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1、初中英语专题讲义之连词6 / 6连词1、连词的含义:连词是一种虚词,不承担句子的任何成分,是一种连接词与词、 短语与短语、或引导从句的词。2、连词的分类:连词分为并列连接词和从属连接词两种。、并列连接词连接并列的词、短语、从句或句子。常见有:and仔口),but(但是),or(或者,否则),nor(也不),so(所以),however(然而,无论如何),for(因为),still(可 是),as well as 也),bothand(.和.),not only .but also(不但而且工 either or(或或,neither nor(既不.也不.)等。nor补充:(1)表并列关系的 a

2、nd, both and, not only but also,箫either(2)表选择关系的or, eitherlbr (3)表转折关系的but, while等。(4)表因果关系的for, so等。、从属连接词用于引导从句,常见的有:when(当时候),while(正当时候),after(在之后),before依之前), since(自从),until(直到),although/though(虽然),if(假如),as1口一样;由 于),as as(和样),as far as就而言),as long as只要),as soon as就),even if(即使),because 因为),un

3、less (b 非),than(比), whether (是否),in order that (为了 ),sothat (如此以致),so that (以便),now that (现在既然),by the time (到时候),every time (每当),as if (好像),no matter when域 whenever)行论彳时),no matter where域 wherever)(无论在哪里)等。补充:(1)引导时间状语从句的 after, before, when, while, as, until, till, since, as soon as等。(2)引导条件状语从句的i

4、f, unless等。(3河导原因状语从句的because,as, sincere引导目的状语从句的so that, in order that等。(5)引导让步状语从句的though, although, even if 等。(6)引导结果状语从句的so that, so that, such等sth&7)引导比较状语从句 的 than, as等。as(8)引导名词从句的that, if , whether等。辨析:hurry up, onyou ll miss the train快点,否则你会错过火车)hurry up, and you ll catch the train快点,你会赶上火

5、车的)(2) not only .but also.仆但而且),either or(或或),neither nor(既不也不),这三个连词词组都可连接两个并列成分。当它们连接两 个并列主语时,谓语动词要随相邻的主语变化。例 :either you or heis wrong. /neither he nor his children like fish.不但他不喜欢而且 他的孩子也不喜欢鱼。not only the teacher but also the students_want to buy the book.但老师而且学生想 买这本书。(3) because as、 since、 fo

6、r 的用法:because凶为),引导原因状语从句。表示原因的语气最强,常表示必然 的因果关系,从句常放主句后面;回答 why的问句只能用because. eg he is not at school today because he is seriously ill.as(因为),引导原因状语从句。表示一般的因果关系,语气比because说明比较明显的原因,它引导的从句放在句首,句尾都可以。as all ofyou have got here, now, let s go to the zoo.since舐然),引导原因状语从何表示对方已经知道、无需加以说明的 原因或事实。i will as

7、k lin tao to go with me since you are very busy. 更多资料制作:for(因为)是并列连词,引导并列句。语气较弱,用来补充说明理由或提供 一种解释,只能放在主句后面。we must be off now for the match starts at 7 00. (4)if、whether 的区别:相同点:表示 是否”时,if和whether同义,弓i导宾语从句,i don t know if/whether he will arrive on time.不同点:whether提出两种选择时要用 whether,不用if.如let me know

8、whether he can come or not.在不定式前或介词后只用 whether. eg: please ask him whether to go there with a raincoat or not.i have not settled the question_owvhether i will go home.whether与or not连用时,if不可以whether引导主语从句或表语从句,whether it is a fine day next sunday is still a question. / the question is whether he will

9、 go.if是否意思不能放句首,whether可以.eg: whether she is at home, i can not say.而if还可以表示 如果”引导条件状语从句,(主句与从句遵循主将从现 的原则)。i will ring you up ifhe arrives on time.(5)while、when、as的用法区别:while常表示一个较长的动作,它引导的从句动作与主句的动作是同时发生的、是平行的;when可表较短的动作也可表较长的动作,主句和从句的动作可同时发生也可先后发生;as与上两词同义,可替换while和when,表示主句和从句白动作同时发生,常译为边一边”,主句从

10、句均为短动作时也常用asoplease do not trouble me while am writing my homework. / i ll go home when i have finished my job. they were running quickly across the road when they heard the sound of a truck coming.as we walked in the dark street, we sang songs and talked loudly.(6)till/until 与 not - till/until 的区别:

11、till/until (肯定)主句常是一个延续性的动作,not till/until (否定)主句常是一个短暂性动作。(都是引导时间状语从句,符合主将从现的原则)如: i will stay here and watch the baby until you return.(我会呆在这里 看着娃娃直到你回来)(stay这个动作是一个延续性动作,一直进行到你return) i won,t go to bedntil my father comes back.(直到我父亲回来我才会去睡觉,go是一个短动作) i didn t go to bedil my father came back.(直到我

12、父亲回来我才去睡觉,从句动作应该在主句动作前发生,也就是先父亲先回来,我才去 睡觉) he didn t tell me anything he left. 岛试题)a. until b. before c. after d. since另外till与until基本可以互换,但是在句首时只能用until,不能用till.如:until the last minute of the match we kept playing.not until he had finished his work did he go home.(直至u做完工作他才回家)(倒装句)(7)though 与 althou

13、gh 的区别:两个词都表示 虽然“ 土匀不可以与|but同时使用,但在句中可加still或 yet连用。 he passed the exams although illness prevented him from going to classes.although尽管、虽然”仅作连词,比较正式,一般可换为though;though虽然、尽管、即使可与even连用(even though)表示 即使、 纵然”,she won t leave the tv setven though her husband is waiting for her for the supper.though还可作

14、副词时意思是然而、不过”不能放在句首。it was a quiet party. i had a good time, though.(这是个不热闹的聚会尽管如此我还是玩得很开心)(8)prefer to rather tha吊 prefer to 的区别:prefer to do sth rather than do sth?愿做某事,而不愿做某事情i prefer to learn english rather than learn japanese.preferto 都是用动名词或名词。i prefer english to japanese. / i prefer staying at hometo going swimming.9) sothat中的so是个副词,其后只能跟形容词或副词,而suchthat中的such是个形容词,后接名词或名词短语。例如: i m so tired t


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