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1、Unit 8 When is your birthday?第i课时达标一、根据句意填入适当的表示月份的词1 . January 1st is New Year s Day.2 . May 1st is May Day( 劳动节).3 . June 1st is Children s Day.4 . September is the ninth month of a year.5 . October 1st is National Day( 国庆节)in China.二、用方框中所给词的适当形式填空party , one , buy , ask , come6 . My mother alway

2、s buys my clothes at Mr. Cool s Clothes Store.7 . I want to_ ask you a question.8 . When can you come here?9 . January is the first month of a year.10 . Their birthday parties are all in terest ing.三、根据汉语提示完成句子11 .我姑姑的生日是在 4月15日。My aunt s birthday is on April 15th.12 .你父亲的 生日是什么时候?3月3日。Whenis your f

3、ather s birthday?His birthday is onMarch 3rd.13 . 12月是一年中的第十二个月。December is the twelfth month of the year.14 他的生日不是 2月2日。His birthday is not onFebruary 2nd .15 .我姐姐不喜欢四月。My sister doesn t like April.语育四、单词拼写My name is Jim. Today is my 16.birthday (生日).I m 17.twelve (十二)years old now. My 18.parents (

4、父母)buy a big cake for me. I like the cake. On the table of my bedroom, you can 19.see (看见) my nice cake. You can find 20.my(我的)name on it, too. There are other 21.things (东西)for mybirthday. They are apples, 22.pears (梨)and bananas. But I d like to 23.have (有)something to drink now. Myfriends Bill an

5、d Samare ing (来). I 25.want (想要)to eat the food with my friends.五、完形填空26. Now I am in Class 5,I am a twelve year old girl. I am a middle schoolGrade 7. My birthday is on Ju ne 1st. It s the _ 27_ day of the _28 mon th. It30_ for me on that day.s also the _29_ Day. My pare nts always have a birthday_

6、31_ friends and classmates come to myparty. They give me_32_ of birthday presents. We sing and dance together. The happiest(最高兴的 )thing for me is to cut(切)thebirthday _ 33_. I cut it into many _34_ and give _ 35 - a piece( 块).We are all very happy at the party.(B) 26. A. classmateB. studentC. stude ntsD. boy(B) 27. A. oneB. firstC.secondD. third(C) 28. A. fourthB. fifthC. sixthD. six(C)29. A. TeachersB. WomenC. Children sD. Doctors(B) 30. A. presentB. partyC. dayD. meet ing(C) 31. A. MuchB. EveryC. Ma nyD. Any(A) 32. A. lotsB. lotC. manyD. much(B) 33. A. partyB. cakeC.


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