



1、1/ 6clock, atdaat, in , on,和by表示时间的区别:at 指时间表示:1) 时间的一点,一时刻:They come home at surprise (at noon, atmidnight, at ten o dawn).2) 较短的一段时间。可指某个节日或认为一年中标志大事的日子。His grandfather died at seventy-two.At the beginning (middle, end) of that month he was sick.He went home at Christmas (at New Year, at the sprin

2、g Festival, at night, atmidsummer).In 指时间表示:1) 在某个较长的时间(如世纪,朝代,年,月,季节,及泛指的上午,下 午和晚上等)内。He died in the holidays.He was born in 1942.2) 在一段时间之后。He will come round in a day or two.I will finish it in three hours.On 指时间表示:1)具体的时日和一个特定的时间,如某日,某节日,星期几等。He will come to meet us on our arrival.On May 4th (On

3、 Sunday, On New Year s day, On Christmas Day), there will bea celebration.2/ 62)在某个特定的早晨,下午或晚上。He arrived at 10 o clock on the night ofthe 5th.He died on the eve of victory.3)准时,按时。If the rain should be on time, I should reach home before dark.表示地点的区别In 表示地点1) In 表示比较大的地方, 2)虽然是很小的地方,如果说话人住在那里,也 可用i

4、n商店,机关,学校等,若看作一个地点(point)用at,若看作一个场所(place)用 in.I met him at the post-office.I m now working in the po-sotffice.On 表示地点,一般指与面或线接触:1) 在上面”He put the book on the table and sat on the chair.The picture was hanging on the wall.2) 在旁边”New work is on the Hudson River.Xiamen is on the river.He lives in a h

5、ouse on the river.1). near, by, beside, at表示 在????附近”的区别:near 表示相对的 “近”,实际距离可能还很远。例如:3/ 6There is a post office near our school.Suzhou is near Shanghai.By和beside都表示 靠近”实际距离不可能很远,但 beside比by更具体 的表示出 “在?旁边”的意思。例如:There is a big tree by the river.He was sitting beside 还可以表示 “尺寸,距离 ”。例如:They esca

6、ped death by inches.Do you see the hole high up in the wall, about 18 cm by 9?常用短语在英语中介词的使用频率比较高,而介词 in, on和at又是介词中使用频率 比较高的词,收集了介词in,on和at表示时间,地点和状态的常见的短语 请注 意一些短语用不同的介词,意义不同,有些区别不大。表示时间 :in 表示时间 in 1999, in 20 century, in a flash瞬时),in a lucky hour在幸运时 刻),in a mi nu te, i n a sec ond, in a short t

7、ime, in a while, i n a wi nk一 瞬间)in advanee预先),in an emergency在紧急地时候),in an evil hour(在不幸地时刻),in an instant, inancient times, in broad day(在大白天),in course of,在期间),in December, i n duecourse及 时地),in future, i n good seas on及时地),in no time(马 上), in ones childhood,in ones spare time, in ones teens, in

8、ones youth, in recent years, in seas on 适 时),i nsec on ds在 很短的时间),i n some cases有 时候),i n spri ng, in the afternoon, in thebeginning, in the daytime, in the end, in the evening, in the future, i n the long run(最后),i n the mea ntime, in the mor ning, in the n ick of time(在 紧急关头 ), in the night, inthe

9、 past, in the thick of (在最激烈的时刻 ), in the thick of(在最激烈的时刻 ),in thisperiod, in those days, in time of war, in time,4/ 6on 表示时间 on a certa in day, on a sudde n突然),on a win ter morning, on Christmas Day, on ni ght shift, on on es birthday, on schedule按时),on Sun day, on that date, on the eve of, on the

10、 follow ing day, on the in sta nt(马上),on the mome nt(立刻), on the Mon day morning, on the New Y ears Eve, on the n ext morning, on thepo int of(正在 时候),on the spur of the mome nt(立刻)on this day, on this occasion,on time,at 表示时间 at a time(在某时),at a wedding(婚礼),at all times(一直),at anymoment, at any time

11、, at Christmas, at dark 天黑时),at dawn(在黎明),at daybreak, atdinner-time, at dusk(在黄昏),at Easter, at first sight,一见至U), at first, at last, atmidnight, at night, at nightfall, at noon, at present, at six clock, at sunrise, at sunset, atthat moment, at that time, at the age of, at the beginning of , at th

12、e correct time, at theend of, at the last minute, at the moment, at the present stage at the same time, at thestage(眼下)at the start, at the time being, at the time of, at the very start, at thispo int(此时),at this seas on, at this time of day, at times有 时)表示地点in 表示地点 in a car, in a queue, in adva nee

13、 of 在 前面),i n all the directi on, inappearanee, in corners在角落里)in doors, in front (of), in good light(在光线好的 地方),in heaven, in place(position)在适当地位置),in places处处),in port(在港内), in publicplaces, in shore靠岸), in society, in the air(在空中)in the bank, in the book(书的内容里),in the centre(在中央),in the countrysi

14、de, in the distanee(在远处 那边),in the eastof(在 东咅 B) in the east, i n the fields, in the film, i n the front rank(在前歹y), in the frontrow, in the lab, in the letter(信的内容),in the middle of, in the moon light, in the newspaper(报纸的内容里),i n the ope n air(在户夕卜),i n the open(在野夕卜),in the picture,in the rain,

15、in the room, in the shade of, in the sky, in the suburbs of, i n the sunshin e,i n the tree, in the uni verse, in the vic inity of(在附近), in the warm(在暖和的地方)in theworld, in(on) the bus, in(on) the street,on board (在船上)on camera(出现在电视上),on campus, on deck在甲板上), on earth, on 表示地点 on high(在高处),on land,

16、on the bank, on the beach, on theborders, on the ceiling, on the coast, on the committee, on the corner(在拐角处), on the east of(在的东面)on the farm, on the first floor, on the football field, on the(play)ground, on 5/ 6the horizon, on the island, on the left/right,. on the market, on thepage 12, on the r

17、ailway line, on the river, on the road, on the roof, on the sea, on theshore, on the side of, on the team, on the track(在轨道上),on the water(在水面 上 ), ontop of, on(in) the wall,at 表示地点 at a bookshop, at a distanee在远处),at that place, at the airport, atthe back of, at the base of, at the bottom of, at th

18、e cen tre (of)(在中心),at the corner, atthe crossroads, at the desk在书桌旁),at the door, at the edge of, at the end of, at thefoot of, at the front, at the gate, at the head of, at the meeting, at the mine(在矿山),atthe party, at the place, at the pub, at the rear of, at the seaside, at the station, at thest

19、op, at the top of, at the window, at(in) the cinema, at(in) the library, at(in) the office,at(in) the village, at(on) the weekend表示状态in表示状态in progress(在进行中),in a dilemma(处于进退两难的境地),in a hurry,in a tight corner(处于困难中),in action(在行动中),in an emergency,处于紧 急情况中),in anxiety, in astonishment, in bad mood(

20、心情不好),in bad temper(心情 不好,生气),i nbed, in blossom(bloom) 在开花),in bon ds(在 拘留中),in chai ns在 囚禁中),i ncharge看管),i n church, in class, in collision在 冲突中),i n commissi on (在 服役),ineondition(健康情况良好),in confusion 在混乱中),in control (of), in court(出庭),i ncustody(拘留),in dan ger, in debt(负债),in deep water(s)(处于困

21、境), in dema nd(有需求)in despair, in diff icult, in dispute(在争论),i n doubt, i n employment, in exile(在流放),in fear and trembling(提心吊胆),in flight(飞行),in flood, in full blossom(开着花),in good con diti on, in good health, in high spirits, in horror, in hospital, in isolation. in love,in motion, in need (of)

22、in operation( 在运转 ), in order(状态良好),in panic, in peace平安)(at peace禾口平),in peril(处于危险),in place, in power, in practice(在实践中),inpreparation, in process(在进行中),in production, in progress(前进,进行中),inpursuit(在追赶中),in question(正被讨论), in rehearsal在彩排),i n retireme nt(退休),i nretreat(在撤退)in sail(张着帆)in secret,

23、 in service, in session在会议中),in shortsupply, in silenee, in sorrow, in stock有库 存)in store(储藏着)in successi on, in surprise, in suspe nsior悬浮中)in tears(流 着泪) in the field(在作战),in the press(在 印刷),in the red(负债),in the same boat(处境相 同),in the works(在计戈U中),in thought,in trade, in triumph, in 6/ 6trouble,

24、 in use, in view(被考虑),in won der, i n work(有工作),i nwork, i n(at) college, in( at) school, i n(at) university,on 表示状态 on a diet(在节食),on a picnic, on a trip, on a vacation trip, on a visit, on a voyage, on a walk, on approval, on ben ded kn ees跪 着)on bus in ess, on call (待命)on credit(赊帐),on display, o

25、n drill(在 训练),on duty, on exhibiti on, on fire, on foot,o n good terms(友好),on guard, on hire(出租) on holiday, on leave, on loa n出 借),onoffer(出售中),on ones day(在最兴旺的日子),on ones guard(警惕)on on esh on eym oon, on on es kn ees, on on es mind 惦念),on on es own time(在 非工作 时间),o n on es roun d(出诊)on order(已订购),on parade(在 游行),on patrol(巡逻) on sale待售)on sale, on show, on stream在生产中)on t


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