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1、Module 4 More things to lear nUnit 1 A music class (1)I . Read and write(正确抄写下列单词、词组和句子,抄写句子时注意大小写和标点符号):Music whose your Alice s pets listen to the musicwhats that sound is it an aeropla neyes it isn . Look and write(看一看,写一写,写出下列单词,每线一词) Choosethe best answer (选择最佳答案,将字母代号写在前面的括号内)()1. I

2、t s time dinner. Let s gothe kitchen.A. for. inB. to inC. for to()2. Look, Peter and Sallynew violi ns.A. areB. haveC. play()3. Liste n, Jill can play.A. the pia noB. the ballC. the toy()4. - Is thisdrum - Yes, it is.A. youB. you reC. your()5. Din g-di ng. I can hear a.A. violinB. pia noC. tria ngle

3、()6. He likesthe drum every after noon.A. play ingB. playsC. play()7.apple is it Do you like itA. WhoB. Who isC. Whose()8.is the parrot Is it in the treeA. WhatB. WhereC. HowIV. Look and write(看图,填上适当的单词完成句子,每线一词)1. - What can you see-I can see a.-Where is it-It sthe table.2. - How manyare there-The

4、re are two.-Where is the-It sthe chairs.3. - Is thesmall-No, it s very big.-Can youit well-No, I cannot.4. -is she-She s Kitty.-violin is this-It sviolin.V . Answer the questions(根据实际情况回答下列问题,每线词数不限)1. Do you have a pia noCan you play the pia no2. What colour is the violinIs it l ong or short3. Tin

5、g-ti ng! Is it a drumWhat is itModule 4 More things to lear nUnit 1 A music class (2)I .Look and write(根据图意,写出相应的单词,首字母已给,每线一词)1. Look at the v. It s Kitty s. She can pit well.2. - How many dcan you see- I can see t.3. - What is Danny d - Playi ng the d.4. - Can Eddie play the t - Yes, he c.5. - DMi

6、ss Fang like playi ng the p -Yes.n . Read and circle(读一读,圈出下列各组中在意义上属于不同类的单词,圈在字母代号上):1234B. viohnA. drumA. loudB.soundA. PeterA. pia noA. canB. playB. AliceIH . Read and write(用所给单词的适当形式填空,每线一词)1. It (be) time for Music class. The children (be)are in the music room.2. I(not like) listeningto the ae

7、roplan e. It sn oisy.3. What can you(play)you(play) thedrum now4. -Jill ofte n(play) the pia no-Yes.5. -(who) violin is this- It s (Alice).IV. Rewrite the senten ces(按要求改写下列句子,每线一词):1.1 have a new piano.(根据划线部分提问)you2. She s playing the triangle now.(改为一般疑问句)shenow3. He plays the violin every Mo nda

8、y.(改为否定句)Heevery Mon day.4. We are hav ing a music class.(根据戈卩线部分提问)you5. Is there a drum in the bag(改成复数句)therein the bags6. Can you play the violin(根据实际情况回答)V . Reading comprehension(阅读理解):It s a music room. It s big and nice. There are twelve boys andeleve n girls in it. They are hav ing a music

9、class. Miss Liu is play ingthe piano for them. Miss Liu is a music teacher. She s tall and thin.The piano is new. It s black. It sounds nice. Please listen! Ding-ding! Ding-ding! Touch the piano. It s smooth and hard. It looks like a mirror(镜子).You can see yourself. The students have the music class

10、 every Mon day morning and every Friday after noon. They like hav ing music classes.Part 1 Read and judge(阅读短文,判断正误,用 T或F表示)()1. The music room is big and ni ce.()2. The childre n are in the playgro und.()3. Miss Liu is a Chin ese teacher.()4. The piano goes“ Zing-zing ” .()5. There are two music cl

11、asses every week.Part 2 An swer the questio ns(根据短文,回答问题,每线词数不限):1. How many childre n are there in the music room2. What are they doi ng there3. Is Miss Liu a tall teacher4. Touch the pia no. How does it feel5. Do the childre n like musicModule 4 More things to lear nUnit 1 A music class (3)I . Rea

12、d and write(正确抄写下列单词、词组和句子,抄写句子时注意大小写和标点符号):Miss Fang triangle where Peter s piano play a gamewhose violin is that its jills violin its newn. Read and write(读一读,按要求写出下列单词的变化形式):1. big (反义词) 2. play (第3人称单数形式)3. liste n(现在分词) 4. coming (动词原形)5. it is(缩写形式) 6. piano (同类词)7. P eter s (同类词) 8. violin (复

13、数形式)表示):IV. Read and write(读一读,选出适当的单词完成句子,答案写在横线上,每词使用不限):is are am do does1. - Whose rubberthat-ItSally s.2. Mary,you like the pia no-Yes, I.3. - What colourthe drums-Theyyellow.4. - WhatKitty often-Plays the tria ngle.5. - Whereyou- Iin theroom.V . Read and match(读一读,应答配对,将字母代号写在前面的括号内):()1. Tin

14、g-t ingWhat s that soundA. It s a drum. I likemusic.()2. Boom-boomWhat s that soundB. I can hear a violin. It sn ice.()3. Din g-di ngWhat s that soundC. I can hear a tria ngle.()4. Zi ng-z ingWhat s that soundD. It s a pia no .It sbig and n ew.W. Reading comprehension(阅读理解):Danny, Eddie, Mary and Ki

15、tty are students. They are talking on the telephone.Eddie: I like playing the violin. I have violin classes every Sunday. Sometimes I go to the hall with my friends and play it there.Kitty: I like the piano. I go to the music club every Friday afternoon. I often go to the music corner at Rainbow Par

16、k, too.Mary: My brother Bob and I love music. We always play the drum together after school. My drum is small, but my brother s drum is big. Sometimes we play the drum on Sunday afternoon.Danny: I ama school volunteer. I often help others. Sometimes I helpthe teachers clean the school library, and s

17、ometimes I play the trianglefor some old men. They are happy to listen to the music.Part 1 Read and choose the best answer (阅读短文,选择最佳答案,将字 母代号写在前面的括号内) :( ) 1. The children are talking A. in the roomB. in the parkC. on theC. every TuesdayC. triangleC. Bob sphone( ) 2. Eddie has violin class .A. ever

18、y MondayB. every Sunday( ) 3. Kitty likes playing the .A. pianoB. violin( ) 4. drum is big.A. Mary sB. Danny s( ) 5. Danny play the triangle for the old men.A. oftenB. sometimesC. alwaysPart 2 Answer the questions (根据短文,回答下列问题,每线词数不限)1. Are there three students in this dialogue 2. What does Eddie li

19、ke doing 3. When does Kitty go to the music club 4. Whose brother can play the drum 5. Do the children like music Module 4 More things to learnUnit 1 A music class (4)I. Read and write(读一读,填上适当的单词,每线一词):1. I like music. I like playing the a n d the . Itsounds nice.2. I like sports. I like playing an

20、d play . I amhealthy and strong.are3. - che rri es are these-They4. Ding-ding! I can hear a . I like it very much.5. It s time dinner. you like noodlesn . Choosethe best answer (选择最佳答案,将字母代号写在前面的括号内)( ) 1. - Is this A. Kitty s ( ) 2. Boom-boom! ItA. violin( ) 3. Please listen _triangleB. Kitty is s

21、a .B. drum _ the music.A. onB. at( ) 4. Look, the children the trees.A. drawingB. is drawing( ) 5. Ting-ting! that soundA. IsB. Whats- Yes, it is.C. KittyC. pianoC. toC. are drawingC. What( ) 6. They can play B. the footballC. the pianoA. drum川.Rewrite the sentence(按要求改写下列句子,每线一词):1. There are some

22、violi ns in the room.(改为否定句)Therein the room.2. He s playing the drum in the hall.(改为一般疑问句)hein the hall3. Gran dma is in the livi ng room. (根据划线部分提问)Gran dma4. Can he play the trian gle(改成现在进行时态)henow5. The pia no is in fron t of the violi n.(改成否定句,但意思不变)Thethe violi n.6. What can you play in the m

23、usic room(根据实际情况回答)IV. Read and number (读一读,填上适当的句子完成短文,每句限用一次)g:A. play the piano three hours a dayB. It s near the sofa.C. I am play ing the pia noJd. I like playing it after school. s new and nice丿It s eight o clock in the morning. I usually have a class at school, but today (1). My pia no is sma

24、ll, but (2). It s a present from my grandparents.It s very dear. I often (3) . I feel tired, butI amhappy. (4) I put my piano in the livingroom. (5) here are someflowers on the piano.They are beautiful. Do you like play ing the pia noV . Look and answer(看图,回答问题,每题词数不限):1. How many children are there

25、 2. Where are they 3. What can Kitty play 4. Can Alice play the drum 5. Whose violin is this Module 4 More things to learnUnit 1 A music class (5)I. Read and write(正确抄写下列单词、词组和句子,抄写句子时注意大小写和标点符号):Hamelin drum beautiful rubber hands some music men whose guitar is this eddie its my fathers guitarn . R

26、ead and write (读一读,填上合适的单词完成句子,每线一词)1.Hello, I a violin.It, 1s new. I can _ it well.2.- Is that p i a no- Yes, it s my .3.Look at the _. It snotbigIt s _. Boom! Boom!4.- _ poster is this- _ Kitty sposter.5. - that sound- It s a Ting-ting!IH. Readand write(阅读短文,填入适当的单词,使其内容通顺,每线一词,首字母已给):It s half pa

27、st nine. It s tfor Music class. Kitty andAlice are gto the music room. The music room is not big, butit s very clean.There are some musical instruments there.Thepis big and black. It s near the window. Miss Li is sittingon the chair. Kitty likes playing the tand Alice likes playingthe v. They like h

28、aving Music classes. It s very interesting.IV. Read and judge (阅读对话,判断正误,用 T或F表示):Peter is a short boy. He s only seven years old. He likes music.He usually plays the drum in the living room. Sometimes he plays it inthe park. Now he s in the park. He is not playing the drum. He sliste ning to a bird

29、. Tweet-tweet! He likes this beautiful sound.Where is the bird Oh, it s in the tree. “Bird, please come and play with me. ” Peter plays the drum loudly. The bird is very afraid and it runs away. Peter is very sad.()1. Peter is a small boy.()2. He never plays the drum in the living room.()3. He ofte

30、n plays the drum in the park.()4. He likes liste ning to the bird.()5. The bird likes liste ning to the drum.V. Look, read and number (看图,读一读,按顺序用 A D给下列图片编号)A. - Kitty, whose drum is thisB. - Danny, is this your drumC. - Eddie, what colour is your drum-It s my drum.-Yes, my drum is n ew.-It s blue

31、and white.-It s Alice s drum. Whose drum is this()()()()W. Fill a nd write(请完成表格,并模仿例子进行写话):Miss Fang7Peter7Model: - Whose drum is this - It s Miss Fang s drum. It s nice.1. 2. 4.Module 4 More things to lear nUnit 1 A music class (1)l. Music whose your Alice s pets listen to the musicWhat

32、s that sound Is it an aeroplane Yes, it is.n. 1. piano 2. violin 3. triangle 4. drumm.1. C 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. BIV. 1. drum, under 2. chairs, triangle,behind 3. piano, play 4. Who,Whose, Kitty s/ herV. OmittedModule 4 More things to lear nUnit 1 A music class (2)I . 1. violin, play 2. drums, three 3. doing, drum 4. triangle, can5. Does, pia non.1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. CIH. 1. is, are 2. don t, like 3. play, Are, playing 4. Does, play5. Whose, Alicce sIV. 1, What, do, have 2. Is, playing, the, triangle 3.doesn t, play the, viol


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