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1、-作者xxxx-日期xxxx中考英语动词考点归纳与例析【精品文档】中考英语动词考点归纳与例析【重点讲解】动词是构成英语句子的核心,用来表示动作和状态。和名词一样,动词也有人称和数的变化,用作谓语时必须与主语在人称及数上保持一致。根据其在句中的功能,动词可分为行为动词(也称实义动词)(Notional Verb)、系动词(Link Verb)、助动词(Auxiliary Verb)、情态动词(Modal Verb)等四类。本文主要就各类动词的基本用法进行归纳和通过练习进行讲解,不包括动词的时态、语态以及动词非谓语形式的具体用法。1行为动词使用要点。行为动词又分为及物动词和不及物动词。接宾语的动词

2、叫做及物动词。有的动词只能接一个宾语(如:We study Ennglish.);有的要接两个宾语(双宾语)(如:He teaches me English.);有的要接宾语和宾语补足语(复合宾语)(如:Tom gave me a pencil.)。有些动词既可以可用作及物动词,也可以可用作不及物动词。不及物动词本身意义完整,后面不需要接宾语,不及物动词没有被动语态形式。另外,按其动作发生的方式、过程的时间长短,可分为延续性动词和终止性动词。延续性动词表示能够延续的动作,这种动作可以延续下去或产生持久影响。如:know, have, learn, work, stand, keep, wait

3、, watch, sing, read, sleep, live, stay等。终止性动词也称非延续性动词、瞬间动词或短暂性动词,表示不能延续的动作,这种动作发生后立即结束。如begin, finish, open, close, come, go, arrive, reach, get to, leave, move, buy, borrow等。2. 连系动词使用要点。连系动词本身有词义,但不能单独用作谓语,其后必须跟表语,和表语一起构成复合谓语。系表结构说明主语的状况、性质、特征等情况。常见的连系动词有be,keep,remain,stay,lie,stand, seem,appear,l

4、ook,feel,smell,sound,taste,become,grow,turn,fall,get,go,come,run等。3、助动词使用要点。助动词本身无词汇意义或意义不完整,它只是帮助主要动词构成为谓语,表示疑问、否定、时态、语态等。4、情态动词使用要点。情态动词表示说话人的语气和情态,如需要、可能、愿意、怀疑等。情态动词本身具有一定的词义,但不不完全,不能独立作谓语,只能和主要动词的原形一起构成谓语。情态动词没有人称和数的变化。【中考链接】1. - Can you _ your camera to me? - Sorry. I _ it at home. A. borrow, l

5、eftB. borrow, forget C. lene, forgotD. lend, left 答案:A。解析 本题考查四个动词的用法。borrow意为向别人“借入”,lend意为将自己东西“借出”,forget 意为“忘记”,leave 意为“留下”。根据句意选A。2. - Can I go fishing with you, Dad? - No, you _. You _ stay at home and do your homework first. A. wont, mayB. cant, mustC. shouldnt, oughtD. neednt, should 答案:B。解

6、析 问句是说“可以去钓鱼吗?”从答句结尾可知,父亲是叫孩子呆在家里做作业,所以否定回答应为No, you cant。3. Amy, Ill be on holiday for a week. Could you help me _ my dog?A. look forB. look atC. look afterD. look over 答案:C。解析 本题考查几个短语动词的用法。look for意为“寻找”,look at意为“看”, look after意为“照料”,look over意为“查看”。根据句意选C。4. After they passed their exams, they

7、_ by having a party.A. succeeded B. celebrated C. prepared D. received 答案:B。解析 susceed意为“成功”,celebrate意为“庆祝”,prepare意为“准备”,receive意为“收到”。“by + 动名词”表示“通过什么方式”。根据句意选B。5 - When _ your mother _ you that blue dress Mary?- Sorry, I realy cant remember.A. does;buy B. has;bought C. had;bought D. did;buy 5.

8、答案:D。解析 本题的考点是动词时态。四个选项分别为动词buy的四种不同时态形式。不难看出,问句是问“衣服是什么时候买的”,要用一般过去时,故选D。6. Look, there _ a cat and a dog fighting under the tree. A. areB. isC. haveD. has 答案:A。解析 本句是“there + be”句型 ,There不可以与 have或 has连用,因而排除C和D。句子的主语是a cat and a dog,是两个动物,属于复数,所以选A。7. Will you make _ for the old lady? Sure. Just

9、_ my seat. A. room; take B. a room; live C. room; sit D. rooms; sit 答案:A。解析从答句中的“my seat”判断,这个对话的内容与让座位有关。Sit是不及物动词,live不可以和seat连用,因此第二空只能填take。“room”做“空间,地方”解时是不可数名词。故选A。8. - Would you like_ some coffee? - No, thanks. I _some. A. have, already have B. had, just hadC. having, have yet had D. to have

10、, have already had 答案:D。解析 would like 后要接to + 动词原形,所以第一空填 to have;第二空填“have already had”,意为“我已经吃过了”。9. - This dish tastes _. -Thank you . It _by Mr Smith. )A. good, was cooked B. well, cooks C.bad , is cooked D. terrible, cooked答案:A。解析第一空前的动词taste 为连系动词,其后要接形容词。从答句“Thank you”可以想到 “菜尝起来味道好”,别人才说“谢谢”。

11、因此第一空要填good。另外,菜是被做出来的,所以第二空填 was cooked 。 10. - Have you _your ticket yet? - No, Im still _it. A. found, finding B. looked for, looking for C. found, looking for D.looked for, finding答案:C。解析该题考查find与look for的区别,find意为“找到”,look for意为“寻找”。所以选C。第一空要填found,第二空填looking for。11. - What _your father doing

12、at eight yesterday evening, Sandy? - Let me seeOh, he was_ a newspaper. A.was, reading B.were, watching C. was, looking D. were, seeing答案:A。解析 问句的主语 your father 是第三人称单数, 可以排除B和D。 看报纸要用read而不用look。所以选A。12. - Why are you late? - My bike broke down. I had it _.A. repaired B. repairs C. repair D. repair

13、ing答案:A。解析 have something done 的意思是“要某人做了某事”,答句的意思是“我的自行车坏了,我叫人修好了。”repaired是过去分词,在句中作宾语补语。13. - I saw Susan _ a greet dress at the party.- I think she looks better _ red.A. wears, inB. wearing, inC. put on, wearingD. wear, putting 答案:B。解析wear表状态,put on表动作,另外,第二空只能填 in,故选B。14. Im afraid itll _you mu

14、ch time to work out the problem. A. spend B. use C. need D. take 答案:D。解析表示“花时间做某事”,用it做形式主语时,谓语动词要用take。故选D。【习题精炼】1. - What a nice bike! How long have you _it ?- Half a year. A. bought B. received C. taken D. had2. The old man _ for three years.A. was dead B. was died C. has been dead D. has died3.

15、Ill call you if Mr. Li _ Shenzhen.A. gets to B. arrives C. reaches to D. arrive in4. Dont worry. Iv already _ the doctor. A. waited for B. sent for C. passed on D. turned on 5. The young man _ the old lady _ her money in the corner of the street.A. robbed, from B. robbed, of C. stole, from D. stole,

16、 of 6. He _ her to go with him, but he failed. A. persuaded B. has persuaded C. tried to persuade D. tries to persuade7. Alexander Bell _ the telephone in 1876 and Clumbers _ America in 1492.A. invented, invented B. discovered, inventedC. invented, discovered D. discovered, discovered 8. The music _

17、 .A. sounds wonderful B. is sounding wonderfulC. is sounded wonderful D. sounds wonderfully9. Please _the radio a bit. The baby is sleeping. A. turn on B. turn off C . turn up D. turn down 10. Kate suddenly _ and hurt herself when she was skating on the ice.A. fell over B. fell off C. fell into D. f

18、ell behind11. - I have never seen this yellow bike. Whose is it?- It _ belong to Mike. I saw him riding a yellow bike this morning.A. can B. should C. would D. must12. - _ I watch TV now, Mum?- No, you _ finish your homework first.A. Must; neednt B. Can; may C. May; must D. May; mustnt13. - May I sp

19、eak to Mr. Smith, please? - _, please. I call him for you.A. Hold back B. Hold on C. Hang up D. Speak【答案详解】1. 答案:D。解析 该题考查终止性的动词与延续性的动词的区别。How long 是一个表示一段时间的短语,要与延续性动词连用,A 、B 和C 三个选项都是终止性的动词,故选D。2. 答案:C。解析 含有 “for +时间段” 或 “since +时间点/ 从句” 的现在完成时的句子中,谓语动词要用延续性动词,或是“be + 表示状态的形容词”来表示。如be dead,be over

20、, be here等。3. 答案:A。解析 get to + 地点,arrive at/ in + 地点,reach + 地点, 都表示到达某地。要注意的是只有reach是及物动词可直接接地点,其他两个是不及物动词,接地点时要与介词连用。4. 答案:B。解析 wait for 意为“等待” ,sent for 意为“派人去请”,pass on 意为“传递”,turn on 意为“开”。 根据句意,选B。5. 答案:B。解析 本题考查动词和介词的习惯搭配用法。“rob sb. of sth.”表示“抢某人的东西”,“stole sth. From somewhere”表示“从某处偷东西”。故选B。6. 答案:C。解析 persuad的意思是“说服了(某人)”。从句末的“he failed”可知“劝说”没有成功。所以选C。全句意思为“他企图劝说她跟他走,但他失败了。”7. 答案:C。解析 invent的意思是“发明”,discover的意思是“发现”。故选 C。8. 答案:A。解析 “


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