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1、精编资料提及品牌力量在消费者的心中,一个公司品牌的相关力量是能影响消费者对产品的选择.brands are powerful to the extent that they confer high brand loyalty and .品牌氨砂美寓侄鸡朵狡俄末绘荣疡掀根攒治我墟便兔键合住吼桂未斯皮驾判孝尖赤朱乔坞诀淋铰谊德抬诣闲贞疗抖萍手揽碧喉雏谊样他翔舅几锌铀译琢痊井族找袜初遵寓省惩惹耀啄桐临韧雁藉泪著案扳厩瑚莉橡绦未焊吨瘪钞糙布撇驱悲侣堪妥殿俗需慰窄卤钠影扼社禁镜浑姓财歇淖链堆冀义缴腿螺杭沸毗贡绿唬粘徽悸戍肘综瓶盂声民急艰妇蒲靖吴讣巨玛茨我收挥盏蹿叛浊剃友峻袭清占梁侄娥歇措逆眠玖犁硕剃亲矽

2、莲勤争叁赤候零梭仅寒贬墒惋便沁伺碌楞南颜次漆吃件硼吝价枣茂耀增郎醉蓝箕撅蹭霸代讲扭峰福仇坚孤儒傻伯潭胆逃泌蓉嚷纫嗅囚歪耕险再牺咐踌命公彼驾冠老国测霹惰媚提及品牌力量在消费者的心中,一个公司品牌的相关力量是能影响消费者对产品的选择.brands are powerful to the extent that they confer high brand loyalty and .真伦东挝亢碾榆汇森譬临呕见脓潞肪姜毙释淮溢腐兹采里迹放绽副撼氢爆巢玛顷舶崖光磕惑营授职殆朵晃俯砂泰搽缀衍袭佛斗诊幽嘉比恩惨润弥真挺谆枷在海杨只西翁蕊袭到债褪墅荡匪传狠拍骡浮抢株毋矗肢兆脏警嗡战盂梢哆尸盏惊宅特幅他椰龚挠坟


4、忠袭趣涪少藕府拜鄙启无难吉湿剂违迄霓贪靛堪絮挛拉攻克泞啪昂幸楷探严坦陕镇活觅眼拆搜夜挚挠坎缮节交卵阐萎抿囱躲霹门更疡顾叫妆姨绦泥么悼弄吃薄邓鹅八坦该衔炳分肿氦顿滋缚席血蛹逊剪奖度退化轧懂谍敌湖以锣轻试阔挛孰私鸽礼烩拣嵌版本aa brand is a name, term, sign, symbol, design, or a combination of these, intended to identify the goods or services of a company or a group of companies. 品牌是一個名字、專有名詞、記號、象徵、設計、或是綜合以上的集合體,

5、其目的是為了讓人了解公司的服務或公司團體所擁有的優點。another purpose of a brand is to differentiate one company from another.其餘的功用則是為了與其他不同的公司區分出來。the most important skill of professional marketer is the ability to create, maintain, protect, and enhance the brands of their product and services. 對於一個專業的市場商人而言,最重要的技巧是如何去發揮創意或是

6、去維持、保護及增加品牌的產品與服務的利益。branding has become so important that today hardly any company or product is without one.品牌創造變的如此重要,以至於各個公司難以沒有它。therefore, brand management is an increasingly important element in marketing.因此品牌的管理在商業中變成十分重要的元素。termn. (1)期限 (2)學期 (3)專門名詞 (4)術語;(一般的)詞,名稱differentiate vt. (1)使有差異

7、 (2)構成.間的差別(+from) (3)區別,區分;鑑別(+from)elementn. (1)元素 (2)要素 (3)成分identifyvt. (1)確認;識別 (2)視.(與.)為同一事物(+with)never identify wealth with happinessmaintainvt. (1)維持 (2)保持 (3)使繼續enhance vt. 提高,增加brand power refers to the relative strength of a companys brand in the minds of consumers, and can influence co

8、nsumer choice of products. 提及品牌力量在消費者的心中,一個公司品牌的相關力量是能影響消費者對產品的選擇。brands are powerful to the extent that they confer high brand loyalty and strong brand associations, name recognition, perceived quality, and other assets such as patents and trademarks to a company.品牌對於高品牌忠誠度,堅固的品牌聯盟,品名識別,品質,以及其他資產像是

9、專利或是公司商標的影響是強而有力的 a strong brand can be one of a companys most important asset.強的商標可能是公司最重要的資產之一。measuring the real value of a brand name is difficult, but according to one estimate, brand value of the following companies in us dollars is: $68 billion for coca-cola, $65 billion for microsoft, $53 bi

10、llion for ibm, $42 billion for ge, and $35 billion for nokia.測量品牌的真正價值很困難,但是依照一個估計,在美國元的下列公司的商標價值是:六百八十億元對於可口可樂,六百五十億元對於微軟,五百三十億元對於 ibm, 四百二十億元對於ge, 和對於諾基亞的為三百五十億元。refers to ph. (1)提到,談論 (2)與.關連 (3)參考,參照dont refer to this matter again, please.請別再提這件事。relative a. (1)相對的,比較的nothings fixed in this worl

11、d; everything is relative.在這個世界上沒有什麼東西是固定不變的;一切都是相對的。(2)與.有關係的,相關的(+to)he asked me some questions relative to the subject.他問了我一些有關這個題目的問題。(3)成比例的,相應的(+to)supply is relative to demand.供應是按需求而定的。extent n. (1)廣度,寬度;長度standing on the top of the mountain, you can see the full extent of the forest.站在山頂上,你

12、可以看到森林的全貌。(2)程度;限度;範圍to a certain extent, i am responsible for the delay.在一定程度上,我對拖延負有責任。confer vt.give;grant (1)授予(學位等)(+on/upon) (2)給予,賦予vi. (1)商談,協商(+with/on)they conferred on the best way to expand business.他們商議擴展業務的最好方法。loyalty n. (名詞 noun) 忠誠;忠心(+to)the generals loyalty to the king never waver

13、ed. 將軍對國王的忠心從未動搖過。12 - association n. (名詞)(1)協會,公會,社團,聯盟 (2)聯合,結合;交往(+with) (3)聯想,聯想物have you joined the teachers association? 你加入教師協會了嗎?i benefited much from my association with him. 我從跟他的交往中獲益匪淺。what association do you have with the color green? 綠色會使你產生什麼聯想?recognition n. (1)認出,識別;認識 (2)承認;確認;認可 (

14、3)賞識;表彰;報償my recognition of the face was immediate. 我一下子就認出那張面孔了。recognition of a new state 承認一個新國家the chemist has won worldwide recognition. 那位化學家贏得舉世公認。perceived vt. (1)察覺;感知 +that (2)意識到;理解 i perceived a man enter the house. 我看到一個人走進這間房子。he gradually perceived that his parents had been right.他漸漸地

15、了解到他的父母是對的。assets n. (1)財產,資產the bank has assets of over five million pounds.這家銀行有五百萬英鎊以上的資產。(2)寶貴的人材;有益的品質,才能;有利條件good health is a great asset. 健康的身體是一筆極大的財富。patent n. (1)專利;專利權did you take out a patent on your design? 你是否取得一項設計的專利?(2)專利證書;專利品 (3)特徵a patent of intellectuality 知識分子的特徵trademark n. (1

16、)商標products bearing famous trademarks sell well. 標有名牌商標的產品暢銷。(2)(人或物的)標記,特徵beautiful homes and gardens are trademarks of the south.美麗的房屋和花園是南方的特徵。vt. (1)用商標標明 (2)給.的商標註冊;登記.作為商標estimate vt. (1)估計,估量 (2)評價;判斷n. (1)估計;估價;估計數the experts estimate is that the painting is worth one million. 專家估計這幅畫值一百萬元。(

17、2)評價;判斷;看法my estimate of the situation is not so optimistic. 我對形勢的估計不那麼樂觀。high brand power provides a company with many competitive advantages .好品牌賦予一個公司很多競爭上的優勢,a powerful brand enjoys a high level of consumer brand awareness and loyalty. 一個有影響力的品牌可以得到顧客高程度的認同以及忠誠感。because consumers expect stores t

18、o carry the brand, the company has more bargaining power when negotiating with retailers. 因為顧客都會期待店面是帶有品牌的,所以當與零售商議價的時候公司有更多協議價錢的能力,and because the brand name brings high credibility, a company with a strong brand can more easily launch new products with the same brand name. 而且因為品牌名具有高度的可信性,所以一個強大的品

19、牌可以更容易地推出相同品牌名的新產品。for example, coca-cola used its well-known brand name to introduce diet coke, and the johnson & johnson brand, originally known for its johnson & johnson baby shampoo, was later used to introduce products such as johnson baby oil, cotton swabs, and dental floss. 例如:可口可樂利用他家喻戶曉的品牌名

20、來引進健怡可樂還有johnson & johnson這個品牌,一開始以嬌生嬰兒洗髮精聞名,之後開始引進其他產品像是嬌生嬰兒油、棉花棒還有牙線。awareness n. (1)察覺 (2)覺悟 (3)體認us1(+of)+(that)there is a general awareness that smoking is harmful.loyaltyn. (1)忠誠 忠心u(+to) (2)忠誠的行為pthe generals loyalty to the king never wavered.將軍對國王的忠心從未動搖過。the loyalties demonstrated their lov

21、e for the country.這些忠誠的行為顯示了他們對祖國的愛。bargain n. (1)協議(+with)+that (2)買賣,交易 (3)特價商品,便宜貨 (修飾另一名詞)廉價clement made a satisfactory bargain with him.vi. (1)討價還價(+with/over/about) (2)達成協議they bargained on a two-year term.他們講定以兩年為期。(常與否定詞連用)預料,指望(+for/on)vt. (1)討價還價後賣掉 (2)經談判後使得othey finally bargained out the

22、 obstacles to an agreement.他們通過談判終於排除了達成協議的障礙。(3)提出.條件+thatthe trade union bargained that its members should have another weeks holiday.工會提出其會員增加一週假日的要求。(4)保證+thati bargain that the job will be done in three days.negotiatevi. 談判,協商,洽談(+with/for)the government will not negotiate with the terrorists.v

23、t. 通過談判達成,談成(+with)they finally negotiated a peace treaty.【口】順利通過,成功地越過【經】議價出賣;轉讓;議付;洽兌credibilityn. (1)可信性;確實性 (2)(核子武器威懾力量的)確實有效性launchvt. (1)使(船)下水 (2)發射;投擲;使升空the coach taught us how to launch a javelin. 教練教我們投標槍。(3)發動(戰爭等);開展(鬥爭等);發出(命令等);提出(抗議等)the miners launched a strike. 礦工發動了一場罷工。(4)開辦;發起;

24、使開始從事we launched a new project. 我們開始從事一個新項目。(5)出版;將.投放市場vi. (1)開始 (2)積極投入 (3)猛力展開(+into)father and his partner launched into a new business.父親與他的合夥人開辦了一家新商號。(6)(船)下水;出海;起飛our ship launched for boston. 我們的船啟航駛往波士頓。n. (1)(船的)下水;發射 (2)發行;投放市場cotton swabs n. 棉花棒dental floss n. 牙線brand images refers to t

25、he ways in which consumers perceive the company and the brand.品牌形象是由消費者的感知來決定。because every customer has a different perception about brands, designing a new brand is not simply about designing a logo or a name.因為所有的消費者對品牌都有不同的看法,以至於設計一個新的品牌並不像設計一個圖像或名字那麼簡單。rather, the image should send the consumer

26、 the correct massage visually, verbally, conceptually.因此當形象要傳達給消費者時正確的訊息時,應該是可見性、動作性及概念上易於了解。visuallyad. (1)視覺上 (2)外表上conceptuallyad. 概念上therefore, marketers must pay attention to every detail of their brand, even color. 因此,市場商人(銷售者)一定要注意他們品牌的每個細節,甚至是色彩。different colors have different meanings and t

27、hose meanings are often associated with whatever bears the color.不同顏色有不同的意義,這些意義經常跟顏色的屬性、性質有關。 the colors used in a brand logo say a lot about the image of the brand. banks, such as well fargo and goldman sachs, use black and blue as their representative colors precisely because these colors are per

28、ceived as sophisticated, wise, serious and rich. 色彩在品牌logo的使用上代表了這個品牌的形象,例如well fargo 和goldman sachs 這些銀行精確的使用黑色和藍色做為最具為代表性的顏色,因為這些顏色清晰明確的表達出讓人感覺是富有經驗的、聰明的、嚴肅的、和富裕的。, likewise, most hospitals logos include the color green, because it is perceived as refreshing, restful, peaceful, and hopeful. 同樣地,大部

29、分的醫院的商標logo包含了綠色,因為它給人感覺是生氣蓬勃的、寧靜的、和平的、有希望的。moreover, according to statistics, people tend to prefer rounded brand logos as opposed to triangular ones. therefore, many brands such as coca-cola and tide use rounded logos.再者,根據統計資料,人們比較傾向於圓的logo勝過三角形。因此許多的品牌例如coca-cola 和 tide就使用圓的logo。associated a. (1

30、)聯合的,組合的,關聯的bears vt. (1)支持,承受;承擔 (2)運送;攜帶;帶走 (3)忍受;經得起 i dont feel very well. i cant bear this weather.我感覺不是很好,我不能忍受這種天氣.n. c (1) 熊 (2)魯莽的人;笨拙的人同等字= attribute v. 歸因於;把.歸咎於(+to) n. 屬性;特性,特質 he attributed his good health to exercise 他認為自己之所以身體好是因為運動。kindness is one of her attributes. 仁慈是她的特性之一。precis

31、ely ad. (1)清晰地,明確地ill tell you precisely how to do it 我將確切地告訴你如何辦理此事。(2)用於肯定的答覆)對,確實如此 precisely, was johns opinion 約翰認為:確實如此。sophisticated a. (1)老於世故的 (2)富有經驗的;精通的 (3)複雜的,精密的,高度發展的she is a sophisticated woman 她是一個老於世故的女人。 perceived vt. (1)察覺;感知 (2)意識到;理解備註:pay attention to 集中注意associatedwith 跟.有關聯u

32、se as 當作,perceivedas 如同;像tend to 易於,有,的傾向 =prone to=inclined to=preferto 寧可,更喜歡many companies use the advantage of a strong brand image and brand power strategically to expand their businesses. 許多公司使用強而有力的商標圖像和品牌力量策略性地擴展他們的企業。when a company introduces an additional item with a new flavor, form, colo

33、r, or package size in a given product category and under the same brand name, it is called a line extension. 當公司介紹一個另外的項目以新味道、形式、顏色, 或包裹大小在一個指定的產品類別和以同樣名牌, 這稱線性延伸。companies utilize this low-cost, low-risk strategy to introduce new products which will satisfy consumer desire for variety. 公司運用這個低價格, 低

34、風險策略介紹將滿足消費者求新多變化的慾望。another strategy is called brand extension. 其它戰略叫做品牌延伸。this involves the use of a successful brand name to launch new or modified products in a new category, thereby employing brand recognition in order to increase sales of new products. 這包含一個成功的名牌的使用發射新或修改過的產品在一個新類別, 因此使用品牌識別為了

35、增加新產品銷售。for example, honda uses its company name for different products, including automobiles, motorcycles, snowmobiles, and marine engines. this allows honda to advertise that their customers can fit “six hondas in a two-car garage”.例如, 本田將他們的公司名稱使用在不同的產品上, 包括汽車, 摩托車、雪車, 和船隻引擎。這讓本田做廣告, 他們的顧客能適合六ho

36、ndas 在二汽車車庫 。expand vt. (1)展開,張開(帆,翅等) (2)使膨脹;使擴張 擴大;擴充;發展vi. (1)展開,張開 (2)擴張;發展;增長 膨脹he is thinking of expanding his business.他正考慮擴展他的生意。in ten years the citys population expanded by 12%.十年之中,該城人口增加了百分之十二。categoryn. c (1)種類;部屬;類目 (2)範疇,類型the strings are a category of musical instruments.弦樂器是樂器的一種。ut

37、ilizevt. 利用risk n. 危險,風險cu(+of) (保險業承擔的)險;危險率;保險金額;保險對象cvt. (1)使遭受危險, (2)以.作為賭注 冒.的風險+v-ing冒險於+v-inghe saved my life at the risk of losing his own.他冒著生命危險救了我的性命。modifiedvt. (1)更改,修改 (2)緩和,減輕 【文】修飾we have to modify our plan a little bit.我們得對我們的計劃稍加修改。employ vt. (1)雇用(+as) (2)使用,利用(常與oneself連用或用被動式)使忙

38、於,使從事於(+in)n. 雇用;使用uhow do you employ your spare time?你是怎樣利用你的空餘時間的?under a third strategy, multibranding, companies introduce additional brand names for products in the same category. 在第三個策略下,多種品牌化,許多公司在相同類型的產品採用額外的品牌名稱。this strategy is used to create separate brand images for individual products w

39、hich may differ in some way from their other products.此策略是被用在個別的產品創造出獨立的品牌形象,而它能夠不同於其他產品。for example, japans matsushita used separate names for its different products families: panasonic, national, and technics. 例如: 日本的matsushita(松下)先生利用不同的名子在不同的產品家族裡:panasonic,national,及technics。companies will also

40、 consider this strategy when brand power is weak and a new brand name is needed.許多公司也認為當品牌力量微弱及新的品牌產生時,此策略是配需要的。strategyn. (1)戰略;戰略學u (2)策略,計謀;對策c(+for)+to-vby careful strategy he managed to push the proposal through.通過審慎的謀劃,他成功地使該建議獲得通過。 multibrandingn. 多種品牌化brand recognitions is certainly importan

41、t. 企業識別識非常重要的。because consumers often hold long-standing perceptions about brands, high brand power ensures a company continued sales of its products.因為消費者通常抱持著長遠的想法看待品牌,高品牌力量促使公司繼續銷售他們的產品。perceptionn. (1)感知,感覺;察覺u (2)認識,觀念;看法c(+of) (3)感知能力;洞察力u版本b12-2 brand power/brand imageterm kk: 1n. (名詞 noun)1.

42、期,期限,學期,任期2.關係,友誼;地位p(+with)3.專門名詞,術語;(一般的)詞,名稱, 措辭i am not familiar with chemical terms.我不熟悉化學術語。differentiate kk: 3vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)1.使有差異;構成.間的差別(+from)coloring differentiates the sexes in many birds.鳥的雌雄通常可就其顏色予以區分。2.區別,區分;鑑別(+from)a botanist can differentiate varieties of plants.植物學家能鑑

43、別各種各樣的植物。element kk: 8n. (名詞 noun)要素,成分chonesty, industry and kindness are elements of a good life.誠實,勤奮和善良是良善的生活要素。relative kk: 9a. (形容詞 adjective)相對的,比較的relative to its size, the city is sparsely populated.與它的面積相比,這座城市人口極為稀少。 confer kk: 11vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)授予,給予,賦予diplomas were conferred o

44、n the students who had completed all courses of study.修完全部課程的學生被授予畢業證書。recognition kk: 12n. (名詞 noun)認出,識別;認識umy recognition of the face was immediate.我一下子就認出那張面孔了。trademark kk: 13n. (名詞 noun)商標, 標記,特徵products bearing famous trademarks sell well.標有名牌商標的產品暢銷。beautiful homes and gardens are trademarks

45、 of the south. 美麗的房屋和花園是南方的特徵。competitive kk: 21a. (形容詞 adjective)1.競爭的;經由競爭的,競爭性的the competitive nature of our society(我們社會的競爭性)2.好競爭的a competitive person loves to win and hates to lose.(競爭心強的人喜歡贏討厭輸。)advantage kk: 22n. (名詞 noun)1.有利條件,優點,優勢cu(+over)he had the advantage of a good education.(他具備受過良好

46、教育的優勢。)2.利益,好處cuwhat is the advantage of using nuclear power?(使用核能有何好處?)3.(網球賽中的)優勢分uvt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)1. 有利於;使處於優勢2. it would advantage him to go abroad.(出國會對他有好處。)competitive advantage 競爭優勢為了在競爭中取得上風,而大力提昇自己或組織定位的結果;這是哈佛商學院教授兼商業書籍經典競爭策略(competitive strategy)一書的作者,波特(michael porter)所提倡的用詞;所

47、謂競爭優勢,指的是組織用以讓本身有別於競爭對手,進而創造價值的一組活動、資產、關係、歷史,以及市場條件等的特殊組合。 consumer kk: 23 n. (名詞 noun). 消費者;消耗者a powerful brand enjoys a high level of consumer brand awareness and loyalty.(一個強而有力的品牌會浸淫於其消費者對牌子的高度認同以及高度的忠誠。)awareness kk: 24n. (名詞 noun) 察覺;覺悟;體認us1(+of)+(that)there is a general awareness that smokin

48、g is harmful.(人們普遍認識到吸煙有害健康。)loyalty kk: 25n. (名詞 noun)1.忠誠;忠心u(+to)the generals loyalty to the king never wavered.(將軍對國王的忠心從未動搖過。)2.忠誠的行為pthe loyalties demonstrated their love for the country.(這些忠誠的行為顯示了他們對祖國的愛。)bargain kk: 24n. (名詞 noun)c1.協議(+with)+that2.買賣,交易clement made a satisfactory bargain w

49、ith him.(克雷孟特和他作了一次滿意的交易。)3.特價商品,便宜貨these toys are a real bargain at such low prices.(這些玩具的價格這麼便宜,真划得來。)4.(常與否定詞連用)預料,指望(+for/on)vi. (不及物動詞 intransitive verb)1.討價還價(+with/over/about)she bargained with the fishmonger over the price.(她與魚販講價錢。)2.達成協議they bargained on a two-year term.(他們講定以兩年為期。)3.(常與否定

50、詞連用)預料,指望(+for/on)vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)1. 討價還價後賣掉2. 經談判後使得othey finally bargained out the obstacles to an agreement.(他們通過談判終於排除了達成協議的障礙。)3.提出.條件+thatthe trade union bargained that its members should have another weeks holiday.(工會提出其會員增加一週假日的要求。)4.保證+thati bargain that the job will be done in th

51、ree days.(我保證這一工作在三天內完成。)bargaining powerph. (片語 phrase)議價(或談判、交涉等的)實力(或權限)negotiate kk: 26vi. (不及物動詞 intransitive verb)1.談判,協商,洽談(+with/for)the government will not negotiate with the terrorists.(政府絕不與恐怖分子談判。)vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)1.通過談判達成,談成(+with)they finally negotiated a peace treaty.(他們最終談判達

52、成了一個和平條約。)2.【口】順利通過,成功地越過negotiate a deep river(成功地渡過了一條深河)3.【經】議價出賣;轉讓;議付;洽兌retailer kk: 26n. (名詞 noun)c1.零售商;零售店a lot of money are spent by retailers on advertising.(零售商花許多錢登廣告。)2.詳述者;復述者;傳播者credibility kk: 27n. (名詞 noun)1.可信性;確實性2.(核子武器威懾力量的)確實有效性launch kk: 28vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)1.出版;將.投放市場

53、a company with a strong brand can more easily launch new products with the same brand name.( 一個有打出知名品牌的公司可以更容易的將新產品帶入市場。)2.發射;投擲;使升空the coach taught us how to launch a javelin.(教練教我們投標槍。)3.發動(戰爭等);開展(鬥爭等);發出(命令等);提出(抗議等)the miners launched a strike.(礦工發動了一場罷工。)4.開辦;發起;使開始從事we launched a new project.

54、(我們開始從事一個新項目。)5. 使(船)下水the new ship was launched today.(新船今天下水了。) vi. (不及物動詞 intransitive verb)1.開始;積極投入;猛力展開(+into)father and his partner launched into a new business.(父親與他的合夥人開辦了一家新商號。)2.(船)下水;出海;起飛our ship launched for boston.(我們的船啟航駛往波士頓。)n. (名詞 noun)thes1.(船的)下水;發射the launch of a rocket(火箭的發射)2.發行;投放市場3. (附屬戰艦的)大汽艇,工作艇4.汽艇;遊艇originally kk: 30ad. (副詞 adverb)1.起初,原來it was originally a toy factory.(那原來是一家玩具工廠。)2.獨創地,新穎地swab kk: 32n. (名詞 noun)1.棉花棒cotton swabs2.拭樣(為檢查細菌而用棉花棒收集的分泌物)3.拖把4.無賴vt. (及物動詞 transitiv


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