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1、1. .they are fed up the old routine.a. witli b. of c. at d. on2. he is such a(n)teacher that has devoted all his and energy to his students.a. conscientious b. conscious c. academic d. scientific3. every girl student and boy student in our school to wear their school luuform on weekdays.a. is requir

2、ed b. are required c. requiring d. bemg required4. recent decades yoga gam widespread acceptance as a method of staying in shape, aswell as a way of handlmg stress.a. saw b. have seen c. are seeing d. see5. diving in tliis area of tlie swinmiing pool because the water is shallow.a. does not permit b

3、. dont permit c. is not permittmg d. is not penmtted6.1 would like to dance with you, i?a. can b. may c. should d. must7. we last night, but we had a get-togetlier in the new restaurant and didnt go home untilvery late.a. must have studied b. might study c. should have studied d. cant study8. most o

4、f the people view hardships as bitter experiences, hardships are sometimes helpfill because tliey force people to become stronger and more active.a. since b. how c. although d. when9. after the terrible air crash, the few survivors happened to arrive at later proved anisolated island.a. where b. wha

5、t c. which d. that10. not far from die club there is a garden, owner sits in it playing bridge with his children every afternoon.a. its b . which c. whose d. of whom11. it was not until 1920 regular radio broadcast began.a. when b. which c. that d. since12. to make a real impression, why not a limou

6、sine to collect you from the hotel and allowyou to arrive at your restaurant in real style.a. considering hirmg b. consider hirmg c. to consider hiringd. consider to hire13. please give this ticket to you tlmik is interest in folk music.a. who b. the one c. whoever d. whomever14. oil the steps of di

7、e school building a group of students, discussing die math examwhich is about to begm m a few minutes.a. are b. were c. had d. have15. with less than a month of school, i am gettmg uneasy every tmie i tlmik about the facttliat i am going to graduate.a. leaving b. to leave c. left d. being left16. th

8、e people of the city are familiar with and extremely proud of their history and therefore it is a solid base.a. to build their fiinire b. which to build tlieir fiiturec. on wliich to build their fiiture d. to build their future in17.1, die new medicine is now in mass production.a. with its effect te

9、stmg safe b. with its effect bemg tested safec. with its effect tested safe d. with its effect to be tested safe18. we forgot to set alarm clock. lets get and leave at once. othenvise we will be late.a. dress b. to dress c. dressing d. dressed19. the more exercises we do, .a. the more good it will d

10、o to usb. the more it will do good to usc. the more good will it do to usd. the more will it do good to us20. tliere is a growing trend that the number of people who are fbnd of reading onlme is thatof tliose who read paper books.a. as twice large as b. twice as large as c. as large as twice d. twic

11、e large as二.bcabulary choicesdirections: complete the following paragraphs by using the words in the box. each word can only be used once. note that there is one word more than vou need.chinese in a foreigners eyesa. accommodate b. mean c. invest d. build e. in consideration ofab. grve up ac. gather

12、 ad. embarrassment ae. appalling bc. renewbd. restricted be. grue away cd. generous ce. weigli de. insisted onevery day, my interactions witli chinese people prove what i already know to be true about tliein.my first impression in coniuig to china was that people were kind and very welcoming to me a

13、s a foreigner. they treated me well and were very _21_ . e had a few negative experiences during die past 4 years, but, tliafs not the majority of people in china. the majority of people are kmd, considerate, caring and giving. this is proven to me often.i tlmik about when i first got here, of how i

14、mpressed i was that people would _22_ seats on die bus for older people and foreigners (like me) to sit down. how people would invite me to tlieir homes for dinner and sometimes for hinch. how people would bring me gifts, especially parents of my students. i got gifts of tea and moon-cakes. how so m

15、any invited me out to eat at restaurants and _23_ them paying for the meal. how otliers would invite me to teach english in various places and were always willing to _24_ my schedule and needs.im quite aware that recently there has been a lot of news about rude behavior on airplanes and in other pub

16、lic places by chinese people. i know that the government has even created a blacklist of chinese travelers who will be _25_ from going anywhere due to tlieir mde behavior. i know tliat the government warns clmiese tourists about stopping _26_ behavior that is unacceptable in otlier coimtries. they d

17、ont want any ftirther _27_ due to tlie behavior of their citizens. fve experienced some very cmel behavior by such people ill a few _28_ experiences fve had here. ive had some experiences that made me question why i was here.there is the reality of good and bad behavior in every country. it seems th

18、at some of the bad behavior of people is a bit more open here in china. but, tliere is tlie bright and positive side of chinese people that keeps me wanting to stay here and _29_ my time and efibrts in makuig a difference in the lives of chinese cliildren. when i _30_ the good and die bad, the good

19、far ounveighs the bad. if it wasnt so, id do the easy thing and just go home, back to america. life tliere is easy and very comfortable. plus, my family is there and i could be close to them every day. but, ive chosen to stay here in china.tins week, i will _31_ my contract witli the school i teach

20、at near my home. i made the decision to stay here. it wasnt a hard decision even _32_ the very bad experiences ive gone tlirough recently. i love china and more importantly, i love the people here. thats how i see it. i hope to _33_ many more wonderfill friendships and great memories here in die yea

21、rs to come. i will continue to do all i can to use what skills and knowledge tliat i have to work to make a difference in china and in the world.二.clozedirections: for each blank m die following passages there are four words or phrases marked a, b, c and d. fill in each blank witli the word or plira

22、ses that best fits the context.(a)bed racing is becoiimig more popular in certam areas of the us. abed race is a competition where teams of people push bed along a _34_ route. the route often goes through the middle of a city or a town. the _35_ teams attempt to roll their beds along die route faste

23、r than anyone else. however, there are not jiist any beds! racing beds often have very big wheels and competitors sometmies pamt tliein in some very interesting ways.tlie teams build tlieir own beds and practice for weeks before die race. _36_, race organizers often have firm rules about building an

24、d racing beds. for example, the bed must be a certain size, they can t have engine, and tliey must have four wheels. in addition, tliere must be no more than six people _37_ the bed and only one person can sit in the bed.as long as the teams follow the niles, they can use their _38_ for everything e

25、lse. some beds are covered with flowers. other beds look like crazy boats. to _39_ the fim, people often wear strange and unusual clothing.on race days, large crowds of spectators come to cheer for their favorite team. these members of the community usually give money to tlieir favorite team. howeve

26、r, die money doesnt go to die team members. it goes to organizations that help people in need. in the past beds races they have raised lots of money to provide health care for children and to help homeless people. at the end of the race, teams are often listed in a chart. most of tliese teams dont e

27、ven get a prize for wimiing. these bed races are _40_ not serious events. tlie miportant thmg is to raise money for the community and to have fun.34. a. specific b. strange c. special d. tough35. a. losing b. wimimg c. competing d. outstanding36. a. moreover b. however c. otherwise d. still37. a. pu

28、shing b. making c. designing d. racing38. a. abilities b. developments c. power d. miagmation39. a. contribute to b. add to c. lead to d. refer to40. a. sliglitly b. fbrtimately c. obviously d. positively(b)theres no doubt about it, corporate entertainment is big business. in japan, for example, whe

29、re relationship-buildmg is a ftmdamental part of business life, a staggermg 40 billion pounds of marketing expenditure goes to corporate _41_ annually. thats roughly equivalent to romanias gdp or venezuelas total foreign debt. the infamous recnut group, which has been die subject of_42_ scandals ill

30、 japan, once paid $15, 500 for a single meal for a dozen executives at a fhvorite restaurant. so its easy to see how the money the japanese spend in a year on willing and dmmg important clients could _43_ the cost of 365 brand-new jumbo jets!to some, corporate eiitertaumieiit is merely an expensive

31、and perhaps unnecessary luxury. to those who take a dmmier view, its nothmg _44_ bribery. but the truly corrupt corporate entertainer is relatively rare. famous fraudsters, the bank of credit and commerce inteniational, did mdeed _45_ sweetening their most valued clients frequently international ter

32、rorists and dnig barons-with shopping sprees in london and _46_ lines of credit at las vegas casmos. but tliis is a million miles away from an everyday business breakfast at die hilton or a power lunch at die savoy. for most successful business people, they would agree that goodwill is a _47_ part o

33、f clinching lucrative deals and these days goodwill costs more than a smile.41. a. organization b. establishment c. entertainment d. design42. a. repeated b. constant c. secret d. luxuriousd. get away with43. a. make up for b. come up with c. add up to44. a. apart fromb. short of c. independent of d

34、. involved ind. plead for45. a. specialize m b. believe in c. depend on46. a. resourceful b. endless c. fantastic d. invisible47. a. sensitive b. positive c. considerate d. cmcialiv reading comprehensiondirections: read die following four passage. each passage is followed by several questions or unf

35、inished statements. for each of them tliere are four choices marked a, b, c and d. choose die one tliat fits best according to the mfbrmation given in the passage you have just read.(a)the emotional stress that causes chest pains and breathlessness can occur in moments of joy as well as anger, grief

36、 and fear, a swiss study suggests.three-quarters of cases of takotsubo cardiomyopathy, a change in the shape of die hearts left ventricle, which can be fatal, are caused by stress.the university hospital zurich study, iii the european heart journal, suggests about one in 20 cases is caused by joy.th

37、e condition is normally temporary and people are generally fine afterwards.iii the study of 1750 patients, researchers discovered heart problems caused by; a birthday party; a sons wedding; meeting a friend after 50 years; becomuig a grandmotlier; a favorite nibby team winnmg a game; winning a casin

38、o jackpot or a computerized tomography (ct) scan giving die all-clear from another condition.the study also suggested most cases were in post-menopausal women.dr. jelena ghadri, one of die researchers, said : we have shown that die triggers for takossubo syndrome can be more varied than previously t

39、hought.a takostsubo syndrome patient is no longer die classic broken-hearted patient, and die disease can be preceded by positive emotions too.clinicians should be aware of this and also consider that patients who arrive in the emergency department with signs of heart attacks, such as chest pain and

40、 breathlessness, but after a happy event or emotion, could be susermg from takotsubo syndrome just as much as a similar patient pressing after a negative event.more research neededshe said it was likely botli sad and happy events shared a common emotional pathway leadmg to the condition.prof peter w

41、issberg, the medical director of the british heart foundation, said: “takotsubo syndrome is a rare event.“this study suggests that in a very few cases, the triggermg event may be a happy one.tfcmuch more research is needed to understand how such emotional events can trigger ten4orary heart damage in

42、 a few susceptible individuals.”48. what is the mam idea of this passage?第6页/共11页a. some syndromes are difficult to treatb. joy as well as sadness can brmg harm to healthc. people are advised nor to encoimter different emotionsd. research is needed to explore the cause of mental illness49. what does

43、 takotsubo probably mean in the passage?a. tlie name of a diseaseb. the application of a diseasec. the treatment for a diseased. tlie description of a disease50. which of the following my not be the cause of takostubo?a. being admitted to a universityb. going to school every dayc. witnessmg a seriou

44、s accidentd. winnmg a lottery of 5 million(b)women in most countnes of the world today can vote and be elected to public office the same basis as men. but it took centuries of work on the part of individuals and organizations to achieve tliose rights, often against strong opposition.in england, wome

45、n petitioned for the right to vote as early as the 15thcentury; but it wasnt until the 19th that most formal women suffrage movements began to take place. new zealand was die first country to grant women votmg rights in 1863, followed by australia in federal elections in 1902. otlier countnes did it

46、 in stages: swedish women with property could vote in city elections in 1862, but werent given fiill voting pm-ileges until 1921. finland gave widows and unmarried women local voting riglits in 1865 and granted universal suffrage to women in 1906.the united states and britain paralleled each other i

47、n their su&age movements. the united states passed the 19th amendment to its constimtion in 1920, giving women foil voting privileges and britain and iielaiid followed suit in 1928. ecuador became the first latin american country to allow women to vote in 1929, witli some restrictions. tlie umted na

48、tions accelerated the movement in 1945 when it signed the un charter, and international document that clearly 第7页/共ii页defined equal rights for women.however, even today in some developing countries, women are looked upon as inferior and are still not given many of the same social benefits as men.51.

49、 the following countries gave the women full voting rights in the 1920s excepta. sweden b. tlie us c. britain d. ireland52. the wordpetitioned is closest in meaning to a .waitedb. wished c. supplied d. urged53. what can we infer from the passage?a. women can fight for die suffrage they are dreammg o

50、f.b. women should have confidence in their pursuit of happinessc. women were and are still denied equal rights to men in historyd. women s movement has gone through various stages witliout much promise(c)people all over the world listen to romantic music, read romantic stories and have romantic time

51、. the team romantic in this context usually refers to feeling of love. but romanticism with a capital r refers to a period of major changes that afiected the arts philosophy and history for more than a hundred years, starting in the late 18ta centurythe romantic movement was a reaction to the ideas

52、of the previous epoch-with its emphasis on reason. it was named after the so-called romance languages, such as french, spanish and italian, that were developed from latin after the breakdown of die roman empire. tlie initiators of the romantic moement promoted a taste for folk tales, poetry and musi

53、c, which had long been neglected in fhvor of polished classical art forms. in politics, too, people wanted changes so it was a revolutionary time in many countries. it was also a time when people needed heroes with the passion and power to create a new order on the ruins of die old world. napoleon,

54、who mitially fought agamst the monarchy in france, was an example.in the arts, romanticism was ail epoch of great creativity, individualism and emotional mtensity. composers such as schubert, sclnmiaiin, weber and chopm modified classical music fbnns to gain more freedom of expression, lord byron s

55、childe harold s pilgrimage, victor hugo s les miserables, and alexander pushkins eurgene onegn are typical examples of romantic literature.第8页/共11页54. romantic is a word used to describea. a feeling of loveb. ail experience of the beautifulc. a dream of the attainabled. a gratitude for others kindne

56、ss55. according to the passage, romanticism refers toa. great changes m historyb. what happened in die mid8theenturyc. a period of major changes in many fieldsd. a special period in the history of literature56. which of the following is not die concem of die romantic moement?a. sentiment b. reason c

57、. innovation d. revolution(d)entrepreneurs come in all shapes and sizes-the dynamic, the cautious and the greedy. but all of tliein hold an equal fascination for us. how do they do it? whats their secret? some of the worlds biggest corporations would like to know, too. for entrepreneurs is m and the

58、se days everyone wants to be ail entrepreneur.but an entrepreneur is not what your are. its what you become, and real entrepreneur exist only in retrospect. at first, nobody takes them seriously. theyre crackpots, dreamers, iinemployables. and by the time theyve filially earned the respect of the business community, theyve already made it. so cancel the classes on entrepreneurship and throw out your business plan, for the road to entrepreneurial success cant be mapped our in advance. you get there one sale at a time. in the beginning,


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