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1、1 Tony Trivisonnos American Dream 2 American Dream 3 Group Discussion American dream 4 American Dream 5 I Have a Dream 6 I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal. 7 I have

2、a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood. 8 I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of the

3、ir skin but by the content of their character. 9 And so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the 10 Schwarzeneggers American Dream 11 12 Key to Success 13 Warming-up Exercises 14 Tony fulfilled his American dream step by ste

4、p 1. Started to work as a help at Mr. Crawfords house 2. Got a job clearing snow at Mr. Crawfords factory 3. Tony asked to be trained as an apprentice, and later learned to be a skilled worker 4. Bought a house with the help of Crawford 5. Bought a farm and sent for his family 6. Died, leaving his f

5、amily a prosperous farm and his children educated 15 Immigrants Apart from Native Americans, i.e. Indians, all Americans have ancestors who were immigrants. The first immigrants to America came from Western Europe in the 17th Century. Some immigrants come to the U.S. in search of a place to practice

6、 their religion freely, while others seek political or economic protection. Still others arrive in hopes of building a better life for themselves and their families. For them, the American dream also includes freedom and equal rights. Mayflower (1620) 16 First Immigrants Jamestown, Virginia (1607) A

7、rrival of the First Pilgrims (1620) Jewish ImmigrantsLatin American Immigrants 17 driveway the hard area or road between your house and the street o The broad driveway sweeps around the lake. 这条宽阔的汽车道环湖伸展。 o He shut off the engine and the car coasted into the driveway. 他关闭了发动机,汽车滑行进入车道。 18 comprehen

8、d v. to understand something that is complicated or difficult 理解、领会、明白理解、领会、明白 oThe dream is easy to describe, difficult to comprehend. comprehend what/how/why/that etc oIt may be hard to comprehend how much this gift means for my country. synonyms: understand/get/grasp 19 afford v. 1. usually negat

9、ive to have enough money to pay for something 付得起付得起 今年我们没钱去旅游了。今年我们没钱去旅游了。 to have enough time to do something 来得及来得及 我们不能再等了,否则就赶不上飞机了。我们不能再等了,否则就赶不上飞机了。 We cant afford to go on vacation this year. We cant afford to wait any longer or well miss the plane. 20 turn away to refuse to let someone ente

10、r a place or join an organization Thousands of applicants are turned away each year. The lecture hall was already full and many of the students were turned away. 21 turn down 调低调低 e.g. Can you turn the TV down? Im trying to work. to refuse an offer, request, or invitation 拒绝拒绝 e.g. Im not going to t

11、urn down an invitation to go to New York! 22 assume v. to think that something is true, although you do not have definite proof (synonym presume) 假定、设想假定、设想 1) You shouldnt just assume things without getting all the facts. 2) It seems reasonable to assume that the book was written around 70 AD. 3) I

12、 think we can safely assume (=it is almost certain) that interest rates will go up again soon. 23 compliment n./v. a remark that shows you admire someone or sth 称赞称赞, 恭维恭维 o To Joe the greatest compliment was to be considered amusing. o The groom was so nervous he forgot to compliment the bridesmaid

13、s. o He complimented her on her new dress without even looking at it. 24 fish for compliments to try to make someone say something nice about you o I am not a very good cook. -Nonsense, you are merely fishing for compliments. o 我不是个好厨子。少来, 你只不过是为 了让别人夸夸你。 25 take sth as a compliment to be pleased ab

14、out what someone says about you, even though they may not mean to be nice o They all seem to think that I ask rather tricky questions, which Ill take as a compliment. 26 with the compliments of sb formal used by a person or company when they send or give something to you o Please accept these ticket

15、s with our compliments. o You flatter me! 27 work out 制定制定 制定计划要从调查研究入手。制定计划要从调查研究入手。 to calculate an answer, amount, price etc 计算计算 我母亲允许我去旅行,不过她让我把旅行费用先算出来。我母亲允许我去旅行,不过她让我把旅行费用先算出来。 To work out a plan, one has to start with investigation. My mother allowed me to take the trip, but asked me to work

16、 out the total cost first. 28 work out to think about sth and manage to understand it 弄懂弄懂 情节挺复杂的,得花点儿时间才能看懂。情节挺复杂的,得花点儿时间才能看懂。 解解决决 他解不出那个方程式他解不出那个方程式 to do exercises 锻炼锻炼 The plot is very complicated - itll take you a while to work it out. He couldn t work out the equation. I work out regulary to

17、keep fit. 29 (used in question with what)deal with tolerate (often with could, can) desire do with 30 the department in a large organization that deals with employees. all the persons working in an organization, in the army, etc. personnel 31 capacity n. the amount of space a container, room etc. ha

18、s to hold things or people 容量容量 The fuel tank has a capacity of 40 litres. The room had a seating capacity of about 80. All the hotels were filled to capacity. 32 (often followed by for or to)能力、才能能力、才能 capacity for He has an enormous capacity for hard work. capacity to do something Children have a

19、remarkable capacity to learn language. I dont think its within a five-year-old boys capacity to spread computer viruses. capacious adj. (formal) able to contain a lot 宽敞的宽敞的 a capacious suitcase capable adj. 有能力的有能力的 capable of doing something The company isnt capable of handling an order that large

20、. 33 instrument n. a small tool used in work such as science or medicine (医疗、科学、音乐等)器械、工具、器具(医疗、科学、音乐等)器械、工具、器具 surgical instruments/musical instrument wind/stringed/percussion instruments tool/equipment utensil household apliance facility The computerized phone has a callback facility. 计算机化的电话有回叫装置

21、。计算机化的电话有回叫装置。 sports facilities:running tracks, swimming pools implement agricultural implements infrastructure device gizmo 34 something or someone that is used to get a particular result 手段手段 instrument of Interest rates are an important instrument of economic policy. instrument for (doing) somet

22、hing Good management should be an instrument for innovation. negotiable instrument=document 35 for sale intended to be sold (usu. by or on behalf of the owners)待售待售,供销售供销售 All the pictures in this exhibition are for sale. The sign on that house says “For Sale”; shall we find out the price? C.f. on s

23、ale Tomato juice that is usually sold at twenty cents a can is now on sale for ten cents only. 36 wreck o The collision reduced the car to a useless wreck. o Two wrecks block the entrance to the harbour. o The stroke left him a helpless wreck. o The ship was wrecked in a storm. o His drinking wrecke

24、d their marriage. 37 Id like to call on my former professor while I am on business in Beijing. call on(upon) on call 随叫随到的;随时待命的随叫随到的;随时待命的 The hospital has doctors on call at any hour. 医院昼夜都有医生可以出诊。医院昼夜都有医生可以出诊。 38 call for: 要求要求 The ceasefire resolution calls for the release of all prisoners of wa

25、r. 停火决议要求释放所有的战争犯。停火决议要求释放所有的战争犯。 call in: 召来召来 Call in an architecture to oversee the work. 找一个建筑师来监督工作。找一个建筑师来监督工作。 39 call off: 取消取消 The football match was called off on account of the weather. 40 character 1性格性格 He has a cheerful but quiet character. 2品德品德 A candidates character and qualificatio

26、ns are more important than past experience. 3人物人物 Each group is named after a fictional character like Mickey Mouse. 4字母,汉字字母,汉字 41 lot piece of land for a particular purpose 地皮地皮,场地场地 o a vacant lot o a film lot o a parking lot 42 mortgage o Were having difficulty keeping up our mortgage payments.

27、o Paying my mortgage was an enormous weight off my mind! o 我还了抵押借款, 如释重负! 43 down payment If you make a down payment on sth., you pay only a percentage of the total cost when you buy it. You pay the remaining amount later. 首付首付 44 odds and ends o Hes moved most of his stuff; there are just a few odd

28、s and ends left. o 他把大部分东西都搬走了, 只留下一些零星 杂物。 o I got a lot of odds and ends to do here. o 我这儿还有不少善后事宜要处理。 45 odds 1.可能性可能性; 机会机会: The odds are in your favour because you have more experience. 你经验丰富, 成功的机会居多. The odds are (=it is likely) that he will commit the same crime again. 46 a victory against o

29、verwhelming odds 以弱胜强 against all the odds o Against all the odds she achieved her dream of becoming a ballerina. o 她冲破重重困难, 实现了当芭蕾舞演员的梦 想. 2.difference in strength, numbers, etc悬殊悬殊 47 be at odds (with sb) (over/on sth) be disagreeing or quarrelling (with sb) (about sth) (与某人)(在某事上)不和(与某人)(在某事上)不和,

30、 争吵争吵 Hes always at odds with his father over politics. Theyre constantly at odds with each other. 48 confidence n. 1.自信、信心自信、信心 I didnt have any confidence in myself. I have every confidence in you. You can make a great success. lack confidence/be lacking in confidence Shes a good student, but she

31、lacks confidence. gain /lose confidence Opinion polls show that the voters have lost confidence in the administration. 49 2.a secret 秘密秘密 take sb into ones confidence: to tell sb secrets and personal information about oneself 向某人吐向某人吐 露内心的秘密露内心的秘密 be in sbs confidence: to be trusted with sbs secrets

32、 He is said to be very much in the Presidents confidence. 3.知心话知心话; 私房话私房话 The two girls sat in a corner exchanging confidences. 50 amaze Dave amazed his friends by suddenly getting married. It amazed me that you would believe those lies. Amazing Mindblowing Jawdropping 51 hunt v. chase and kill wil

33、d animals for food or for their skin or other parts, or for sport o This kind of animal is being hunted to the verge of extinction. o Wolves usually hunt in packs. search thoroughly o Many college students start hunting a job in the fourth year. o They hunted high and low for the missing pilot. 52 这

34、对年轻的夫妇遗弃了他们的女儿这对年轻的夫妇遗弃了他们的女儿, 希望能生一个儿子。希望能生一个儿子。 The young couple abandoned their daughter hoping that they would give birth to a boy. abandon give up completely or forever 53 因为起雾,他们打消了驾车出去的念头。因为起雾,他们打消了驾车出去的念头。 营救人员已经放弃了找寻更多幸存者的一切希望。营救人员已经放弃了找寻更多幸存者的一切希望。 Because of the fog they abandoned their i

35、dea of driving. Rescuers had abandoned all hope of finding any more survivors. 54 property n. the thing or things that someone owns 财产财产 The hotel is not responsible for any loss or damage to guests personal property. a building, a piece of land, or both together 房地产房地产 Property prices have shot up

36、recently. (usually plural) a quality or power that a substance, plant etc. has 性质、特性性质、特性 the chemical properties of a substance 55 shed n. 平房平房, 棚棚 a wood-shed 柴房 a coal-shed 煤库 a cattle-shed 牲口棚 an engine-shed 机车库 a bicycle-shed 自行车棚 56 v. 使使.流出流出,脱落脱落,散发散发 o shed tears 流泪 o shed blood o a fire sh

37、edding warmth o The lamp shed soft light on the desk. o She sheds happiness all around her. 她焕发着喜悦的神采. 57 approach vt./vi. to move towards or nearer to sb or sth. With winter approaching, many animals are storing food. approach a problem/task/matter etc. It might be possible to approach the problem

38、in a different way. n. 靠近、接近;方式、方法;要道、道路靠近、接近;方式、方法;要道、道路 1) Our approach frightened the birds. 2) He decided to adopt a different approach and teach the Bible through story-telling. 3) Soldiers were guarding the approaches to the city. 58 easy/difficult of approach 平易近人的平易近人的难於接近的难於接近的. o approacha

39、ble adj. 可接近的可接近的,可通达的可通达的;可亲近的可亲近的 o Few writers even begin to approach Shakespeares greatness. o 莎士比亚的伟大, 鲜有作家能望其项背. 59 euphemism o A euphemism is a polite word or expression that is used to refer to things which people may find upsetting or embarrassing to talk about. 60 die o to be no more/to be

40、 gone o to join the silent majority o to yield up the ghost o to be gathered to your father 61 pregnant o in the family way o in an interesting condition o big,great,heavy with child o expecting/anticipating 62 the poor o the disadvantaged o the underprivileged o the low-income group 63 o 贫民窟贫民窟slum

41、 culturally deprived environment o 流落街头流落街头 urban camping o 开除解雇开除解雇firing termination of employment/declaring staff redundant o the blind:the visually challenged o stupid:a slow learner/under -achiever o mad:soft in head/ soft-headed/of unsound mind/ unsound-minded/simple - minded 64 o fat:plump/st

42、out/out-size/over-weight o ugly:homely/plain o deaf:hard of listening o plumber:pipe engineer o dustman:sanitary engineer o porter 搬运工搬运工:packing engineer o 保姆保姆:dwelling engineer o 美容师美容师:appearance engineer 65 see that (see to it that) make sure that 负责做到负责做到,设法做到设法做到,注意做到注意做到 o See (to it) that a

43、ll the little leaks of the pipe are shut off. o He saw (to it) that much of his sons spare time was profitably occupied. 66 homey pleasant and comfortable, like home -y 是一个口语色彩特别浓厚的后缀,带有 “有 点的”、“带有味道或色彩的”等 意思。 1) The house was all very neat and christmasy. 2) She looks actressy. 3) Until recently, s

44、uch splashy spectacles were reserved for only one man. 67 principle n. 原则原则 1) Hell do anything to make money. The man has no principles. 2) In principle, the new software should make the accounting system a lot simpler. 3) Its against my principles to accept gifts from clients. 4) man/woman of principle 讲原则的人讲原则的人 5) The general principle is that education should be available to all children up to the age of 16. 原理原理 basic/fundamental/guiding principle 68 balance n.


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