1、姓名:班级:学号:工程热力学传热学总分题号一一一二二二-三四五得分1All the answers be written on the answer shgetThermod yn amicg.PROBLEMS ( 30 points for total )Con sider a well in sulated rigid tank that is divided into two comp artme nts by a p artiti on. In itially, one side holds air, while the other side is evacuated. The p a
2、rtiti on Is now removed, and the air fills the en tire tank.An alysis: (1) the cha nge of internal en ergy of the air;(2) Is the work done by air? (6 p oi nts(8 points ).wt.k_JRg(护Write the app licable con diti ons of the exp ressi ons.2饷=C p(T2 -); wt =-1 vd p ; w -Ah ;Describe the change of enthaI
3、py(焓)of ideal gas during a process from aninitial state 1 to a final state 2 in T-s diagram.(4 points )T-s 图A system un dergoes a p rocess betwee n two fixed states first in a reversible manner and the n in an irreversible manner. For which case is the entropy change greater? Why? (4 points ) Accord
4、 ing to the T-s figure of an ideal regenerative rankle cycle(回热循环),describe thethermal p rocesses invo Ived in the cycle. Write the exp ressi on of thermal efficie ncy.(8 points ).CALCULATION (30 points for total )1 Consider a well insulated horizontal rigid cylinder that is divided into two comp ar
5、tme nts by a p isto n that is free to move but does not allow either gasto leak into the other side. In itially, one side holds 0.5kg of the ideal gas at 30oC, and 0.4 MPa, while the other side holds 0.5kg of the same ideal gas at 30oC, and O.12 MPa. Now thermal equilibrium is established in the cyl
6、i nder as a result of heat tran sfer through the p ist on.(1 ) Find exp ressi ons for the equilibrium temp erature T and p ressure P reached.(2) Calculate the entropy changes for A and B and the total entropy changeof the cyli nder.Assume that Cv,m is constant, R g=0.287kJ/(kg.K).(15 points )h=1100
7、kJ, produces work W net=742.5kJ2 An inven tor claims to have devised a heat pump which excha nges heat with reservoirs at 393K and 3OOK, the work is pro vided by a heat engine which excha nges heat with two con sta nt temp erature reservoirs at 12OO K and 3OO K. The heat engine absorbs heat Q Determ
8、ine :Can the heat engine work? reversible or irreversible?Th=1200KIf the heat pump rejects heat Q can the heat pump work? reversible or irreversible?i=2400 kJ ,Ql热机Ti=393KQH=1100kJ,W net =742.5kJ=W P 二T土Tl=300KTl=300KThe maximum amount of heat that heat2(63pump p roduces Q 1,max . (15 points )Heat T
9、ran sfer三.PROBLEMS ( 24 points for total )Describe the exp ressi ons (1) Fourierlaw; (2) Fin efficie ncy;(3) The surface(空resista nee to radiati on(表面辐射热阻);(4) The sp ace resista nee to radiati on间辐射热阻).(6 points )The non dime nsion alized equati on of lam inar boun dary layer on a flat pl ate1/2 i/
10、3of constant temperature is Nu = 0.664 Re PrWrite the definitions and meanings of Nu, Re, Pr.(6 points )Describe the characteristics of the velocity and thermal boun dary layer. points )2d有效辐射法中国石油大学(北京)2006-2007学年度第一学期储运2004工程热力学与传热学期末试卷A卷(闭卷)工程热力学部分判断对错(每题1分,共计5分)气体被压缩时一定消耗外功;()理想混合气体中,各组元的体积分数等于其
11、摩尔分数;不可逆过程的熵变无法计算;()当m公斤的河水与 G公斤的沸水具有相同的热力学能时,湿空气的含湿量d一定时,温度越高,其吸湿能力越强;它们的可用能一定相同;问答题(共计18分)1.将满足以下要求的理想气体多变过程表示在同一个P-V图和T-s图上4 The figure shows a ideal gray diffuse surface.Try to write the radiati on en ergy invo Ived with thesurface. Write the exp ressi ons of radiosity(有效辐射)and n et radiati on h
12、eat tran sfer(净辐射热流)of the surface. ( 6 points ) 四.CALCULATION (16 points for total )A Steam pipe with an outside radius of 4cm is covered with a layer of asbestos (石棉)insulation 入=0.15W/(m. C) 1cm thick, which is in turn covered with fiberglass(玻璃纤维)insulation 入=0.05W/(m. C) 3cm thick.The outside s
13、urface of the steam pipe is at a temperature of 330C , and theoutside surface of the fiberglass insulation is at 30C .Determi ne(1) the heat tran sfer rate per meter len gth of the pipe and;(2) the in terface temp erature betwee n the asbestos and the fiberglass in sulatio n.(1)理想气体的定温,定压,定容和定熵过程;(5
14、 分)(2)工质又膨胀,又降温,又放热的多变过程。2.欲设计一台热机,使之能从温度为973K的高温热源吸热2000 kJ,并向温度为303K的低温热源放热800 kJ,问此循环能否实现?(4分)3. 解释湿空气的露点温度,说明将未饱和湿空气 转变为饱和湿空气的方法。(4分)4.如图为蒸汽一次回热循环的T-s图,指出各相应过程的特点,并写出热效率的计算公式。T-s 图七.计算题(共计30分)1有一汽缸和活塞组成的系统,汽缸壁和活塞均由绝热材料制成,活塞可在汽缸中无摩擦地自由移动。初始时活塞位于汽缸中间,A ,B两侧各有1 kg空气,两边的压力、温度都相同,并有PA1= Pb1=0.45 MPa
15、, Tai = Tbi= 900K。现对A侧冷却水管通水冷却,PA2= P B2= 0.3 MPa 时。试计算:A,B两侧的体积,温度是多少?冷却水从系统带走的热量是多少?A,B腔内气体的熵变及整个气体组成的系统A侧压力逐渐降低,直至压力降低到 。 (15 分)(1)过程无摩擦,热源温度为 400K ;熵变是多少?按定值比热容计算。且k=1.4, c v=0.717 kJ/(kg 2 将1 kmol理想气体在400K下从0.1 MPa缓慢地定温压缩到 1.0 MPa,试计算下列三种情况下 此过程气体的熵变,热源的熵变和总熵变。过程无摩擦,热源温度为300K ;过程有摩擦,比可逆压缩多消耗20%
16、的功,热源温度为 300K。(15分)传热学部分四.回答问题(共计21 分)5 一个具体导热问题的完整数学描述应包括哪些方面?写出直角坐标系, 稳态三维导热的微分方程。(4分)无内热源,常物性,非6写出如图角部边界节点温度的有限差分方程式。(2 分)7流体自然对流换热特征数关联式包括哪些准则,写出各准则的表达形式及物理意义。(6分)A/wLii,j15 hi,j9如图,两表面组成一封闭系统,试确定角系数8以流体外掠平板时流动边界层为例,分析说明边界层内热量交换的特点。(5分)Xi,i , Xi,2, X2,1 X2,2 的值。已知两表面面积Ai, A2。(4 分)五.计算题(共计26分)1 用
17、热电偶测量气体的温度。热电偶近似为球形,直径为0.5mm,初始温度为25C,被突然放于表面传热系数为 95 W/(m 2.K),温度为120 C的气流中。试计算:(1) 热电偶的过余温度为初始过余温度的1%时需要多少时间?(2) 这时热电偶指示的温度是多少?已知热电偶材料的扎 =67 W/(m.K) , P = 8930 kg/m3,比热 c = 400 Jkg.K)。(12 分)2 两块平行放置的钢板之间的距离与其长和宽相比,可以忽略不计,已知它们的温度分别为t1=527 C,t2=27 C,发射率为 1=62=0.8。试计算:(1)的自身辐射;的有效辐射;的投入辐射;的反射辐射;1,2的净
18、辐射换热量。(14分)中国石油大学(北京)2006-2007学年度第一学期储运2004工程热力学与传热学期末试卷A卷答案工程热力学部分.判断对错(每题1分,共计5 分)1 V; 2 V; 3 X;4 X;5 Vo.问答题(共计18 分)Ts工质膨胀,降、温,放热过程2(4 分)答:法1:利用克劳修斯积分式判断循环是否可行:昱旦 + Q.2000 +z800 = q585kJ/K0973303故此循环能实现。3 ( 4 分)答:湿空气中水蒸气分压力Pv所对应的饱和温度,称为露点温度。将未饱和湿空气转变为饱和湿空气的方法有两种:法1 :湿空气温度T 一定时,增加水蒸气分压力pv = Pvmax =
19、 pS(T),法2 :保持水蒸气含量 pv不变,降低湿空气温度 T =Ts( Pv)。4( 5 分)答:热力过程为:10-5-6-1锅炉中未饱和水定压加热成过热水蒸气过程;1- 7 akg过热蒸汽在汽轮机中可逆绝热膨胀过程;1-2 (1-a)kg过热蒸汽在汽轮机中可逆绝热膨胀对外作功至冷凝压力过程;2- 3冷凝器中可逆定压放热过程;3- 4饱和水在凝结水泵中可逆绝热被压缩过程;4- 9 (1 -a)kg工质在回热加热器中被定压加热过程;7-8-9 a kg工质在回热加热器中定压放热过程;9-10 1kg工质在给水泵中可逆绝热被压缩过程。热效率:由:Q1 =h1 h1o,Q2 =h2 -h3hi
20、 -hio得:H 二 Q1 -Q2 二(g - go) - (h2 -h3)二(g -hg) -(h2 -h3) 得Q1三.计算题(共计30分)1( 15 分)解:(1)根据题意,B侧为可逆绝热膨胀过程,终态时 A,B两侧压力相同,且过程中总体积不变,即心Vaj +心Vbj =iVA2 + 心Vb2 。初始时:Va1 =Vbi =mARZAL JS287J/(kg.KM900K =0.574m3Pai0.45 do6 Pa对于可逆的定温压缩过程,心U =0,消耗功量:1.4 J.(0.3MPa 产 =1 I x900801.55K,2.45MPa 丿j Pb2VPbi 丿VB2mB RgTB2
21、-1k287J/(kg.K801.55K.0.7668m3。Pb20.3 x106 Pa先取B为热力系,进行可逆绝热过程,故有:kATbiA 热力系:Va2 =(Vai +Vbi) Vb2 =2x0.574 0.7668 = 0.3812m3,pA2VA2十=0亠 106p*7381亦=398.45K。mARg1kg287kJ/(kg.K)(2)再取(A+B )为热力系统,整个系统对外不作功。Q = AU A + Au B mACV (Ta2 -TA1)+mBCV(TB2Tb1)有:ASa=mCV (Ta2 + Tb2 2Ta1)= 1kg X 0.717kJ /(kg.K)x (398.45
22、 +801.55 -2 900)K=-430.2kJ求熵变:,1 TA2 c I P A2 = mA(cp In -Rg In)T A1P A1= 1kg x(i.4X0.717kJ /(kg.K)In 398.45K -0.287kJ/(kg.K)In。“5“Pa900K0.3MPa=-0.934 kJ /K=0整个汽缸绝热系的熵变:KS = +朋6 = -0.934 + 0 = -0.934 kJ / K2( 15 分)解:(1)此过程为可逆过程。W = f-Vdp =nRT InBAP2= 1000mol x8.3141.4kJ /(mol X)x400Kx| n=-7657kJ1000
23、kPa因此,由闭口系统能量守恒得:Q = W = -7657kJ将气体和热源看成孤立系统,孤立系统经历可逆过程,由孤立系统熵增原理得:Siso = ASsys + 去 Ssurr 0其中:iSsur Tsurr凸Ssys = ASsurr = 19.144kJ / K(2)热源和气体之间进行有温差的传热过程,故该过程为不可逆过程。因为气体的初终状态保持不变,则气体的熵变仍为:Ssys = -19.144kJ /K热源熵变:於surr =丛Tsurr=礬=25.523皿于是整个孤立系统熵变为:iSis。=iSsys +iSsurr =-19.144 + 25.523 = 6.379kJ / K(
24、3)热源和气体之间进行有温差的传热过程,同时压缩过程机械不可逆,故该过程为不可逆过程。因为气体的初终状态保持不变,则气体的熵变仍为:Ssys = -19.144kJ/ K压缩过程中所需的压缩功比(2)多20%,则有:W =1.2“ 刁657)kJ =-9189kJ热源熵变:Assurr =9竺Tsurr= 9189kJ =30.630kJ/K 300K于是整个孤立系统熵变为:心 Siso =KSsys +人Ssurr =-19.144 + 30.630 =11.486 kJ/K传热学部分四.回答问题(共计17 分)1( 4 分)答:一个具体导热问题的解包括导热微分方程+单值性条件。直角坐标系,无内热源,常物性,非稳态导热微分方程为:ctex八)cxdyczi1,ii,j1答:自然对流换热的特征数表示为:Nu = f(Gr, Pr)u I其中:Nu =,物理意义为:表征流体在壁面外法线方向上的平均无量纲温度梯度,其大小反A映对流换热的强弱。VPr = ,物理意义为:流体的动量扩散能力与热量扩散能量之比。aGr =史等,物理意义为:浮升力与粘性力的相对大小,反映自然对流的强弱。VGr越大,答:答:浮升力的相对作用越大,自然对流越强。(5 分)层流边界层内,热量传递主要依靠导热。湍流边界层内,热
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