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1、Chapter 1 Un dersta nding the Supply Cha in1.1 What is a Supply Chai n?1.2 The Objective of a Supply Cha in1.3 The Importa nee of Supply Cha in Decisi ons1.4 Decisi on Phases in a Supply Chain1.5 Process Views of a Supply Cha in1.6 Examples of Supply ChainsDiscuss the goal of a supply cha in and exp

2、la in the impact of supply cha in decisi ons on the success of atirm,Identify the three key supply chain decision phases and explain the significance of each one. Describe the cycle and push/pull views of a suppl;. cVair.Classify the supply chain macro processes in a firm.1.1 What is a Supply Chain?

3、什么是供应链?A supply cha in con sists of all parties in volved, directly or in directly, in fulfilli ng a customer request.供应链包括直接或间接参与实现客户要求的所有各方。The supply chain includes not only the manufacturer and suppliers, but also transporters, warehouses, retailers, and even customers themselves.供应链不仅包括制造商和供应商,

4、还包括运输商、仓库、零售商,甚至客户本身。With each organization, such as a manufacturer, the supply chain includes all functions involved in receiving and filling a customer request.对于每个组织,如制造商,供应链包括接收和填写客户请求所涉及的所有功能。These functions in clude, but are no t limited to, new product developme nt, marketi ng, operati ons, d

5、istribution, finance, and customer service.这些功能包括但不限于新产品开发、市场营销、运营、分销、财务和客户服务。The Defin iti on of Supply Chain供应链的定义Supply cha in in cludes:供应链包括:Exter nal Supply Chain外部供应链Internal Supply Chain内部供应链Exter nal Supply Chain:Con sists of all parties in volved, directly or in direct ly, in fulfilli ng a

6、 customer request.由所有相关方直接或间接履行客户要求。Supplier Manufacturer Distributor Retailer CustomersInternal Supply Chain:In eludes all functions in volved in receivi ng and fill ing a customer request.J New product! I development,II f! DistributionMarketing Operations包括接收和填写客户请求所涉及的所有功能。Finance Customer Servic

7、eV-丿.A supply cha in is dyn amic and in volves the con sta nt flow of in formati on, product, and funds among differe nt stages.供应链是动态的,涉及到信息、产品和资金在不同阶段的不断流动。A typical supply chain may involve a variety of stages, including the following:一个典型的供应链可能涉及到多个阶段,包括以下几个方面:Customers 顾客Retailers零售商Wholesalers

8、/distributors 批发商Manu facturers 制造商 Component/raw material suppliers 零部件 / 原材料供应商Each stage in a supply cha in is conn ected through the flow of products, in formati on, and fun ds.供应链中的每个阶段都是通过产品、信息和资金的流动来连接的。These flows often occur in both direct ions and may be man aged by one of the stages or an

9、 in termediary.这些流动经常发生在两个方向上,并且可以由一个阶段或中间层管理。补充资料:供应链其他定义供应链是围绕核心企业,通过对信息流、物流、资金流的控制,从采购原材料开始,制成中间产品以及最终产品,最后由销售网络把产品送到消费者手中的将供应商、制造商、分销商、零售商,直到最终用户连成一个整体的功能网链结构。-马士华供应链管理。The supply chain is the core enterprise, through the control of the information flow, logistics, capital flow, from the purchas

10、e of raw materials, into the in termediate products and final products. Fin ally, the sales n etwork sends the product to the con sumer, the supplier, the manu facturer, the distributor, the retailer, until the end user is integrated into a whole functional network chain structure.Most supply chain

11、are actually supply networks.The appropriate design of the supply chain depends on both the customer needs and the roles played by the stages in volved.供应链的适当设计既取决于客户的需求,也取决于所涉及的阶段所扮演的角色。Discuss: When a distributor分销商 / 代理商)is needed?Example: DellDell is famous for its direct selling model other sup

12、pliersSince 2007, Dell has also sold its PCs through retailers.戴尔公司的供应链管理成功的关键是其供应链管理始终以渠道流程优化为核心实现策 略。具体表现在以下三个方面:第一,直销原则。直销(DirectBusinessModel)在DELL公司具体体现为基于最终客户 需求的模式,就是由DELL公司建立一套与客户联系的渠道,由客户直接向DELL公司发订单。订单中可以详细列出所需的配置,然后公司“按单生产”。第二,以信息代替存货。DELL公司为什么敢提出“零库存”这个大胆的理念?主要原因就是因为公司基于其强大的渠道流程优化能力,通过处理

13、信息资源创造价值。传统分销代理渠道是存贮货物的水渠,厂商的库存是压在分销渠道中的,这样一来很难做到“零库存”。第三,价值整体创造。价值整体创造在DELL公司被具体化为“与客户结盟”的战略,DELL公司打破了传统意义上“厂家”与“供应商”之间的供需配给,始终保持与客户的实时互动,及时得到第一手的客户反馈和需求,然后根据客户需求接受定单,再进行以客户需求为导向的产品制造。这样就能保证按照客户需求提供产品。这是一个良性循环的过程。The key to the success of DELLs supply cha in man ageme nt is its supply cha in man ag

14、eme nt, which always focuses on the optimizati on of cha nnel flow. The specific performa nee in the followi ng three aspects:First,the prin ciple of direct selli ng. Direct sales(Direct Busin ess Model) is embodied in the DELL compa ny based on the end customer dema nd model,which is to establish a

15、 set of cha nn els to con tact the customers by DELL compa ny,and send orders directly from the customer to the DELL company. Orders can be listed in detail in the required configuration,and then the company per order product ion.Second,replace the stock with information. Why do DELL companies dare

16、to put forward zero inventory of this bold idea? The main reason is that the company is based on its powerful channel optimization ability to create value by processing information resources. The traditional distributi on age nt is the canal for stori ng the goods. The inven tory of the manu facture

17、rs is confined to the distributi on cha nn els,so it is very difficult to achieve zero inven tory.Third,value is created as a whole. The overall value creation of DELL company is specific toallia nee with customers strategy, DELL compa ny broke the traditi onal sense of ma nu facturer and supplier b

18、etwee n supply and dema nd, always maintain real-time in teract ion with customers, get the first hand customer feedback and dema nd, and the n accept orders accord ing to customer n eeds, and then take customers Customer dema nd orie nted product manu facturi ng. This en sures that products can be

19、supplied accord ing to customer n eeds. This is a virtuous cycle.1.2 The Objective of a Supply Chain 供应链的目标The objective of every supply cha in should be to maximize the overall value gen erated.每个供应链的目标应该是使所产生的总价值最大化。Supply Chain Surplus = Customer Value - Supply Chain Cost供应链剩余=顾客价值一供应链成本Customer

20、value: can be estimated by the maximum amount the customer is willing to pay for it顾客价值:可以由顾客愿意支付的最大金额来估算。Consumer Surplus = Customer Value - Price消费者剩余=顾客价值-价格.Supply cha in cost: The flows of in formati on, product, and funds in cur costs.供应链成本:信息流、产品流和资金流产生成本。The supply cha in in cur costs to con

21、vey in formati on, produce comp onents and products, store them, tran sport them, tran sfer fun ds, and so on.供应链产生成本来传递信息、生产部件和产品、存储它们、运输它们、转移资金等等。Supply Chai n Profitability : the differe nee betwee n the revenue gen erated from the customer and the overall cost across the supply cha in供应链盈利性:顾客产生

22、的收入与整个供应链的总成本之间的差异Supply Chain Profitability =Price - Supply Chain Cost供应链盈利能力=价格一供应链成本Supply Chai n Surplus=Customer Value - Supply Chain Cost=(Customer Value price)+(price Supply Chain Cost)=Con sumer Surplus +Supply Chain Profitability供应链盈余=顾客价值-供应链成本=(客户价值-价格)+ (价格-供应链成本)=消费者剩余+供应链盈利能力Example: R

23、outerPrice: 100RMBCustomer value: 120RMB Supply chain cost: 50RMBSupply Chain Surplus=? Consumer Surplus=?Supply Chain Profitability?Supply Chain Surplus =Customer Value-Supply Chain Cost 供应链盈余=顾客价值一供应链成本Stro ngly correlated 强相关JSupply Cha in Profitability =Price-Supply Chai n Cost供应链盈利能力=价格一供应链成本Th

24、e success of a supply cha in 供应链的成功Supply cha in success should be measured in terms of supply cha in surplus, not in terms of the profit at an in dividual stage.供应链的成功应该以供应链盈余来衡量,而不是以单个阶段的利润来衡量。Effective supply cha in man ageme nt in volves the man ageme nt of supply cha in assets and product, info

25、rmation, and fund flows to grow the total supply chain surplus.有效的供应链管理涉及供应链资产和产品、信息和资金流的管理,以增加总供应链盈余。补充资料:供应链管理的定义:供应链管理是用于有效集成供应商*制造商*仓库与商店的一系列方法f通过这些方法,使生产出来的商恰当的数量恰当的地点恰当的时间满足服务水平要求, 同时便系统成本最小化补充资料:供应链管理的定义供应链管理是对贯穿从最终用户到原始供应商 的关键商业流程的整合。这些流程为客户以及 其他利益相关者提供能够创造价值的产品屠服供应链管理是对供应链上各种关系进行管理。补充资料:物流管

26、理的定义心物流管理是供应链管理的一部分。该部分是用 来计划悔实施和控制在原始供应商和最终消费 者之间如何来低成本高效率地完成对货物备服 务及相关信息正向/反向的移动及储存,以便 更好地满足客户需求少冷狭义:企业内部的部门功能广义:对整个供应链上的物料.信息进行管理供应链管理概念形成的历史阶段T963年成立:实物M貼年更名:1920-1980 年2D世纪SD年代刘世纪90年代WD)协会物流(Logistics )专业协会供应链管理(SCM )专业协会美国物流管理协会的三次更名:对供应镀管理形成的历史阶段:实体配送阶段: Physical Distribution物流管理阶段: Logistics

27、供应链发展阶段:SupplyChainManagement供应链管理概念形成的历史阶段实体配送阶段1920年开始19501960广泛应用任务:将成品的运输配送和客户服务结合起来考虑,以便以尽量低的成本将产品运至顾客手 中,同时又不降低顾客的期望水平。供应链管理概念形成的历史阶段20世纪80年代反映了企业对内部价值链的重视,使企业消除了材料在内部流劢过程中,不同阶段之间 存在的储备和滞留供应链发展阶段从20世纪90年代管理内容已从企业内部延伸到企业外部,开始注重外部关系的研究,这包括分销商、顾客、供应商以及第三方的关系。1.3 The importanee of supply chain dec

28、isions 供应链决策的重要性First Level: Competitive Strategy 第一层次:竞争战略Second Levet 第二层次销售决策财务决策人力资源决策Operation decision ( Supply chain decision经营决策(供应链决策)Good supply cha in man ageme nt can support competitive strategy and offers a competitive adva ntage.好的供应链管理可以支持竞争战略并提供竞争优势。Walmart: Everyday low price 沃尔玛:天

29、天低价ZARA : fast fashionZARA :快时尚Poor supply chain management can damage an organizationsoverall health andperforma nee.供应链管理不善会损害组织的整体健康和绩效。Increase cosc (e.g. Murtiroh) 增加成本(如:摩托罗拉)降低服务水平11HE出淨出现短缺Operation1.4 Decisi on Phases of a Supply Cha in 供应链的决策阶段Supply chain decisions fall into three categor

30、ies or phases, depe nding on the freque ncy of each decisi on and the time frame duri ng which a decisi on phase has an impact.供应链决策分为三个类别或阶段,取决于每个决策的频率和 决策阶段对其影响的时间框架。Freque ncy and time frame: several year 频率和时间框架:几年A compa ny decides how to structure the supply cha in over the next several years.

31、一家公司决定如何在未来几年内构建供应链。Whether to outsource or perform a supply chain function in-卜|山乂?T.H loc;irir)11 mcapacities of product ion and warehous ing facilities是否外包或执行内部供应链功能?生产和仓储设施的位置和能力。1 he pTodiici.s i.o be maiiufacmred ar stored at variaus locaiions在不同地点生产或储存的产品The modes of tmnspoitanon to be made a

32、.vailajlc alony diftcrcnt sliipping legs不同船运方式的运输方式The type of in formatio n system信息系统的类型Notice 注意Supply cha in con figurati on must supports its strategic objectives.供应链配置必须支持其战略目标。Supply chain design decisions are long term and expensive to alter-must take into account market un certa in ty.供应链设计

33、决策是长期和昂贵的改变必须考虑到市场的不确定性。Supply Cha in Planning 供应链规戈 UFreque ncy and time frame: A quarter to a year频率和时间框架:四分之一到一年I. rider【he consirainrs established during chc strategic or dcsigi phase,在战略或设计阶段建立的约束条件下。Starts with a forecast of dema nd in the coming year.从第二年的需求预测开始。1历1; ;l set of operating polic

34、ies that govern short-term operations.定义一套管理短期操作的经营政策。Planning decisi ons in clude 规划决策包括Which markets will be supplied from which locations?从哪些市场将从哪个地点供应Subc ontracting of manu facturi ng.制造业分包Inventory policies.库存策略Timing and size of marketing and price promotions. 营销和价格促销的时机和规模。Notice 注意Compa nie

35、s must con sider企 业必须考虑Un certa inty in dema nd 需求的不确定性Iacnary? ntes 汇率的变化Competition over the time horizon 跨越时间的竞争Freque ncy and time frame: weekly or daily.频率和时间框架:每周或每天Compa nies make decisi ons regard ing in dividual customer orders.公司对个人客户订单做出决策。Supply chain configuration is fixed and operating

36、 policies are already defined.供应链配置是固定的,操作策略已经被定义。The goal is to han dle incoming customer orders in the best possible manner.目标是以最好的方式处理客户订单。Operati on decisi ons in clude:经营决策包括jUlocare inventory or producdon ro individiiiil orders将库存或生产分配给个别订单Set a dare that an order is ro be filled设置一个订单要填写的日期G亡

37、nwut亡pick上$目 肛a warthonst在仓库中生成拣选歹V表Allocate an order to a particular slippint-iocc ;.ik1 sliipricu:将订单分配给特定的运输模式和装运Set delivc7 scbccnlcs 士 rruck?设置卡车的交货时间表Place reple ni shme nt orders.放置补货订单。Daily Routi ne日常工作设计计划运作设施的选址和能力目标市场生产数 一, 为每个订单分配15?或安信息系统类型一 营销气促销的啤安排和 库存政策一发出补货订单一1.5 Process View of a

38、 Supply Cha in 供应链的过程观There are two ways to view the processes performed in a supply cha in.有两种方法来查看供应链中执行的过程Cycle View循环观点Processes in a supply chain are divided into a series of cycles, each performed at the in terfaces betwee n two successive stages of a supply cha in. 供应链中的过程被划分为一系列循环,每个 周期在供应链的

39、两个连续阶段之间的界面上 执行。A cycle view clearly defi nes the process in volved and the owners of each process.循环视图清楚地定义了涉及的过程和每个过CustomerRetuiferDiKtnbutorMunufactitrerSupplier程的所有者。Not every supply cha in will have all four cycles clearly separated.不是所有的供应链都会清晰地分开所有四个循环Sub processes in Each Cycle每个周期的子过程Each

40、cycle con sists of six sub processes每个循环由六个子过程组成。The differenee between sub processes 子过程的差异Difference 1: Order cycle vs other cycles差异1:订单循环与其他周期In the customer order, dema nd is exter nal and thus un certa in.在客户订单中,需求是外部的,因而是不确定的。In other cycles, order placeme nt is un certa in but can be project

41、ed based on policies. (E.g. Automobile-tiers)在其他周期中,订单放置是不确定的,但可以基于策略进行预测。(如汽车用品 层级)Differe nee 2 : The nu mber of orders decli nes and the size of each order in creases差异2:订单数量下降,订单数量增加Shari ng of in formatio n and operat ing policies becomes more importa nt as we move further.随着进一步的发展,信息和经营政策的共享变得

42、更加重要。Cycle view is useful when considering operational dtciskjns because it specifies he roles and resp on sibilities of each member of the supply cha in and the desired outcome for each process.循环视图在考虑操作决策时是有用的,因为它指定供应链的每个成员的角色和职 责以及每个过程的期望结果。E.g. en terprise resource pla nning (ERP) systems例如企业资源计

43、划(ERP)系统Push/Pull View推 / 拉观点All processes in a supply chain fall into one of two categories, depending on the timing of their executi on relative to end customer dema nd.供应链中的所有过程都根据它们相对于终端客户需求的执行时间,分为两类。f PULL PROCESSE拉动过程Execution is initiated in response to a customer order.执行是响应于客户订单而发起的。(react

44、ive 反应性)Customer order arrives 客户订单到达f PUSH PROCESSES推动过程Executi on is in itiated in an ticipati on of customer orders执行是在客户订单的预期下启动的。(speculative投机性)推/拉边界Push/Pull Boundary推动过程拉动过程Push ProcessesHPull ProcessesCustomer demand is not yet knownCustomer Order ArrivesCustomer demand is known (constraine

45、d by push phase)客户需求未知客户订单到达客户订单已知Push/Pull View of L.L. Bean L.L. Bean 的推拉观点米购、制造、 补货周期CustomerOrder CycleProcurement,Manufacturing, Replenishment CyclesCustomer Order and ManufacturingScIeProcurementCyclePULL PROCESSES(CustomerOrderArrivesPUSHIPROCESSES* Customer Order and、 、Manufacturing Cycle/Cu

46、stomer)Procurement CycleEthan AllenSupplierPush/Pull View of Supply Chain Processes 供应链过程的推 / 拉视图A push/pull view is very useful in considering strategic decisions relating to supply chain desig n推/拉视图在考虑与供应链设计有关的战略决策时非常有用。The goal is to identify an appropriate push/pull boundary such that the suppl

47、y chain can match supply and dema nd effectively.目标是确定一个合适的推/拉边界,使供应链能够有效地匹配供应和需求。Mixing of、 suitable colorsProduction of baseand shippin才、Packaging1减少缺货2.降低库存Push/Pull View of Ethan Allen伊顿 艾伦的推拉观点Ethan Allen makes customized furniture伊顿艾伦制作定制家具Case: Paint Industry油漆行业案例Push/Pull Boundary冃育技町生产和囲的覘

48、襪短济.科利于降低成本拉动帝程的忧域点补充:-雄以利用生产和运世的紐體恍悟Customer Order ArrivesDiscussion: What s the advantage and disadvantage of push process (or pull process)? 讨论:推动(或拉动)过程的优势和劣势是什么?推动澹程的恍缺点优点缺点延迟差异化策略延迟差异化策略:将产品的差异化流程尽可能 推迟;产品差异化之前的部分是推动流程;差 异化流程是根据市场需求做出反应,为拉动流程。 延迟差异化例子:贝纳通毛衣贝纳通是一个大型针织品供应商、欧洲最大的服装制造商 它向成百上千家商店提供

49、产品零售商:数量多,有限库存的门店服装行业的特点是顾客偏好变化快。但是由于生产提 前期长,商店店主常常不得不提前 7个月订购羊毛衫。贝纳通旧的制造流程改造后的流程根据客户的需求印染1.6 Examples of Supply Chai ns 供应链的案例Gateway and Apple捷威公司(Gateway)和苹果公司捷威公司:零售店无库存,按订单制造苹果公司:零售店有库存Zara飒拉公司(Zara) ?快时尚:从设计到上架不超过6周Toyota丰田公司(Toyota)全球制造商供应商选择Amaz on在线销售的鼻祖改变出版业的 Kin dleSummary 总结1. Discuss th

50、e goal of a supply chain and explain the impact of supply chain decisi ons on the success of a firm.讨论供应链的目标,并解释供应链决策对企业成功的影响。2. Identify the three key supply chain decision phases and explain the significanee of each one.确定三个关键的供应链决策阶段,并解释每一个关键的意义。3. Describe the cycle and push/pull views of a supp

51、ly cha in.描述供应链的周期和推/拉视图。Chapter 2 Supply Chain Performa nee: Achievi ng Strategic Fit and Scope第2章供应链绩效:实现战略匹配和范围2.1 Competitive and Supply Cha in Strategies竞争与供应链战略2.2 Achievi ng Strategic Fit实现战略契合2.3 Expa nding Strategic Scope扩大战略范围Hxplnin why achieving scrate:gic Hr 电 crir.icnl rc 沢匚oiTipa.nv,

52、s overiill 匚匸匕强解释为什么战略匹配对一个公司的整体成功至关重要?Describe how a compa ny achieves strategic fit betwee n its supply cha in strategy and its competitive strategy描述公司如何实现供应链战略与竞争战略之间的战略契合。2.1 Competitive and Supply Cha in Strategies 竞争与供应链战略波特的竞争战略五力模型:供应商的议价能力、购买者的议价能力、新进入者的威胁、替代 产品的威胁、同业竞争者的竞争程度。三大基本战略:成本领先战略

53、、差异化战略、聚焦战略Competitive Strategies 竞争战略A company scompetitive strategy defines, relative to its competitors, the set of customer n eeds that it seeks to satisfy through its products and services.一个公司的竞争战略,相对于竞争对手而言,是通过其产品和服务寻求满足顾客 需求的集合。The competitive strategy is defi ned based on how the customer p

54、rioritizes product cost, delivery time, variety, and quality.竞争战略是基于客户如何优先考虑产品成本、交货时间、品种和质量来确定的。Competitive strategy targets one or more customer segments and aims to provide products and services that satisfy these customes need.需求。Two different competitive strategies AvailabiSty ( VHrety Canvenlen

55、cBOnline Shopping Donvanlence IFreghi Walmart诜尔玛竞争战略目标的一个或多个细分市场的目的是提供产品和服务,满足这些客户的 Availability(One-Stop Shopping) Cheap重要词汇:竞争性毁灭有一种力量长期围困大多数公司-“竞争性毁灭”能够历经数代而不衰的企业 非常少。一个企业的竞争优势是该企 业的护城河,是保护企业免遭入侵的无形沟壕。 海丰国际:航运界的“西南航空”1、聚焦亚洲市场以在亚洲区内高密 度航运网络提供高 频率的服务为目标2、低成本 统一船型,以1000标准箱船型为主?较高灵活性?较低船舶成本Questi on:

56、 What s the relati on ship betwee n competitive strategy and supply cha instrategy?问:竞争战略与供应链战略有什么关系?The value chain in a company :Finance, Accounting, Information Technology, Human ResourcesAll functions must develop its own strategy.Functional strategies in a compa ny 公司的职能战略To specify the portfolio of new product, whether the Product dev


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