Dolls朱路 (2)_第1页
Dolls朱路 (2)_第2页
Dolls朱路 (2)_第3页




1、Dolls (Period 1)类别:小学英语 编号:教学内容:Story time教学目标1能听懂、会说、会读,会写单词his,her,eyes,ears, long, short2能听懂、会说、会读单词hair, nose, mouth, king, but, tall3能用以下句型描述人物的外貌特征。Hes / ShesHis / Heris / are 教学重点1. 能够熟练掌握五官类的词汇。2. 能正确运用句型His / Heris / are来描述某人某物。教学难点能够根据人物的外貌特征进行灵活的描述。教学过程:教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1 Warming up1.

2、 Greetings2. Free talklisten and answer师生互动,帮助学生尽早将注意力投入到课堂中来。Step 2 Pre-reading1. Play a game: “Yeah & No”T: I like dogs. I have many books. I can play table tennis. I can fly. I have some dolls. 2. Lead in Dolls”Look! Here are my dolls. Do you like these dolls? Do you have any dolls? Boys and girl

3、s, today our topic is about dolls. 3.3. Learn new words “eyes/nose/mouth/ big”T: Look at my doll, whats his name? His name is 光头强. Take “eyes” for example T: This is his eye. Read after me, eye, (板书在娃娃图像的相应位置)lets listen and repeat. T: How many eyes do you have? S: Two eyes. 4. Learn new words “hair

4、/long/ short/ ears/ small by 芭比娃娃5. Say a chantEyes, eyes, close your eyes,Mouth, mouth, open your mouth,Ears, ears, touch your ears6 Sing the song Touch your eyes Listen, judge and say “Yeah, Yeah, Yeah” if they think it is true & “No, No, No” if they think it is false.Look,listen, repeat and spell

5、,Read and try to make a similar chantTry to sing the song用游戏活跃课堂气氛,复习旧知识,自然过渡到本课主题Dolls通过生熟悉和喜爱的卡通人物进行观察讨论,能够激发学生兴趣,吸引学生注意力,认真领会新知,使词汇学习能够学以致用,不再枯燥单调。Chant编排顺口,学生边说边做动作,巩固词汇,加深印象,鼓励生大胆改编。歌词涵盖所有新词,特别适合孩子们学唱,进一步巩固。Step 3 While-reading1. Introduce the background of the story time T: Who are they? What

6、are they talking about?2. Watch and chooseThe girl doll is _A. cool B. beautifulThe boy doll is _A. cool B. beautiful3 Watch again and tickGirl doll:Hair Long Eyes bigNosesmall Mouth smallBoy doll:Hair short Mouth big Eyes smallEars bigNose small4. Listen and repeat sentence by sentence.Look, listen

7、 and discussSay some sentences according to the formRead it after the tape. Read in groups. Read it together.快速进入新单词的认知学习,并通过肢体语言加深印象,能在对话中进行巩固。在完整的情境中呈现人物、地点和情节。通过问题引导和观看视频学习。先听再读,结合指导,互相纠错,齐读反馈。Step 4 Post-reading1. Require students to read in roles2. Require students to introduce the dolls accord

8、ing to the blackboard designRead and note the tone and pronunciation.Make some sentences by the key words学生根据自己的喜好自主选择角色朗读表演,加深对故事的理解。Step 5 Consolidation1.Play a guess :what missing?2. Introduce your friend in our classroom.She / he isHer/his( ears/eyes/nose/mouth/hair) is / are 3. Summary Mater th

9、e key words about body:Use the sentence pattern:Shes / hesHer/his is / are 4.HomeworkA.Copy the key words four times. B.Try to recite Story Time Look, find and say quicklyFill in the blanks according to the model and then read通过多媒体分别呈现丢失的身体外观,充分调动学生注意力,考察对词汇掌握情况。介绍班级中的同伴,生动鲜明,容易引发学生表达的积极性,充分在运用英语做事情

10、。课堂小结让学生对本节课的学习有个整体的认知,加深重难点的理解和记忆。教后思考本课词汇教学任务比较重,我在课前准备好课本中boy doll 和 girl doll的简笔画,方便教学过程中板书词汇的直观展现并且能够突显课文中的两个娃娃的特性。通过学生熟悉的卡通娃娃形象来学习新词汇。虽然整个词汇教学花费时间偏长,但是学生整体掌握情况比较理想,对课文整体理解把握的也比较到位。然后通过学唱歌曲Touch your eyes,欢快的节奏能够帮助学生很好得巩固新词。最后,要求学生在跟唱的同时能够及时加上肢体动作,达到手口一致!学生在运用her 和 his 时经常出现选择性判断错误,对于is 和 are 的用法也需要反复训练。考虑到在口语交际练习中以句型表达的完整性为先,不能反复纠正学生错误,避免打断学生的表达思路。可以在句型口头练习前,进


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