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1、、把下面的句子变成否定句。1. These are her brothers.2. They are my brothers.3. My last name is Smith.4. This is my grandmother.5. I know his name.七年级英语(上)句型转换专练Theseher brothers.Theymy brothersMy last nameSmithThis my grandmother.Ihis n ame.三、按要求做回答。1. Is he your friend?(肯定回答),2. Are they your teachers?否定回答),3.

2、Are you Tom ?(做否定回答)No,4. Is this Lucy soom?(否定回答) , 5. Is it on the dresser?(作否定回答), it四、把下面的句子变成一般疑问句1. These are her ereasers.her ereasers?2. That his schoolbag.his schoolbag?3. This is a book.a book?4. His telephone number is 535-2375.his telephone number 535-2375?5. Theyre my watches.watches?6.

3、 Dave and Anna are my friends. Dave and Annafriends?7. I am Li Lei. Li Lei?五、对划线部分提问1. This ruler is green.is this ruler ?2. This is a ruler in English. in English?computer game?3. My computer game is on the table.4. The photos are on the table.the photos?5. I mine.How? your sweater_ that boy siame?

4、her teleph one nu mber?the boy?6. My sweater is yellow.7. That a white ring8. That boys n ame is Jeff.9. Those are my books.10. Her teleph one number is 778-209711. The boy is my brother. 12. They are my grandparents. they?六、把下面的句子变成同义句1. am OK. Thank you.I nGrace.What sthe English fo

5、rHe sKim sfather.Thanks for your help.This is my hat.What爭our dog name?this?Kimisis Grace. thisEn glish?for your help. is.What syour dog?My pen is red. What color is your pen?My pen is red.yours?9. His name is Jim.Jim.七、将下面的句子单复数互变1. This is a pencil.(变为复数形式)pencils2. Is that a watch? (变为复数形式) ?3. T

6、hese are some erasers.( 改成单数 ) 4. That is an English dictionary.(改为复数句子)En glish.6. The red jacket is on the desk.(变为复数句)The red on the desk.8. They are oranges.(变成单数形式)orange.八、连词成句.1. is, that, his, mother (? )2. gree n, my, here, ruler, is (.)3. three, these, cousi ns, are, my (.)4. for, family,

7、your, thanks, photo (.)5. those, uncle, and, are, aunt, your (?) 6. not, do, know, I , name, his (.)7. is, nu mber, her, teleph one, what (?)8. is, pen cil, not, this, his (.) 9. pen, your, that, is (?)10. in, what, is, this, English(?) 11. nice, a, it, pencil case, is (.) 12. is, what, your, backpa

8、ck, color (?)it,13. card, is, school, this, ID, my (.)14. of, family. is, here, a, dog, my, photo(.)九、完成句子。1. 劳驾,这是你的英语书吗?thisEn glish book?2. 你怎样拼写出dictionary?youdicti onary3. 那个用英语怎么表达? that En glish?4. 他姓什么? What s -?5. 请打ALAN 4953539 的电话.Please Ala n 4953539.6. 这是我姐姐的身分证.This is my ID .are7. 这些是

9、老师,那些是学生.These are , those8. 我的书都在哪儿?在椅子下面。my?the chair.土豪,但是我们缺少贵族。富而不骄,莫若富而好礼。”如今我们不缺富不贵只能是土豪,你可以一夜暴富,但是贵气却需要三代以上的培养。孔子说高贵是大庇天下寒士俱欢颜的豪气与悲悯之怀,高贵是位卑未敢忘忧国的壮志与担当之志高贵是先天下之忧而忧的责任之心。精神的财富和高贵的内心最能养成性格的高贵,以贵为美,在不知不觉中营造出和气的氛围;以贵为高,在潜移默化中提升我们的素质。以贵为尊,在创造了大量物质财富的同时,精神 也提升一个境界。一个心灵高贵的人举手投足间都会透露出优雅的品质,一个道德高贵的社会大街小巷都会留露出和谐的温馨,一个气节高贵的民族一定是让人尊崇膜拜的民族。别让富而不贵成为永久的 痛。分享一段网上流传着改变内心的风水


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