1、WORKPLACE SAFETY INSPECTION REPORTTopIC有害物质及化学品安全Hazardous Material and Chemical SafetyDocument IDHMPagePAGE 1 OF 5ABIDInspection PointVisual CriteriaO BSERVATION N OTESHazard Commu ni cati on and Labeli ng:01Do all chemicals in original containers have the manufacturers label、清晰?and is it in tact a
2、nd legible?Criteria: All hazardous chemical contain ers in orig inal contain ers from the man ufacturer must have origi nal labeli ng in tact and legible. Mi ni mally, the n ame of the chemical, an emerge ncy con tact, and the hazards associated with the material must be visible.所有危险化学品的岀厂包装的标签必须完整、
3、清晰。至少包括化学品名称,紧急联系电话及标明物质危险性。02Do all chemicals in sec on dary containers have a hazardous material ide ntificatio n label, and is the label complete?化学品的分装容器上是否有完整的物质危害性标签?Criteria: All hazardous chemicals dispe nsed on-site must be in approved sec on dary contain ers (squirt bottles, cans, beakers,
4、 etc.), and the container must have an HMIG label with chemical n ame, date of dispe nsing, and the health, fire, reactivity, and special precaution levels indicated. This label data must match the orig inal chemical container label exactly.现场放置的所有危险化学分装容器(烧瓶、试管、烧杯等)必须有相符的化学品名、配置 日期及标明职业卫生、防火、禁忌物和特殊
5、预防措施等级。此标签必须与岀 厂包装标签内容一致。03Do all chemicals in OECF have an MSDS available either through 3E or from the EH&S departme nt for new material samples?是否所有进入采购渠道的新化学品都提供物质安全说明书给3E安全管理部门或 EHS部门?Criteria: All hazardous chemicals on-site must be NSAA approved, or tran siti on ally approved by the OECF EH&S
6、 departme nt for experime ntal use. An MSDS must be available by con tact ing 3E for all NSAA and most OECF approved chemicals. Con tact OECF if no MSDS is located by 3E.场所有危化品必须有国家安全生产管理部门批准或经过采购方EHS实验使用,经过国家安全管理部门批准的物质资料说明书也需要通过采购部门提供 给3E部门,如果没有需要 3E安全管理部门向采购部门索取。/ -Wi kExample of a chemical with
7、manufacturer labeling intact Inspect for containsrs that have damaged, destroyed, or illegible labels or markjngs.HEALTH FLAMMABIUTY3REACTIVITYHazardous Mete la I Infonmatiion (HMI) label must be completed and applied to every chemical container that doesnt have a ma njfactjrer labelAnnualFor MSDSPl
8、ease ContactThs 3E Company(BOO) 45V8346MSDS rdriewal seivlce contact.Inspectors should select haza rdous material at randoqi and call for MSDSColumn A: Priority Code. Column B: Location Code.ToPiC有害物质及化学品安全WORKPLACE SAFETY INSPECTION REPORTHazardous Material and Chemical SafetyDocument IDHMPagePAGE
9、2 OF 5ABIDInspection PointVisual CriteriaO BSERVATION N OTES04Are only NFPA approved and OSHA complia nt contain ers used to store and tran sport flammable and combustible liquids?用于储存和运输易燃、可燃液体的容器是否经过 NFPA(美国消费协会)批准并符合OSHA (美国职业健康与安全 卫生条例)?Criteria: All containers used to store or transport flammab
10、le and combustible liquids tra nsferred from the primary or larger containers must be desig ned for this purpose, and have an NFPA approval label or mark ing.所有用于储存或运输可燃、易燃液体的大小容器都是专门设计并经过NFPA(美国消费协会)批准。05Are all flammable liquids kept in closed contain ers whe n not in use?是否搜易盛装可燃液体的容器不使用是都是盖好的?Cr
11、iteria: Flammable liquid containers must have vapor tight covers, and must be covered at all times when not directly in use. This requirement includes clea ning tanks and pa ns used at workstatio ns.易燃液体容器必须有气密性的盖子,在不使用是必须保持密闭,这项规定同事适用于罐车和灌装站。06Are storage cab in ets used to hold flammable liquids,
12、approved for this purpose and labeled“ Flammable Keep Fire Away ”?用来储存易燃液体的储存柜是否经过检验合格并贴有易燃-保持距离的标签。Criteria: Flammable liquid cab in ets must be desig ned for fire resista nee, and have an NFPA approval label or mark ing. The cab inet must be labeled“ Flammable -Keep Fire Away ” in large letters ac
13、ross front of cab in et.易燃液体的存储柜必须有耐火设计并有美国消防协会批准的标签或标记,储存柜前面 必须用大字标上易燃-保持距离。07Do storage cab in ets have less tha n 60 gall ons of flammable an d/or combustible liquids with flash poi nt of 140F or less? 储臧柜存放闪点小于等于60摄氏度的易燃或可燃液体是否小于227L ?Criteria: Flammable storage cab in ets must have no more tha
14、n 60 gall ons of any liquid with flash point less tha n 140F. (In spectors may n eed to refere neeMSDS to determi ne flash poi nt of liquids in cab in et.)易燃液体储存柜存放闪点小于60摄氏度的易燃液体不能超过 227L。(检查时根据MSDS查询易燃液体 闪点)Flammable and Combustible Liquids Storage:Examples of NFPA compliant flammable and combustib
15、le liquidtransport containers.Look Tor label indicatmg NIFPA complianGe. Container must be rated for liquid transported; Igbel must match type erf contents (oil, gas, etc.)Screw capFlammable liquid containers must be closed or covered when not dispensing or filling.Autc-close cap-sSKktlExample cf NF
16、PA compliant Hammables storage cabinet Cabinet must be NFPA approved for flammable materials storage and have FLAMMABLE - KEEP FIRE AWAY marking.Verify flammables storage cabinets do not contain more than 60 gallons of any combi nation of flammable and combustible liquids with flash point of 140F or
17、 less.WORKPLACE SAFETY INSPECTION REPORTTopic有害物质及化学品安全Hazardous Material and Chemical SafetyDocument IDHMPagePAGE 3 OF 5ABIDInspection PointVisual CriteriaO BSERVATION N OTESFlammable and Combustible Liquids Storage:08Are class I flammable liquid contain ers bon ded and grou nded duri ng dispe nsin
18、g to seco ndary contain ers?I类易燃液体分装时是否进行等与分装容器电位连接和防静电接地保护?I JII091011Criteria: Flammable liquid containers must be grounded, and the container the liquid is dispe nsed into must be electrically conn ected (bon ded) by wire or specially desig ned filli ng device or statio n.易燃液体储罐必须接地保护,分装易燃液体必须进行等
19、电位连接或者通过特别设计的罐装设备。Are drums or bulk containers of liquids placed in or on spill containment devices to preve nt uncon trolled release of large qua ntities?易燃液体桶或散装容器存放是否有防泄漏装置,预防大量液体流岀?Criteria: Hazardous liquid barrels or drums must be placed in or on spill containment devices rated to collect at l
20、east the qua ntity of the largest container stored on or above it.危险液体的储存点防泄漏收集装置的储量至少要大于单个最大桶或容器的存量。Are all materials stored in desig nated cab in ets, shelves, or floor locati ons and aisles in chemical storage areas are clear?化学品储存区域无论存在货架、橱柜或地板上的物品之间有畅通的通道。Criteria: A 36 ” wide clear aisle must
21、be marked and maintained in all chemical storage areas to provide uno bstructed emerge ncy egress and safe access for material han dli ng. Aisles must not be utilized for temporary material storage or staging.在化学品存放区域规划一条92厘米的通道作为紧急疏散岀口和安全作业通道,通道不得用于物料的临时或短期存放点。Are combustible materials stored away
22、from any emerge ncy exit route or doorway, and not obstructi ng spri nkler heads?可燃物存放区域是否远离紧急疏散路线、逃生门和消防喷淋装置?Criteria: Combustible materials must be stored at least 36emerge ncy egress routes and doorways, and must be no less tha n 36 below spri nkler heads to preve nt obstructi on of water patter
23、n duri ng flow.燃物储存区距离紧急疏散路线、逃生门距离只少为92厘米,为了不影响喷淋辐射范围距离喷淋探头至少为92厘米fromExample of coiribustibles stored on shelves with at least 36 (1 M) ofcleannce under ceiling and sprinkier heads.Typical example of grounded and bonded flammable liquid dispensing station.El皂ctrical Ground Bondi ng ire/clarmpsExamp
24、le of containers stoned on a spill containment device to prevent uncontrolled release of productGated and secured chemical storage area with dear aisles and materials organic Ed in cabinets and shelves.WORKPLACE SAFETY INSPECTION REPORTTOP|C有害物质及化学品安全Hazardous Material and Chemical SafetyDocument ID
25、HMPagePAGE 4 OF 5ABIDInspection PointVisual CriteriaO BSERVATION N OTESHazardous Chemicals Storage and Han dli ng:12Are all hazardous chemicals kept in closed contain ers whe n not in use? 危险化学品在不使用时是否保证密闭?Criteria: Hazardous chemical containers must have vapor tight covers, and must be covered at a
26、ll times whe n not directly in use. This requireme nt in cludes tan ks, pans, trays, or other contain ers used at workstations.危险化学品容器必须有气密性容器盖,不使用时要保证盖 好。这些要求适用于危化品容罐车和槽、桶及灌装站使用的其他容器。,Example Qf cleaning tank with cover. Hazardous chemicals used in tasks such as cleaning, lubricating* or painting m
27、ut be covered or closed in containers v/hen the task is complleted13Are in compatible chemicals segregated in storage areas or cab in ets? 忌化学品是否隔离储存?The following types of materials must not bestored in lhe same cabinets or shelves:1415Criteria: Materials that react str on gly or viole ntly with ot
28、her materials must be isolated duri ng storage and han dli ng by dista nee or storage in separate cab in ets.(In spectors may n eed to read product labels orrefere nee MSDS to determi ne reactivity hazards.)相遇会发生剧烈反应的化学品存储单柜存放或者与隔离存放(检查时需要阅读MSDS确定禁忌物)Is required PPE available and used whe n tran sfe
29、rri ng hazardous chemicals into sec on dary containers or while using chemicals in work areas?是否为分装或者操作使用危化品的区域提供必须的劳动防护用品?Criteria: Employees must select and use the PPE ide ntified as n ecessary by the chemical man ufacturer an d/or as specified by Otis by policy or PPE assessme nt for the task.操作
30、者必须选用化学品制造商要求及奥迪斯政策指定或劳保用品评估结果确定的个人防护用品Are required engineering controls in place and in use when transferring hazardous chemicals into sec on dary containers or while using chemical in work areas?在危化品分装或者使用区域是否提供预防控制措施?Criteria: Employees must set up and use the engin eeri ng con trols (ventilation
31、, spill containment, etc.) identified as necessary by the chemical man ufacturer an d/or as specified by Otis by policy or job hazard assessme nt for the task.使用则必须安装和使用制造商要求及奥迪斯政策指定或作业风险评估结果确定的预防控制措施(通风、防泄漏措 施等)1ACIDSOILSPAINTSOXIDESExample of work station where hazardous cherriicals are dispensed
32、and used.Engineering controls (exhaust ventilation)WORKPLACE SAFETY INSPECTION REPORTTopic有害物质及化学品安全Hazardous Material and Chemical SafetyDocument IDHMPagePAGE 5 OF 5ABIDInspection PointVisual CriteriaO BSERVATION N OTESCryoge nic Chemicals Storage and Han dli ng:16Is required PPE (faceshield, apron, and thermal gloves) available and used whe n tran sferri ng cryoge nic chemicals into sec on dary containers or while using cryogenic liquids in work areas?体分装操作和低温液体使用区域是否提供个人防护用品(面罩,围 裙,隔热手套)?低温液Criteria: Employees must select and us
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