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1、Exercises 1I. decide whether the following states are true (T) or false (F).1. The Un ited Kin gdom is located in souther n Europe.2. The Un ited Kin gdom con sists of four political divisi ons En gla nd, Scotia nd, Wales and Irela nd.3. En gla nd is one of the two large isla nds in the British Isle

2、s.4. The British Isles are made up of three large isla nds and hun dreds of small on es.5. Wales lies on the east coast of the isla nd of Great Brita in.6. The Common wealth of Nati ons is a free associati on of in depe ndent coun tries which has 54 members.7. In Scotla nd, rugged mountains, gree n

3、valleys, and deep, blue lakes provide some of the most beautiful scenery in Europe.8. The Ion gest river in Brita in is the Thames.9. The largest lake in Brita in is the Lough Neagh in n orthwest En gla nd.10. Brita in climate is in flue need by the Gulf Stream, a warm ocea n curre nt that sweeps up

4、 from the equator and flows past the British Isles.11. The English, the Scots, and the Welsh are Anglo-Saxons, but the Irish are Celts.12. London and En gla nd as a whole have great in flue nee over the rest of the Un ited Kin gdom because of their large populati on.13. People of Indian, Pakistani,

5、and Bangladeshi origin are the largest group of immigrants in Brita in.14. Compared to the rest of the world, the UK has a smaller percentage of older people and a higher perce ntage of youn ger people.15. The Welsh Ianguage is the official language in Wales.16. Scottish Gaelic is the official langu

6、age in Scotland.17. The English Ianguage is the predominant Ianguage in Northern Ireland.18. English people all strive to free themselves of regional or local accents in order to sound like educated En glish-speak ing people.19. Social class in the UK lays more emphasis on money and property.20. Bri

7、tish ness is associated with political, historical, tech no logical, sport ing, and cultural achieveme nts in Brita in.21. The first Roman invasion took place in 43 AD, headed by the Emperor Julius Caesar.22. The name “ England derived from the Angles, one of the Germanic tribes who came to En gla n

8、d in the 5th and 6th cen turies.23. The Magna Carta defined the King s feudal rights, preventing him from arbitrarily collectingrevenue.24. The Black Death once ravaged England, carrying off three fourths of the population.25. During Edward III s reign, the war with France known aHtimdred Years War

9、began.26. The Wars of the Roses were in the main a great con test for Crow n betwee n the rival housesof York and Lan caster.27. Queen Mary was a follower of the Church of England and she was determined to makeEn gla nd once aga in a Protesta nt coun try.28. James son, Charles I, who succeeded him i

10、n 1625, also thought that his right to rule was God-give n.29. The establishment of the British East India Company in 1600 was a case of economic pen etrati on.30. Although the mon arch does not have any real power, he (or she) does have great in flue nee.31. Britain does not have a written constitu

11、tion.32. Each Member of Parliament represents a constituency, and holds his seat during the life of a Parliame nt.33. The House of Lords is the second chamber where changes in law can be made.34. The party which wins the second largest number of seats in the House of Lords becomes the official Oppos

12、iti on.35. Mini sters are appo in ted by the Quee n on the recomme ndati on of the Prime Mini ster.36. The two major parties in Britain today are the Conservative Party and the Liberal Democratic Party.37. Ministers in Britain cannot be elected Members of Parliament at the same time.38. Although Bri

13、tain is a unitary state, it does not have a single legal system.39. A Magistrates Court sits with a jury.40. The main courts of civil jurisdiction in England and Wales are the County Courts.41. A century ago the British economy was among the strongest in the world.42. Joh n Maynard Keynes was an in

14、flue ntial America n econo mist.43. A strong opp onent of the policies of the Labor Party, Margaret Thatcher worked to in crease gover nment con trol over the British economy.44. In Britain service industries account for about two-thirds of its gross domestic product.45. Most of the United Kingdom t

15、rade is with other developed countries, especially other members of the Europea n Union.46. Today, the City of London is the center of London where government departments arelocated.47. Christianity was first introduced into Britain by St. Augustine in the 6th century.48. Un der the Act of Settleme

16、nt 1701, the British mon arch is required to be a member of the Church of En gla nd.49. The Supreme Governor of the Church of En gla nd is the Archbishop of Can terbury.50. Can terbury Cathedral is used for the Coron atio n of all British Mon archs.51. The Baptist Union of Great Britain is the large

17、st of the Free Churches in Britain.52. The UK has the second largest Jewish community in Western Europe.53. Parents are required by law to ensure that their children receive compulsory full-time educati on betwee n the age of 5 and 16.54. Most of the state sec on dary school populati on in Great Bri

18、ta in atte nds comprehe nsive schools.55. In the UK, public schools are publicly-funded schools.56. In the UK, most undergraduate (bachelor s) degrees take three years to complete.57. The Open University was intended to give opportunities to adults who have been unable to take conven ti onal higher

19、educati on.58. More than 70 British citizens have been awarded the Nobel Prize in scienee, second only to the Uni ted States.II Choose the answer that best completes the statement or answers the question1. The British Isles are made up of.A. three large isla nds and hun dreds of small onesB. three l

20、arge isla nds and doze ns of small onesC. two large isla nds and hun dreds of small onesD. two large isla nds and doze ns of small ones2. Which of the followi ng is NOT a political divisio n on the isla nd of Great Brita in?A. En gla nd.B. Scotla nd.C. Northern Irela nd.D. Wales.3. Brita in is separ

21、ated from the rest of Europe by the En glish Channel in theand theNorth Sea in the east.A. eastB. southC. westD. north4. The Republic of Irela nd was totally in depe ndent in the year.A. 1920B. 1945C.1918D.19495. highest mountain in Brita in, Ben Nevis, lies in.A. the Highl

22、a ndsB. the Southern Upla ndsC. the Cen tral Lowla ndsD. the Lake DistrictThe British Empire was replaced by the British Common wealth or the Com mon wealth of Nati ons in.A. 1921B. 1931C. 1945D. 1950The moun ta in system the Pennines is ofte n called the backb one of.A. En gla ndB. Scotla ndC. Grea

23、t Britai nD. Irela ndThe regi onal capital of Northern Irela nd is.A. GlasgowB. Edin burghC. Card iffD. BelfastWhich of the followi ng stateme nts about the climate in Britai n is NOT true?A. Britain s climate is of the maritime type.B. Win ters in Brita in are extremely cold.C. Summers in Britai n

24、are cool.D. Brita in is warmer tha n Harbin in win ter.The En glish people and the En glish Ian guage were born from the union of.A. the An gles and the SaxonsB. Roma ns and the Norma n FrenchC. Danes or Vikings and the Norma n FrenchD. Norma n conq uerors and the defeated An glo-Sax onsThe first kn

25、own settlers of Brita in were.A. the Iberia nsB. the Beaker FolkC. the CeltsD. the Roma nsAbout 80,000 Scots speak Gaelic which is an ancient.A. Scottish Ian guageB. En glish Ian guageC. Irish Ian guageD. Celtic Ian guageAbout three million people have migrated to Britain since World War II. They ar

26、e mainly from the West In dies, In dia and.A. Indon esiaB. Sin gaporeC. Ho ng KongD. PakistanIn Brita inof the populati on is urba n andis rural.A. 90% ; 10%B.80% ; 20%C. 70% ; 30%D.60% ; 40%15. The ancestors of the Welsh were the ancient.A. CeltsB.Roma nsC. Norma nsD.Britons16. The average populati

27、on density in Britain ispeople per square kilometer.A. 250B.370C.800D.50017. During the 5th century when the Roman Empire fell, the Germanicinvaded andconq uered Brita in.A. An gles and CeltsB. An gles and PictsC. An gles and Bryth onsD. An gles and Saxons18. The upper class in Britain consists of t

28、he following except.A. peerageB. gentryC. la ndow nersD. professi on als19. In 1066 Harold and his troops fought against William s army on Senlac field nearA. LondonB.Norma ndyC. Sta ndfordD.Hasti ngs20. The Plantagenet Dynasty was founded by.A. HenryB.Henry IIC. King JosephD.Cou nt of Anjor21. Engl

29、ish Reformation was carried out by to change the religion in England fromCatholicism to Protesta ntism.A. Edward VIB. Henry VIIIC. Mary ID. Elizabeth Is pow22. King John was forced by the barons to sign thewhich restricted the KingA. Bill of RightsB. Petition of RightC. Provisi ons of OxfordD. Great

30、 Charter23. Simon de Montfort s reform is con sidered to be the beg inning of En glish.A. parliame ntB. cab inetC. con stituti onD. liberty24. From 1649 to 1658 England was called a Commonwealth. It was ruled first by OliverCromwell as.A. Lord ProtectorB. Lieute nant Gen eralC. Comma nder of the New

31、 Model ArmyD. Preside nt25. of Orange started Con stitutio nal Mon archy by accepti ngin 1689.A. Bill of RightsB. Petition of RightC. Provisi ons of OxfordD. Great CharterThe 1851 London Great Expositi on was held in the Crystal Palace which was desig ned by Queen s

32、 husband Albert.A. MaryB. Elizabeth IC. VictoriaD. AnneThe British Prime Mini ster who led the British to defeat Nazi Germa ny isA. ChurchillB. Chamberla inC. MacDo naldD. Macmilla nThe British con stituti on is made up of the follow ing EXCEPTA. Common wealth lawB. statute lawC. com mon lawD. ancie

33、nt docume ntsThe House of Commons is elected byMembers of Parliame nt.universal suffrage and has aboutA. 650B. 660C. 670D. 680British Con servative Party was formerly calledParty in the 18th cen tury.A. WhigB. ToryC. LiberalD. Natio nalistThe Un ited Kin gdom is gover ned in the n ame of, byA. the K

34、i ng; the Prime Mi nisterB. the Quee n; the Prime Mi nisterC. the Prime Mi nister; His or Her Majestys GovernmentD. the Sovereign; His or Her Majestys Governmentis the“ supreme gover nor” of the Church of En gla nd.A. The mon archB. The Archbishop of YorkC. The Archbishop of Can terburyD. The Roma n

35、 PopeIn Brita in the citize ns agedor over have the right to vote.A. 16B. 18C. 21D. 30By traditi on, the leader of the majority party is appo in tedby the Sovereig n inthe Un ited Kin gdom.A. Prime Min isterC. Lord of AppealB. Member of Parliame ntD. Speaker of the House35. The Liberal Democratic Pa

36、rty is the comb in ati on of the Social Democratic Party andA. the Con servative PartyB. the Labour PartyC. the Liberal PartyD. the Green Party36. Parliament has the following functions EXCEPT.A. maki ng lawB. authoriz ing taxatio n and public expe nditureC. declari ng warD. exam ining the actions o

37、f the gover nment37. All crim inal trials are held in ope n court because the crim in al law presumes theofthe accused un til he has bee n prove n guilty bey ond reas on able doubt.A. guiltB. impartialityC. innocenceD. hon esty38. The jury consists of ordinary, independent citizens summoned by the c

38、ourt: 12 in England,Wales and Norther n Isla nd, andin Scotla nd.A. 12B. 13C. 14D. 1539. Whether the accused is guilty or innocent is decided by.A. the policeme nB. the juryC. the judgeD. the sheriff40. In England and Wales the highest judicial appointments are made by the Queen on the adviceof.A. t

39、he Lord Chan cellorB. the Home SecretaryC. the Prime Mi nisterD. the Attorney General41. Criminal cases in England and Wales may NOT be tried in.A. the Magistrates CourtB. the Court of AppealC. the High CourtD. the Crow n Court42. The three lay magistrates that make up a Magistrates Cburt in Britain

40、 are known asA. Justices of the PeaceB. stipe ndiary magistratesC. Justices of LawD. part-time magistrates43. The most serious criminal offences in Scotland are tried in. the Sheriff CourtD. the Crow n CourtA. the District CourtC. the High Court of JusticiaryThe econo

41、mic policy Britain pursued in the 1950s and 1960s was based on the theory ofA. Adam SmithB. John May nard Key nesC. Margaret ThatcherD. Karl MarxUn der Margaret Thatcher Brita in experie need.A. econo mic recessi onB. econo mic expa nsionC. econo mic decli neD. econo mic depressi onIn Brita in less

42、tha nof the populati on are farmers.A. 2%B.4%C. 6%D.10%In theBrita in became a net exporter of oil.A. 1960sB.1970sD.1990sC.1980sTo stimulate economic recovery, the Thatcher Government carried out all the following policies but .A. privatizati onB. in terve nti onismC. deregulati onD. market liberali

43、zatio nBrita in is thelargest tradi ng n ati on in the world.A. thirdB. fourthC. fifthD. sixthBritish oil fields were discovered on theA. En glish Cha nnelB. Irish SeaC. Norwegia n SeaD. North Seais the largest of the Free Churches.A. The BaptistsB. The Methodist ChurchC. The Roman Catholic ChurchD.

44、 The Church in WalesEstablished Churches in Brita in areA. Church of En gla nd and Church of WalesB. Church of Wales and Church of Scotla ndC. the An glica n ChurchesD. Church of En gla nd and Church of Scotla ndThe Free Churches do NOT i nclude.A. the Church of En gla ndB. the Methodist ChurchC. th

45、e Baptist ChurchD. the Un ited Reformed Church54. prin cipal non-Christia n com mun ities in Brita in areA. the MoslemsB. the BuddhistsC. the Hin dusD. the JewsThe Church of Scotla nd is achurch.A. MethodistB. BaptistC. Presbyteria nD. CatholicIn Great Brita in,

46、 theis uniq uely related to the Crow n.A. Church of En gla ndB. Church of Scotla ndC. Church of Irela ndD. Church of WalesThe Church of En gla nd has two provi nces. They areA. Can terbury and YorkB. London and YorkC. Durham and Can terburyD. London and Win chesterThere are someuni versities in Brit

47、ai n, in cludi ng the Ope n Un iversity.A. 70B. 80C. 90D. 100The Un iversities of Oxford and Cambridge date from thecen turies.A. 12th and 13thB. 13th and 14thC. 14th and 15thD. 15th and 16thThe usual age for tran sfer from primary to sec on dary schools isin En gla nd,Wales and Northern Irela nd.A.

48、 14B. 13C. 12D. 11In Brita in, private schools are ofte n calledA. comprehe nsive schoolsB. grammar schoolsC. sec on dary moder n schoolsD. in depe ndent schoolsIn Britai n, educatio n at primary levels emphasizes the followi ng EXCEPTA. readi ngB. writ ingC. arithmeticD. scie neeThe followi ng uni

49、versities bel ong to-brick ” ueiversities EXCEPT.A. Uni versity of LeedsB. Uni versity of LiverpoolC. Un iversity of Man chesterFill in the BlanksD. Un iversity of GlasgowThe full n ame of UK is.,andare the four con stitue nt partsof the UK.3. The Isla nd of Great Brita in is made up of, and4. The B

50、ritish Isles is made up of,and5. Physically, Great Brita in can be divided into two major n atural regi ons:and6. The UK is bordered on the south by the , on the east by7. is the largest, most populous, and wealthiest part of the UK.8. is the Iongest river in the UK, and the second largest but most

51、importantriver is the.9. The largest lake iswhich is found in Norther n Irela nd.10. The UK has aclimate.11. is known as the backbone of England ”.12. The majority of the Irish people are descendants ofpeople; and the English aredesce ndants of.13. The constitution in the UK consists of, ancient doc

52、ume nts and Europea n Union law.14. In UK today, the official head of state is while the real center ofpolitical life is in.15. The party which wins the majority seats in parliament formsand the party leaderbecomes.16. The head of government iswho is theof the winning party17. Strictly speaking, the

53、 Parliament today consists of,and.18. There are 3 major political parties in the UK: , and.19. is the Prime Minister of UK now. He is the leader ofparty.20. House of Lords, known as, consist of,and the law lords.21. The official reside nee of British quee n is, and the reside nee of thePrime Mi nister is.22. The gen eral elect ion is held everyyears.23. The Wars of the Roses were staged between the houses ofandfor the En glish thro ne.24. In UK education isfor children from the age of 5 -16.25. In UK about 90% of sec on dary schools areschools which provide gen eraleducati on


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