1、 Unit 1 MY NEW TEACHERS 东羊市小学 高萍第一课时教学目标与要求1、能听、说、认、读,并理解本课的五个新单词:young, heavy, old , funny, kind;2、能掌握句型:Whos your? Whats he /she like? 并能在具体的语境中运用;3、培养学生热爱、尊敬老师的情感。教学建议.Warm-up1、Show a picture of some classrooms. (采用图片或CAI的形式呈现,根据不同学校的条件 而定)Music room /Art room /Computer room / Lab2、点击CAI,各个教室出现不同
2、的老师或继续采用图片的形式:将各个教师贴到相应的教室里。Who is he/she?He /She s our Music / Art / Computer / Science teacher.3、根据以前学过的描述人物的形容词,结合呈现的教师自编一个CHANT,营造课堂气氛,激发学生的积极性,同时也为下面引出新词作铺垫。Chant: Tall, tall, tall, Computer teacher. is tall. Short , short ,short , Science teacher. is short. Thin , thin ,thin , Art teacher. is
3、thin. Fat , fat ,fat ,Music teacher. is fat. Funny , funny, funny ,theyre so funny!II. Presentation1、采用CAI 的形式设计一位转学来校就读的新朋友:Zip让他做一个有趣的动作.T: This is Zip, he is.S: Funny!T: Yes, he is funny, do you like him ? This term he will be our new classmate.2、CAI点击Zip,让Zip自己介绍:Hello! Im Zip .Im glad to be you
4、r new classmate. This is a picture of my former school.(CAI出示主情景图)3、CAI: Zip介绍自己的老师:(a) Look! This is my math teacher (教师拿出一本数学书解释).Hes tall and thin.T: Who is your Chinese teacher? Zip假装听不清,教师适时让全班学生一起问他:Who is your Chinese teacher?T:Miss Zhang. Whats she like ? (学生read,教师用态势语帮助学生理解)Can you tell me
5、 ?Ss: Hes short and fat!Zip: Yes, hes short and heavy . (read 用夸张的的体态语描述)Practise: “heavy”. (出示一些卡通胖人物的图片:Zoom, Zhu Bajie , etc)(b) Ss:(教师启发学生问) Who is your music teacher and who is your art teacher?Zip:Guess !Ss guess.Ss: Whats he /she like ?(compare) Zip: She is young and he is old(长着胡须). (read)Pr
6、actise: T:I m old ,you are young.让学生逐个说:Im young , you are old.(c) Ss :Who is your computer teacher?Zip:M r Li. T:(出示这位老师和蔼可亲的笑脸)Whats he like?Ss: Hes(让学生随意描述,之后教师导出kind)播放常识老师悉心辅导Zip的一个片段,Zip:My Science teacher is kind ,too.T: Lets see, in our school, who is kind? Am I kind?Practise: My teacher is
7、kind./ XX is kind.(让学生说说自己的老师和同学). Practice/Consolidation活动设计:Make a new chant. (CAI)My grandma is old , my mother is young.My father is tall , my little brothers short.Zoom is heavy , Zip is funny.They are all very kind. And Im kind, too.活动目的:综合呈现新学单词,在歌谣中得以巩固,避免机械地朗读。活动设计: Read and link.(a). Do it
8、 on the worksheet.Whats she/he like?young funny old heavy kind(b). Play it on the computer. (CAI)Whats she/he like?young funny old heavy kind 活动过程:点击单词,把单词拖到相对应的图片下。如单词与图片能对应起来,会发出鼓励的掌声; 如不能对应,单词会自动回到原处。另外,也可以放在学校的网站上,让学生课后试一试。活动目的:字形、字意的巩固; 在游戏中正确判断单词的意思。活动设计:Listen and write the words.课上教师发给学生每人一份
9、材料。young funny old heavy kind听力材料:Sue: Nice to see you again, Donny.Donny: Nice to see you too, Sue.Sue: Donny, we have a new English teacher. Shes Miss Yang.Donny: Oh, whats she like? Sue: Shes young and kind. And shes very funny. Oh, Donny, whos your English teacher?Donny: Mr. Fang. Sue: Whats he
10、like?Donny: Hes old and heavy. But hes very smart. All of us like him very much.Sue: Its time for class, see you next time.Donny: See you.活动目的:培养学生听的能力和辨认单词的能力。活动设计:Look and find. Circle the words.活动目的:培养学生的观察能力和辨认单词的能力。活动设计:Describe the pictures.(CAI)Ask and answer: Whos this? Hes/ Shes Whats he/sh
11、e like? Hes/Shes活动目的:多媒体呈现一些人物图片,形式可以全班问答,小组问答,个人描述等; 学生可以自由选择。活动设计:Discuss the pictures.活动目的:学生自由操练,自带家人,朋友,老师等的照片,在真实的情境中,综合运用所学语言,学以致用,进行交际。活动设计:Guessing game!语言:Whos your good friend?Guess!Boy or girl?Boy!Whats he like?Hes tall and cool. He has two big eyes. Hes eleven.Is he Fei Xiang?No!/Yeah,
12、you are right.活动形式:SsS; SS.活动目的:在“猜猜看”的游戏情景中运用本节课所学语言,进行交际,达到学以致用的目的。课外活动设计:Describe the picture. 如:Whos this? Hes/ Shes Whats he/she like? Hes/Shes(a).Ask and answer. (卡片) (b).Dice game.活动规则:这两个活动在具体操作过程中,可以设置一些规则,增强活动的趣味性。活动目的: 这两个活动都是学生分小组一起玩的,旨在让学生在游戏、活动中巩固、运用所学语言。课外活动设计:Picture identity cards.活
13、动准备:dice;counters;15-25cards with pictures of various people.活动规则:If a child lands on a big dot, he or she takes a card , then describes the person on the card. For example, This is a man, Hes our math teacher. Hes tall and heavy. The child may move his or her counter one dot forward for each correct sentence. 活动目的: 运用所学语言进行描述。课外活动设计:小小调查员学科教师调查表受访人班级 姓名 调查员 Subjects Name Whats he/she like? Do you like her/him? Suggestion(建议)Chinese teacher Math teacher Scien
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