1、提高高中生英语阅读能力的有效策略吴伟伟高中生英语阅读的现状高中生英语阅读的现状 阅读被“异化” 被动阅读 不重视阅读量的积累教师在处理阅读时的误区教师在处理阅读时的误区传统教学方法的束缚知识与能力的关系处理不当教授语法句型的途径教师讲得过多,学生思维太少学生被动接受过多,自主学习过少改变现状的有效对策改变现状的有效对策 扭转“异化”的阅读观念 重申阅读意义 培养正确的阅读态度What is readingWhat is reading? Reading is the process of constructing meaning through the dynamic Interaction
2、among the readers existing knowledge, the information suggested by the written language, and the context of the reading situation. Anthony Pearson, & Raphael 阅读的实质阅读的实质 读者用自己已有的知识、经验和思维能力,把作者所要传达的信息、表达的思想、寓示的哲理及包含的情感等领悟感受出来。 现代外语教学理论认为:阅读不是被动的,机械的接受语言活动的过程,而是一种智力活动,是一种创造性的思维劳动。阅读教学过程阅读教学过程 Pre-readi
3、ng: 调动学生已有的知识和经验,为输入新的知识和技能做准备(话题、情感态度和语言准备) While-reading:语言输入,信息提取、加工、整理,新知识建构与内化,语言知识与技能训练,举一反三 Post-reading:语言知识与技能的巩固和综合运用读前活动读前活动w 激发阅读兴趣,明确阅读目的w 熟悉话题,预测内容w 在语境中呈现关键词汇w 布置阅读任务 读中活动读中活动 常见的课堂阅读教学活动w 朗读课文,回答问题w 做选择题和判断正误题w 讲解课文、语言点,翻译句子 这些活动往往以教师为中心,学生参与有限,没有关注阅读过程, 更多关注的是阅读结果。请思考:请思考: 是否有其他有效的读
4、中活动方式?是否有其他有效的读中活动方式? 读中活动读中活动COMPLICATEDINPUT复杂的语言输入复杂的语言输入 TRANSITIONDEVICE信息转换机制信息转换机制OUTPUT经过整合和内经过整合和内化的语言输出化的语言输出Transition devices Transition devices (信息转换)(信息转换) From texts to: Pictures Pie charts Drawings Bar charts Maps Flowcharts Tables Sequencing Subtitles Tree diagrams Notes Cyclic diag
5、rams 根据不同体裁和文体选用不同的信息转换方式根据不同体裁和文体选用不同的信息转换方式读后活动读后活动Role play Making a posterDiscussions Making a surveyProject work Making an ad.Retelling Making a brochure A Short Play Making an interviewWriting Making a picture story 读后活动的层次读后活动的层次一、基于文本信息的输出一、基于文本信息的输出 v 根据所读信息进行口、笔头转述v 根据笔记写出梗概v 根据所读内容开展访谈活动v
6、 利用所读的信息,从另一个角度改写文段二、超越文本信息的输出二、超越文本信息的输出v创设相似语境,整合并迁移所学知识,形成新的能力v 根据主题开展辩论 v对主题或人物进行讨论、评价作者态度,理 解文章的深层含意。阅读材料的选择阅读材料的选择1.Finding a focus to teach2.Selection of materials 趣味性 适中性 多样性 时代性 循序渐进性学生普遍存在的问题学生普遍存在的问题 缺乏语言环境 语言知识储备不足 缺乏英美文化背景知识 没有正确的阅读方法 缺乏良好的心理素质 缺少系统的阅读技巧训练CultureCulture、knowledge and sk
7、illknowledge and skill 积累词汇和习惯用法积累词汇和习惯用法 Driller (1978)词汇统计特征wordsper page2533%13550%250078%500080%1000092%积累词汇和习惯用法积累词汇和习惯用法1.重视构词法,提升词汇学习效率 派生:frighten,kindness,misjudge,displeasure 合成:Greenhouse, supermarket, schoolbag 转化:drink some water/water the flower积累词汇和习惯用法积累词汇和习惯用法2.词不离句,句不离文,在阅读中学习词汇 To
8、 read well, you need a strong vocabulary. To build a strong vocabulary, you need to read well.牢固掌握语法知识牢固掌握语法知识语法知识是突破长句、难句的关键I cant live in fear of the possibility that as the earths population grows and we use more and more of our nonrenewable(不能再生的不能再生的) resources, our children may have to lead po
9、orer lives.牢固掌握语法知识牢固掌握语法知识语法知识是突破长句、难句的关键I cant live in fear of the possibility that as the earths population grows and we use more and more of our nonrenewable(不能再生的不能再生的) resources, our children may have to lead poorer lives.牢固掌握语法知识牢固掌握语法知识语法知识是突破长句、难句的关键I have known changes for the better and c
10、hanges for the worse,but I have never questioned the fact that whether I liked it or not, change was unavoidable. 了解英美文化背景知识了解英美文化背景知识 farmer/peasant Kiss Thank you Ticket English/British了解英美文化背景知识了解英美文化背景知识 E.g. An expensive car speeding down the main street of a small town was soon overtaken by a
11、young motorcycle man. As he started to make out the ticket, the woman behind the wheel said, “Before you go any further, young man, I think you should know that the mayor of this city is a good friend of mine. ”The officer did not say a word, but kept writing. “I am also a friend of chief of police
12、Barnes,” continued the woman, getting more and more angry each moment, still he kept on writing. “Young man,” she said loudly, “I know judge Lawson and” Handing the ticket to the woman, the officer asked pleasantly, “Tell me, do you know Bill Bronson?”掌握正确阅读方法掌握正确阅读方法 培养良好阅读习惯 动眼动脑,而非动口动手 加大视距,整句理解
13、注意力高度集中掌握正确阅读方法掌握正确阅读方法1.根据信息先预测 Titles and subtitles Pictures , forms/charts and key words2.一遍略读找大意 Topic sentences of each paragraph Control reading speed(100words/minute)掌握正确阅读方法掌握正确阅读方法3.二遍细读扫障碍 Understand long and difficult sentences Skip the words they do not know Guess the meaning of unknown
14、words Do not always translate into their L1 Do not always look up words in dictionaries Reread to check comprehension 熟练运用阅读策略熟练运用阅读策略 了解新课标要求掌握的阅读技巧 大量阅读原汁原味的文章 选择阅读材料遵循由易到难的原则 重视篇章结构分析新课标的要求新课标的要求 阅读技能教学目的 培养阅读策略; 培养语感; 培养学生在阅读过程中获取和处理信息 的能力; 体验过程,享受乐趣。阅读的基本技能略读(skimming); 了解重点细节;找读(scanning); 理解文
15、章结构;预测下文(predicting); 理解图表信息;理解大意(main idea); 理解指代关系;分清文章的事实和观点; 理解逻辑关系;猜测词义(guessing); 理解作者意图;推理判断(inferring); 评价阅读内容。新课标的要求新课标的要求考纲对阅读理解的要求考纲对阅读理解的要求1.理解归纳语篇的主旨要义2.获取事实性信息3.利用上下文推测词义4.推断隐含意义5.理解作者意图、观点和态度6.理解句子、段落之间的逻辑关系7.理解语篇的基本结构重视篇章结构分析重视篇章结构分析 信息构成 主信息主题-关于什么 预测主题表述 主信息=主题+表述 限制性信息 修饰性信息 评判性信息
16、信息分类信息分类 因果 例证 解释 定义 描述 回答常见的意义关系归纳分类常见的意义关系归纳分类信息沟(information gap)干扰项的设计:源信息错误/信息关系混淆/信息组合错误/信息的完整性错误/信息内容的准确性错误/反向思维/词的知识/错误迁移/与源信息无关/部分信息拓展试题结构试题结构有效的课堂活动有效的课堂活动Match main ideas and paragraphsJigsaw readingRearrange outlines Find out topic sentences and supporting sentencesFind out interferenceC
17、hoose proper discourse markersFill in discourse markers in blanksMatch Match main ideas and paragraphsmain ideas and paragraphs北师大版 Module 3 Unit 8 Culture Corner The Silk RoadThe route;The name;Buddhism;The people;The Silk Road todaySome stories can be clearly divided into two. Give one half of the
18、 story to Group A, and the other half to Group B. The students read their article, answer the questions and check under-standing. Students then pair up with someone from the othergroup and tell them about their half, and listen to the other one. To help students remember their half, you may get them
19、 to takenotes. When the students are recounting their half of the article,make sure that the student with the opening half goes first.Jigsaw readingJigsaw readingRearrange outlines or paragraphsRearrange outlines or paragraphs Epidemics Throughout HistoryThe importance of looking at epidemics throug
20、hout history;The description of one of the earliest epidemics on record whichhappened about 5-550 AD;The description of the Black Death in the 1330s;The description of the Spanish Flu in 1918;The description of the SARS epidemic in 2002;Measures to be taken to stop epidemics in their tracks.Rowan wa
21、s born on January 6, 1955, and spent his early years on the family farm with his mother, three older brothers and his strict father, who did not believe in the value of television. For a time, he attended the same school as Tony Blair, who was two years older than him. At 13, Rowan earned a scholars
22、hip to a boarding school. Later, he studied at Newcastle University where he had the highest marks in his year. At Oxford, he obtained his Masters degree in electrical engineering. This might explain his interest in fast cars, of which he has a vast collection. (Senior High English Module 6, 2005: 2
23、5)Topic sentences and supporting sentencesTopic sentences and supporting sentencesInterferenceInterferenceMandrakes are plants that grow in Southern Europe. People used to associate them with magic and witchcraft. Mandrake juice wasused by witches in lotions supposed to cause hallucinations. The flo
24、wers of the mandrake are white and the berries bright yellow. According to popular belief mandrake roots induced fertility in women and also grew under the gallows after a man had been hanged. Developing Reading Skills, 2000: 94Discourse markersDiscourse markersI saw their bodies, but I couldnt feel their soul
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