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2、下载笔试部分一中等语法小学阶段综合知识考查基础知识原创二偏难涵盖面广综合知识原创三容易理解搭配小学阶段语法考察考查学生综合运用知识的能力。原创四中等提高阅读能力开放性题目。部分下载五偏难综合性强下载六中等有一定语感考查学生综合运用知识的能力。原创七中等词组和句子的运用提高学生写作能力考查学生综合运用知识的能力。原创4试卷设计者:西乡黄田小学 孙白莉5、试卷内容宝安区小学英语6年级下册期末测试题学校: 班级: 姓名: 成绩: 听力部分(35%)一、听录音,选出你听到的单词,词组和句子,念两次。(10分)( )1、A. beach B. beef C. before( )2、A. brave B.

3、 bright C. build ( )3. A. sour B. spoon C. soup( )4、A.at the park B. at the supermarket C. at the shopping mall( )5、A. the train stationB. the Metro station C. the bus station ( )6、A. Ants and bees work the hardest. B. Birds and bees work the hardest. C. Eagles and ants work the hardest. ( )7、A. We

4、should say, “Excuse me” when we want to go past someone.B. We shouldnt take anything when a fire happens at night.C. We must use mobile phone when there is a typhoon.( )8, A. Tony read a magazine yesterday afternoon. B. Tom read a story-book yesterday afternoon. C. Tim read a magazine yesterday afte

5、rnoon. ( )9、A. My old car is good enough . B. My old card is pretty enough C. My old car is fast enough( )10、A. I was sleeping in bed when you called me. B. I was getting a haircut when China got 2008 Olympics. C. I was doing martial arts at 2:00 yesterday afternoon.二. 听录音,用1,2,3,4,5 给图片排序。(共5小题,每小题

6、1分) _ _ _ _ _三听句子,选择最佳问句或答语。每小题念两遍。(共5小题,每小题1分)( )16. A. Shes from England. B. He studied in England. C. Shes not Chinese. D. She is 30 years old.( )17. A. The same to you. B. Merry Christmas. C. Thats all right. D. You are very kind.( )18. A. I set the table. B. He washes the clothes. C. She makes

7、the bed. D. She studies very hard.( )19A.They can run 80 km an hour. B.They can sleep 16 hours a day. C.They can live for more than 200 years. D.They can work 12 hours a day.( )20. A.I want to buy a book. B.I have a watch. C.I need a dictionary. D.I have enough money.四听对话,选择最佳答案,并将其字母编号填在答题卷上。每小题念两遍

8、。( ) 21. Does Tim like this notebook? A. Yes, he does. B. No, he does C. Yes, he is. D. No, he isnt.( ) 22. What should we do when we wait for a bus? A. We should line up. B. We should run fast. C. We should get on the bus quickly. D. We should push.( ) 23. Who likes that car? A. Mary. B. Sue. C. Pe

9、ter. D. Tom.( ) 24. Which animal can run the fastest ? A. Sailfishes .B. Cheetahs. C. Horses. D. Elephants.( ) 25. What was Tony doing when he heard the fire alarm yesterday? A. He was drawing a picture of Tiananmen Square. B. He was singing and dancing in the hall. C. He was doing his homework in t

10、he bedroom. D. He was drawing a picture of an eagle.五听短文,判断正误, 并用 “T”表示正确, “F”表示错误.短文念两遍。 (5%)( ) 26Lucy speaks French but she learns English.( ) 27. Tom learns English, too.( ) 28. They both speak English on Monday and Wednesday.( ) 29. On Friday Lucy doesnt speak French.( ) 30.Tom helps Lucy with

11、French and Lucy helps Tom with English.六听对话,完成下列短文:(5分) A: There will be a lot of people there. When you want to go past someone, what should you do?B: Ill say “_31 _”. I wont push or shout. Dont worry.A: What do you do when you heard the fire alarm? B: We _32_ the room quickly. We dont take the _33

12、_.A: What do you do when you dont have _34_ money to buy something?B: I can choose a _35_ one.笔试部分(65%)一. A)选出可以替换句中划线部分的词语或短语,保持原句意思基本不变化。(5分)( )1. Tom felt sick yesterday and the doctor gave him some medicine.A. felt tired B. felt weak C. felt cold D. didnt feel well( )2. We see uncle Li every Sat

13、urday.A. look B. watch C. read D. visit( )3. Lets go to the cinema this eveningA. watch TV B. see a filmC. go to the market D. go to the beach( )4. Many children enjoy sweet food.A. like B. hate C. eat D. have( ) 5. I have a lot of friendsA. lot of B. much C. many D. fewB) 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空(8分)1The tig

14、er is the _ (dangerous)animal in the zoo.2. Tom can run _ (fast) than I 3. How many_ (student) are there in your school?4. He did everything _ (careful)5. “How do you feel today?” “ I feel much _ (well) today.6. He _( get) up at 6 every day. 7. _(swim) is good for your health.8. He _(go) fishing yes

15、terday.二. 单项选择题(20分)( ) 1. Thanks very much _ me .A. for help B. for helping C. to help D. to helping( ) 2. What about _ to see Miss Li ?A. to go B. going C. go D. you go( ) 3. He often _a car on his way home. Sometimes, he goes home_ bus.A. take; by B. takes; on C. drives; by D. drive ; on( ) 4. -S

16、henzhen is short of power.-Yes. We should_ TV when we go out. A. openB. turn onC. turn offD. close( )5. He usually has lunch _ about 12 oclockA. in B. on C. at D. for( ) 6. _ are you going to see a film with?A. When B. where C. How D. Who( ) 7. “_ does he visit his grandma ?” “Once a year.”A. How of

17、ten B. How far C. How long D. How many( ) 8. The old man was very hungry because he ate _ for three days.A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything( ) 9. Could you tell me _ to get to the zoo?A .when B. how C. what D. who( ) 10. There _ a football match here next weekA. is B. are C. is going

18、to be D. is going to have( ) 11. I have _ hair than my sister.A. much B. little C. less D. fewer( ) 12. _ those birds in the tree, can you _ them? A. Look, seeB. Look at, lookC. Look at, seeD. See , see( ) 13. Tom is _ of the three .A. the tallest B. tall C. taller D. the taller( ) 14. The children

19、_ a good time yesterday.A. had B. have C. has D. are having( )15. Mary is _ friend and she is a friend of _, too. A. my ; me B. his; mine C. me ; myD. her; her( ) 16. I believe you can do it _.A. with yourself B. on yourself C. at yourself D. by yourself( ) 17. “_ does your mother go to work every d

20、ay?” “ On foot.”A. How B. What C. Why D. When ( )18. Which is _, a lion , a tiger or an elephant?A. frightening B. the frightening C. more frightening D. the most frightening( ) 19. Must we finish our homework now.No, you _ . You _ do it after school.A. mustnt ; can B. cant mustC. neednt; can D. can

21、t ;can( ) 20. _ moon goes around _ earth.A. The; a B. A; a C. The; the D. / the三阅读下面短文,从短文后每小题的四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。(共5小题,每小题1分)One Sunday morning Li Lei goes to a shop_1_his mother. The shop is very _2_. There are a lot of things_3_it. They get some things. Then her mother says to Li Lei, What do y

22、ou_4_? I want to get a red skirt, says Li Lei.A red skirt? asks his mother. You are a _5_. The red skirt is too colourful. Li Lei smiled(笑了). OK, please get me that blue one.1. a. to b. from c. on d. with2. a. small b. big c. bigger d. smaller3. a. on b. in c. at d. under4. a. want b. get c. put d.

23、take 5. a. girl b. woman c. boy d. man四阅读理解,根据短文内容选择最佳答案 ( 12 分) (A) Tigers, lions and cheetahs are all “big cats”. Tigers are the biggest cats. They are fast but cheetahs run more quickly than them. Tigers swim better than most big cats. Usually, cats do not like to swim but tigers often swim in la

24、kes and rivers. They can even hunt when they swim. Tigers also like to sleep. They sleep more than most other animals. They sleep for 18-20 hours each day! They can see well when its night so they usually look for food at night. Tigers are usually black, orange and white but some tigers are only bla

25、ck and white. They are called “white tigers” or “ice tigers”. There are not many of these tigers. There are also not many other tigers so we must protect them. 1._are the biggest of three.A. Cheetahs B. Lions C. Tigers2._swim better than any other cat. A. Cheetahs B. Lions C. Tigers3._run faster tha

26、n any other animal. A. Cheetahs B. Lions C. Tigers4. Which animal can sleep for 18-20 hours every day? A. Cheetahs B. Lions C. Tigers5.Which animal should we protect ? A. White tigers B. Ice tigers C. All the tigers (B)The Olympic Games, first held in 776BC, has a history of more than one thousand y

27、ears. The Games is held every four years. Every country does its best to get more medals in the Games. In 2000, the city of Sidney held the 27th Olympic Games. Over one hundred countries all over the world took part in it. We won 28gold medals that year. China, a major sport country, will hold the 2

28、9th Olympic Games in 2008. There are five rings on the Olympic flag, they stand for the five continents: Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and America. The Olympic motto is: faster, higher and stronger. The Games can promote(促进)the understanding and friendship among different peoples and different nat

29、ions. 1. How often do the Olympic games hold? A. more than 1000 years B. every four years C. every year 2. Which city will hold the 29th Olympic games ? A. Sidney B. Athens C. Beijing3. How many countries took park in Sidney Olympic games ? A. more than 100 B. less than 100 C. almost 100 4. What doe

30、s CONTINENT mean ? A. 大洲 B. 大洋 C. 国家( C )Have you ever been to a flea market ? Its often outside. You can buy many different kinds of goods there. For example, cars, cameras, hats, clothes, furniture and so on. But almost all of those goods are old. Those goods are also very cheap. That s how “flea

31、market” gets its name. Sometimes you can also buy new goods. But the new goods are often not popular. There is a longest flea market in America. Its name is 127 Corridor. Most parts of the flea market are along the highway 127 in the country.1. What cant you buy at a flea market? A. An old car B. An

32、 unpopular hat C. A very popular camera2. Where is the longest flea market? A. In Hong Kong B. In Britain C. In America 3. How did the flea market get its name ? A. It was very long. B. The goods there were very cheap. C. Many people went there.五. 对划线的句子进行提问。(5%)His name is Paul. (1)He is from Engla

33、nd, and hes thirteen years old. (2)His birthday is on the December 16th. (3)He usually gets up at 6:00 a.m.(4)His favorite subject is science. (5)He likes it because its interesting. He plays sports in the afternoon. He can play tennis and baseball. He goes to the movies on weekends. His favorite ac

34、tor is Zhou Xingchi.1_ 2_3_4_5_六补全对话(共5小题,5分)根据下面对话的意思,从选项中选出合适的选项Allen: Hello!Han Ting: Hello. This is Han Ting. May I speak to Allen, please?Allen: _1_Han Ting: Hi, Allen. How are you?Allen: Fine, thanks. How are you?Han Ting: Im fine. Thank you. Allen, I need some help. _2_Allen: Sure. _3_Han Tin

35、g: There is something wrong with my computer. Can you mend it?Allen: Certainly, but not today. _4_Han Ting: OK. Thanks a lot. _5_A. See you then B. How about Sunday afternoon? C. Id love to. D. Can you give me a hand.E. This is Allen.七书面表达(5%)(共1题) 假如你的新笔友叫Mike。请你给他写一封回信,介绍你的情况。信的内容必须包括:你的姓名,年龄,所就读的

36、学校,年级、班级,爱好,最喜欢的学科及理由,最喜欢的书籍及理由等。信的内容不得少于十句话。信的开头和结尾已给出。July th,.2008Dear Mike,Thanks for your letter. Now Id like to tell you something about myself.Yours,Bob 试题答案听力部分一1-5 C.B.B.A.B. 6-10 A.B.C.C.B.二. .2Last Sunday morning, I was busy. I did lots of things. First , I made breakfast in the ki

37、tchen. Next, I read newspapers in the living room. Then I practised Kongfu in the garden. After that , I went to the hair salon, I got a haircut. Finally I came back and went into the bathroom to take a shower. 三.16. Where is Mrs Li from? 17. Happy new year! 18. How does Tom help at home?19. How lon

38、g can they live? 20. What do you want to buy?四21.Tim: Sue. Look at this notebook. It is too thick. I want a thinner one. Sue: Yes. I dont like it, either.Question: Does Tim like this notebook?22. Pat: What should we do when we wait for a bus?Tom: We should line up.Question: What should we do when we

39、 wait for a bus?23. Mary: Do you like that car, Peter? Peter: Yes. Its fast enough.Question: Who likes that car? 24. Koko: Ann. Whats your favourite animal?Ann: I like cheetahs best. Koko: Why? Ann: Because they can run faster than any other animal. Question: Which animal can run the fastest ?25. Miss Li: Tony, what were you doing when you heard the fire alarm yesterday? Tony: I was drawing a picture of an eagle.Question: What


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