1、资料来源:来自本人网络整理!祝您工作顺利!2021年如何破解excel密码保护的教程 在excel中进展破解密码爱护主要是为了拿会重要的数据,这个做法其实都很常用,假如不会的伴侣可以学习一番,下面是我带来的关于如何破解excel密码爱护的教程,欢送阅读! 如何破解excel密码爱护的教程: 破解excel密码步骤1:新建一个excel文件book1,在工具栏空白位置,任意右击,选择visual basic项,弹出visual basic工具栏: 破解excel密码步骤2:在visual basic工具栏中,点击录制按钮,弹出录制新宏对话框,选择个人宏工作簿: 破解excel密码步骤3:选择个人
2、宏工作簿后按确定,弹出如下暂停按钮,点击停顿: 破解excel密码步骤4:在visual basic工具栏中,点击编辑按钮: 破解excel密码步骤5:点击编辑按钮后,弹出如下列图的编辑界面: 破解excel密码步骤6:找到vbaproject(personal.xls)-模块-模块1(也可能是模块n-其他数字) 破解excel密码步骤7:双击模块1-将右边代码内容清空 破解excel密码步骤8:复制工作爱护密码破解代码到右边框中,点保存,然后关闭book1 破解excel密码步骤9:运行需要解密的excel文件,在visual basic工具栏中,点击运行按钮 破解excel密码步骤10:点
3、击运行按钮后,弹出宏对话框, 破解excel密码步骤11:点击运行personal.xls!工作爱护密码破解这个宏 破解excel密码步骤12:运行personal.xls!工作爱护密码破解这个宏后, 破解excel密码步骤13:如下列图示意就可以 解除工作表的密码爱护了 (这个图,假如工作表中有多组不同密码, 破解excel密码步骤14:每解开一组,就会提示一次,也就说可能会出现几次) 工作表爱护密码破解(代码) =请复制以下内容= public sub 工作表爱护密码破解() const dblspace as string = vbnewline vbnewline const auth
4、ors as string = dblspace vbnewline _ :mccormick je mcgimpsey const header as string = 工作表爱护密码破解 const version as string = dblspace 版本 version 1.1.1 const repback as string = dblspace const zhengli as string = dblspace hfhzi3戊冥 整理 const allclear as string = dblspace 该工作簿中的工作表密码爱护已全部解除! dblspace 请记得另保
5、存 _ dblspace 留意:不要用在不当地方,要敬重别人的劳动成果! const msgnopwords1 as string = 该文件工作表中没有加密 const msgnopwords2 as string = 该文件工作表中没有加密2 const msgtaketime as string = 解密需花费肯定时间,请耐烦等候! dblspace 按确定开头破解! const msgpwordfound1 as string = 密码重新组合为: dblspace $ dblspace _ 假如该文件工作表有不同密码,将搜寻下一组密码并修改去除 const msgpwordfound
6、2 as string = 密码重新组合为: dblspace $ dblspace _ 假如该文件工作表有不同密码,将搜寻下一组密码并解除 const msgonlyone as string = 确保为唯一的? dim w1 as worksheet, w2 as worksheet dim i as integer, j as integer, k as integer, l as integer dim m as integer, n as integer, i1 as integer, i2 as integer dim i3 as integer, i4 as integer, i
7、5 as integer, i6 as integer dim pword1 as string dim shtag as boolean, wintag as boolean application.screenupdating = false with activeworkbook wintag = .protectstructure or .protectwindows end with shtag = false for each w1 in worksheets shtag = shtag or w1.protectcontents next w1 if not shtag and
8、not wintag then msgbox msgnopwords1, vbinformation, header exit sub end if msgbox msgtaketime, vbinformation, header if not wintag then else on error resume next do dummy do loop for i = 65 to 66: for j = 65 to 66: for k = 65 to 66 for l = 65 to 66: for m = 65 to 66: for i1 = 65 to 66 for i2 = 65 to
9、 66: for i3 = 65 to 66: for i4 = 65 to 66 for i5 = 65 to 66: for i6 = 65 to 66: for n = 32 to 126 with activeworkbook .unprotect chr(i) chr(j) chr(k) _ chr(l) chr(m) chr(i1) chr(i2) _ chr(i3) chr(i4) chr(i5) chr(i6) chr(n) if .protectstructure = false and _ .protectwindows = false then pword1 = chr(
10、i) chr(j) chr(k) chr(l) _ chr(m) chr(i1) chr(i2) chr(i3) _ chr(i4) chr(i5) chr(i6) chr(n) msgbox application.substitute(msgpwordfound1, _ $, pword1), vbinformation, header exit do bypass all for.nexts end if end with next: next: next: next: next: next next: next: next: next: next: next loop until tr
11、ue on error goto 0 end if if wintag and not shtag then msgbox msgonlyone, vbinformation, header exit sub end if on error resume next for each w1 in worksheets attempt clearance with pword1 w1.unprotect pword1 next w1 on error goto 0 shtag = false for each w1 in worksheets checks for all clear shtag
12、triggered to 1 if not. shtag = shtag or w1.protectcontents next w1 if shtag then for each w1 in worksheets with w1 if .protectcontents then on error resume next do dummy do loop for i = 65 to 66: for j = 65 to 66: for k = 65 to 66 for l = 65 to 66: for m = 65 to 66: for i1 = 65 to 66 for i2 = 65 to
13、66: for i3 = 65 to 66: for i4 = 65 to 66 for i5 = 65 to 66: for i6 = 65 to 66: for n = 32 to 126 .unprotect chr(i) chr(j) chr(k) _ chr(l) chr(m) chr(i1) chr(i2) chr(i3) _ chr(i4) chr(i5) chr(i6) chr(n) if not .protectcontents then pword1 = chr(i) chr(j) chr(k) chr(l) _ chr(m) chr(i1) chr(i2) chr(i3)
14、 _ chr(i4) chr(i5) chr(i6) chr(n) msgbox application.substitute(msgpwordfound2, _ $, pword1), vbinformation, header leverage finding pword by trying on other sheets for each w2 in worksheets w2.unprotect pword1 next w2 exit do bypass all for.nexts end if next: next: next: next: next: next next: next: next: next: next: next l
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