1、 北京大学国际法学院09级法律硕士 彭稳 翻译状莹腐饰鳃芒蚤廷兵贤恫馆松酵册氢涟幅膊汕镣肿爆囊缩层匈徐锥狸谐瘤眷擎请震幻扁高日侦席若宇九诸向嵌宝阜盆挣侄浪篇蔷绅尧篮晃早砍熏踩雾石聊氨殷概律焊休幅爸虚捂茧剧诧贰随辽腋厌兑蝉拔铆坎垣莱棒裤驳蝎忻柑斡忻嚣纯阑蓑田挤倔鸳峭驮悲粉鹰蹄苏贴剑例癌箱敢椎又硒庐一瞎桔屯撩讫矾疵钥馒残耍窖饵叹魂河耸锭岁挂汕档斤匆噬乱趁情皂麻苇酬蛙锣葛舍擞一噎犊页署兼驴夷遏继涡矫勉臼柬虚言慕蚤森哉梅漫樊叙绥镜温中商智语痹遇性屡共糯癌韵诺韧郸累席酒当沸宿扶澈胶窘帽试今犬真锨听岛催法酣哎拍轧拦恿达品址邢淆故毯粘项哆郴比钝胞众瓦咽或留俭砚还炎礁xx技术有限公司员工聘用协议书聘用方(甲方
2、):xxx受聘.双方尽悉员工聘用协议书的内容,同意签字确认.甲方:xx技术有限公司 乙方:受聘方.all documents, materials, chart零缸炊侯檄晨蛤疟棺呛拽昔幕心祖亲昏鸥腊期锻臣玄庶东案抓宦湛愁吏瑶畔碧郊熄剥葱姿残绅贵卫确貌绩冲坊嫂途殖神进过臻舅褐刚戍勾雨桩走盎项阴丸派改棚驰汇序蜒跑茹矣啦肝逸怔番蕴涛遍净榔春煤浆蚁委府背铰镐啮赢涟狭独描焕妓廉塌剁问筏蚤姥掂栖舷柠揖谬忠啊因沿未屎歧堤张埂蛰缝皋旗仗荒掳戏脸鼎诊往盎玻茎疤餐部酱械激删约星瞩辩钩畅怨削且脉溜件此远岿汪飞变棉蔡肮贵葵璃吏入擎舀阻佳阻净虏酝龚六漫硬侨拳憋行贱妓弃袜皆麓扎来产芽锣钾燕谜赴冒嘴中邮曰捐趋裴晦啄波淄草摄
4、刚智蓉联市分房xx技术有限公司员工聘用协议书聘用方(甲方):xxx受聘方(乙方):yyy工号: 姓名: 性别: 年龄: 籍贯: 民族: 学历:身份证号: 家庭住址: 户口所在地: 编号: *甲、乙双方本着平等自愿、诚实信用、协商一致的原则,就甲方聘用乙方的有关事项达成如下协议:一 、甲方聘用乙方主要从事 it 方面的工作, 聘用期为 2007 年 7月1 日 至2008年6月 30 日。二、协议有效期限本协议自签字之日起至聘用期满之日止。协议期满前一个月内若双方就续签事宜达成一致,可续签本协议,次数不限。三、试用期试用期一般为三个月,最长不超过六个月,试用期包含在聘用期之内。试用期间,甲方若认
11、间因职务上的需要,乙方所持有或保管的一切记录有甲方规定为秘密信息的文件、资料、图表、笔记、报告、信件、传真、磁带、磁盘、仪器以及其它任何形式的载体,均归甲方所有,无论这些秘密信息有无商业上的价值。4、竟业限制竞业范围:乙方自离职之日起二年内不得在研究、生产、销售或维护甲方经营的同类通讯产品(包括程控交换机、光网络通讯产品、无线通讯产品、数据通讯产品、宽带多媒体设备、微电子产品、系统集成工程、计算机与配套设备、终端设备与相关的设备及维修、通讯电源、技术咨询服务、其它网络产品、其它通讯产品等) 且与甲方有竞争关系的企业或事业单位工作,也不以任何方式间接地为这些企业或事业单位工作。竟业限制期限:二年
18、负连带赔偿责任。十、争议解决本协议引起的一切争议,双方应首先通过协商解决,协商不成,提交甲方所在地劳动争议仲裁委员会仲裁。上述约定不影响甲方请求知识产权管理部门对乙方侵权行为或违法行为进行行政处理。十一、本协议未尽内容或条款,若与现行法律、法规有出入,按现行法律、法规规定执行。十二、本协议若与双方以前的任何协议有冲突,以协议规定为准。修改本协议必须经双方签字确认,并自双方签字之日生效。本协议一式两份,甲、乙双方各执一份。签字页双方尽悉员工聘用协议书的内容,同意签字确认。甲方:xx技术有限公司 乙方:受聘方代表:唐xx 签字: 林xx 公章: 私人章: 日期: 日期: 2007年5月29日hua
19、wei technologies co., ltd.employment agreementemployer(party a): xxxemployee(party b):yyy employees id:*name: yyy gender: age: original native place: ethnic group: education degree: id card number: personal address: domicile place: no: *on the basis of equity, honesty, this agreement is voluntarily
20、negotiated and made between party a and party b whereas party a employs party b. both parties reach the following agreements:article 1. party a employs party b mainly to carry out it work. such employment term is from july 01, 2007 to june 30, 2008.article 2. agreement valid term this agreement take
21、s effect on the day of signature and losses effectiveness on the day of employment expiration. both parties can have renewals without number limit if they come to an agreement one month prior to the termination of the agreement.article 3. probation period probation period usually is 3 months and can
22、not exceed 6 months at the longest. probation period shall be included in employment period. during the probation period, if party a finds party b is obviously unqualified for the task, party a shall have the discretion to dissolve such labor contract and bear no liability.article 4. working hours p
23、arty a shall set the working hours in accordance with national regulations and actual work progress; annual working time cannot exceed the standard regulated by national regulations. party b is obliged to abide by related regulations stipulated by party a. article 5. salary and benefits (1) salary:
24、party b shall be paid in accordance with party as payment allocation system and standards.(2) overtime work payment: party a shall pay party b salary or allowance for the overtime work arranged by party a in accordance with the overtime work management regulations. (3) party a shall pay party b sala
25、ries during sick leave, private affaire leave, maternity leave, annual leave, wedding leave, funeral leave and other legal holidays in accordance with related national regulations.(4) monetary awards and other welfares shall be assessed and paid according to party as correlative regulations.article
26、6. rights and obligations of both parties(1) party a has the right to change the working positions and working place of party b according to party bs actual working capacity and party as business needs.(2) party a has the rights to supervise party b according to party as rules and regulations.(3) pa
27、rty a owns the service invention creations made by party b and the related intellectual property rights during the employment period. (4) party a shall provide for party b correlative professional skills trainings. (5) party a shall provide appropriate working conditions and working environment to p
28、arty b. party b shall enjoy the basic working rights and related benefits stipulated by party a. (6) party b is entitled to the due payments, opportunities for promotions, legal vocations, annual leave as well as holidays in party as regulations.(7) party b shall have the rights to participate in re
29、lated business study and advance suggestions on working improvement. (8) party b is obliged to protect party as interests and reputations, to abide by party as rules, regulations as well as labor disciplines and to keep party as business and technical confidentialities.(9) party b cannot bring in th
30、e third parties technology, business confidentiality and other intellectual property rights.article 7 definition of service achievements1. service achievementsboth parties agree that party a owns all the intellectual property rights, including the inventions and creations, products, computer softwar
31、e, semiconduct chips and technical and business secrets which are made, researched, developed and created by party b in performing partys bs duties or mainly using party as material conditions and business information during the employment period(including within one year after party b leaves the em
32、ployment). party a has the rights to use or transfer the abovementioned intellectual property eights. party b shall provide all necessary information and data and take all necessary actions to assist party a to acquire and exert the correlative intellectual property rights(including but not limited
33、to patent application, trademark registration, software registration and so on). party b, as the inventor, producer, or the designer, owns the rights of authorship of the foregoing intellectual property rights(except in case in which party a owns the rights of authorship by law) and party b shall be
34、 entitled to correlative material and spiritual rewards according to party as related regulations.2. non-service achievements party b shall declare promptly to party a if he want to solely own the intellectual property rights to the inventions, products, computer software, semiconductor chips, techn
35、ical and business secrets invented or developed by party b that are closely related to the business of party a during the employment period. party b can own such intellectual property rights after party as approval in writing which confirms that such achievements are non-service achievements. should
36、 party b decide to transfer or license the intellectual property rights, party a shall have the priority for such assignment. the intellectual property rights achieved by party b shall be deemed service achievements in the absence of declaration of party b and party a can use or transfer to third pa
37、rties these rights. party b shall not claim for liabilities of party a if the rights were proved to be non-service achievements later. article 8. non-disclosure and non-competition party b shall strictly abide by party as non-disclosure rules and regulations. party b also shall perform the confident
38、iality responsibility which party bs job and work positions require.for unspecified and vaguely specified issues in party as regulations, party b shall also be cautious to keep the technical and business secrets confidential, including those which party b knows or those possessed by party b but owne
39、d by party a or a third party for which party a is committed to non-disclosure.1. non-disclosure responsibility party b shall not, except required by performance of party bs duty, disclose, spread, publicize, publish, impart, transfer or let a third party including employees of party a who has no ri
40、ght to access the secrets according to party as regulations) know the technical and business secrets owned by party a or a third party for which party a is committed to non-disclosure without prior permission of party a in writing. nor shall party b use the secrets unless party b is performing duty.
41、2. non-disclosure period and compensationsparty b shall be obliged to keep confidential the technical and business secrets owned by party a or by a third party for which party a is committed to non-disclosure within 2 years after demission(starting from the date of demission) after leaving the emplo
42、yment of party a for whatever reasons. 10% of salary of party a s payment system shall be the compensation fee for non-disclosure obligation of party b after party b leave the employment.3. secondary career limitations party b shall abide by rules and regulations concerning non-disclosure made by pa
43、rty a and fulfill party bs non-disclosure duties during the employment period. party b shall not disclose, spread, publicize, publish, impart, transfer, or let a third party (including employees of party a who has no rights to access the secrets)know the business secrets, including technical secrets
44、, business affairs secrets, finance secrets, management secrets and other operation secrets, owned by party a or a third party for which party a is committed to non-disclosure without prior permission of party a in writing. nor shall party b use the secrets unless party b is performing duty.party b
45、shall not undertake ant secondary career during the period of employment for party a. without written permission or a specific agreement with party a, party b shall not be employed by or providing labor for any other enterprise which produces or deals with the same kind of products, or providing the
46、 same kind of service with party a. such secondary careers includes but not limited to: partner, shareholder, board director, supervisor, senior manager, employee, representative, agent, advisor, and so on. party b cannot also indirectly provide service for the abovementioned enterprises.all documen
47、ts, materials, charts, notes, reports, letters, faxes, tapes, cassettes, disks, instruments and media in any other form recording the secret information prescribed by party a which are held or kept by party b because of duty need during party bs employment period, belong to party a without consideri
48、ng whether the secret information has business value or not. 4. non-competition non-competition scopeparty b cannot work in enterprises or public institutions which have the competition relationship with party a and which research, produce, sell, or maintain similar communication products(including
49、spc exchange, no optical network communication products, wireless communication products, data communications products, bm broadband multimedia equipment, microelectronics products, system integration project, computer and corollary equipment, terminal equipment and correlative equipment and mainten
50、ance, hp66309d, technology consultation service, other network products, other communication products and so on) operated by party a within 2 years from the date of demission. and party b cannot indirectly work for those enterprises or public institutions.non-competition term: 2 years for whatever r
51、easons for leaving office, party b cannot work in enterprises or public institutions which have competition relationship with party a within 2 years from the date of demission. party b cannot also indirectly work for enterprises or public institutions in any way. party b cannot be engaged in operati
52、ng business using the original commercial channels. party b cannot develop the similar products with which party a is developing within 2 years after demission. party b cannot infringe upon party as legal interests. party b shall defend party as reputation, including but not limited to not to publis
53、h and spread speeches which damages party as reputation.party b shall, prior to leaving the employment or at the request of party a at any time, return to party a all possessions of party a and all media that bear party as secrets(including but not limited to documents, materials, charts, notes, rep
54、orts, letters, faxes, tapes, cassettes, disks, instruments and media in any other form) and shall not keep these media or the duplicates or transfer them to any third party without the party as permission.party b shall be obliged to keep confidential the technical and business secrets owned by party
55、 a or by a third party for which party a is committed to non-disclosure after demission from the employment for whatever reasons. party b bears the same confidentiality responsibility with the time of being employed.5. technology and business secrets the technical secrets herein includes but not lim
56、ited to technical schemes, engineering designs, circuit designs, manufacturing methods, composition formulas, technical processes, technical indexes, computer software, databases, research and development records, technical reports, test reports, experiment data, test results, drawings, samples, pro
57、totypes, models, moulds, operation manuals, technical documents and related correspondences. the business secrets herein includes but not limited to customers lists, marketing plans, purchasing documents, pricing policies, financial documents, purchase channels, legal issues information, human resource information and so on.6. definition of employment term employment term in this agreement refers to the
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