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1、研究生学位论文开题报告登记表Graduate Dissertati on ProposalRegistrati on Form报告题目 Dissertation Title _学生姓名 Student Name _学号 Student Number _指导教师Supervisor _职称Title_学位类另寸 Degree Category _学科专业 Subject (Major) _研究方向 Research Area_研究所(院系) Institute/Department _填表日期Date_中国科学院大学制?Uni versity of Chin ese Academy of Sci

2、e nces填表说明1.本表内容须真实、完整、准确2.“学位类别”名称:学术型学位填写哲学博士、教育学博士、理学博士、 工学博士、农学博士、医学博士、管理学博士,哲学硕士、经济学硕士、 法学硕士、教育学硕士、文学硕士、理学硕士、工学硕士、农学硕士、医 学硕士、管理学硕士等;专业学位填写工程博士、工程硕士、工商管理硕 士 (MBA )、应用统计硕士、翻译硕士、应用心理硕士、农业推广硕士、工 程管理硕士、药学硕士等。3.“学科专业”名称:学术型学位填写“二级学科”全称;专业学位填写 “培养领域”全称。4.本表如篇幅不够,可自行加页。Instructions1. Please fill in the

3、 form truly, completely and accurately.2. “Degree Category”can be divided into Academic Degrees and Professional Degrees.For Academic Degrees, please fill as follows: Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Education, Doctor of Science, Doctor of Engineering, Doctor of Agricultural Science, Doctor of Medici

4、ne, Doctor of Management, Master of Philosophy, Master of Economics, Master of Laws, Master of Education, Master of Literature, Master of Science, Master of Engineering, Master of Agricultural Science, Master of Medicine, Master of Management, etc.For Professional Degrees, please fill as follows: Do

5、ctor of Engineering, Master of Engineering, Master of Business Administration (MBA), Master of Applied Statistics, Master of Translation, Master of Applied Psychology, Master of Agricultural Extension, Master of Engineering Management, Master of Pharmacy, etc.3. “ Subject (Major)”: for Academic Degr

6、ees, fill in the full name of -itdsiscuipbline;for Professional Degrees, fill in the full name of the specific degree title.4. Use additional sheet if necessary.1 / 5报告题目Dissertati onTitle课题来源Fu ndResources 973、863 项目 Project funded by the National Basic Research Program (973 Program) or the Nati on

7、al High Tech no logy Research and Developme nt Program of China (863 Program)国家社科规划、基金项目 Project funded by National Social Scienee Fund 教育部人文、社会科学研究项目MOE (Mi nistry of Education in Chi na)Project of Humanities and Social Sciences国家自然科学基金项目Project fun ded by Natio nal Natural Scie nee Fu nd中央、国豕各部门项目

8、Project fun ded by cen tral gover nment and statedepartme nts省(自治区、直辖市)项目Project funded by provinces (autonomousregi ons or muni cipalities)国际合作研究项目 Research projects with in ter nati onal cooperati on与港、澳、台合作研究项目Projects in collaboratio n with Hong Kon g,Macau or Taiwa n企、事业单位委托项目 Project entrusted

9、 by enterprises or public in stituti ons外资项目 Foreign investment project学校自选项目 Opti onal projects of uni versity国防项目 National defense project非立项 Project not established其他 Others课题性质Nature of the Research基础研究 Basic Research应用研究 Applied Research综合研究 Comprehensive Research其它 Other与导师研究课题的关系Relatio ns to

10、Supervisor s Project是导师研究课题的一部分 Part of the supervisors research p与导师研究课题无关 Un related to supervisor s research proje开题报告摘要 Abstract of Dissertatio n Proposal2 / 5ie导师意见(对研究内容及可行性进行评价,是否同意开题。)Comments of Supervisor (Assessment for the research and its feasibility; whether t dissertati on proposal is

11、 approved)导师签字 Supervisor (Signature):日期Date:年/月 / 日(Year/Mo nth/Date)3 / 5记录人Recorder:日期Date:年 /月 / 日开题报告地点Venue开题报告时 间Time forDissertatio nProposal考核记录 Assessment records:4 / 5(Year/Mo nth/Date)考核小组成员 Members of Assessme nt Panel姓名Name职称/职务Title/Positi on单位Orga ni zati on签字Sig nature开题报告考核小组意见 Comme nts from Assessme nt Panel考核结果Results优秀Excellent良好 Good合格Pass不合格Fail考核小组组长签字:Sign ature of th


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