



1、资料来源:来自本人网络整理!祝您工作顺利!寻找代理商情景对话 来跟着我一起来查找代理商,接下来,我给大家预备了查找代理商情景对话,欢送大家参考与借鉴。 查找代理商情景对话 根据老板的指示,梅需要为公司在英国找一家代理商。 (m = may, b= businessman) m: excuse me. i work for comfort tours 打搅一下。我是舒适旅行公司的。 b: good morning, yes. how can i help you? 早上好。需要帮助吗? m: em, were looking for a british company to help us wi

2、th marketing1 and promotion2 in britain. 嗯。我们在找一家英国公司来帮我们在英国做市场和推广。 b: i see. so youre looking for a partner? 明白了。你们在找合作伙伴? m: yes, exactly. we would like to discuss a partnership3, and some sort of agreement or contract. 是的,没错。我们会考虑合作关系,签协议或是合约。 b: ok. well, we work in britain, mainly. so i dont th

3、ink we could help you, im sorry to say. 嗯。厄,我们的业务主要在英国国内。所以我想我们帮不到你,很愧疚。 m: ok. do you know any other agency which might be interested? 好的。你知道有什么对此感爱好的代理商吗? b: well, em, why dont you talk to anita handley over there? shes the manager of a company called on your own travel. 厄,你们为什么不和那边的安妮塔汉德里谈谈?她是自由旅

4、行公司的经理。 m: oh, thank you. ill speak to her. 哦,感谢。我会和她谈的。 m: excuse me, are you anita handley? 打搅一下,您是安妮塔汉德里吗? a: yes, thats me. how can i help you? 是我。需要帮助吗? m: i represent comfort tours. were looking for a british company to help us with marketing in britain. 我是舒适旅行公司的代表。我们在找一家英国公司,帮我们在英国开拓市场。 a: a

5、h, so you are looking for a british agent to represent you here? is that right? 啊,那么你们是想找家英国代理商在英国代理你们的业务了?是吗? m: yes, exactly. 是的,没错。 a: well, thats perfect. we already represent a number of companies, so im certainly interested in discussing a partnership of some kind. 那太好了。我们如今为许多公司做代理,我对这类合作特别有爱

6、好。 m: oh, what other partnerships4 do you have? 哦,你们都为什么公司做代理呢? a: well, we represent a large japanese company and we have agreements with agents in australia and greece. we handle all their marketing in britain. 我们为一家很大的日本公司做代理,我们和澳大利亚、希腊的代理商也有合作。我们负责他们在英国的全部业务。 m: that sounds great. why dont we si

7、t down and talk a bit more about it? 很棒。我们为什么不坐下来具体谈谈? a: fine, lets get a coffee at the same time. 太好了,我们一起喝咖啡谈吧。 t: excuse me. i work for a company called comfort tours and. 打搅了。我是舒适旅行公司的 b: er, just a moment. yes, can i help you now? 呃,稍等一下。需要帮助吗? t: yes, er, my company is looking for a partner,

8、in britain, to help with marketing1 and promotion2. 呃,是,我们公司想在英国找一个合作伙伴,关心我们做该国的市场和推广业务。 b: you mean a british company? 你是要找一家英国公司吗? t: yes, thats right. well, a company based in britain. 是的,没错。嗯,一家总部在英国的公司。 b: well, were italian, based in venice. cant you see the sign? 哦,我们是意大利公司,总部在威尼斯。牌子在这儿。 t: o

9、h, sorry. i didnt see it. 哦,愧疚,我没看到。 b: we only sell holidays in italy, im afraid. 我们只做意大利的度假业务,愧疚。 t: oh. im sorry to trouble you, then. 哦,愧疚打搅你。 b: no problem. you could try that stand over there. 没关系。你可以去那边的展位问一下。 t: excuse me. i work for. 打搅一下。我是 b2: interrupts im sorry, do you mind waiting a mi

10、nute? im just dealing3 with this customer. 对不起,你能等一下吗?我正在接待这位顾客。 t: oh, sorry. 哦,对不起。 b2: yes, now, what can i do for you? 哦,您好,需要帮助吗? t: well, i represent a company called comfort tours. were looking for someone to help us with marketing. 哦,我是舒适旅行公司的代表。我们想找家公司帮我们做市场业务 b2: interrupts .to help with m

11、arketing? 市场? t: yes, yes, we. 是的,我们 b2: interrupts .you need a company to help market your holidays? 你想找家公司帮你们做市场业务? t: well, er, yes. 哦,嗯,是的。 b2: interrupts look, im sorry, but i dont work with other companies. i organise4 and sell my own tours and im very busy. so if you dont mind. 哦,愧疚,我们不合其他公司合作。我自己打理和销售旅游业务,我很忙。假如您不介意的话 t: but. 但是 b2: im sorry, but i


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