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1、6B Unit3 (Part A) 教学方案年级:6年级单元:Unit 3课题:Asking the way 课型:新授课教学目标:1. 掌握单词、词组way, get off, along, street, take, stop, road, history, museum, crossing, miss, kilometer, No. 2. 能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语Go along this street, and then turn right at the third crossing. How far is it from here? Its about a kilometer

2、 away. You can take bus No. 5. How many stops are there? 重点难点:初步了解掌握句型:Can you tell me the way to.please?教 学 过 程用时:25分钟第一步:重难点突破用时:10分钟1 T: (PPT 1 显示课题) Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you.T: Today we are going to learn. Unit Three - Asking the way出示课题: Now , please read after me: way (两遍) 路。道路。

3、 ay/ei/ Asking the way. (两遍) 问路2 T: OK. You know Im your new teacher. Where is your school? Can you tell me the way to your school? 你能告诉我去你们学校的路吗?Here, Can you tell me the way to,please?意思是:请问你能告诉我去某个地方的路怎么走吗?T: Please read after me. (带读句子两遍),请同学们注意看老师口形下面,我们就试着来用一用这个句子:Look at this boy. 这个男孩想去公园,但他

4、不认识路,他该怎么说? Yes, he can say: Can you tell me the way to the park,please?(你可以告诉我去公园的路吗?) (出示句子)。T: Please read after me. (带读句子两遍)T: 如果他想去动物园,又该如何说呢? Yes, he can say : Can you tell me the way to the zoo,please? (出示句子)(出示句子)。(你可以告诉我去动物园的路吗?) T: Please read after me. (带读句子两遍)4. T: Very good. (停顿) Well,

5、boys and girls, when we are asking the way. We also can say: How can I get to? (出示句子)问路时,我们还可以使用How can I get to ,?的句式,意思是:我怎样才能到达某个地方?(ppt初中文)T: Please read after me.:get to How can I get to ,? (带读词、句子两遍)下面,请同学们想想,刚才男孩子想去公园说的是(出示句子)Can you tell me the way to the park?,他还可以怎么说呢?He also can say (出示句子

6、)“How can I get to the park? 我怎样才能到公园呢?T: Please read after me. (带读句子两遍)T: 那么再来想一想,如果他想去动物园,该怎么说呢?(出示句子)Yes, the boy also can say: “How can I get to the zoo? T: Please read after me. (带读句子两遍)5. 停顿!T: Well, When people are asking the way. How can we answer them? 同学们,当别人来向你问路时,该怎样回答呢?(1)如果他问的地方就在路边,并不

7、遥远时,你可以说(出示句子):Go along this street. 沿着街往前走。如:Go along this street., and the park is on your right. 沿着街往前走,公园就在你右边。T: Please read after me. (带读句子两遍) street (两遍).街道along (两遍).沿着go along this street (两遍).沿着街向前走(2)如果别人问的路并不在路边,你可以告诉他/她走的具体路线:Go along this street and then turn left at the second crossin

8、g. 沿着街往前走,然后在第二个路口左拐。Look ,here is the crossing (放ppt)扩展crossing 读词crossing turn at thecrossing.(3) 如果路途较远,不适合步行,你可以建议他:(出示下一张PPt):You can take a taxi.你可以乘出租车You can take a bus. 或者做公交车Now , read after me: take (两遍) 乘坐、搭乘take a taxi (两遍).乘出租车take a bus 坐公交车别忘了告诉她要做几路车,比如说:You can take bus No.9 你可以坐9路

9、车。(带读)6. 怎么样?都记住了吗?OK, lets review.(1)当我们想问路时,可以有这两种主要的表达方法(出ppt)Can you tell me the way to,please?How can I get to ?如果你想去同学家该怎么说?出答案:换一种说法我们还可以说:如果你要去医院,该怎么问:出答案:换一种说法我们还可以说:(2)给别人指路有这样3种情况:出答案家中文。带读OK. 相信你的细心介绍,一定能帮助别人找到他想要去的地方的。(本步骤设计说明:本节课课文中有关问路的对话、生词较多,在呈现阶段重点突破Can you tell me ?和How can I?句式,对

10、话中有关问路的应答学生会在理解时困难。利用图示帮助学生更好地理解句子的含义,降低后面学习课文的难度。)第二步:课文学习用时:15分钟1T: Today , well meet a new friend, Mr Smith. He is also asking the way now. (PPT 出现人物头像和两个问题)今天,我们一起来认识一个新朋友,Mr Smith. 他正在问路呢。T: Where does he come from? (他从哪里来?)What does he want to do? (他想去做什么?)Please open your books and turn to pa

11、ge 22.请同学们把书翻到22页。(放Ppt)Now please read this part and answer the questions: (PPT 7 出现前言) 请你读一读,找到这两个问题的答案。(学生读前言, 半分钟)(出示两个问题)2. T: OK. The first question: Where does Mr Smith come from? ( 稍停顿,PPT 点出答案:He comes from Australia.)T: The second question: What does he want to do? ( 稍停顿,PPT 9点出答案:He wants

12、 to visit the history museum.)T: Now read after me:history (两遍) 历史museum (两遍) 博物馆 the History Museum (两遍) 历史博物馆 T:史密斯先生想去参观历史博物馆,可是他并不认识路,老师还有个问题(出ppt) :What is he doing now? 他现在在做什么呢?Oh, (出ppt) He is asking Yang Ling how to get there. 他正在向杨玲问路。 T: Now lets listen and read together. (PPT 显示前言 阅读时间 半

13、分钟)停顿 4 T: How does Mr Smith ask the way to the history museum?史密斯先生是怎样问路的呢?下面我们一起来看对话 (播放课文动画1分钟)5. (PPT 14 显示问句)T: OK. Are you clear?你听清楚了吗?史密斯先生问了哪些问题? 请同学们在小组内先交流一下。(停一分钟)OK. 同学们下面,我们一起来看看史密斯先生是如何提问的: (ppt放问句声音,再出4个句子) stop意思是车站 Well. Are you right?同学们,你说对了吗?下面,我们一起把句子读一读(听读)6. 史密斯先生提出了四个问题,杨凌又是

14、如何回答的呢?Now lets watch again and this time try to write down the answers in your writing paper. 同学们可以试着在纸上写出答案。(播放课文) T: Now lets check the answers.现在,我们一起来看看杨玲的回答(1)T: Question 1:Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the History Museum? 稍停顿,PPT 点出声音和文字答案:The answer is : Let me see. Er, go along this

15、 street, and then turn right at the third crossing. 加中文The museum is on your left. 加中文You cant miss it. Miss 错过 You cant miss it.意思是你不会错过,肯定能看到你要找的地方。OK, lets learn to say!下面,我们一起把句子读一读(分句带读加中文)(2)T: Question 2: How far is it from here? 稍停顿,The answer is : PPT 点出声音和文字答案:Its about a kilometer away. T

16、: a kilometer away. 大约有一公里远.OK, lets learn to say!下面,我们一起把句子读一读(分句带读加中文)(3)T: Question 3:How many stops are there?. Stop 意思是停车站稍停顿,The answer is :PPT 点出声音和文字答案:Only two.Now lets read : 问答句读一遍(4)T: Question 4:Where is the bus stop? 稍停顿,The answer is :PPT 点出声音和文字答案: Its over there. Theres a bus every

17、five minutes. every five minutes意思是每隔五分钟 带读每个两分钟every two minutes 每隔十分钟该怎么说呢?yes, every ten minutesT: Good! Now lets listen and repeat. 现在,让我们打开书,翻到22页,跟读课文。Are you ready? 准备好了吗?Lets begin. (PPT出示课文内容,放录音学生跟读。) 7. T: Now , please practice the dialogue in pairs 现在请同学们根据课文前半段对话,同桌分角色表演对话吧!8. T: OK. Bo

18、ys and girls. We know Mr Smith wants to go to the History Museum.接下来,史密斯先生又将去什么地方呢? 让我们继续往下看吧。T: 接下来,史密斯先生又要去哪里呢?I have three questions. (PPT 显示三个问题)Where else does he want to go? Where is it? How can he get there?Lets go on watching. (播放课文第二段)Lets check the answer (ppt放第一个问题) Yes, he wants to go to

19、 the post office. Where is it ? Yes, Its on Zhongshan Road.教road 一词。How can he get there?He can take bus No, 9 in front of the History museum and get off at the third stop.教 take bus No.9 / get off 词组T: Good! Now lets listen and repeat. 现在,让我们打开书,翻到23页,跟读课文。Are you ready? 准备好了吗?Lets begin. (PPT出示课文内

20、容,放录音学生跟读。)T: Now , please practice the dialogue in pairs 现在请同学们根据课文后半段对话,同桌分角色表演对话吧!(本步骤设计说明:本部分课文教师分两个部分进行教学,重点练习第一段对话。通过史密斯先生与杨玲的对话学习有关问路的应答,帮助学生突破本课的重点难点。本部分新授单词和词组比较多,教师需要耐心示范,给学生足够操练时间)第三步:巩固操练用时: 5分钟T: OK. Im sure with the help of Yang Ling. Mr Smith can find his way easily. 相信在杨凌的帮助下,史密斯先生一定会找到要去的地方的。Now Yang Ling is back at school. 杨玲现在回到了学校。She is telling Wang Bing about her conversation with Mr Smith. Read the dialogues and complete the sentences.她正在告诉王冰与史密斯先生之间的对话。 (PPT显示23填空内容)现在,请你根据对话内容,把杨凌所要表达的句子补充完整。T: Now you may check your answer in your group. 现在你可以在小组内核对检查你的答案


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