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1、读书破万卷 下笔如有神 英语语言学练习题 1第 20 题 Which of the following underlined parts is NOT an inflectional morpheme(屈折语素)? A. teeth B. speaking C. taken D. chaos 答案: D 2第 21 题 Which of the following best describes the relations between “Alices brother is in UK. ” and “Alice has a brother. ”? A. The former is synon

2、ymous with the latter. B. The former is inconsistent with the latter. C. The former entails the latter. D. The former presupposes the latter. 答案: D 3第 22 题 Which of the following is a representative? A. Youd better go to see a doctor. B. I promise to buy you something when I come back. C. I now decl

3、are the meeting close. D. I have never seen the man before. 答案: D 4第 23 题 Which of the following is a commissive? A. Im really sorry to hear that. B. I will bring you the book tomorrow without fail. C. Youd better go and see her. D. I now declare the meeting open. 答案: B 5第 24 题 How many arguments ar

4、e there in “Im not feeling very well”? A. no B. one C. three D. five 答案: B 读书破万卷 下笔如有神 6第 25 题 I like both Chinese and western food is a _-place predication. A. no B. one C. two D. three 答案: C 7第 26 题 The design features of human language include the following features EXCEPT_. A. duality of structu

5、re B. genetic feature C. arbitrariness D. displacement 答案: B 8第 27 题 Which of the following underlined parts is a free morpheme? A. understandable B. eastward C. otherwise D. without 答案: D 9第 28 题 The Great Wall belongs to _ culture. A. material B. spiritual C. folk D. none of the above 答案: A 10第 29

6、 题 The first consonants the child can make are made with the lips and they are _. A. p, b, n B. p, b, m C. t, d, n D. t, d, m 答案: B 11第 30 题 Instances of mother tongue interference can be found at the level of _. A. pronunciation B. syntax 读书破万卷 下笔如有神 C. vocabulary D. all of the above 答案: D 12第 31 题

7、 Which of the following is an example of overgeneralization(过度法则化)? A. eyes B. ears C. sheep D. foots 答案: D 13第 62 题 How many morphemes are there in the word “disorderly”? A. Two B. Three C. Four D. Five 答案: B 14第 63 题 Which of the following underlined parts is a derivational morpheme (派生语素)? A. lar

8、ger B. data C. trainee D. Kates 答案: C 15第 64 题 Which of the following word does NOT belong to the open classes (开放类)? A. hate B. able C. the D. rapidly 答案: C 16第 65 题 “Why dont you ask Mary for help?” is an instance of _. A. representatives B. expressives C. directives D. commissives 答案: C 读书破万卷 下笔如

9、有神 17第 66 题 Which of the following is a directive? A. Your money or your life! B. You are fired! C. The earth is round. D. Thank you very much. 答案: A 18第 67 题 Which of the following underlined parts is the complement (补语) of the phrase? A. a book on biology B. play basketball C. a rainy day D. dance

10、 happily 答案: B 19第 68 题 Which of the following best describes the relations between “The police stopped the minors from drinking” and “The minors were drinking”? A. The former is synonymous with the latter. B. The former is inconsistent with the latter. C. The former entails the latter. D. The forme

11、r presupposes the latter. 答案: D 20第 69 题 She sings very well is a _-place predication. A. no B. one C. two D. three 答案: B 21第 70 题 Language acquisition refers to the childs acquisition of his _. A. first language B. second language C. foreign language D. target language 答案: A 22第 71 题 If the child c

12、alls all men “Daddy”, then we may say the child has _ the meaning of the word . “Daddy”读书破万卷 下笔如有神 A. overgeneralized B. overextended C. overused D. overstressed 答案: B 23第 72 题 Which of the following sentences is an example of overgeneralization? A. Jane told me to give up smoking. B. Jane asked me

13、to give up smoking. C. Jane advised me to give up smoking. D. Jane suggested me to give up smoking. 答案: D 24第 73 题 Which side(s) of muscles of ours does our left brain control? A. both left and right B. left C. right D. sometimes left, sometimes right 答案: C 25第 32 题 N. Chomsky is an American linguis

14、t. 答案: 正确 26第 33 题 Details of language system are genetically transmitted. 答案: 错误 27第 34 题 k, g and n are velar sounds (舌根音). 答案: 错误 28第 35 题 The word boy is a free morpheme. 答案: 正确 29第 36 题 The word unsad is acceptable in English. 答案: 错误 30第 37 题 The expression It s me is Not acceptable in English.

15、 读书破万卷 下笔如有神 答案: 错误 31第 38 题 The term diglossia (双言制)was first used by Ferguson in 1959. 答案: 正确 32第 39 题 A typical example of a bilingual community is an ethnic ghetto where most of the inhabitants are either immigrants or children of immigrants. 答案: 正确 33第 40 题 The word quake is the result of back-

16、formation (逆构词法). 答案: 错误 34第 41 题 The use of the expressions to update, to host and to check up indicates the influence of American English. 答案: 正确 35第 42 题 The deletion of the link verb be as in You crazy is typical of the syntax of Black English. 答案: 正确 36第 43 题 A prominent phonological feature of

17、 Black English is the deletion of the consonant at the end of a word, as in desk des. 答案: 正确 37第 44 题 Received Pronunciation in British English is a dialect of London that is representative of standard English. 答案: 错误 38第 45 题 The word dog often conjures up different images in the US and Hong Kong.

18、答案: 正确 39第 46 题 People in the West End in London speak differently from the East Enders. 答案: 正确 40第 47 题 It is proper in English to say no, no in response to such a praise as You ve made good progress. 读书破万卷 下笔如有神 to show one s modesty. 答案: 错误 41第 48 题 You can never ask an English native the questio

19、n of his name or age. 答案: 错误 42第 49 题 In English, the word blue is associated with unhappy feelings. 答案: 正确 43第 50 题 If you were a Cantonese and talked to a person from Shanghai, then you were having intercultural communication. 答案: 错误 44第 51 题 The behaviourist view of LA was not prevalent until the

20、 1960s. 答案: 错误 45第 52 题 The sounds z and are among the consonants that are supposed to be acquired with most difficulty by a child. 答案: 正确 46第 53 题 If a child calls every man Daddy , then he is over-extending the meaning of the word Daddy . 答案: 正确 47第 54 题 A target language is always a foreign langu

21、age. 答案: 错误 48第 55 题 The human brain is divided into two sections, the brain stem and the cerebrum. 答案: 正确 49第 56 题 If you scratch your nose with your left hand, it is the right hemisphere that has controlled the actions. 答案: 正确 50第 57 题 The test where subjects are played two different words or soun

22、ds twice, one into each ear, is called 读书破万卷 下笔如有神 dichotic listening (双听技术). 答案: 正确 51第 58 题 Broca s aphasics (失语症) show that a patient who cannot pronounce the word spoon will also not be able to write it correctly. 答案: 正确 52第 59 题 Errors people make in spontaneous speech often involve a phonologi

23、cal feature such as voicing. For example, people sometimes say pig instead of pick . 答案: 正确 53第 60 题 The shooting of the man is ambiguous. 答案: 正确 54第 74 题 Chomsky regards competence as an act of doing things with a sentence. 答案: 错误 55第 75 题 Displacement of language means language use in a far-away p

24、lace. 答案: 错误 56第 76 题 Teach-in is a compound word. 答案: 正确 57第 77 题 The s in works of He works hard. is a bound morpheme (粘着语素). 答案: 正确 58第 78 题 The prefix a- in asexual means without. 答案: 正确 59第 79 题 Hyponymy (上下义关系) is a relation of exclusion of meaning. 答案: 错误 60第 80 题 The words lead(领导) and lead(

25、铅球) are homographs (同形异义词). 正确: 答案读书破万卷 下笔如有神 61第 81 题 The words buy and purchase are dialectal synonyms. 答案: 错误 62第 82 题 Pragmatics (语用学) is a linguistic branch that developed in the 1890s. 答案: 错误 63第 83 题 Course in General Linguistics was published in 1889. 答案: 错误 64第 84 题 Context refers to the re

26、lation between lines or paragraphs of a text. 答案: 错误 65第 85 题 If I said to you, It s very stuffy here. , then my illocutionary act(行事行为) may be asking you to switch on the air-conditioner. 答案: 正确 66第 86 题 If Smith said to you in a supermarket, I am thirsty now, but I have no money with me , then his

27、 perlocutionary act (取效行为) is your buying him a coca-cola. 答案: 正确 67第 87 题 According to Austin, I bet you sixpence it will be fine this evening. is a performative (施为句). 答案: 正确 68第 88 题 We have never met before. is a representative. 答案: 正确 69第 89 题 I will return the book to you soon. is an expressiv

28、e. 答案: 错误 70第 90 题 I love thee not. before the 16th century, has now become I do not love you. This means the change in negation rule. 答案: 正确 读书破万卷 下笔如有神 71第 91 题 The word fridge is a loan word. 答案: 错误 72第 92 题 The task of a linguist is to discover the nature and rules of the underlying language sys

29、tem 答案: 正确 73第 93 题 Linguistics is generally divided into general and specific linguistics. 答案: 错误 74第 94 题 General linguistics deals with the general aspects of language application. 答案: 错误 75第 95 题 General linguistics does not study theories of language. 答案: 错误 76第 96 题 Phonology (音系学) studies how

30、 a sound is produced. 答案: 错误 77第 97 题 Syntax (句法) is the study of the rules of words. 答案: 错误 78第 98 题 Semantics (语义学) is the study of word meaning. 答案: 错误 79第 99 题 Applied linguistics means the language application to specific areas. 答案: 错误 80第 100 题 Modern linguistics aims at prescribing models for

31、 language users to follow. 答案: 错误 81. 第 101 题 F. de Saussure was a Swiss linguist. 答案: 正确 读书破万卷 下笔如有神 82第 102 题 Performance is the focus of Chomskys linguistic study. 答案: 错误 83第 103 题 Arbitrariness of language means language can be used freely. 答案: 错误 84第 104 题 Phonetic similarity, not phonetic iden

32、tity, is the criterion with which we operate in the phonological analysis of languages. 答案: 正确 85第 105 题 Linguistics is the systematic study of language. 答案: 正确 86第 106 题 Morphology (形态学)is the study of sentences. 答案: 错误 87第 107 题 Diachronic linguistics (历时语言学) is also called historical linguistics.

33、 答案: 正确 88第 108 题 The word videophone is an acronym (首字母缩略词). 答案: 错误 89第 109 题 UNESCO is a blend (混合词). 答案: 错误 90第 1 题 Instrumental motivation 答案: Instrumental motivation occurs when people learn a foreign language for external goals such as passing exams, financial rewards or furthering a career, e

34、tc. 91第 2 题 Deletion rule (删除规则) : 答案读书破万卷 下笔如有神 The deletion rule is a phonological rule that tells us when a sound is to be deleted although it is orthographically represented. For example, g deletion occurs before a final nasal consonant, as in signature. 92第 3 题 Matrix clause (主句从句) 答案: Matrix c

35、lause is a construction in which the complement phrase is embedded, as shown below: She reads books that are interesting. 93. 第 4 题 Subcategorization (子范畴) 答案: Subcategorization is the information about a words complement that is included in the head, as in: a story about the student. 94第 5 题 Aphasi

36、a (失语症) 答案: Aphasia refers to the partial or total loss of language due to brain damage. 95第 6 题 Utterance meaning (语句意义) 答案: Utterance meaning is the realization of the abstract meaning of a sentence in a real situation of communication, or in a context. 96第 61 题 Linguistic relativity (语言相对主义) 答案:

37、Linguistic relativity refers to the fact that different languages offer people different ways of expressing the world around, and they think and speak differently. 97第 110 题 Denotative meaning (外延意义) 答案: Denotative meaning is the meaning that can be found in a dictionary. 读书破万卷 下笔如有神 98第 111 题 Perlo

38、cutionary act (取效行为) 答案: Perlocutionary act is the act performed by or resulting from saying something, the consequence of, or the change brought about by the utterance; it is the act performed by saying something. 99第 112 题 Blending 答案: Blending refers to the formation of a word by combining parts

39、of other words, e. g. smogsmoke + fog; motelmotor + hotel. 100第 113 题 Minimal pair (最小对比对) 答案: A minimal pair is such a pair of different forms as identical in every way except for one sound segment which occurs in the same place in the strings (as pill and till). 101第 114 题 Functional words (功能词) 答

40、案: Functional words are grammatical words such as the article the in English, which do not express the content of objects in the world. 102第 115 题 Productive morphological rules 答案: Productive morphological rules refer to the morphological rules (such as the un- + Adj. =not +Adj. rule) that can be u

41、sed quite freely to form new words. 103第 116 题 Productivity (多产性) 答案: Productivity refers to the fact that language makes possible the construction and interpretation of new signals by its users, which is why they can produce and understand an infinitely large number of sentences, including sentence

42、s they have never heard before. This feature is unique to human language. 题 117第 104读书破万卷 下笔如有神 Syntax 答案: Syntax is a branch of linguistics that studies how words are combined to form sentences and the rules that govern the formation of sentences. 105第 118 题 Coordination (并列) 答案: Coordination refer

43、s to the phenomenon of forming phrases by joining two or more elements of the same type with the help of a conjunction such as and or or. 106第 119 题 Top-down processing 答案: Top-down processing refers to the spontaneous and automatic interpretation of a sentence on the basis of whatever information i

44、s available before the analysis of all the phonemes in the sentence. 107第 120 题 Category (范畴) 答案: Category refers to a group of linguistic items which fulfill the same or similar functions in a particular language such as a sentence, a noun phrase or a verb. 108第 121 题 Representatives 答案: Representa

45、tives are the speakers attempts to state or describe, say what the speaker believes to be true, e. g. I have never been to England before., The man is a rich man. 109第 122 题 Commissives 答案: Commissives are the speakers attempts to commit the speaker himself to some future course of action, e. g. I p

46、romise to come., I will call you tomorrow morning without fail. 110第 123 题 Material culture 读书破万卷 下笔如有神 答案: Material culture is the concrete, substantial and observable aspect of the life of a people. 111第 124 题 Linguistic repertoire (全部技能) 答案: Linguistic repertoire refers to the totality of linguis

47、tic varieties possessed by an individual. 112第 125 题 Fossilization (化石作用) 答案: Fossilization refers to a process occurring from time to time in which incorrect linguistic features become a permanent part of the way a person speaks or writes a language. 113第 126 题 Micro-sociolinguistics 答案: Micro-soci

48、olinguistics refers to the study of society from the point of view of an individual member within it, or a worms-eye view of language in use. 114第 127 题 Grammaticality (语法性) 答案: Grammaticality refers to the grammatical meaning of a linguistic unit (such as a sentence), which is governed by the gramm

49、atical rules of the language. 115第 128 题 Interlanguage (中介语) 答案: According to Selinker, interlanguage refers to an abstract system of learners target language system. It has now been widely used to refer to the linguistic expressions learners produce especially the wrong or not idiomatic ones. 116第

50、129 题 Error analysis 答案: or dependently infirst involves which errors, learners of analysis the to refers analysis Error 读书破万卷 下笔如有神 objectively, describing the learners interlanguage, then a comparison of their version of the target language and the target language itself is followed to locate mism

51、atches. 117第 130 题 Pidgin (洋泾浜语) 答案: A pidgin is a special language variety that mixes or blends languages and it is used by people who speak different languages for restricted purposes such as trading. 118第 131 题 Universal Grammar (普遍语法) 答案: Universal Grammar refers to the innate endowment to disco

52、ver languages structure by matching the innate knowledge of basic grammatical system to that particular language. 119第 132 题 Learning strategies (学习策略) 答案: Learning strategies are learners conscious goal-oriented and problem-solving based efforts to achieve learning efficiency. 120第 7 题 What is the

53、difference between prescriptive (规定) and descriptive (描写) linguistics? 答案: The difference between prescriptive and descriptive linguistics is that prescriptive linguistics is to lay down rules for language users, whereas descriptive linguistics is to describe the language phenomena as they are. Ther

54、efore, the former is subjective, while the latter is objective and more scientific 121第 8 题 What is Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis (莎丕尔-沃尔夫假设)? 答案: According to Sapir and Whorf, language filters peoples perception and the way they categorize experiences. This is termed Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis. It comes in tw

55、o versions, the strong and weak versions. The strong version holds that the language patterns determine peoples thinking and behavior. The weak version holds that the language patterns influence peoples thinking and behavior. 读书破万卷 下笔如有神 122第 9 题 What is componential analysis (成分分析)? 答案: It is a way

56、 proposed by the structural semanticists to analyze word meaning into semantic features, using such labels as +HUMAN, +ADULT, +ANIMATE, +MALE, and so on. Componential analysis makes it possible to show how the words analyzed are related in meaning. 123第 10 题 what is the relationship between pragmati

57、cs and semantics? 答案: The relation between pragmatics and semantics is that both are linguistic studies of meaning. But they differ in that semantics traditionally studies meanings of words, meanings of sentences in isolation from language use, whereas pragmatics studies meanings in the context of l

58、anguage use. 124第 11 题 What is conversational implicature (会话含义)? 答案: Conversational implicature is a nonconventional implicature based on an addressees assumption that the speaker is following the conversational maxims (会话准则) or at least the cooperative principle. It occurs when any of the four max

59、ims is violated. 125第 12 题 What is the interactionist view of language acquisition? 答案: The interactionist view of language acquisition is that language develops as a result of the complex interplay (相互作用) between the human characteristics of the child and the environment in which the child develops

60、. 126第 13 题 What is the Critical Period Hypothesis (? )关键期假说 答案: The Critical Period Hypothesis refers to the specific and limited time period for language acquisition. It has two versions. The strong version suggests that children must acquire their first language by puberty (青春期) or they will neve


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