1、4P marketi ng theory and n etwork an alysisResearch papers Downloadinformation: 4P theoryrefers to the product (product) as a basis for a certain price strategies (price), suppleme nted by cha nn els (place) and promotion (promotion), and thus achieve maximum ben efit.Although the rapiddevelopme nto
2、f n etworkmarketi ng, but that in rece nt years, neon atal .4 P theory, networkmarketing is a great reference significanee.Toblog promoti on, for example, the blog is my product, how would I use the theory of 4P promote it?A P: blog content - My selli ng point?Traditi onal products, i nclud ing soli
3、d, brand, service and packag ing that corresp onds to the blog: blog content, blog, brand, user experie nee and page desig n.1: The blog content and brandBlog where the content is the biggest selli ng point.There is no content, but also what to do promoti on, eve n if the promotio n went out, how co
4、uld a long time? So to promote the content from the start, so orig in al, his style, have their own ideas, to the visitor value, use of worth ito improve user sticki ness, i n the circle to form their ownbrand of course, this requirementis relatively high, then eed for better content, only people li
5、ke to watch, but also because of this, we need always to write, to summarize, gradually in crease the content of Bowe n.2: the user experie nee and page desig nNow the product packag ing are exquisite, the feeli ng is to buy value, a good user experie nee, so we have good articles, but also the nece
6、ssary packaging a good selecti on of templates, i ndividuals prefer simple template , the n seo optimizati on: title set, meta, bread crumbs, and so on.Appe ndix:Internet Marketi ng Promoti oninadditi on to face people, should also be the face of search engine spiders, and spiders as importantas peo
7、ple, wecon ducted a page desig n and seo, whe n we must take into acco unt the spider.Two P: blogpromoti on- in creasedexposureoutside the cha inOfte n see n in sig ns 24-hour rolli ng advertiseme nt,the user sees after, and not immediately purchase, that advertis ing sig ns can not be a deal, but w
8、as able toin crease exposure, thereby in creas ing the brand value of reference is that we do promoti on, but also to maximize the exposure, multiple outer cha in, let others know your blog, the formati onof a sense of brand. gen erallyhave the follow ing forms:1 comme nt-style promoti onThe most di
9、rect way to access some one else s blog,the comme nts seriously and leave your blog link and the n ame, this is equivale nt to a sig n advertis ing the future to this blog who may be able to see you.2 Forum PostsTo the active forum to register a ID, if your blog is not very commercial, it is recomme
10、 nded to use the n ame as a nicknameblog in active active forum sectionpublished an article with an chor text, an chor cha in.3 otherThere Baidu know, soso ask, QQ group,makingbooks, making videos, email, etc.Overall use of all availableopport un itiesfordevelopme nt outside the cha in, a cha in is
11、equivale nt to an exter nal exposure, if you are outside the cha in eno ugh, spiders and Internet users to see the nu mber of times yourlink the more, the image will be more profound,theweight on the higher.Inadditi onto 4P theory,manyother traditi onalmarketi ngmethodsalso can beusedtopromotethen etwork,n etworkmarketi ngon.Saidatthe end,then etwork is just a marketi ng cha nn el, the cen ter still is the
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