was one of th

5、e first countries to adopt hereditary surnames, and Irish surnames are found as early as the 10th century.Text 3 As communities grew, it became necessary to identify residents more specifically with a name which referred to a dominant feature such as a physical attribute, an occupation, or a place o

6、f origin. This led to names like John the Butcher, William the Short, Henry from Sutton, Mary of the Wood, and Roger, son of Richard.Text 4 After the Norman Conquest of England, the new rulers (from Normandy in northern France) of the realm obliged people to adopt fixed surnames for administrative r

7、easons, as a form of registration for the census and for taxation. Gradually, most Saxon and Celtic names vanished (Oslaf, Oswald, Oswin Os meaning God), and we see names like Carpenter, Thatcher, Cook and Baker, Hill, Forest. Any man who left his home and moved to another part of the country would

8、be called by the place where he came from, eg John of York, and other immigrants from Ireland, Highland Scotland and Wales (when it became part of Great Britain in 1536) adopted the English system of surnames.Text 5 Surnames from places were most common. In fact, more than half of English surnames t

9、oday derive from geographic descriptions: Bedford, Berkley, Hampshire could have been names given to people who migrated from these places to live and work elsewhere, or may have been the names of the landowners where they lived.Text 6 A name ending in -man or -er usually suggests a trade or occupat

10、ion, although as the spelling was only fixed in the 19th century, they often look different from the original word, for example Latimer meaning ranslator, and Jenner, engineer. Personal or moral qualities generated names as well: Good, Goodchild, T h o r o u g h g o o d , a n d B l a k e ( B l a c k

11、 ) .Text 7 Many surnames come from someones relationship with another, such as Williamson (Williams son). This naming pattern between a father and his heirs can be seen clearly in Sweden, where each successive generation followed suit: The so-called Hans Peterson would be the son of Peter, and Hans

12、Petersons son would be called Jan Hanson. (On the female side, the daughter of Hans would be called Hansdotter.)Text The Norman French added Fitz- to mean child of as in Fitzpatrick, the child of Patrick. The Irish used O, as in OBrien, the Dutch used van (van Buren), the French used de (de Gaulle),

13、 Arabic speakers used ibn (ibn Saud) and the Scottish used Mac (MacDonald). Next time you feel like a hamburger, try asking for a son of Big Donald, please a big Mac.Text 8 A historic event, such as invasion by a foreign power, has often had an effect on surnames, especially when the official langua

14、ge of the newly-created colony was changed. This is particularly noticeable in regions of Central and Eastern Europe, where the borders and the language used within them have changed several times over recent years. When the English invaded Ireland in the 1660s, and English became the legal language

15、, Gaelic names were anglicized or translated into English.Text 9 Its often possible for Westerners to recognize the nationality or origin of people by their names, but this is much more difficult for Asians to do. There are as many rules about this as there are names but we can suggest some very gen

16、eral guidelines about given names. Basically, if a given name ends in -e or -a, it may be a womans name. If it ends in a consonant, its probably a mans name. Text If a name ends in -e, -tte, or -elle (Marie, Yvette or Isabelle), it probably belongs to a French woman. Remember also that many French w

17、omens names are the male version with the additional -e. If a name ends in -a, its likely to be an Italian or, less likely, a Spanish or Russian name (Maria, Alessandra; Ana, Juliana; Olga, Natalya). But there are of course exceptions for mens names, such as Pierre and Claude (French).Text 10 A name

18、 ending in -os or -is probably belongs to a Greek male, for example, Spyros, oannis. Names ending in -ch and -fried suggest very often German men, such as Friedrich, Gottfried. Names ending with -o are likely to be Italian or Spanish (Alessandro, Antonio, Carlo and Diego, Francisco and Gonzalo).Text

19、 11 Complicated? Well, in the UK and the US, a significant proportion of the population comprises a substantial number of immigrants over several generations, where given names and surnames from different origins are combined by people marrying outside their ethnic group. So immigration and intermar

20、riage complicates the situation hugely, and it becomes very difficult to say with total certainty what nationality someone is, only perhaps where their families originally came from. Text 名字说明了什么名字说明了什么 1 现在,只有知名度极高的人才会仅仅凭一个名字就闻名于世,但即便是斯汀、雪儿、麦当娜这样的超级明星也是生来就有个姓氏的。现在仅在英国就有45,000个不同的姓氏。而在公元1000年以前,那里所有

21、的人只有名,没有姓,或者是只有个绰号。Text 2 世界上不同的地区开始采用姓氏的时间各不相同。中国人是最早采用姓氏的民族之一,大约在公元前2800年,他们就开始用姓氏来表示对父母的尊敬。在欧洲,罗马人从公元前300年起就用拉丁文的姓和名来称呼别人,但是一直到公元10或者11世纪,这种做法才在整个欧洲流行起来,最先是在贵族阶层中间,然后是城市的中产阶级,到最后所有人都开始使用姓氏。Text 因为随着人口的增长,姓氏就显得越来越有必要了。忽然间,在一个村子里出现了两个同名的人,所以人们就开始用姓氏来区分他们。一般来说,这些姓氏不会传给下一代,但在罗马帝国灭亡后,爱尔兰成了最早使用世袭姓氏的欧洲国

22、家之一,而且爱尔兰姓氏早在公元10世纪就出现了。Text 3 随着社会人口的增长,用一个更加具体的姓氏来辨别居民的身份变得越来越有必要,这些名字通常能体现一个人的主要特征,比如身体特征、职业或是祖籍。于是就出现了像屠夫约翰、矮子威廉、来自萨顿的亨利、树林里的玛丽、理查德的儿子罗杰这样的名字。Text 4 诺曼人征服英格兰之后,新的统治阶级(来自法国北部的诺曼底)出于管理上的需要,强制人们使用固定的姓氏,以备人口普查以及征税时登记之用。渐渐地,大多数撒克逊和凯尔特姓氏消失了(奥斯拉夫、奥斯瓦尔德、奥斯温奥斯是“神”的意思),取而代之的是像卡朋特(木匠)、撒切尔(盖茅草屋顶的人)、库克(厨师)、贝

23、克(面包师)、 希尔(山)、 福利斯特(森林)这类姓氏。对于离乡背井,搬到另外一个地方居住的人,人们会以他的出生地来称呼他,比如约克郡的约翰,而其他从爱尔兰、苏格兰高地和威尔士来的移民(1536年威尔士成为英国的一部分)也采用了英格兰的姓氏体系。Text 5 以地名做姓氏是最为常见的现象。事实上,当今英国超过半数的姓氏来源于地理学上的描述:如贝德福德、伯克利、汉普希尔这些姓氏可能是用来称呼从这些地方到别处去生活和谋生的人的,也可能是住在当地的地主的名字。Text 6 以man或er结尾的姓氏通常体现一个人从事的行业或职业,因为英语拼写到了19世纪才最终固定下来,所以它们看起来和原词已经很不一样

24、了,比如拉蒂默(Latimer)是翻译的意思,而詹纳(Jenner)则表示工程师。表示个人特点或道德品质的词也被用作姓氏:比如古德(好)、古德察尔德(好孩子)、萨鲁古德(大好人)、布莱克(黑)等等。Text 7 许多姓氏源于人与人之间的关系,比如威廉姆森(即威廉的儿子)。这种基于父亲和子嗣关系的姓氏模式在瑞典尤为明显,每一代人都按这种模式如法炮制:所谓汉斯彼得森应该是彼得的儿子,而汉斯彼得森的儿子会取名叫扬汉森。(而在女性那一支,汉斯的女儿会叫作汉斯多特。)Text 法国的诺曼人则会在姓氏前加一个菲茨(Fitz)来表示是某人的子女,比如菲茨帕特里克就是帕特里克的孩子。而爱尔兰人用“奥”来表示这

25、种关系,比如奥布莱恩,荷兰人用“凡”字(比如凡布伦),法国人用“德”字(比如戴德高乐),阿拉伯人用“伊本”(比如伊本沙特),苏格兰人用“麦克”(比如麦克唐纳德)来表示。下次你想吃汉堡的时候,可以对服务员说请给我来个“大号的唐纳德的儿子”,即巨无霸汉堡。Text 8 一些重大的历史事件,如外国势力入侵,也通常会对姓氏产生一定的影响,尤其是当这个刚刚沦为殖民地的国家的官方语言也被更换掉的时候。这种情况在中欧和东欧地区尤为明显,位于这些区域的国家其边界地区和当地所使用的语言在近年来都多次发生改变。17世纪60年代,当英格兰人入侵爱尔兰时,英语成了爱尔兰的官方语言,原来盖尔语的人名都被英语化了,或是被

26、译成了英语。Text 9 对西方人来说,通过名字识别国籍或是种族并非难事,但对于亚洲人来说就要困难得多。这其中涉及到的规则和名字一样数量繁多,但是我们可以总结出一些关于名字的基本原则。基本上,如果名字是以e或者a结尾,那很可能是个女性的名字。如果是以辅音结尾,那很可能是男性的名字。Text 如果某个名字是以e、tte或者elle结尾,那她很可能是位法国女性(比如玛丽、伊薇特,或者是伊莎贝拉)。还有一点要注意,不少法国女性的名字就是在男性的名字后面加上一个e。如果一个名字是以a结尾,那么这很有可能是个意大利人,当然也可能是西班牙人或者是俄罗斯人(比如玛利亚、亚历桑德拉;安娜、朱丽安娜;奥尔加、娜

27、塔莉亚)。当然男性名字中也有一些例外,比如像皮埃尔、克劳德这样的(法国)名字也都是以e结尾的。Text 10 以os或者is结尾的通常是希腊男性的名字,比如斯派洛斯、伊奥尼斯。如果名字是以ch或者fried结尾,那他通常是一个德国男性,比如弗里德里希、格特弗里德。以o结尾的名字表明这可能是位意大利或是西班牙的男性(亚历桑德罗、安东尼奥,卡洛和迭戈,弗朗西斯科和冈萨洛)。Text 11 是不是很复杂?可是,在英国和美国,人口中很大一部分几代都是移民,他们和其他族裔的人通婚,于是不同的姓氏和名字结合在了一起。因此移民和通婚使得情况更为复杂化,要百分之百地确定某个人的民族十分困难,只能是大致了解他们

28、的家族是从哪里移民来的。Text Words & PhrasesexceedinglypriornicknamelordgentrynecessityhereditaryvanishtaxationcensusregistrationadministrativeobligerealmhistorichamburgersuccessiveheirtranslatorlandownermigrateresidentdominantconquestgeographicimmigrationimmigrantnoticeablecolonyinvasionWords & Phrasesangliciz

29、enationalitybasicallyconsonantproportioncomprisesubstantialintermarriagehugelycertaintyfollow suitWords & PhrasesSting 斯汀(1951,英国实力派歌手)Cher 雪儿(1946,美国歌星、演员)Madonna 麦当娜(1958,美国歌星、演员)Ireland 爱尔兰(西欧国家)the Norman Conquest 诺曼征服(指1066年诺曼国王威廉在黑斯廷斯战役中击败英格兰国王哈罗德的军队)Normandy 诺曼底(法国一地区)Saxon 撒克逊人的(公元五至六世纪移民至英格

30、兰的日耳曼人)Celtic 凯尔特人的Words & PhrasesWales 威尔士(与英格兰、苏格兰和北爱尔兰组成英国)Bedford 贝德福德(英国英格兰东南部城市)Berkley 伯克利(美国加利福尼亚州西部城市)Hampshire 汉普夏郡(英国英格兰郡名)Arabic 阿拉伯的Scottish 苏格兰人;苏格兰人的Highland Scotland 苏格兰高地(指苏格兰北部的山丘地带)Words & PhrasesGaelic (尤指苏格兰高地的凯尔特人)盖尔人的;盖尔语的Greek 1.希腊的;希腊文化的 2.希腊人;希腊语exceedingly ad. (fml) extrem

31、ely 非常;极其e.g. 1. Some of the children have done exceedingly well. 有些孩子做得非常好。2. He drove exceedingly fast. 他把车开得极快。3. The team played exceedingly well. 这支球队打得非常出色。Word family: exceed v. exceeding a. Words & Phrasesprior a. happening, existing, or done before a particular time 先前的;之前的;事先的e.g. 1. Joe w

32、alked off his job without prior consultation. 乔未经事先同意就离开了工作岗位。2. Illegally parked cars may be removed at any time without prior notice. 违法停放的车辆或许会不经事先通知就被移走。3. This task is prior to all others. 这项任务比所有其它任务都重要。Words & PhrasesChoose the ONE that best completes the sentence. All the arrangements should

33、 be completed _ your departure. (CET4-2005-06-67) A) prior toB) superior to C) contrary toD) parallel toWords & PhrasesApriority n. sth. important that must be done first or needs more attention than anything else 优先(权);优先考虑的事;(车辆的)优先通行权e.g. 1. A fire engine must have priority as it usually has to d

34、eal with some kind of emergency. (CET4-2003-01-55) 消防车必须有优先通行权,因为它通常要应对某些紧急情况。2. You must give this matter priority. 你必须优先处理此事。3. Her family takes priority over her work. 对她来说,家庭比工作重要。 Words & Phrasesnickname n. C an informal name that your friends or family call you that is not your real name 绰号;诨名

35、;昵称e.g. 1. She called me by my nickname. 她叫我的外号。 2. Jess is just my nickname my real name is Jessica. 杰西只是我的昵称,我的真名是杰西卡。 3. He got his nickname Ash from his heavy smoking. 他烟瘾极大,因而得了个“烟灰”的外号。Words & Phraseslord n. C a man who has a high rank in the British aristocracy (=highest social class) (英国的)(男

36、性)贵族e.g. 1. The king and all the great lords were scared out of wits at the news. 听到这个消息,国王和全体高等贵族们吓得不知所措。 2. There lived a great thane, or lord, called Macbeth. 有一个显赫的爵士,或称贵族,名叫麦克白。 Words & Phrasesgentry n. sing. & mass an old word for people from a high social class (古时用语)上流人士;绅士e.g. 1. The so-cal

37、led golden-collar gentry are essentially nothing but brain-workers with high income. 所谓的“金领贵族”实质上不过是高收入的脑力劳动者而已。2. Better be the head of the yeomanry than the tail of the gentry. 宁做自由民之首,不居贵族之末。Words & Phrasesnecessity n. 1) U a process, thing, or action that is needed in a situation 必要;必要性;需要e.g. 1

38、. The approach of the Chinese Lunar New Year poses a national issue concerning the necessity of holding the CCTV Spring Festival Gala. (CET4-2006-12) 中国农历新年的到来引发了一个全民关注的问题:是否有必要举办中央电视台春节联欢晚会。2. These animals dont like water but will swim if the necessity arises. 这些动物不喜水,但必要时会游泳。Words & Phrases2) C s

39、th. that you must have in order to live, work, or do sth. 必不可少之物;必需品e.g. 1. They lacked even the bare necessities of life. (the bare necessities: the basic things that everyone needs) 他们甚至缺乏基本的生活用品。2. A good book is a necessity when travelling. 出门旅行时,一本好书是必不可少的。3. Food is a necessity, but wine is an

40、 extravagance. 食物是必需品,而酒则是奢侈品。 Word family:necessary a.Words & Phraseshereditary a. 1) a hereditary title or right is officially passed from a parent to their child 称号或权利世袭的e.g. She believes that hereditary peerages should be abolished. 她认为世袭贵族应当被废除。2) a hereditary disease or quality is passed from

41、a parent to a child in their genes 疾病或品质遗传的e.g. He is unable to speak because of hereditary deafness. 他因为遗传性的耳聋所以不能说话。 Words & Phrasesresident n. C someone who lives in a particular place 居民;定居者;住客e.g. 1. According to the American federal government, residents of Hawaii have the longest life span: 7

42、7.2 years. (CET4-2001-06) 根据美国联邦政府的调查,夏威夷居民的寿命最长:77.2岁。2. Are you a resident of Shanghai? 你是上海市居民吗? 3. Every adult permanent resident will be eligible to vote. 所有成年的永久性居民都有资格投票。 Words & Phrasesdominant a. more important, powerful, or successful than the other people or things of the same type 显眼的;占统

43、治地位的e.g. 1. The company cannot preserve its dominant position in the market. 这家公司无法保持其在市场上的统治地位。2. The issue of climate change was the dominant theme of the conference. 气候变化问题是此次大会的主要议题。Word Family: dominance n. dominate v. Words & Phrasesconquest n. U 1) sing the process of taking control of land o

44、r people during a war 攻取;占领;征服e.g. the Spanish conquest of Peru 西班牙征服秘鲁2) the process of gaining control of something through great effort 战胜;克服;攻克e.g. our strategy for the conquest of foreign markets 我们攻克国外市场的战略 Words & Phrasesrealm n. C 1) (mainly literary) a country ruled by a king or queen 王国e.g

45、. 1. The king was concerned about the safety of the real. 国王十分关心王国的安全。2. Royal taxation usually had to be for the defence of the realm. 王室的税收通常要用于国防。3. The king sought to expand his realm. 国王谋求扩大领土。 Words & Phrases2) (fml) a particular area of knowledge, experience, interest etc. 领域;范围e.g. 1. Their

46、failures in the realm have damaged their self-confidence and creditability. 他们在本领域的失败使他们的自信心和可信度受损。2. While much is known about what occurs during sleep, the precise function of sleep and its different stages remains largely in the realm of assumption. (CET4-2003-01-48) 虽然我们知道很多有关睡眠期间发生什么的事,但是睡眠确切的功

47、能及其不同阶段仍大多停留在假想状态。 Words & Phrasesoblige vt. usually passive (fml) force someone to do something because it is the law, a rule, or a duty(以法律、规定或责任)迫使e.g. Employers are legally obliged to pay the minimum wage. 法律规定雇主必须支付最低工资。Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence.Cancellation of the flight

48、_ many passengers tospend the night at the airport. (CET4-2001-01-44)A) resultedB) obliged C) demandedD) recommendWord family: obligation n. Words & PhrasesBadministrative a. relating to the management of a company, organization, or institution 行政的;管理的;经营的e.g. 1. The complex administrative arrangeme

49、nts render the decision-making process somewhat opaque. 复杂的行政协商使决策过程透明度不高。2. The State Council exercises the function and power to appoint and remove administrative personnel according to the provisions of the law. 国务院有依照法律规定行使任、免行政人员的职权。Word family:administration n. Words & Phrasesregistration n. U

50、 the process of recording names or information on an official list 登记;注册;记录e.g. 1. The registration of students for the course will begin on Thursday morning. 学生登记上的这门课将于星期四上午开始。2. Marriage without registration will not be recognized by the law. 没登记就结婚,法律是不承认的。 3. At registration I had trouble picki

51、ng out my courses. 注册时,我不知道选读哪门功课好。 Word family: register v. Words & Phrasescensus n. C an occasion on which government officials count the people who live in a country and record other information about them 人口统计;人口普查e.g. 1. A census of population is taken every ten years. 人口普查每十年进行一次。2. The census

52、 results show that big changes have taken place in the populations age composition. 这次人口普查反映出中国人口年龄结构发生了较大变化。 Words & Phrasestaxation n. U 1) the system that a government uses for collecting money from people in the form of taxes 税制e.g. The poll tax was a very unpopular form of taxation. 人头税这种税收形式极不

53、受欢迎。2) the money that a government collects from people from taxes 税,税款e.g. Reducing taxation further could have disastrous economic consequences. 进一步减少税收可能会造成灾难性的经济后果。Words & Phrasesvanish vi. 1) disappear in a sudden and mysterious way 突然消失e.g. With a wave of his hand, the magician made the rabbit

54、 vanish. 魔术师手一挥兔子便不见了。2) stop existing completely 不复存在;绝迹;灭亡e.g. Many types of animals have now vanished from the earth. 很多种类的动物现在已经从地球上绝迹了。 Words & Phrasesimmigrant n. C someone who comes to live in a country from another country(自外国移入的)移民e.g. There has been a rise in the number of immigrants comin

55、g from Eastern Europe, especially Poland. 来自东欧尤其是波兰的移民数量一直在增长。Word family:immigrate vi. immigration n. Cf. emigrant n. someone who leaves their country in order to live in another country. They are known in their new country as an immigrant. emigrate vi. leave your country in order to live in anothe

56、r countryWords & Phrasesimmigration n. U the process in which people enter a country in order to live there permanently 移居;移民e.g. 1. A considerable number of people object to the governments attitude to immigration. 相当多的人反对政府对待移民问题的态度。2. Do British immigration laws conflict with any international la

57、ws? 英国的移民法与国际法有抵触吗?Words & Phrasesgeographic a. relating to an area or place, or to its geography 地理的;地理学的e.g. 1. The citys success owes much to its geographic position. 这座城市的成功很大程度上归功于它的地理位置。2. The geographic scope of product markets has widened since the war. 战后产品市场的地理范围扩大了。Word Family: geography

58、n.Words & Phrasesmigrate vi. 1) go to another place or country in order to find work 移居;迁移e.g. Pioneers from New England migrated to all parts of the United States. 来自新英格兰的拓荒者移居到美国各地。2) if a bird or animal migrates, it travels to another part of the world for warmer weather at a particular time of t

59、he year(鸟或动物)迁徙e.g. These birds migrate northwards in spring and southwards in fall. 这些鸟春天向北迁徙,秋天向南迁徙。 Words & Phraseslandowner n. C someone who owns a large amount of land 地主;土地所有者e.g. 1. As a landowner, he was actively interested in agricultural improvements. 作为土地所有者,他对于农业方面的改良怀有浓厚的兴趣。2. The lando

60、wner wanted to divert the river to irrigate his land. 地主想把那条河流改道来浇灌他的土地。 Words & Phrasestranslator n. C someone who changes spoken or written words into another language, especially as their job(尤指职业的)翻译者,笔译者,译员e.g. The translator has done a good job of rendering this difficult poem into his native


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