1、北京大学国家发展研究院China Center for Economic Research, NSD中国经济研究中心Peking University, Spring 2017经济学原理Economic Principles2017年秋季学期周一18:40-20:30 理教208周二15:10-17:00理教208课程简介 Course Description 本课程介绍现代经济学的最基本概念及原理,使同学们掌握经济学的基础知识,了解经济学的思维框架和分析方法,学会运用经济学原理观察、分析和解释现实世界中的经济现象和问题,并为之后更深入的经济学学习打下基础。主要知识内容包括:市场需求与供给;消
2、费者与生产决策;公共部门经济学;宏观经济长期增长与短期波动;货币与金融经济;开放经济与国际贸易等。This is a course on basic economic principles. The goal of this course is to introduce basic concept of economics, framework of analysis and the skill of observing, analyzing and explaining the economic phenomenon and problem in real life. This course
3、 is the preliminary one in advance of further study. The content of the course includes: market supply and demand; consumer and producers choice; economics of public sector; long run growth and short run fluctuation of macroeconomics; monetary and financial economics; open economics and internationa
4、l trade, etc.联系信息 Contact InformationInstructor 教师: Prof. Miaojie Yu 余淼杰教授Office办公室:郎润园621Office Hours答疑时间:TBAEmail:mjyu Telephone:6275-3109Fax:6275-1475Course Webpage: 课程论坛Course Forum 习题课 Discussion SectionsTeaching Assistant 助教:徐竹西、王霄彤Email:徐竹西 zhujiu47王霄彤 xtwang2007Telephone13311087
5、161教材 Textbook:曼昆经济学原理第七版(或其他版本),北京大学出版社, 2015年 参考书 References:1. 阿尔弗雷德马歇尔,经济学原理,湖南文艺出版社,2012年。2. 保罗萨缪尔森,经济学,商务印书馆,2013年。3. 高鸿业,西方经济学(微观+宏观),中国人民大学出版社,2014年。4. 余淼杰,“贸”似如此,北京大学出版社,2016年。考核方式Course Grading: 平时成绩占总成绩20% ;期中考试占总成绩35% ;期末考试占总成绩45% 。Problem Sets 作业4次, 每次3%12%Short Proposal 短文(2000字+)Dec.8
6、8%Midterm 期中考Nov.735%Cumulative Final Exam 期末考Dec.845%课程规定Course Policies: All homework assignments are due and must be handed in during lecture. 作业上课时交。(作业不能补交)作业布置时间上交时间第一次09/2610/09第二次10/2410/31第三次11/2712/04第四次12/1912/26 Homework assignments will be handed out in lecture and are discussed in sect
7、ions. 作业答案会在习题课讨论 Homework is graded check+, check, and check-. When determining course grades, the homework is recorded as a 100% for check+, a 67% for check, a 33% for check-, and 0% if not handed in. There is a significant penalty for NOT handing in the homework. 作业分数分三档,优为3分,良为2分,差为1分,不交为零分。 No
8、make-up exams will be provided. Consider to drop the course if you have conflicts with the final exam time. 本课不提供补考机会。除非健康原因或经学校批准,必须在指定时间参加各个考试。如有缺考按北京大学有关规定办理。 Exams are closed book with a mixture of short answer and multiple part analytical problems. The final is cumulative with a greater weight
9、on material from the second part of the quarter. 期末考题型为短问及分析题。课程大纲 Course Outline:This is tentative and subject to change. Check back at our class webpage for periodic updates and direct links to papers. Please read the assigned readings before the lecture.以下大纲会按课程进度作相应调动。WeekDateContents ChapterWee
10、k 1Sep.11导论1、2、3Introduction Sep.12导论IntroductionWeek 2Sep.18市场:需求与供给需求4、5、6、Market Force: Supply and Demand-DemandSep.19市场:需求与供给需求Market Force: Supply and Demand-DemandWeek 3Sep.25市场:需求与供给供给Market Force: Supply and Demand-Supply7、8Sep.26市场:需求与供给供给Market Force: Supply and Demand-SupplyWeek 4 Oct.2国庆
11、节休息National Days BreakOct.3国庆节休息National Days BreakWeek 5Oct.9消费者Consumers Choice21Oct.10消费者Consumers Choice Week 6Oct.16生产者I:生产成本Producers Choice: Production Cost13Oct.17生产者I:生产成本Producers Choice: Production CostWeek 7Oct.23生产者II:产品市场Producers Choice: Product Market 14、15、16、17Oct.24生产者II:产品市场Produ
12、cers Choice: Product MarketWeek 8Oct.30生产者III:要素市场Producers Choice: Factor Market18、19、20Oct.31生产者III:要素市场Producers Choice: Factor MarketWeek 9Nov.6期中考复习Review of MidtermNov.7期中考试Midterm in Class Week 10Nov.13公共部门经济学The Economics of Public Sector 10、11、12Nov.14公共部门经济学The Economics of Public SectorWe
13、ek 11Nov.20宏观经济概念与数据Concept and Data of Macroeconomics23、24、28Nov.21宏观经济概念与数据Concept and Data of MacroeconomicsWeek 12Nov.27宏观经济的长期增长和短期波动Long Run Growth and Short Run Fluctuation25、33、34、35Nov.28宏观经济的长期增长和短期波动Long Run Growth and Short Run FluctuationWeek 13Dec.4宏观经济的货币与金融Monetary and Financial Economics 26、27、29、30Dec.5宏观经济的货币与金融Monetary and Financial EconomicsWeek 14Dec.11开放经济Open Economics3
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