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1、Book 2 Unit 3 Computers . 重点单词 1_ complete change in a way of thinking, working, etc 2_ connected computer system 3_ to make things easier 4_ to find the answer using numbers 5_ can be moved easily from place to place 6_ to work out the answer to a problem 7_ to travel around an area to find out abo

2、ut it 8_ completely 9_ anyway 10_ activity of managing moneytotally finance explore solve mobile calculatesimplifynetwork revolution anyhow 1.计算机器 _2.人工智能 _3.从那时起 _4. 结果 _ 5. 随着时间的流逝 _6. 下载信息 _ 7. 从某种意义上说 _8 在的帮助下 _9. 处理,应付 _10. 看守,监视 _a calculating machineartificial intelligencefrom then onas a res

3、ultwith time going by/as time goes bydownload informationin a waywith the help ofdeal withwatch common _(作状语) in common with_ have nothing/a lot/something in common with sb. Jane and I_.=I _Jane. Jane和我没有共同之处Tim and John have a lot of hobbies _,especially in surfing the Internet. A. in comm

4、on B. in general C. in ordinary D. as usual共同的,共有,共用的共同的,共有,共用的和和一样一样have nothing in commonhave nothing in common withA2.universal adj. 1) _ 2) universe n._ universally adv. It is_.这是一个普遍的真理。Climate change is a universal problem._ 道德体系It is_ acknowledged that nuclear weapons are dangerous to human r

5、ace. A. usually B. normally C. commonly D. universally普遍的;通用的普遍的;通用的宇宙性的;世界性的宇宙性的;世界性的宇宙;万象;体系宇宙;万象;体系a universal truth moral universe D3.Over time I have changed a lot.over(指时间)_She has been _.在过去的几天它一直卧病在床Can we talk about this over dinner? _ 巩固:Its reported that the two heads of the two countries

6、 met _informal lunches.A. on B. for C. over D. with 在在期间;直到期间;直到过完过完 ill in bed over the past few days. C4 .sum n. 1) _;2) _;3)_in sum _ a sum of _to sum up_2和3 的总数是5She is _.她的算术比我好。I have to spend _to get it back.我不得不花一大笔钱才把它弄回来。I have been offered _money to move away, but I am determined to stay

7、here. A. a large sum of B. a large number of C. a good many D. the large number of_, we cant underestimate the difficulty.A. Sum up B. To sum up C. Summing up D. Sums up总之,概括地说总之,概括地说_She is better at sums than I am. a large sum of money AB总数总数 算术算术 金额金额 总而言之总而言之 一笔一笔 The sum of 2 and 3 is 55.before

8、 conj. It took nearly 200years before I was built as an analytical machine by Charles Babbage._He had left here before I arrived._Some called me up, but he hung up before I could answer._在在之前;之前;之后才之后才;还没来得及还没来得及就就花了几乎花了几乎200年之后我才被建造成一台分析机。年之后我才被建造成一台分析机。在我到达之前他已经离开了在我到达之前他已经离开了有人给我打电话,我还没来得及接电话,他就挂

9、断了有人给我打电话,我还没来得及接电话,他就挂断了常用于以下结构:It will/wont + 时间段 + before +句子 It was/wasnt+ 时间段 + before +句子 选择:1)It was at eight oclock_ Tom came back.2)It was Sunday_ we had a picnic.3)It will be a long time_ we finish this dictionary.4)It is five years_ he joined the army.5)He was told that it would be at lea

10、st three more months _he could recover and return to work. A. that B. before C. when D. since要过多长时间之后才会要过多长时间之后才会/过不了多长时间之后就会过不了多长时间之后就会过了多长时间之后就过了多长时间之后就/没过多长时间之后就没过多长时间之后就ACBDB6.personal adj. 1) _2)_3) personally adv. 1) _2)I _to discuss with you.我有一些个人的事情同你谈谈The novel is written _从个人经历.The presid

11、ent made _总统亲临现场。_(我个人), I am against his suggestion.It was generally believed that the show was not as successful as expected. But _,I think it was a great success. A. Publicly B. Secretly C. Privately D. Personally 私人的私人的个人的个人的亲自的亲自的就个人而言就个人而言亲自亲自have something personal from personal experiences a

12、 personal appearance at the event. Personally D7. as a result _ as a result ofThe traffic was heavy and_.(结果我迟到了)(结果我迟到了)The weather was bad; _(结果我们不得不推迟徒步旅行)。(结果我们不得不推迟徒步旅行)。_(由于坏天气由于坏天气), our hiking was put off.结果结果作为作为的结果的结果as a result I was late. as a result ,we had to put off our hiking.As a re

13、sult of the bad weather, 8.totally adv. total adj. n. _ vt. _ in totalI was _ moved by his love story Thats a _different matter.There are 50 students _ in our class.The room was in_darkness 完全地;彻底地;整个地完全地;彻底地;整个地总的;整个的总的;整个的总数;合计总数;合计总数达总数达 =add up合计,总共,加起来合计,总共,加起来totally totally in total total I c

14、ant believe you _我不能相信你会把这事告诉一个素昧平生的人。Out of a total of 15 games they only won 2._。巩固:-Do you know how many students took part in the sports meet?-About 400_. A. all together B. after all C. in total D. all in allwill tell a total stranger about it. 在总共在总共15场比赛中他们只胜了两场比赛场比赛中他们只胜了两场比赛C8.sothat/such.t

15、hat如此如此以至于以至于 + 复数名词复数名词so 单数可数名词单数可数名词 that 不可数名词不可数名词 单数名词单数名词such +u/pl. thatadj/advmany/fewadj+a(n)+much/little+a/an +adj.+adj(除(除much/many/few/little(少)之外的(少)之外的He was _他那样粗心以至于考试失败了。She is _ lovely a girl that we all like her.注意:注意:so/suchthat句型中,如果so/such +adj/adv位于句首时,主句要用部分倒装。So hard _ that

16、 he seldom goes home.(工作如此努力)巩固:He was_an honest man that _many people praised him.He made_great progress that the teachers are pleased with him.They are _little boys that they cant finish_much work in _a short time. A. so; so; such B. such; so ; so C. such; so; such D. such; such; so so careless th

17、at he failed in the exam. sodoes he work suchsuchCso9. application n. apply vi._ vt. apply for applicant n. _.向申请.The machine is of wide application._They _他们接受了我加入俱乐部的申请。You cant _这个规则不能适用于所有的状况。We should _我们应该把这项技术应用于农业。巩固:1)-How can I make an _for a new job? -Please fill out this form. A. recepti

18、on B. expression C. application D.congratulation2) The salary of the job is good, so Im considering_it. A. applying for B.applying to apply for to apply to应用,申请,用途应用,申请,用途申请申请应用,运用应用,运用申请申请申请人申请人make an application to sb.for sth这台机器用途广泛这台机器用途广泛accepted my application to join the club. appl

19、y the rule to every case. apply the new technology to farming.CA10.anyhow adv.= somehow adv. _(无论如何), its worth trying.The door _.门怎么也打不开。It may snow, but_(不管怎样我也要进城)We must _ by noon.我们得设法在上午前完成工作。-Can you tell me the way to the bus stop?-Sorry I dont know.-That is all right. Thank you_. A. anyhow

20、B. somehow C. otherwise D. thereforeanyway 无论如何;即使如此无论如何;即使如此以某种方式;通过某种途径;不知怎么的以某种方式;通过某种途径;不知怎么的Anyhow wont open anyhow. anyhow I will go to town. finish the work somehow by noon. A11. signal vt./vi._ n._He seems to _ with his arms.他似乎正挥臂向我们发信号。The driver signaled the old man to cross the street _A

21、 red light is usually _(危险的标志)巩固:The policeman _the children to cross the road when the traffic lights turned green. A. let B. made C. signaled D. called发信号发信号 ;发暗号;示意;发暗号;示意信号;暗号信号;暗号 be signaling to us a signal of danger. C司机示意那位老人穿越马路司机示意那位老人穿越马路12.goal n. _ _设定目标_/_/_/_ a goal实现目标 in goal_进一球My

22、goal in life is to be an actor._He kicked the ball to the other teams goal._We_ in the first minute of the game.(进球)_(为了实现目标), he worked out a detailed plan.We _(3:1击败了对手).目标;球门;进球得分目标;球门;进球得分set a goalachieverealizeattainreach守门守门score a goal我的人生目标是当一名演员我的人生目标是当一名演员他把球踢进了对方的球门他把球踢进了对方的球门scored a goal To achieve his goal beat them by three goals to one a way_in this wayi


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