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1、Module 1:How to learn EnglishUnit1:lets try to speak English as much as possiblepair 1、pairs是pair的复数形式。 pair:可数名词,“两个人,一对” in pairs :成双成对 lets play the game in pairs. 我们两人一组做这个游戏吧。 2、a pair of :一双、副、把 a pair of shoes a pair of glassescorrect 1、及物动词,“改正,纠正” You must correct the bad habits. 你必须改正这些坏习惯

2、。 2、形容词,“正确的,对的” The answer isnt correct. 这个答案不正确。practise 1、及物动词,“练习” practise doing sth 练习做某事 My brother often practise playing the guitar.我哥哥经常练习弹吉他。2、practice 不可数名词,“练习、实践”。Practice makes perfect 熟能生巧。complete 及物动词,“把.填完整,完成” complet sth1 with sth2 用某物2把某物1填完整,完成 用你的信息把这个表格填完整。 complete the tabl

3、e with your informationlook up 1、查找 look up sth , look it up,代词要放中间。 we can look up new words in the dictionary. 我们可以在词典中查生词。 2、仰视,向上看 He looked up from his book as I entered the room. 我进入房间时,他从书本中抬起头来看了看。look look at look after look for look around look out look like look the same look forward to 看

4、照料,照顾寻找向周围看注意,当心看起来像看起来一样盼望mistake 1、可数名词,“错误,过错” make a mistake/make mistakes 犯错误 We all make mistakes sometimes. 我们有时都会犯错误。 2、by mistake (由于疏忽)错误地,无意地 Im sorry.I took your pen by mistake. 对不起,我错拿了你的钢笔advice 1、不可数名词,“建议,意见” a/one piece of advice 一条意见 some advice 一些建议 Ill give you some advice on how

5、 to look after your pet dog. 我将给你一些怎样照顾你的宠物狗的建议。 2、ask for advice 征求意见 follow/take sbs advice 接受某人的建议should 1、情态动词,“应该”,表示建议、责任或义务 可用于各种人称,后接动词原形。 You should anwer my question in English.你应当用英语回答我的问题。 2、将should提到主语之前构成疑问句。 3、在should之后加not构成否定句, should not possible 1、尽可能.中间用形容词或副词的原级 P

6、lease come as early as possble. 请尽可能早点来 2、 sb canwrite down 1、Please write down these new words in your notebook. =Please write these new words down in your notebook. 请把这些新单词记在你的笔记本上。 2、代词作为宾语时应放在down之前。 Please write them down.forget 及物动词,“忘记,忘”。 I forget her name. 1、forget to do

7、 sth 忘记去做某事 Dont forget to call me. 不要忘记给我打电话。 I forgot to open the door. 我忘记去开门。 2、forget doing sth.忘记做过某事 I forgot opening the door. 我忘记开过门了。pronounce 及物动词,“发.的音”, 名词形式:pronunciation can you pronounce the word pronunciation? 你会发“prounciation”这个单词的音吗?aloud “大声地,出声地”,常用于read,cry,pronounce等动词后。 lets

8、read the sentences aloud.agree with agree with 后接表示人或意见、看法的词,“同意某人的看法或意见”。 I quit agree with you. agree to 后接表示建议、计划、安排之类的词,“同意计划或建议等”。 He agree to our suggestion about the holiday about 1、“谈论,讨论” Please talk about the photo. 请谈论一下这张照片 2、talk to sb 与某人交谈(侧重单方主动) talk with sb 同某人交谈(侧重双

9、方互相交流)way ways/a way to do sth 做某事的方法/方式=ways/a way of doing sth你知道一个学习英语的好方法吗?Do you know a good way to learn English?Do you know a good way of learning English?try to do sth 1、尽力去做某事 Try to listen to the teacher carefully in class. 在课堂上尽量认真听老师讲课 2、try not to do sth 尽力不要做某事why not do 1、建议句型,“为什么不做.

10、呢?” why not go swimming now? 为什么不现在去游泳? 2、why not do=why dont you/we why not go swimming now? =Why dont we go swimming now?else 别的,其他的; 1、用于不定代词或疑问代词之后作定语。 He has something else to tell you. 他还有一些别的事情要告诉你。 Who else are you waiting for ? 你还在等谁? 2、还可用在when,where等疑问副词之后, “其他,另外”。 where else did you do

11、? 你还去过别的什么地方? when else did you see him? 你还在什么时候看见过他?else位于被修饰位于被修饰词之后词之后修饰不定代修饰不定代词、疑问代词、疑问代词或疑问副词或疑问副词词what else do you want?你想要别的你想要别的什么东西?什么东西?other位于被修饰词之前修饰名词what other things do you want?你想要别的你想要别的什么东西?什么东西? It is +名词(短语)+to do sth It is a good habit to take a walk after supper. 晚饭后散步是个好习惯。ho

12、w about 建议句型,how about doing=what about doing “.怎么样?” How about going fishing? -what about_a rest? -lets go for a walk.A、to take B、take C、takingbe good forbe good for 对对.有好处有好处,与,与be bad for 相对相对be good at“擅长”,与do well in 意思相近,与be bad at 相对。be good to “对.友好”,与be kind of意思相近doing eye exercises is our


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