1、。国际结算 (International settlement)贸易 (Trade Settlement)非贸易 (Non-Trade Settlement)EDI( Electronic Data Intercharge)电子数据交换,控制文件( Control Documents)有权签字人的印鉴(Specimen Signatures )密押( Test Key )费率表( Terms and Condition )货物单据化,履约证书化, ( cargo documentation , guarantee certification)权利单据( document of title)流通
2、转让性( Negotiability)让与( Assignment )转让( Transfer )流通转让( Negotiation)汇票的定义是: A bill of exchange is an unconditional order in writing, addressedby one person to another, signed by the person giving it, requiring the person towhom it is addressed to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future tim
3、ea sum certain in money to the order or specified person or to bearer.“汇票 ”(bill of exchange, exchange 或 draft)无条件支付命令( unconditional order to pay)出票条款( drawn clause )利息条款( with interest)分期付款 (by stated instalment)支付等值其它货币 ( pay theothercurrencyaccording to an indicated rate ofexchange)付款人( payer )受
4、票人( drawee )付款期限( time of payment)或( tenor )即期( at sight, on demand,on presentation)付款。远期( at a determinable future time , time/ usance / term bill)付款。期限远期付款的表现形式: 见票后若干天 ( 月 ) 付款( bills payable atdays/ months after sight) 出票后若干天(月)付款(bills payable atdays/ months after date) 预定日期后若干天(月)付款(billspayab
5、le at days/months afterstateddate ) 板期付款 (bills payable on a fixed future date) 延期付款 (bills payable atdays/months after shipment/ the date of B/L)收款人名称( payee)同样金额期限的第二张不付款” pay this first bill of exchange( second of the sametenor and dated being unpaid)需要时的受托处理人(referee in case of need)出票人( drawer
6、)收款人( payee)背书人( endorser)被背书人( endorsee )出票 (issue)。1。( 1)制成汇票并签字( to draw a draft and to sign it );( 2)将制成的汇票交付给收款人(to deliver the draftto payee )背书( endorsement )(1)特别背书(special endorsement),又称为记名背书或正式背书( 2)空白背书( blank endorsement ),又称不记名背书( 3)限制性背书(restrictive endorsement)( 4)有条件的背书 (conditional
7、 endorsement)( 5)托收背书(endorsement for collection)提示( presentation)承兑( acceptance )(1)普通承兑(general acceptance)( 2)保留承兑(qualified acceptance)付款( payment)退票( dishonor )退票通知 (notice of dishonor)拒绝证书( protest)追索( recourse )追索权( right of recourse)保证( guarantee/aval)本票所下的定义是: A promissory note is an uncond
8、itional promise in writing made by one person to another signed by the maker, engaging to pay, on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time, a sum certain in money, to, or to the order,of a specified person or to bearer.本票( promissory note)银行本票( Banker s Note )商业本票 (Trader sNote)或一般本票 (Genera
9、l Promissory Note)即期本票( Sight Note/Demand Note)远期本票 (Time Note/Usance Note)本币本票( Domestic Money Note)外币本票( Foreign Money Note)国内本票( Domestic Note)国际本票( International Note)旅行支票( travelers cheque)支票所下的定义是:Brieflyspeaking,a cheque isa billof exchange drawn on a bankpayableon demand. Detailedspeaking,a
10、cheque is an unconditionalorderin writingaddressed by the customer to a bank signed by that customer authorizing the bank to pay on demand a sum certain in money to or to the order of a specified person or to bearer.支票( cheque )非划线支票(open cheque ),划线支票( crossed cheque),。2。普通划线支票 (general crossing ch
11、eque)特别划线支票 (special crossing cheque)保付支票( certifiedcheque)即由付款行在支票上加盖“保付(CERTIFIED)“Orders not to pay”(奉命止付)第三章汇款结算方式顺汇法 (remittance)逆汇法 (reverse remittance)汇款方式( methods of remittance),汇款人( remitter )即付款人收款人或受益人( payee /beneficiary)汇出行( remitting bank)汇入行( paying bank )或解付行电汇( telegraphic transfer
12、,简称 T/T )信汇( mail transfer,简称 M/T)信汇委托书( mail transfer advice)和支付委托书 (payment order)。票汇( remittance by bankers demand draft,简称 D/D)票汇业务程序( remittance by bankers demand draft,简称 D/D)中心汇票 (draft on center)拨头寸的指示: “ Please debit our a/c with you”或“ In cover ,we authorized you todebit the sum to our a/c
13、 with you.”(“请借记”或“授权借记” )拨头寸的指示: “ In cover ,we have credited the sum to your a/c with us”. (“已贷记”或“主动贷记” )拨头寸指示为: “ In cover ,we have authorized X Bank to debit our a/c and credityour a/c with them.”预付货款( payment in advance)货到付款( payment after arrival of the goods)赊账交易( open account transaction),具
14、有延期付款 (deferred payment)性质。交单付现( cash against documents,简称 CAD)第四章托收结算方式托收 (collection)金融单据( financial documents)商业单据( commercial documents)委托人( Principal)托收行( Remitting Bank)代收行( Collecting Bank)付款人( Payer 或 Drawee)提示行( Presenting Bank) 需要时的代理 ( a representative to act as case-of-need)光票托收( clean c
15、ollection)跟单托收( documentary bill for collection)付款交单( documents against payment,简称 D/P)即期付款交单( D/P at sight)远期付款交单( D/P at XX days after sight)。3。承兑交单( documents against acceptance,简称为D/A )直接托收 (direct collection)托收指示( collection instruction)出票条款 , 通常以“ Drawn against shipment of (merchandise) for co
16、llection”为固定格式。托收出口押汇(collection bills purchased)出口贷款 (advance against collection)融通票据 Accommodation BillAccommodation Paper也称空票。承兑信用额度协议(acceptance credit agreement)信托收据 (Trust Receipt简称 T/R)APPLICANT(信用证开证申请人)APPLICANT BANK(信用证开证的银行)REIMBURSEMENT BANK(偿付行)“ADVISE THROUGH”BANK(通知行)BENEFICIARY(信用证的受
17、益人)CHARGES(费用情况)SENDER TO RECEIVER INFORMATION(附言)INSTRUCTION TO THE PAYING/ACCEPTING/NEGOTIATING BANK(给付款行、承兑行、议付行的指示)SEQ OF TATAL 电文页次Type of Documentary Credit(跟单信用证类型)Letter of Credit Number(信用证号码)Date of Issue(开证日期)Date and Place of Expiry(信用证到期时间地点)Applicant Bank(开证行)Applicant(开证申请人)Currency C
18、ode, Amount(信用证结算货币和金额)Available with.by.(指定的有关银行和信用证兑付方式)Drafts at(汇票付款期限)Drawee (汇票付款人受票人)Partial Shipments(分装条款)Transhipment (转运条款)Shipping on Board/Dispatch/Packing in Charge at/ from(装船、发送和货物接收监管的地点)RUSSIAN SEA (起运港)Transportation to(货物发送的最终地)DALIAN PORT, P.R.CHINA (目的港)Latest Date of Shipment(最迟装运期)Descript
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