



1、唯美好听英文句子1 、你为了她,连习惯都可以改变,是谁给的坚强。You for her, even habits can be changed, who gives strong.2 、我讨厌别人说我变了,也许我只是停止了假装开心。I hate people saying Ive changed. Maybe I just stopped pretending to be happy.3 、不要觉得是生活亏欠了我们,其实是我们做的努力不够。Dont feel that life owes us, in fact, we are not doing enough.4 、觉得有个对象好麻烦,可是看

2、到街上的人成双成对的最在一起又羡慕。I think itstroublesome to have an object, but I envy seeing peoplein pairs on the street.5 、当风筝厌倦了天空,是否就会义无反顾地坠入大海?When kites are tired of the sky, will they fall into the sea without hesitation?6 、有一个人的辞职原因是:胃不好,消化不掉老板画的饼。One of the reasons for his resignation was that he had a ba

3、d stomach and could not digest the cake painted by his boss.7 、我哒哒的马蹄是个美丽的错误,我只是过客,不是归人。My horseshoe is a beautiful mistake. Im just a passer-by, not a returnee.8 、有些话,我一说出来就后悔了,可惜却不能收回。Some words, as soon as I say them, I regret them, but unfortunately they can not be retracted.9 、没什么结果的花,开与不开都不为过。

4、Flowers that bear no fruit can not be overblown.10 、爱不能有理由也不能无理由,爱真的好难做到。Love cant be without reason or without reason. Its really hard to make love.11 、到有了一个结局,才发现身后的一切都是铺垫,长长的恩怨,不过是微 笑的理由。To have an end, I found that everything behind meis a mattress, long resentment, but the reason for smiling.12

5、 、如果我不主动是不是就会失去更多,可是好累。If I dont take the initiative, will I lose more, but tired?13 、我也没打算爱你多久,你放手我就会走。Im not going to love you for long. If you let go, Ill go.14 、你一走,带走了我生命里每一抹温暖的色调。剩下尽是晦涩不堪。You go, take awayevery touch of warmtone in mylife. All that remained was obscurity.15 、最后悔的是煮咖啡忘了放糖, 望见背影

6、而没有追上, 玩真心话却说了谎。The last regret is that he forgot to put sugar in his coffee, saw his back instead of catching up, and lied when he played with his heart.16 、真讨厌那种感觉,心里难过,却不知道为什么,只是一个劲的难过。I really hate that feeling. I feel sad, but I dont know why. Its just a strong sadness.17 、我不懂怎么去爱,所以才让你累旳喘不过气来。

7、I dont know how to love, so I cant breathe when you are tired.18 、只有沉浸在哀伤中,才感觉做找回了原来的自己,真的是习惯了。Only immersed in sorrow, can I feel that I have found myself back.I am really used to it.19 、雨水顺着屋檐慢慢流下来, 开始是一滴一滴的, 渐渐地形成了一条条细 线。Rain slowly flowed down the eaves, beginning with drops, gradually forming a

8、 thin line.20 、未来还很长,时间在变,差距也在变,给未来会怎样,谁都说不准。There is still a long way to go. Time is changing, and the gap is also changing. No one can tell what the future will be like.21 、雨珠顺着小草的茎滚下来,一滴钻到土里,又一滴钻到了小草的嘴里, 找不到了。The raindrops rolled down the stems of the grass, one drop into the soil, another into t

9、he mouth of the grass, and could not be found.22 、一别如斯,常常别一次,就错了今生。If you dont, dont do it once, youll be wrong in your life.23 、拼命的挽留,最后却换来一句请放开手。Desperate to retain, but finally for a sentence please let go.24 、当看破一切的时候,才知道,原来失去比拥有更踏实。When you see through everything, you know that the original los

10、s is more down-to-earth than possession.25 、你不要直不满人家, 你应该直检讨自己才对。 不满人家,是苦了你自己。You shouldnt be dissatisfied with others. You should review yourself directly. To be dissatisfied with others is to suffer from yourself.26 、自己疼自己会更来的容易,因为太多的时间里,我们都是一个人。Its easier to hurt yourself, because we are all one

11、person for too much time.27 、谢谢你陪我走过这么些年, 谢谢你包容我的坏脾气, 包容我的无理取闹。Thank you for accompanying me for so many years. Thank you for tolerating my bad temper and my unreasonable troublemaking.28 、流泪的天使,孤单的北极星,是伤心凝固在枫叶上的记忆。Tearful angels, lonely Polaris, are sad memories solidified on Maple leaves.29 、我真的爱你

12、,闭上眼,以为我能忘记,但流下的眼泪, 却没有骗到自己。I really love you, close my eyes, think I can forget, but shed tears, but did not deceive myself.30 、原想简简单单地开心, 却发现开心并不是那么简简单单遇见了你却也丢 了你。I wanted to be simple and happy, but I found that happiness is notso simple as meeting you and losing you.31 、这世上没有感同身受, 所有的开导都是纸上谈兵, 所

13、有的安慰都是隔靴 搔痒。There is no empathy in this world, all enlightenment is on paper, all comfort is scratching.32 、永不期待,永不假设,永不强求。顺其自然,若是注定发生,必会如你 所愿。Never expect, never assume, never demand. Let it be, if it is destined to happen, it will be as you wish.33 、善于假装自己,来掩饰自己内心的空虚。Be good at pretending oneself

14、to cover up the emptiness of ones heart.34 、与其在别人的故事里留着自己的泪,不如在自己的故事里笑得很大声。It is better to laugh loudly in ones own story than to keep onesown tears in anothers story.35 、舍得花时间陪你的人,才是最在乎你的人。The person who is willing to spend time with you is the one who cares most about you.36 、你不知道我有多爱你,所以你不知道我有多羡慕

15、她。You dont know how much I love you, so you dont know how much I envy her.37 、有些事情,坚持是好的,放弃是对的。比如,我爱你。比如,我等你。Some things are good to insist on and right to give up. For example,I love you. For example, Ill wait for you.38 、你脚踩的地狱只是天堂的倒影,我唇角的故事也是时间的灰烬。The hell you tread on is only the reflection of h

16、eaven, and the story of my lips is the ashes of time.39 、有一个人,教会你怎样去爱了,但是,他却不爱你了。There is a person who teaches you how to love, but he doesnt love you anymore.40 、已经习惯了你出现在我冗长的梦里,尽管模糊的不像话。Im used to seeing you in mylong dreams, though vague and unreasonable.41 、只是爱已不在,我们所期待的,已灰飞烟灭。But love is gone,

17、what we expect is gone.42 、若真不能给我太多,请离开时不要对我太好。If you cant give me too much, please dont treat me too well when you leave.43 、如果说被窝是青春的坟墓,我情愿死在里面。If the quilt is the grave of youth, I would rather die in it.44 、你说爱像云要自由飘浮才美丽, 我终于明白分手的理由也可以那么动听。You said that love like clouds float freely to be beauti

18、ful, I finally understand the reason for breaking up can also be so beautiful.45 、不属于自己的,又何必那么拼命在乎。If you dont belong to yourself, why do you care so hard?46 、你有你想要喜欢的类型,我也有被别人喜欢的样子。You have the type you want to like, and I have the look that others like.47 、心痛到无法呼吸,曾经的挚爱,曾今对我说离不开我的人,最终还是离 开了。My hea

19、rt aches so much that I cant breathe. My once loved one toldme that I cant live without him, and finally he left.48 、女人,最完美的状态就是:公主的外目标,和一颗女王的心。Women, the most perfect state is: the princesss external goal, anda queens heart.49 、明明那么真实的幸福,醒来却全是假的。Clearly so true happiness, wake up is all false.50 、寂

20、寞是一片黑色的睡莲,在无尽的黑色里,尽情的蔓延。Loneliness is a black water lily, spreading in the endless black.51 、你只是一句玩笑,我却陪上了整个青春。You are only a joke, but I accompanied the whole youth.52 、结果直接决定了过程的性质。过程唯一的功能,就是等待结果的宣判。The results directly determine the nature of the process. The only function of the process is to wa

21、it for the verdict of the result.53 、我是应该和星星一起数着你的心事,还是应该和你一起数天上的星星。Should I count your thoughts with the stars, or should I count the stars in the sky with you?54 、如果你累了可以止步看夕阳,人生路上我陪你流浪。If you are tired, you can stop to watch the sunset. I will accompany you on your way to life.55 、把爱写成兵临城下的不朽传奇、

22、那么、你会不会不辞冰雪披荆斩棘地奔 赴而来。Write love as an immortal legend of soldiers facing the city. Then,will you go to the city without hesitation?56 、黑色小西装,摇曳长裙,奔赴应许之地。Small black suits, long skirts, go to the promised land.57 、后来我才知道新鲜感有多重要,过期的酸奶再好喝也要丢掉。Later I learned how important freshness is and how to throw

23、 away expired yogurt if it tastes good.58 、真正的满足来自你的内心,而不是外界的人和物。Real satisfaction comes from your heart, not from the outside world.59 、花一两年去重新习惯另一个人,还不如花一两年去温习他的习惯。It takes a year or two to get used to another person, rather than a year or two to review his habits.60 、有些话语就算听了难过心酸也会强颜欢笑,只因为是朋友。Some words, even when they are sad and sad, force their faces to laugh, just because they are friends.61 、任何关系,回到它最自然和合适的位置,才是最舒服和持久的。Any relationship, back to its most natural and


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