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1、江苏省扬州市2020届高三英语下学期阶段性检测试题江苏省扬州市2020届高三英语下学期阶段性检测试题年级:姓名:- 41 -江苏省扬州市2020届高三英语下学期阶段性检测试题(二)(含解析)第一部分 听力(共两节, 满分 20 分)做题时, 先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后, 你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 a、b、c 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】what do we know about t

2、he man?a. he wants to read more books.b. he gets high marks at school.c. he doesnt agree with the woman.【答案】b【解析】【原文】w: im exhausted! my mom always tells me to read more. youre lucky, for you get as and bs at school.m: well, my mom wants me to do sports for a change.2.【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】who is the ma

3、n?a. the womans husband.b. the womans boss.c. a policeman.【答案】c【解析】【原文】m: show me your drivers license, madam!w: here it is, sir! i know i was speeding, but i need to be somewhere now.3.【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】where is the bus station?a. its near the post office.b. its two blocks down the street.c. its on

4、 the right side of the street.【答案】a【解析】【原文】w: excuse me. how do i get to the bus station?m: the bus station? go straight ahead. its about three blocks down this street, on your left. its next to the post office. you cant miss it.4.【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】who is the woman probably speaking to?a. a salesman

5、.b. a manager.c. a repairman.【答案】c【解析】【原文】w: its always been hard to get this car to work well.m: if you leave the car with me, ill get it fixed for you this afternoon.5.【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】what is the womans advantage to do the job?a. she has a lot of kids.b. she has work experience.c. she is strong

6、enough for the job.【答案】b【解析】【原文】m: so miss wang, may i ask why you think you are fit for this job?w: i used to be in an educational program, working with a lot of kids, so i know what to expect in the job.第二节听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 a、b、c 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给

7、出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】6. what are the speakers going to decorate?a. a classroom.b. their home.c. a school hall.7 where does the man suggest placing the christmas tree?a. far from the entrance.b. on the left of the entrance.c. on the right of the entrance.【答案】6. c

8、7. b【解析】【原文】m: lets discuss the furniture, equipment, and decorations in the school hall for the coming christmas party.w: ok. lets start with the reception counter. i think it should be close to the entrance. if its far away from the entrance, itll be very inconvenient to the participants.m: i agre

9、e. shall we set the reception counter on the right side of the entrance?w: good idea. what about the left side of the entrance?m: what about a large christmas tree? i think well give our participants a very good first impression if we place it there.w: fantastic! we also need to think about where to

10、 place the drinks. are we going to place the two tables next to each other?m: i think so.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】8. why does the woman talk to the man?a. to change seats with him.b. to make friends with him.c. to ask him to make way for her.9. what does the man want the woman to do?a. len

11、d him her cd.b. lend him a newspaper.c. give him a piece of gum.10. where does the conversation take place?a. on a plane.b. on a train.c. on a bus.【答案】8. c 9. b 10. a【解析】【原文】w: excuse me. are you in the middle seat?m: yes. whats up?w: im in the side seat by the window. i guess youll need to let me t

12、hrough.m: no problem.w: thanks. sorry for making you get out of your seat.m: thats alright. i notice you have a few newspapers there. would you mind lending me one?w: no not at all. which one would you like? the new york times or the guardian?m: i prefer the british paper. the guardian, please. i us

13、ually read it at home.w: ok. im just listening to music while we wait for the plane to take off, so the guardian is all yours.m: thanks a lot. thats really nice of you. would you like a piece of gum? that will make you comfortable when the plane takes off.w: that would be great. thank you very much.

14、m: its my pleasure.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】11. what is wrong with dick?a. he watches tv while eating.b. he has serious heart disease.c. he eats too much junk food.12. what does the man think of advertisements?a. they dont have any effect on people.b. they gradually change peoples attitude

15、.c. they can change peoples attitude overnight.13. what are the speakers going to do?a. stop their son watching tv.b. tell their son to eat what he watches.c. inform their son of his potential health problem.【答案】11. c 12. b 13. c【解析】【原文】m: the doctor told our son to watch what he eats.w: but he eats

16、 what he watches every day.m: well, i think advertising is to blame. its so effective that the more he watches, the more hes likely to reflect what he sees in the advertisements.w: i just want to say that advertising is successful.m: it doesnt happen overnight. there is always “i want, i want” in ad

17、vertisements. so over time, they gradually change his attitude towards food.w: well, what shall we do now? stop him watching tv?m: no, that wont work. but i think wed better tell dick what the doctor said.w: to watch what he eats? he already knows that.m: not only that. the doctor added that he woul

18、d risk serious heart disease if he continued eating junk food and drinking cola.w: what? my goodness! why didnt you tell me earlier?m: honey, i didnt want you to be too worried.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】14. what are the speakers mainly talking about?a. a big family.b. a long trip.c. a holid

19、ay plan.15. how will the woman travel? a. by plane.b. by train.c. by car.16. where does tom live?a. on the west coast.b. on the east coast.c. in montreal.17. what can we learn from the conversation?a. the woman likes going home.b. the man lives far from his parents.c. the woman failed to get a fligh

20、t ticket.【答案】14. c 15. a 16. b 17. a【解析】【原文】m: so, victoria, you are going home for the holiday?w: i sure am. ive booked a flight for tomorrow afternoon and i cant wait.m: that sounds great.w: what about you? going home, too?m: im still thinkingw: havent decided yet? oh, youre never going to get a f

21、light out of here. im sure all the seats have been reserved by now. its the holiday season, after all.m: well, its not such a big deal for me. my family only lives about one hundred and fifty miles away from here. i usually drive or take the train. its a short trip.w: you dont sound very excited abo

22、ut it.m: well, were not really a very close-knit family. i have three brothers, and they spread all over the place. tom lives on the east coast and david on the west coast. i even have a brother in montreal!w: oh, wow! what does he do?m: translation work. its kind of strange, but we rarely get toget

23、her as a family any more.w: well, i try to get home as much as possible. were a big family therere six of us children so its always a lot of fun.听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】18. what can we learn from the speaker?a. kissing is forbidden in the us schools.b. kissing is good manners in the us.c. t

24、here are rules for kissing in the us.19. what is the relationship between the boy and the girl?a. classmates.b. strangers.c. brother and sister.20. why was the boy punished?a. he broke the american law.b. he broke the school rules.c. he broke his family rules.【答案】18. c 19. a 20. b【解析】【原文】you may thi

25、nk that america is a free country and that americans kiss their friends. well, it is, but if you kiss the wrong person you might get into trouble. this is what happened to john, a six-year-old primary school pupil. who did he kiss? he kissed a girl on the cheek in the school. they were in the same c

26、lass. however, a teacher saw it and told the headmaster, who thought that john should be punished. john was told to leave his classroom and stayed in another classroom by himself. when johns mother knew about this, she became very angry. she wanted the headmaster to tell her why the school punished

27、her son for kissing another six-year-old girl. “the girl asked him to kiss her and he did this only to show friendship. whats wrong with this?” she said. the headmaster thought that it was wrong of a boy to kiss a girl, even though they were only six years old. “it is stated clearly in the student h

28、andbook. it is unwelcome behavior,” the headmaster said.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分 35 分)第一节:单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分, 满分 15 分)请认真阅读下面各题, 从题中所给的 a、b、c、d 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21.after a night of wrestling with his_, he decided to go to the police office to give himself up.a. consensusb. consciencec. consci

29、ousnessd. convention【答案】b【解析】【详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:在与自己的良心斗争了一整夜之后,他决定去警察局自首。a. consensus共识;b. conscience良心,良知;c. consciousness意识,知觉;d. convention习俗,常规,惯例。根据空后he decided to go to the police office to give himself up.可知,此处是与自己良心作斗争。故选b项。22.the mother never criticized her children, but used praise to_their

30、best.a. put outb. give outc. pick outd. bring out【答案】d【解析】【详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:那位母亲从不批评她的孩子,而是用称赞使孩子们表现出最佳状态。a. put out扑灭,生产,出版,广播;b. give out用完,耗尽;c. pick out精心挑选,认出;d. bring out使显现,使表现出。分析句子可知,but表前后转折,结合句意,应该是用称赞使孩子们表现出最佳状态。故选d项。23.li jiaqi, a well-known live-streaming host in china, is reported_over

31、8 million followers on weibo.a. possessingb. to be possessingc. to have possessedd. having possessed【答案】c【解析】【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:李佳琦,一位有名的中国主播,据报道在微博上已经拥有800多万的关注者。分析句子结构可知,be reported后可接to do/to have done,然而possess这个动作发生在report这个动作之前,所以possess要用to have done(动词不定式的完成式)。故选c项。【点睛】分析动词不定式的完成式关键抓住两点:第一、辨别非谓语

32、动词的使用条件。一个句子中,已经存在一个主句(谓语动词),又没有连词,还有别的动词出现时,这个动词用非谓语形式。主动进行-ing,被动完成用-ed,将来目的用to do。第二、to have done的用法。非谓语中的to have done是动词不定式完成式,表示一个动作发生在谓语动词之前。如本题中,本句无连词,possess应用非谓语形式,possess这个动作发生在主句谓语动词be reported之前,结合be reported的固定搭配,所以最后要用to have done(动词不定式的完成式),故用to have possessed。24.sorry, i missed your

33、party yesterday because of an unexpected visitor.actually, you_the party. it was canceled at the last moment.a. didnt need to attendb. neednt have attendedc. shouldnt have attendedd. shouldnt attend【答案】a【解析】【详解】考查动词need的用法。句意:对不起,昨天错过了你的派对因为一位意外来客。事实上,你没必要来。它最后取消了。didnt need to do没有必要做某事,而实际上也没有做;ne

34、ednt have done本没有必要做某事,而实际上却做了。根据sorry, i missed your party yesterday because of an unexpected visitor.可知,实际上没有参加派对,所以应用didnt need to attend。故选a项。25.our parents sat us down to read and paint_all we really wanted to do was to make a mess.a. whenb. asc. sinced. until【答案】a【解析】【详解】考查状语从句连词。句意:我们的父母让我们坐下

35、来读书、画画,尽管我们真正想做的是弄得一团糟。a. when当时候,虽然,尽管;b. as因为,当;c. since既然;d. until直到。分析句子可知,前后两句表让步,应用when引导让步状语从句,这里的when相当于though/although的用法,意为“虽然、尽管”。故选a项。26.about 85 of the large fire was_by saturday night and most major roads have been reopened.a. depositedb. containedc. anticipatedd. swallowed【答案】b【解析】【详解

36、】考查动词词义辨析。句意:80%的大火在周六晚上被控制住,并且多数主要公路已经重新开放。a. deposited放置,存钱;b. contained控制;c. anticipated预期;d. swallowed吞没。根据most major roads have been reopened可知,多数公路已重新开放,说明火势被控制了。故选b项。27.sun yang said he would appeal against the cas decision, _, to the publics surprise, banned him from competition for eight ye

37、ars.a. whereb. whenc. asd. which【答案】d【解析】【详解】考查定语从句关系词。句意:孙杨说,他将对国际体育仲裁法庭的决定提出上诉,令公众惊讶的是,该决定禁止他参加比赛长达8年之久。分析句子可知,to the publics surprise是插入语,the cas decision后是一个非限制性定语从句,the cas decision是先行词,表物,在从句中作主语,应使用关系代词which引导。故选d项。【点睛】非限定性定语从句起补充说明作用,在句子中不充当成分,缺少也不会影响全句的理解,它与主句往往用逗号隔开。1.which引导的非限定性定语从句是用来说明

38、前面整个句子的情况或主句的某一部分。2.as有时也可用作关系代词。as引导非限制性定语从句,若as在从句中作主语,其引导的句子可以放在句首,也可以放在句中,as不可与从句分开。但which引导的非限制性定语从句只能放句中,which可与从句分开。3.在非限定性定语从句中,关系词不能用that和those。在本题中,the cas decision后是一个非限制性定语从句,在从句中作主语,应使用关系代词which引导。故选d项。28.chinese telecoms giant huawei will build a 200-million-euro factory in france_pote

39、ntial challenges and obstacles.a. owing tob. regardless ofc. apart fromd. instead of【答案】b【解析】【详解】考查介词短语辨析。句意:不顾潜在的挑战和障碍,中国电信巨头华为将会在法国建设一个价值2亿欧元的工厂。a. owing to由于;b. regardless of不管,不顾;c. apart from除了;d. instead of代替。根据chinese telecoms giant huawei will build a 200-million-euro factory in france可知,此处是

40、让步状语,中国电信巨头华为不顾潜在的挑战和障碍。故选b项。29.what do you think made the 92nd academy awards so special?_parasite from south korea won a total of four oscars.a. becauseb. whatc. thatd. whether【答案】c【解析】【详解】考查主语从句。句意:你认为是什么让第92届奥斯卡金像奖如此特别?那个来自韩国的寄生虫一共赢得了四项奥斯卡奖。根据语境,回答的内容应该是what的内容。what在句中作主语,所以答语应该能在这个句子中作主语,答语中没有疑

41、问的意思也不缺少成分,此处应该用that。故选c项。30.privacy is like health. only when it is gone_you had done more to protect it.a. do you wishb. you wishc. did you wishd. you wished【答案】a【解析】【详解】考查部分倒装。句意:隐私就像健康。只有当它消失的时候,你才会希望你做了更多的事情来保护它。only+状语从句,放句首,主谓部分倒装,又因整句话以一般现在时为主,所以用do you wish。故选a项。【点睛】部分倒装句注意事项:1.only+副词/介词短语

42、/状语从句,放句首,主谓部分倒装。2.only+宾语,放句首,无需倒装。在本题中only+状语从句(when it is gone)放句首,所以要主谓部分倒装,整句话以一般现在时为主,故用do you wish。31.guess what? zark_a company with his partner.gosh! its no more than two years since he studied in the university.a. operatedb. is operatingc. has operatedd. had been operating【答案】b【解析】【详解】考查动词

43、时态。句意:你猜怎么着?扎克正和他的合伙人经营一家公司。天哪!他大学毕业刚两年。根据guess what?及gosh!可知,此处用现在进行时表示zark现在正和人合作开公司。故选b项。32.to win the trust of the employees, your factory should see to_that accounts and operations are as transparent as possible.a. itb. themc. youd. one【答案】a【解析】【详解】考查it做形式宾语。句意:为了赢得员工的信任,你的工厂应该确保账目和操作尽可能透明。see

44、to意为“确保,务必”,此处it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是that accounts and operations are as transparent as possible,故选a项。33.he would have been willing to accompany me_him how important it was to me.a. if i have toldb. had i toldc. should i telld. if i could tell【答案】b【解析】【详解】考查虚拟语气。句意:如果我告诉他这对我有多重要,他会愿意陪我的。根据主句谓语would have been

45、可知,此处是虚拟语气,这是对过去的虚拟,所以从句谓语用过去完成时(had done),本应该是if i had told him,然而从句省去if,则要部分倒装,所以是had i told。故选b项。【点睛】if条件虚拟语气精要:1. 与现在事实相反if +主语+ did/were(从句),主语+would/should/could/might + do(主句)2. 与过去事实相反if +主语+ had done(从句),主语+would/should/could/might + have done(主句)3. 与将来事实相反if +主语+ did/were to/should + do(从句

46、),主语+would/should/could/might + do(主句)4. if条件虚拟句,如省略if,从句要主谓部分倒装。在本题中,句子与过去事实相反,所以从句应用if i had told him;又因从句省去if,则要部分倒装,故用had i told。34.doctors are fighting a_battle to save the little girls life.a. modestb. flexiblec. compulsoryd. desperate【答案】d【解析】【详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:医生们正在进行一场殊死搏斗以挽救小女孩的生命。a. modest谦

47、虚的;b. flexible灵活的;c. compulsory义务的;d. desperate不顾一切的。根据to save the little girls life可知,医生们正在不顾一切的抢救小女孩的生命。故选d项。35.you know how much i am missing the days before the outbreak of the coronavirus.school, movies, gatherings, _. well soon be back on track.a. no kiddingb. come onc. you name itd. go for it

48、【答案】c【解析】【详解】考查交际用语。句意:你知道我有多想念冠状病毒爆发前的日子。学校,电影,聚会,凡是你说得出的(应有尽有)。我们很快就会回到正轨。a. no kidding别开玩笑;b. come on快来、加油;c. you name it凡是你说得出的(应有尽有);d. go for it放手一搏。分析句子可知,前句提及说话人想念疫情前的日子,后句例举“school, movies, gatherings, _.”来表示疫情前所过的日子,所以此空用you name it表示还未列举的东西。故选c项。第二节:完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1 分, 满分 20 分)请认真阅读下面短文

49、, 从短文后各题所给的 a、b、c、d 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。nothing stays the same for long. things and people change, often for the _36_, it seems, but once in a _37_, very much for the better. i grew up on a small farm, living a life that i took for granted. i had a dog and mountains in whichever_38_ i looked,

50、 and i awoke to the call of birds in the alfalfa (苜蓿) fields. my father worked in the city as a worker. he was quiet and _39_. he was not _40_educated, but he was smart, with an engineers way of looking at problems. he was a man made of leather and chewing tobacco who tried to teach my brother and m

51、e useful things, including respect. he also had a _41_. i did not like him very much.one day i came home from school and his car was already there. once inside, i was told by my mother that he didnt feel well. his back hurt. my father never missed work; in fact, when he came home, he went to work ev

52、en more. i remember looking secretly around the corner at him as he _42_ on his bed in the middle of the day. i was in _43_ school. multiple myeloma, i learned, is a type of blood cancer. it starts in the_44_ that normally make antibodies for the body to use in its immune response against _45_. when

53、 those cells become ill, they make abnormal antibodies like crazy, _46_ out the useful ones. as the cancer grows, the person who has it_47_. the disease weakens the bodys energy, and the abnormal antibodies cause problems for other cells and_48_. over time, bones _49_ look like swiss cheese, and whe

54、n they break, they may never_50_.for the last year of my fathers life, his entire day consisted of rising from his hospital bed in the living room and walking to his chair to sit and think. he was _51_ in that chair when i came home one day during the fifth grade. i do not remember where my mother a

55、nd brother were, but the two of us were_52_. he asked me to sit down. what followed still moves me these _53_ later. he told me about his life, his family growing up, what it was like in the pacific during world war ii, his loves, his heartbreaks. it was as if a pipe had_54_, his inner self rushing

56、out to me in a great flood. he had been speaking for maybe an hour or more when i realized that he was doing more than telling. he was asking to be forgiven. all it took was understanding that that was what he needed, and i_55_ everything, immediately.36. a. wealthierb. worsec. healthierd. familiar37. a. whileb. hourc. dayd. week38. a. timeb. villagec. valleyd. direction39. a. warmb. noisyc. distantd. consider


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