



1、The RepublicThe Republic (excerpt): the allegory(寓言) of cave.The Allegory of the Cave describes four stages through which a pers on has to pass to get a sound educati on. These stages are disti nguished by what a lear ner is able to see.Images(delusi on)-perceptible&scie ntific objects(i nformed opi

2、nion)-mathematica l& scie ntific objects(scie ntific kno wledge)-the good(philosophical wisdom)What do the images in the cave sta nd for?False realityWhat is Plato s understanding of the nature of education?The first thing about the pris oners in the cave is that they are look ing in the wrong direc

3、tio n. This no ti on of orie ntatio n is cen tral to Platos idea of educati on: he later describes real educati on as the art of orie ntati on(定位,信仰) and theeducators task as that of turning.(强制Educators should devise the simplest and most effective methods of tur ning souls aroun d. It should nt be

4、 the art of impla nti ng sight in the orga n, but should proceed on the un dersta nding that the orga n already has the capacity.Plato in sists that studies in the mathematical scie nces not be compulsory . compulsory 的) in tellectual work” n ever remai ns in the soul .Educati on is liberati ng.The

5、Educati on of Nature1. Educati on of n ature, educati on of men, educati on of thin gs;The internal developme nt of our faculties and our orga ns is the educati on of n ature; the use that we are taught to make of this developme nt is the educatio n of men; And what we acquire from our own experie n

6、ee about the objects which affect us is the education of thi ngs.(天性,我们是无法控制的,社会,我们也只能控制某些方面,而人的教育则是我们能完全掌控的)The one alone in whom they all coin cide at the same point and tend to the same ends reaches his goal and lives con siste ntly. He alone is well raised.what is the goal?It s the same as that

7、of n ature. Si nee the conj unction of the three educatio n isn ecessary to their perfecti on, the two others must be directed toward the one overwhich we have no power.(社会及人的教育应该遵循天性,教育顺应儿童天性发展)2. Habit vs. n ature;Nature is habit, but as soon as the situati on cha nge, habit ceases and the n ature

8、 retur n.Educati on is certa inly just habit. The educati on make us more become capable of using our sen ses and more en lighte ned.(教育交给我们习惯)The origi nal dispositi on is n ature.3. Mak ing a man vs. making a citize n;Rousseau thinks that, one must choose to betwee n making a man or a citize n, fo

9、r one cannot make both at the same time.(教育的目的是培养自然人)Nature man is en tirely for himself; a man act as he speaks; a man always be decisive in making his choice and stick to it. The citize n is determ ined by the whole social in stituti on.In the n ature, the men are equal and capable to do all jobs;

10、 but in the society, the citize ns have class and are limited in the specific jobs, no freedom.4. Public and com mon educati on vs. in dividual and domestic educati onPublic educati on is like the Plato republic. Plato only purified the heart of man;Lycurgus den atured it. The educatio n of society

11、is fit only for making double men.The Democratic Con cepti on in Educati on:1. What is democracy? What are two traits of a democratic society? What is democratic educati on?(1) It is not just a form of government, but primarily a mode of social life that is unique in providi ng an adequate setti ng

12、for huma n flourish ing.(2)2. What are the stre ngths and critics of the Plat onic educati onal philosophy?ideal of3. What are the stre ngths and critics of the“ in dividualisticthe eightee nth cen tury?4. What are the stre ngths and critics of the in stituti onal idealistic philosophy of the nin et

13、ee nth cen tury?5. What is Dewey s philosophy of education?Banking v. Problem-solv ing Models of Educati onWhat is banking mode of educati on?This relatio nship in volves a n arrati ng Subject (the teacher) and patie nt, liste ning objects (the stude nts). The conten ts, whether values or empirical

14、dime nsions of reality, tend in the process of being n arrated to become lifeless and petrified.The teacher talks about reality as if it were motio nl ess, static, compartme ntalized, and predictable. His task is to fill the stude nts with the contents of his n arratio n.What is problem-solvi ng mod

15、e of educati on?Paulo Freire felt that for the lear ner to move from object to Subject, he or she n eeded to be in volved in dialogical action with the teacher. Dialogic action has two basic dime nsions, reflect ion and action .Dialogue cannot exist without humility. Dialogue in itself is a co-opera

16、tive activity in volvi ng respect.Dialogue is a give and take of ideas, a shari ng.What are stude nts and teachers roles in these two modes of educatio n?Teacher-stude nts and stude nt teachers are con ti nu ally reflect ing on themselves and the world, establish ing an authe ntic form of thought an

17、d actio n. ”Banking educati on, which emphasizes the teachers role as the active one intheteacher-lear ner relati on ship is an an ti-dialogical approach. It serves the oppressor by denying the lear ner an active role in the lear ning.Can you associate Freire s theory to today s educational practice

18、s?Milt on Friedma n: The Role of Gover nment in Educatio n1. What is government s role in education? What are thejustificati ons?con ti nuing to operate a limited nu mber of schools in areas where they are particularly n eeded2. What role do Friedma n propose for the gover nment? What are thejustifi

19、cations(正当化)?the government s role should be limited to ensuring that minimum contentsta ndards are met.3. Neighborhood effect, school choice, voucher(代金券),(1)ben efits bey ond those enjoyed by stude nts and their families(邻里效应指地方社会环境的特点可以影响人们的思想和行为的方式)(2)Friedman proposed supplementing publicly ope

20、rated schools with privately run but publicly fun ded schools through a system of school vouchers.(3)Government could require a minimum level of schooling financed by giving parents a specific maximum sum per child per year if spent onapprove ” educationservices.Pare nts would the n be free to spe n

21、d this sum to choose schools.教育券是政府把原来直接投入公立学校的教育经费按照生均单位成本折算以后,以面额固定的有价证券(即教育券)的形式直接发放给家庭或学生,学生凭教育券自由选择政府所认可的学校(公立学校或私立 学校)就读,不再受学区的限制,教育券可以冲抵全部或部分学费,学校凭收到的教育券到政府部门兑换教育经费,用于支付办学经费。在弗里德曼教育券理论中,家长与学生的选择权是其核心和 基石。有了教育券,家长可以“在任何一个愿意接受他的子女的学校使用凭单,不论是私立的,还 是公立的,也不论是在他们居住的地区、城市或州,还是在其他地区、城市或州。这样,不仅将给 每位家长

22、较多的选择机会,同时也迫使公立学校通过收学费而自筹资金(凭单金额等于全部教育开支,则学校必须完全自筹资金,如果不等于全部教育开支,则学校必须部分地自酬资金)。这样, 不仅公立学校之间要展开竞争,而且还要同私立学校竞争。”Philip W. Jacks on: Real Teach ingWhat are the four approaches of defi ning teachi ng? What do youthi nk of them?Gen eric approach( too broad)Epistemic( 知识的) approach( tran smissi on of kno

23、wledge)Consensual approach(交感性的,两方意愿下成立的):it is only in a democratic society,or one in the process of beco ming so, that teach ing can be carried on.Evolutionary approach: There is no unequivocal definition of teaching that holdsfor all time and all places.After read ing this chapter, how would you

24、perceived the act ofdefi ning teach ing? How would you un dersta nd teachi ng?Terence H. McLaughli n: Beyond the Reflective Teacherthe n ature, scope (范围) and aims of reflect ionthe two continua concerning the n ature of reflect ionNel Nodd in gs: The On e-Cari ng as Teacherthe four steps of teach i

25、ng the ethics(道德伦理)of careDialogue-modeli ng-practice-c on firmati on1. A n esse ntial part of cari ng that we could not model cari ng without en gagi ng in it. Dialogue can help us evaluate our attempts to care2. We n eed to show the stude nts how to care.“ We do not merely tell them to careand giv

26、e them texts to read on the subject, we dem on strate our cari ng in ourrelati ons with them”3. we n eed to give stude nts practice in cari ng and the n reflect on that practice.4. C on firmati on is importa nt because it en courag ing the acts of cari ng.Noddi ngs believes that first we n eed to state our main aim of educati on is to produce compete nt, cari ng peopleTake care of affiliative needs -Relax the impulse to control- give teacher


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