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1、n Word Long Sun, modern Chinese philosopher and logician. In Beijing tsinghua school in 1911, Dr. Political science at Columbia University in 1921. Founded in 1926, tsinghua university, department of philosophy. Later President of southwest united university philosophy professor, director of the dep

2、artment of philosophy, tsinghua university and dean of the college of arts, philosophy department of Peking University professor and head of the department, deputy director of the Chinese academy of sciences and Chinese academy of social sciences institute of philosophy. In 1954 was elected to the d

3、epartment of philosophy and social sciences, Chinese academy of sciences committee, was elected in 1979 association of Chinese logic. In 1953 joined the China democratic league, a former member of the central committee, the central committee. Joined the communist party of China in 1956. After 1954 y

4、ears as the Chinese peoples political consultative conference, the second, four, five, six members, has been chosen to represent the third session of the National Peoples Congress.nXu zhimo, modern poet and essayist. Xu zhimo is jin yongs cousin. Formerly known as chapter Xu vol.133, sen, study in t

5、he United States when change name of moab. Have used the pen name of: the south lake, poem zhe, sea valley, valley, soldiers, and out from the cloud, cranes, delete me, heart hand, yellow dog, straightforward, and so on. Xu zhimo is crescent representative poets, crescent poetry club members. Gradua

6、ted in 1915 graduated from no.1 middle school of hangzhou, Shanghai hj university, tianjin beiyang university and Beijing university. Went to the United States to study banking in 1918. Go to Britain to study, in 1921 into the university of Cambridge when born in particular, research in political ec

7、onomy. In 1926 President of the central university (49 years) renamed nanjing university professor. After two years at Cambridge deeply from the springs of the western education and the European and American romantic and aesthetic effects of poets.nLiang sicheng, male, was born in guangdong province

8、, the son of liang qichao. Is the famous Chinese architects and architectural educators, a professor at tsinghua university. The pioneers of Chinese science cause. Lifelong career in architectural research and education in ancient China. Systematic surveys and studies, the ancient Chinese architectu

9、re history and theory, is the pioneer and founder of the discipline. Participated in the design such as the peoples heroes monument, is the capital of the Peoples Republic of China urban planning work, since the founding of the protagonist of several important design scheme. Is the national flag, na

10、tional emblem of the Peoples Republic of China committee of advisers.万古人间四月天There is a beautiful, beyond space and time, it will be remembered forever There is a brighter and bypass the undercurrent of ferment, roaming in the meditation in secure.She walked through Beijing morning , through Cambridg

11、e night , ahead in the distance, then wrote the beautiful poetry.she use a piece of blue, the quaint temple temple, pious prayers, then draw the drawings.Her feelings and philosopher jin yuelin was praised as human relations into the most beautiful and the most lofty realm.She, Lin huiyin。万古人间四月天万古人

12、间四月天一身诗意千寻瀑一身诗意千寻瀑Brief introduction林徽因林徽因(1904年6月10日1955年4月1日)Formerly known as Lin Huiyin, famous Chinese architects, poet. The national emblem of the Peoples Republic of China and one of the designers of the monument of the peoples heroes. She was liang sichengs wife.On Lin huiyins emotional worl

13、d, there are three men, one is the architect liang sicheng, one is the poet xu zhimo, one is the academic circles, jin yuelin岁寒三友图 。Miss Lin person colourful flower, carry the old poets arm, plus the robes of white thin xu jiao cold island, like a shochiku meis poetic figure at the age of a pictureJ

14、ust to meet .Just to meet . Lin Xu写给徐志摩的诗那一晚 那一晚我的船推出了河心, 澄蓝的天上托着密密的星。 那一晚你的手牵着我的手, 迷惘的星夜封锁起重愁。 那一晚你和我分定了方向, 两人各认取个生活的模样。 到如今我的船仍然在海面飘, 细弱的桅杆常在风涛里摇。 到如今太阳只在我背后徘徊, 层层的阴影留守在我周围。 到如今我还记着那一晚的天, 星光、眼泪、白茫茫的江边! 到如今我还想念你岸上的耕种: 红花儿黄花儿朵朵的生动。 那一天我希望要走到了顶层, 蜜一般酿出那记忆的滋润。 那一天我要跨上带羽翼的箭, 望着你花园里射一个满弦。 那一天你要听到鸟般的歌唱,

15、那便是我静候着你的赞赏。 那一天你要看到零乱的花影, 那便是我私闯入当年的边境! The blue of the sky, Fell in love with the earths green, Between them the breeze with a sigh: ah!On leaving Cambridge On leaving Cambridge 。Rational choiceSweet time当一切是命中注定 Childhood sweetheart , a match by god ? or by fate? Were we willing to go together or

16、 forced to do? How long will the love last? She found a friend。 Jin ,he was clever , but in real life, unworldly, mind pure ,sincere and magnanimous deeply loved Lin 当婚姻出现裂痕 林徽因沮丧说: “我苦恼极了,因为我同时爱上了两个人,不知道怎么办才好? 梁思成震惊回: 你是自由的,如果你选择了老金,我祝愿你们永远幸福 林徽因回: 你给了我生命无法承受之重,我要用一生去偿还你。 金岳霖道: 看来思成是真正爱你的,我不能伤害一个真正

17、爱你的人,我应该退出Not married ! Too stupid ? If life only such If life only such as initial, as initial, much good! much good! selfish?I compare you, my beloved, to lovely April days. When your giggling charm enlightens the breezes astray.Rising lightness be your dancing shapes,tiptoeing the gorgeous spring

18、 rays.You are my early April cloud;Eventide softness where winds linger in steps proud.Starry sparkles, a careless note,Modest raindrops over the blooms in a whisper silently loud. Lightness, fairness, and freshness are your floral crest,Naive grandness is the embrace of your chestYou, every touch of a round moon holding my breath.Yellowish green is your budding blade, When the wintry snow fades; Tender rejoicing be you


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