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1、七年级上学期词汇 -专项练习I. 根据句意和首字母填单词,使句意完整。8. Please have a l_ at this shop.13. We have shirts in all c_ at $20 each.14. The red shorts on s_ are very cheap.16. When is your b_, Nick? Its June 15th.18. Our English speech t_ is on May 3rd.23. My f_ fruit is banana.26. T_ for your help. w W w .X k b 1. c O m2

2、7. S_ is the last day of a week.37. Are you f_ this afternoon?38. His favorite s_ is P.E.39. I have eight classes on W_.41. J_ 1st is New Years Day.42. How do you s_ pen?6. We want a lot of v_ and fruit.47. The teacher has a q _ to ask us.48. “Whats your f_ name?” “Mike.”50. We like ice cream for d_

3、.51. Jack plays sports every day, so he is very h_.55. We are b_ with work, so I have no time to play.8. Thank you. Youre w_.59. Im very s_ Im late.63. Playing baseball is not very easy. Its d_.65. A_ comes after July.67. The hat is not big. Its s_.II. 单词拼写,每空一词。1. How many _(字典) are there on the de

4、sk?3. April the _(三十) is my mothers birthday.4. I like school _(郊游).5. The blue _(羊毛衣) are fifty _ (美元) each.6. They _(不能) speak Chinese.8. I think watching TV is _(无聊的).9. That idea _(听起来) great.10. Do you have two tennis _(球拍)?15. A clock _(有) three hands.18. There are _(十二) months in a year. The

5、_(第十二个) month of the year is December.III. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. _ is a boy. _ name is Drew.(he)2. Is _ English name Francisco? (you)3. _ Mr White _(have) a computer?7. He _(not have) a bike.8. His friend _ (go) to work in the evening.9. Jerry only _ (watch) TV on Sunday.11. Can you help _(our)?14. I found

6、 a set of _(key).15. These are my family _(photo).16. I dont like _(tomato). 单项选择练习题1. _ you like ice cream? A. Are B. Am C. Does D. Do2. _ play table tennis. A. Let B. Lets C. Lets D. Its3. -_ does your father have _ lunch? - Chicken and tomatoes. A. What; for B. What; / C. How; for D. How; /4. Ora

7、nges are a kind of _. A. vegetables B. vegetable C. fruits D. fruit5. What _ Tom like _ for breakfast? A. does; eat B. is; eat C. does; to eat D. is; to eat7. Does your friend like salad? - _. A. Yes, she like. B. No, she does. C. Yes, she doesnt D. No, she doesnt.9. Does your English teacher sing v

8、ery _ ? -Yes, She does. A. good B. nice C. great D. well10. Lets _ baseball. -OK. Lets _. A. play; go B. plays; go C. play; to go D. play; goes11Tom likes eggs ,oranges and bananas _ breakfast.A. in B. of C. for D. on X|k | B| 1 . c|O |m13. For _ lunch , she has some hamburgers. A. a B. an C. the D.

9、 /14. Bill likes bananas, he likes _, too. A. strawberry B. strawberries C. strawberrys D. strawberres15. This is my sister , _name is lily. A. she B. she is C. Her D. her18. He is _ student _Class 4. A. the , in B. a , of C. a , in D. an , on 19. That is _ room. A. Lily and Lucy B. Lily and Lucys C

10、. Lilys and Lucys D. Lilys and Lucy20. -Do you know the girl in the hat? -_. A. Yes, I am. B. Yes , she is. C. Yes, I know. D. Yes , I do.12. Does your sister _ ice cream? A. has B. have C. is there D. there are13.Lets _. A. go home B. to go to home C. go to home D. to go home推荐精选15. The boy _ hambu

11、rgers very much. So he eats a lot.A. like B. likes C. dont like D. doesnt like16Lets have oranges. _.AThats sound good BThat sound good CThats sounds good DThat sounds good17 Do you like apples? _. AYes, I am BYes, I do CNo, Im not DNo, I not18 Does your son like carrots? _. A.Yes, she does B.Yes, h

12、e is C.No, he doesnt D.No, she doesnt19He has _ egg and _ hamburger. Aan, an Ba, a Can, a Da, an22What _ she have _ dinner? Ado, in Bdoes, for Cis, at Dcan, to25We need lots of _ every dayAhealthy food Bsalads Cmilks Dvegetable27_ your mother _ carrots? ADo; eat BIs; eat CDoes; eat DAre; eat28Our fr

13、iend _ like salad. Adont Bdoesnt Cisnt Darent29.-Do they like hamburgers? -Yes, they like _ very much. Ait Bthem Ctheir Dits31Her parents _ lunch at home. Adoesnt have Bhavent Chasnt Ddont have 新 课 标 第 一 网32We have lots of food _ dinner. Ain Bat Cfor Don33-_ does Lucy like?- Tomatoes. AHow BWhat CWh

14、ere DWhy34Aunt Li likes _ bananas. Aeat Beating Ceats Deatting35The green shorts are _ sale for $25.A.forB.onC.at36.The socks _ all colors for just 2 yuan.A.in B.for C.on38._colour do you like? White and red.A.WhoB.WhatC.How much39._ is that hat? $15.A.How much B.WhichC.What color40.Can I help you?

15、_.A.No,please dontB.Yes,pleaseC.Youre welcome41.How much_ those pants? Theyre 25 yuan.A.isB.areC.am42.His clothes_over there,in that room.A.isB.areC.am47.The boy _ the black bike is Li Wei.A.in B.at C.on D.of48.What _ in the bags?Apples.A.is B.areC.have D.color49.-What color is it? -Its _orange.Its

16、_orange sweater.A.a;an B.an;an C./;an D.an;/51.That bag is black.Its _.A.black bag B.the black bag C.a black bag D.a black57 .How much _ these things?A.is B.areC.has D.havehttp:/w ww.xkb1. com60. I want to buy a shirt _ my father.A. to B. on C. for D. in62. Lets go and have _ his new CD.A. look atB.

17、 a look at C. a lookD. the look at63. Jims _ is red.A. shoesB. bagC. socksD. pants.64. How much are the pants? _ twenty dollars.A. It hasB. It isC. They haveD. They are65. Are these your shoes? Yes, _.A. theyreB. they are C. these are D. therere66. The T-shirt is only ten dollars. Ill _it.A. buyB. t

18、akeC. saleD. sell67. I like red but my brother _.A. likes red, tooB. doesnt C. does D. doesnt like69. What color is it? _A. Its a green car B. Its a greenC. Its green D. Its green car70. We have _ students.A. fourty four B. four fourty C. forty four D.four forty 71. How much _ do you want?A. tomatoe

19、s B. bananasC. hamburgersD. chicken推荐精选73. They have T-shirts _ green and black for only $13_ the shop.A. at; at B. in; inC. with; with D. at; in76The red shoes _ 25 dollarsAis Bdoes C. are D. do78- What do you want? - I want a _.Asocks B. pants C. apple D. hat79. -How much _ the T-shirt and bag? -

20、_ 46 dollars.Ais;Its B. is; They is C. are; They are D. are; They do81. These socks are only 3 dollarsDo you want _?A. it Bthem C. that D. those82. - Thank you very much - _.A. Here you are BYoure welcome C. Thank you too D. Not thanks83. We have T-shirts _ red.Afor B. at C. in D. of85We have all pa

21、nts _ all colors _ $18.A. for;for Bat;for C. in; at D. at; at86Mary _ a bag _ school.A. need; at B. need; for C. needs; at D. needs; for87The yellow shirt is _sale _ 24A. at; at B. on, for C. at; for D. on; of89.When _ your mothers birthday?A.am B.isC.are91.Our school trip is _May.A.inB.onC.at93._is

22、 your Art Festival?A.WhatB.WhenC.Which94.-Lets go swimming. -Good idea!It sounds _.A.interesting B.boring C.difficult95.This shop _ all kinds of clothes.A.sell B.sells C.buys96.I dont _ chicken for supper.A.likes B.sellC.have98.My ID card is _ my schoolbag.A.atB.in C.for107.Beijing Opera is really _

23、.My father likes it.A.funnyB.boringC.sad108.I often go to the shops _ weekends.A.for B.onC.in109.Everyone in our class _.A.like singingB.likes play footballC.like watch TVD.likes playing games110.They often play basketball _ Wednesday afternoon.A.at B.in C.on D.with116.Jack _ like baseball_ volleyba

24、ll.A.dont;or B.doesnt;orC.dont;and D.doesnt;and118.My father _ go to a movie with my mother.A.want B.wantsC.want to D.wants to119.Can Lucy _ Chinese?A.say B.talkC.speak D.speaks120What do you _ do?124September is _ month of the year.Anineth Bninth Cthe nineth Dthe ninth X|k | B| 1 . c|O |m129Do you

25、often go to _ football games _ your friends?Asee, and Blook at, with Cwatch, and Dwatch, with130Mr Brown is very old, _ he is still healthy.Abut Band Cso Dfor131_ weekdays, what time do you get up? AOn BFor CAt DBy136.They want _ buy some tomatoes.A.andB.orC.to137.What do you have _ lunch?A.atB.onC.

26、for138._? Yes,I want some fruit.A.Can I help you B.What do you want C.What do you want to buy140.I usually watch TV _ Sunday evening.A.in B.on C.at xK b1.C om143. -_ do you want to join the chess club? - Because I like chess very much.A. Who B. How C. Why D. What145. What is the first day of the wee

27、k? _.A. Monday B. Friday C. Saturday D. Sunday146.Let _ go and give this apple to _.A.me;me B.me;his C.I;him D.me;him152. Can he play_ ping-pong?A./ B.a C.an D.the162.Can I _ some books? Sorry,I dont have one.A.takeB.getC.have164.The students often play games _ their teacher.A.andB.for C.with166.My

28、grandfather always watches the early news _ TV.A.at B.on C.from推荐精选167.Thanks _ your letter. Youre welcome.A.to B.for C.with170._ weekends we go to school _ 7 oclock.A.In; at B.On; at C.On ; in D.In; on171.We have _ breakfast _ morning.A.the;inB./;in theC.the; in the D./;in174. She has a ruler, but

29、she _ an eraser.A.doesnt haveB.haventC.dont haveD.has178._ do you have supper? At 7:00.A.WhenB.WhereC.With whomD.How182. He likes _ the radio(收音机)。 A. listens B. to listen to C. listens to D. to listen183 I _ at seven.A. go to the school B. go to a schoolC. go to school D. go school190. Jie Min usua

30、lly gets up(起床)_.A. at six thirty B. at thirty six C. on six thirty D. on thirty six191. Rick often does _ homework at 6:00.A. her B. his C. my D. your 200.Ken and Lindas favourite subject _ P.E.A.are B.isC.am202.What _ you do after supper?A.doesB.doC.is203.I like my music teacher.Hes _.A.funnyB.rel

31、axingC.boring206.He likes science _its very interesting.A.and B.soC.because208.All my classes finish _ 4:00 p.m.A.in B.onC.at209.Whats _ favourite subject?A.Ken B.Ken is C.Kens211.When do you have your P.E.lesson? -On _.A.the morning B.the Friday morningC.Friday morningD.the morning Friday217We have

32、 math _ Friday. Its difficult _ interesting.Aon, or Bon, and Cin, or Din, and218Whats _ favourite movie? Ahe Bshe Ches DGinas219The game _ at 4:00 P. m. Afinish Bfinishes Cfinishs Dto finish220_ do you like biology? Its fun.AWhat BWhen CWhy DHow much221I think math is _.A.real difficult B.really dif

33、ficult C.real busy D.eally tired223. What _ does he like best? - Football.Afood Bsubject Ccolor Dsport224Mr. Cheng teaches _ math. We all like _ very much.Aus, his Bour, his Cus, him Dour, him226Do you have history _ the afternoon of Monday.Ain Bat Con Dfor3. Tim usually goes to bed at 10:00. (提问)_

34、_ Tim usually _ to bed?4. I do homework at seven. (否定句)I _ _ homework at seven.5. He often has lunch at school. X|k | B| 1 . c|O |m_ _ he often _ lunch?6. where,play,you,usually,do,friends,with,your,chess (连词成句)_?9. She doesnt have lunch. (变肯定句)She _ lunch.11. We play volleyball. (变成由Let开头的祈使句)_ _ v

35、olleyball.12Does Tom like eggs for breakfast?(否定回答) _ , _.13She doesnt have lunch.(变为肯定句) She _ lunch.12.Im fourteen years old.(就划线部分提问)13.We have an Art Festival each year.(变成一般疑问句)14.She likes basketball game.(变成否定句)15.Is Teachers Day in October? (作出完整回答)16.Beijing is in China.(对划线部分提问)17.Are you

36、their friend?(做肯定回答)18.Kate has a new English dictionary.(改为一般疑问句)19.I have a nice ball.(改为否定句)推荐精选20.Lucy likes bananas and oranges very much.(变一般疑问句)21.Ann likes rice and noodles.(变否定句)22.Kate has a nice cat.(变否定句)23.Lily wants to have a cup of tea.(变否定句)24.Bob likes comedies.(就划线部分提问)25.I want to

37、 join the art club.(就划线部分提问)26.My e-mail address is rickleihao.(就划线部分提问)29.We want to join the English club.(变成否定句)30.Zheng Zhuos father goes to work by car.(改为一般疑问句)36.My math teacher is Miss Yu.(就划线部分提问)37.I have lunch at twelve oclock. (就划线部分提问)38.I have English on Wednesday.(变成否定句)39.Lily likes history very much.(变成一般疑问句)40.Emma and Paul like salad.(改一般疑问句)43.My uncle has hamburge


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