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1、Vocabulary II Grace Zhao 12021/3/10 broadcast 1 N-COUNT A broadcast is a program, performance, or speech on the radio or on television. (无线电或电视) 广播 节目 2 V-T/V-I (由无线电或电视) 播放 Translate:她向所有朋友广为传播这则好消息。她向所有朋友广为传播这则好消息。 She broadcast the good news to all her friends. 22021/3/10 n. broadcasting 播放;广播节目

2、broadcaster 广播公司;广播员;播送设备;撒播物 过去式整理整理=sort over 2挑选;挑选;区分区分=sort over 92021/3/10 3解决解决 4使恢复正常使恢复正常 sort sb out 惩治惩治 to sort out the situation 弄弄清情况清情况 102021/3/10 overnight 1. ADV throughout or during the night. 通宵地通宵地; 在夜间在夜间 Trans:这个决定是夜间做出的。 The decision was reached overnight. 2. ADJ 通通宵的宵的; 夜间的夜

3、间的 3. ADV very quickly and unexpectedly. 突然突然地地 例:The rules are not going to change overnight. 4. ADJ 突突然的然的 Trans:1970年他在美国一夜之间成了成功人士。 In 1970 he became an overnight success in America. 112021/3/10 Confident ADJ If you are confident about something, you are certain that it will happen in the way yo

4、u want it to. 例:例:瑞安先生对成功有信心。瑞安先生对成功有信心。 Mr. Ryan is confident of success. ADJ If you are confident that something is true, you are sure that it is true. 例:她确信每个人都在她那一边。例:她确信每个人都在她那一边。 She is confident that everybody is on her side. 122021/3/10 adj. confidential 机密的;表示信任 的;获信任的 adv. confidentially 秘

5、密地;作为 心腹话地 confidingly 信任地 v. confide 1信赖;吐露秘密 2吐露;委托 n. Confidence 信心;信任;秘密 have confidence in 对有信心 132021/3/10 brief adj. 简短的,简洁的;短暂简短的,简洁的;短暂的的; 草草率的率的 例:Now please be brief my time is valuable. 现在请长话短说我的时间很宝贵 n. C 摘摘要,简报;概要,诉书要,简报;概要,诉书 vt. 简报,摘简报,摘要要 Trans:他:他的文章简短有力。的文章简短有力。 His article was br

6、ief and forceful. in brief/to be brief 简言 之 brief introduction 简介; 简短介绍 142021/3/10 devotion 1. N-U great love, affection, or admiration 热爱 2. N-U commitment to a particular activity. 献身 adj. devoted 献身的;忠诚的 devotional 虔诚的;信仰的;献身的 v. devote 致力于;奉献 Devote (oneself) to (doing) sth 152021/3/10 sensitiv

7、e ADJ有感知力的; 能理解的 表赞许 +to The classroom teacher must be sensitive to a childs needs. 课堂教师必须理解孩子的需求。 ADJ 敏感的 +about Trans:年轻人对自己的外貌很敏感。 Young people are very sensitive about their appearance. 162021/3/10 sensitivity N-UNCOUNT 敏感;敏感性 例: Due to the obvious sensitivity of the issue he would not divulge any details. 由于问题带有明显的敏感性,他不肯透露任何细节。 172021/3/10 a. sensible 明智的;明显的;意识到的;通晓事理的 sensing 敏感的 v. sensitize 变得敏感 182021/3/10 above all 首先;尤其是 =at first , at the beginning , in the first place Never waste anything, and above all never waste time. 任何东西都不要浪费


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