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9、xt and purpose of the study.ResultsWrite the main findin gs.Con clusi onsPresent a brief summary and potential implications.KeywordsThree to ten keywords representing the main content of the article.BackgroundThe Backgro und secti on should expla in the backgro und to the study, its aims, a summary
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11、).For details on how to prepare figures, visit here.3637383940414243444546474849505152535455563For additional information on how to prepare tables, visit here.4W 20Conneciliig tubuleFig. 1Comparis on of sin gle-cell and sin gle-n ucleus libraries. a Cell type compositi on for kid neys from Balb/c fe
12、male mice.Average percentages for scRNA-seq libraries are shown in blue and for snRNA-seq libraries in gray. BSEQ-sc estimates are show n for bulk RNA-seq of i ntact and dissociated kid neys. Error bars are sta ndard error of mean, b Abundance of renal epithelial cell types in Clark et al. study 34
13、in comparis on to our data from Balb/c female mice.Table 1 Table title (max 15 words). Lege nd (max 300 words) should be in cluded un der neath the tableCharacteristicsGroup AGroup BGroup A+BGroup C5758596061626364656667Dtsioc4idd k) )dMySjngile-gOSN FA隔 3w500gSN FANS iOOCg3N sucrosAfinlact 3 w DrsE
14、ociated kidney Sjngio-Gflii SN FANS SxbOOg SN_F4NS_i200Cg &N UCTQ&eIrr munft Mt0 4JD 0L QQQ of HiftnlfiQ 510 1S 2DMesangiumEnrthvli 刖Olrtnr klbUteE:Loop of HerileRxkscyfce0 1 2Clark ot al.Intact fedne 口诘鈕抽甜kid档 S-iTglecell 百inl白 Tiue伯 umlstai ranvoiuted Wbuiea 24 e aCal IT电qs色PToKirnal iutKile5Age (
15、years)3.0 (0.9 -.5)1.0 (1.0 -4.5)1.0 (1.0 -4.5)1.0 (1.0 -4.5 2.522/43 (51%)21/43 (49%)21/43 (49%)21/43 (49%) ?2.521/43 (49%)4/7 (57%)4/7 (57%)4/7 (57%)Sexmale23/43 (53%)5/7 (71%)5/7 (71%)5/7 (71%)female20/43 (47%)2/7 (29%)2/7 (29%)2/7 (29%)Cli nical statusAsymptomatic a0/43 (0%)2/7 (29%)2/50 (4%)0/2
16、6 (0%)Very mild0/43 (0%)5/7 (71%)5/50 (10%)0/26 (0%)Mild41/43 (95%)0/7 (0%)41/50 (82%)26/26 (100% )Severe0/43 (0%)0/7 (0%)0/50 (0%)0/26 (0%)Critically ill2/43 (5%)0/7 (0%)2/50 (4%)0/26 (0%)SymptomsFever29/43 (67%)3/7 (43%)32/50 (64%)21/26 (81%)Cough21/43 (49%)1/7 (14%)22/50 (44%)|19/26 (73%)Myalgia/
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