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1、资料来源:来自本人网络整理!祝您工作顺利!雅思阅读真题及答案:rainwaterharvesting 为了关心大家在备考雅思的时候可以练习到更多的真题材料,下面我给大家带来雅思阅读真题及答案:rainwater harvesting,望喜爱! 雅思阅读真题:rainwater harvesting reading passage 1 title:村庄储存雨水的活动 rainwater harvesting (旧) question types:short answer questions 6 yes/ no/ not given 8 文章内容:雨水回收系统。一个干旱地区,主要是描绘一个村庄进展

2、了一种储水系统进展雨水的搜集。 文章分析: rainwater harvesting for two years southern sri lanka suffered a prolonged drought, described by locals as the worst in 50 years. some areas didnt see a successful crop for four or five consecutive seasons. livestock died,water in wells dropped to dangerously low levels, childr

3、en were increasingly malnourished and school attendance has fallen. anestimated 1.6 million people were affected. a muthukandiya is a village in moneragaladistrict, one of the drought-stricken areas in the dry zone of southern sri lanka (斯里兰卡), where half the countrys population of18 million lives.

4、rainfall in the area varies greatly from year to year, often bringing extreme dry spells in between monsoons (季风).but this drought was much worse than usual. despite some rain innovember, only half of moneragalas 1,400 tube wells were in workingorder by march. the drought devastated supplies of rice

5、 and freshwaterfish, the staple diet of inland villages. many local industries closed downand villagers headed for the towns in search of work. b the villagers of muthukandiya arrived in the 1970s as part of agovernment resettlement scheme. each family was given six acres of land,with no irrigation

6、system. because crop production, which relies entirelyon rainfall, is insufficient to support most families, the village economyrelies on men and women working as day-labourers in nearby sugar-caneplantations. three wells have been dug to provide domestic water, butthese run dry for much of the year

7、. women and children may spendseveral hours each day walking up to three miles (five kilometres) to fetchwater for drinking, washing and cooking. (局部文章节选) 雅思阅读真题题目解析:rainwater harvesting q1-6: 简答题 ( no more than three words) 1. what is the major way for local people make barely a support of living i

8、n muthukandiya village? crop production b段第三行 2. where can adult workers make extra money from in daytime? sugar-cane plantations 3. what have been dug to supply water for daily household life? three wells 4. in which year did the plan of a new project to lessen the effect of drought begin? 1998 5.

9、where do the gutters and pipes collect rainwater from? roofs of houses 6. what help family obtain more water for domestic needs than those relying on only wells and ponds? storage tanks q7-14: yes/no/not given 7. ng most of the governments actions and other programs have somewhat failed. 8. yes maso

10、ns were trained for the constructing parts of the rainwater harvesting system. 9. no the cost of rainwater harvesting systems was shared by local villagers and the local government. 10. yes tanks increase both the amount and quality of the water for domestic use. 11. no to send her daughter to schoo

11、l, a widow had to work for a job in rainwater harvesting scheme. 12. not given households benefited began to pay part of the maintenance or repairs. 13. not given training two masons at the same time is much more preferable to training single one. 14. no other organizations had built tanks larger in

12、 size than the tanks built in muthukandya. 雅思阅读-自答自问的嬉戏 雅思与其它标准考试(如gre)不同,它仅考察语言。这对于考试者意味着什么呢?这说明,雅思索试并不考察你的推理力量。 这一规律怎样应用呢?虽然有时你会被问到出题者不会给你供应信息然后让你基于这些信息得出结论。相反,他们给你供应信息并问你这些信息。根本上,他们都是让你重复刚刚给你的信息。答案就在你眼前.一篇文章的主题或为这篇文章选一个适宜的标题,但绝大多数的问题都会关注文章中给出的详情信息。你要做的仅是把他供应的信息再重复给他。你不会被要求基于这些信息得出结论。以下面的摘录为例: “re

13、search in britain has shown that “green consumers continue to flourish as a significant group amongst shoppers. this suggests that politicians who claim environmentalism is yesterdays issue may be seriously misjudging the public mood. based upon this passage, you will never be asked a question like:

14、“there has been a continued presence of “green consumers in the british market because of a. the rise of the green party. b. concern with global warming c. fear of mad cow disease d. concern with general state of environment 这些答案都没有的文章中出现。所以,雅思索试绝不会问这类问题。相反,他们会问这样的问题: “politicians may have “misjudge

15、d the public mood because a. they are pre-occupied with the recession and financial problems. b. there is more widespread interest in the environmental agenda than they anticipated. c. consumer spending has increased significantly as a result of “green pressure. d. shoppers are displeased with gover

16、nment policies on a range of issues. 正如文中所说,政治家们认为消费者不再关怀环境问题是他们错误推断了民意。答案显易见。这就是雅思索试的出题方法。正确答案是“b。 对于此规律也会出现一些例外,我们也发觉了一些。但至少如今我们弄清了自己的任务。我们的任务并非把握或记忆面前的信息,而是理解出题者让我们查找的信息是什么。因为我们知道可以找得到全部的答案,下面我们要把握的就是怎样查找了。假如我们的阅读的同时就知道要找什么,我们甚至可能在知道问题是什么之前就找到答案。 雅思阅读如何“临时抱佛脚 首先是时间掌控 正确的时间安排可以关心考生在考场上最大限度的发挥自己的实际

17、程度,进步整体正确率。合理的时间支配,原那么上是20分钟一篇。 但是考生都有自己熟识的话题和有把握的题材。所以,在正式开头做题之前,考生不妨可以通过标题扫瞄等方式skim三篇文章,根据自己的实际状况对于三篇文章的难易程度进展定位,确定哪篇文章是自己把握性比拟大的,对于这种比拟有把握文章肯定要保证时间充分,这样有助于整体正确率的提升。但是每一篇文章原那么上最多不超过25分钟,否那么考生是没有方法有效率的完成40道题目的。 在时间安排这一点上,要特殊提示那些根底比拟好的考生。因为此类考生往往更加简单“栽跟头。雅思阅读文章篇幅较长,之后还有四十道题目需要完成,这就要求考生精读和泛读相结合。需要提别提

18、出的是,文章中的信息有主次之分,那些与考题相关的信息才是考生需要精读的内容。而根底较好的同学往往为了保证正确率会实行全篇精读的方式去完成题目,这样的话就没有方法保证在规定的时间内完成全部题目。 最终需要在时间支配上提示考生们留意的是,要留取填写答题卡的时间。雅思索试第一场听力考试是有10分钟的时间留给考生填写答题卡的。但是在紧接着的其次场阅读考试中,填写答题卡的时间包含在一个小时考试时间里面。在此,雅思中国网海外考试讨论中心的教师们建议考生,分篇填写答案。完成一篇之后就把答案填写在答题卡上,这样可以避开最终完全来不及填写答题卡的状况出现。 正确的做题挨次 除去时间掌控之外,考生们在考场上还要留意的是考试的题型支配。正确的做题挨次可以关心考生更加有效的完成题目。 雅思学术类阅读如今官网上分为十大题型: multiple choice;short-answer questions;sentence completion;notes, summary or table/flow-chart completion;labelling a diagram;headings;locating information;identification of writers views/claims or


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