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1、Marketi ng case Travelzoo: Email market ingtour compa nyResearch papers DownloadNews: REVIEW: a tourcompa ny, simply by push a weekly e-mail to its members, adhere to more tha n a doze n years ago, Web 1.0 way of doing bus in ess, be successful?Travelzoo the facts show, at least it can be made, thec

2、ompany listed on the Nasdaq, in the United States in 2002, followed in 2004 by breaking the eBay created a record 80 times earnings as of March 31 this year, Travelzoo first quarter finan cial in come reached $ 42.2 millio n, an in crease of 7%, net profit of $ 5.6 millio n, an in creaseof 49% in th

3、e world with over 20 milli onregistered users.E-mail, Travelzoo currently selected main and only marketing channels. Compared to those keen to expand through new media company, Travelzoo is quite some alter native, however it is this seem in gly outdated“ awkward ” , last year alone, Travelzoo China

4、, the numberof members more than 110 million customer a single average price of $ 300 to 500, even in the high-end tourism in dustry, this figure is eno ugh to make the envy of many similar en terprises.To conq uer the world with Web 1.0“ Travelzoo not the bus in ess of the age nts are notin volvedi

5、n specific bus in ess,our genes is a media,websites and e-mail is the only product available to the user. ” Travelzoo Chin ese preside nt Hon gwei & It ;< First Finan cial Daily & gt; i nterview that the media gene is the most importa nt act of Travelzoo and directi ons.1998, had bee n a the repo

6、rters foun der Ralph Bartel started at $ 10,000, the face of the numeroustouristin formatio n, he wants to do is for the con sumers weekly selecti on of the “ Top 20 ” Specialelectr onicpresentations,so far, this is still the core of themai nbus in ess of Travelzoo.Internet to providecon sumerswitht

7、hevastamounts of informationatthe same time, sothatmorecon sumers in the the in formatio ntide of lost directi on,con sumers are eager to find the best value products, butdo not have too much time and effort to find the con trasteve n serious study every product on the market Travelzoois no doubt in

8、 this wave the choice of a“丄丄”“I”丄“”counter-currentgive up large , selectconcisestrategy.“ Our approach that is hard to say, simple but verysimple. ” Hongwei explained, in the tens of thousands of tourism products in the market you want to find out the really valuable able to recomme nd products to

9、con sumers, in addition to relying on with extensive experienee in editing“ sea election ” , it seems that for the time beingsmarter way .Sea electi on the sole criteri on of the price is not theeditorsrecomme ndedfor 20 a week for differe ntcoun triesTravel Deals, Travelzoo has a team ofprofessi on

10、 als to search, review, refi ne and test compared to the price, the price is more importa nt editors selecti on criteria.“ This product to consumerswhat is the value? ”This is the most freque ntly asked questi ons of the HongWei s editorial team, “We will reject any condition, un able to deliver suf

11、ficie nt value Special products, eve n if their price is low eno ugh, to the cost of advertis ing is high eno ugh, will not affect the choice of our content.“,Travelzoo s editorial team in the market searchand filter out competitive products and projects, packaged in comb in ati onRecomme nd to memb

12、ercon sumers, book ing behavior of users you n eed to jump to the mercha nt s web site, or by bus in essestocom muni cate directly to complete.This investment in human and material resources, the primary choice for con sumers to make the seem in gly simple strategy beh ind it implies absolute con fi

13、de nee in the model and content.Not “ higher grade ” white Formica “Formationof a cooperative for most of the travelsite, with hotels, airlines or tourist attractions,discountand rebate is the most com mon profit model, however, the operation of the “ media ” ideas Travelzoo is different from tradit

14、i onal on li ne travel en terprises, it is more like a travel e-magazine. Travelzoo from does not charge any fees, but put through the merchant s advertising reve nue.If Ctrip, go where travel platform is openforbus in ess home wait ing for con sumers to find in formatio n, Travelzoo is more like th

15、e product pushed to the user shan ds. Former through a variety of promoti onalandmarketing consumer“ pull ” ( pull) to the web platform,while the latter is the product direct “ push ” (push) to the con sumer.How to push out the messagesare not put in thespam box, which is a com monproblem facing all

16、 sitesen terprises.“ Find their own customers, to their things.” This isthe the Hon gwei un dersta nding and an swers.Judg ingfrom the data provided by Travelzoo,national active e-mail subscribers more than 1.1 million people, there is no promotionand marketingchannels,the annual n atural growth of

17、more tha n 10 milli on users, China data, for example, mail-ordercon vers ionratereached 30% In other words, the weekly “ Top 20 ” recomme nded products, more tha n 30 milli on users point to ope n 20 try book ing process.110 milli on users is a group of what kind of pers on?30 years old, in come (a

18、verage mon thly in come of 10,000 yuan), the majority of white-collar workers and staff,“ Hongwei given keyword,” This is a group of littleideas, also determined “for their own good “, but also ” smartcon sumers.Weekly push from Travelzoo s opinion, theaverage unit price of 2,000 yuan majority belon

19、gto thehigh-e ndproductsin the domestic tourismin dustry.Targetedproductswill allowcon sumerstohave ani che,customized feeli ng the user stick in ess tend tobe more stable because the “ feel ” .From the data provided, the same high-e nd products through Travelzoo s channel sales amount is the tradit

20、i onal OTA (Over-The-Air, a mecha nism based on short message through mobile termi nals or on li ne service menu dyn amically dow nl oaded SIM card, delete and update, allowi ng users to obtai n pers on alized in formati on services, data value-added services) more tha n three times the cha nnel pla

21、tform.Hon gwei said, Ctrip, where to go, eLong, the same way n etwork and other tourist class website will Travelzoo seek cooperation, “Our customers are more focused, especially in the high-e nd con sumer groups, so these sites will very happy to sales of their high-e nd products on our platform. “

22、Exte nd locatio n-based modeStarted in the travel, since last year, Travelzoo in troduced in the Chin ese market Local Deal brand, bega n to extend to the food and beverage, health and other high-e nd urba n leisure services.Thisseem in glyclosetothebus in ess of the buymodeandGroup onWhatisthediffe

23、re nee? Hon gweistressed this is“genetically different” from the productsfromthepoint ofviewoftheLocal Deal, is stillconcentrated in thefive-starhotelspa, upscale hoteldining etc. high-endproducts in the choice of theseproducts still in use of Travelzoo has alwaysbee n“ awkward ” artificial selectio

24、n.a Although our services are required to provide, butthat does not mean our team is very large, which is depe ndenton thebeh in d-the-sce nesexperie needprofessional editing team. ” Hongwei added,“We do notthi nk Local dealis simple buy, and buy mode similarto,but in the quality of products, we provide better protecti on,and thus user satisfacti on will be in creasedaccord in gly in order to attract more in vest


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