毕博管理咨询工具方法—BSP pack300820final_第1页
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1、咨询公司战略计划智囊包 bsp pack 咨询公司战略计划智囊包是制定咨询公司战略计划和实施咨询经营业 绩改善项目的指南. the bsp pack is a guide to assist the bsps and to allow the implementation of the bpip for bsps. 目录目录 table of contents 第一单元第一单元: 你的服务之战略计划你的服务之战略计划 module 1: strategic planning for your practice.5 1.1 了解你的服务 understanding your practice.7

2、 1.2 第一次战略计划会议 1st strategic planning session.8 1.3 了解你的技能和潜力 understanding your skills and potential.10 1.4 行业分析和定位 industry analysis and positioning.11 1.5 规划你的未来 mapping out your future.13 第二单元第二单元: 创立有效的咨询服务创立有效的咨询服务 module 2: establishing an effective consulting practice.14 2.1 问题与目标 issues and

3、 objectives.16 2.2 业务与组织结构 business and organisational structure.17 2.3 技能要求 skill requirements.20 2.4 经营预算 operational budgets.22 2.5 成本及收费 costs and fees.24 2.6 可收费服务的成本计算 costing chargeable services.26 2.7 制定你的收费结构 developing your fee structure.29 第三单元第三单元: 为你的业务进行市场营销为你的业务进行市场营销 module 3: market

4、ing your practice.31 3.1 市场开发战略 marketing strategy.33 3.2 客户选择标准 client selection criteria.34 3.3 建立你的形象 building your profile.36 3.4 推荐的威力 the power of referrals.37 3.5 建立主人-受益人关系 establishing host-beneficiary relationships.38 3.6 讲座 seminars.40 3.7 选择和瞄准潜在客户 selecting and targeting potential clien

5、ts.41 第四单元:管理你的业务第四单元:管理你的业务 module 4: managing your practice .44 4.1 有效地管理咨询服务的关键问题 key issues for managing an effective practice .46 4.2 人力资源战略 human resource strategy.47 4.3 技术应用战略 technology strategy.52 4.4 质量保证 quality assurance.55 4.5 付费通知与费用收取 invoicing and fee collection.57 4.6 业绩衡量 measurin

6、g performance.59 第五单元第五单元: : 与客户的合作和管理与客户的合作和管理 module 5: engaging and managing clients .61 5.1 为一项业务设计结构和时间安排 structuring and scheduling an assignment.62 5.2 提出有效的业务建议书 developing effective proposals.64 5.4 咨询顾问情况介绍 consultant briefing.4 5.5 任务项目记录 assignment records.7 第六单元第六单元: : 经营业绩改善项目经营业绩改善项目

7、module 6: the business performance improvement program.8 6.1 模块一: 了解你的企业 module 1: understanding what business you are in.10 6.2 模块二: 了解顾客, 市场和产品 module 2: understanding the customers, markets and products.13 6.3 模块三: 确定企业商业模式 module 3: defining the business model.16 6.4 模块四: 员工授权 module 4: team emp

8、owerment.19 6.5 模块五: 战略性市场开发计划 module 5: strategic marketing plan.23 6.6 模块六: 企业系统化 module 6: business independence.26 6.7 模块七: 组织结构, 知识,环境管理和技术应用战略 module 7: organisational structure, knowledge, environmental management and technology strategies .29 6.8 模块八: 反馈和不断改善 module 8: feedback and continuou

9、s improvement.32 第一单元: 你的服务之战略计划 module 1: strategic planning for your practice bsp 指南的这个单元旨在帮助你开始准备和实施你自己的战略业务计划。 它为你勾画出了你在 决定是否适宜为客户提供企业业绩改善咨询服务时应当采用的方法。 this module of the bsp pack is designed to assist you to start preparing and implementing your own strategic business plan. it outlines the appr

10、oach that you should use in order to determine your suitability for delivering business performance improvement consulting. 这个单元的战略计划程序细分为五个阶段: the strategic planning process in this module is detailed as 5 stages: 1.了解你的服务; understanding your practice; 2.战略计划会议; strategic planning session; 3.了解你的技能

11、和潜力; understanding your skills and potential; 4.行业分析与定位; industry analysis and positioning; and 5.规划你的未来; mapping out your future. 应当注意到, 这是一个与你为客户提供经营业绩改进项目的过程非常相似的过程。 这是一个非 常重要的过程, 因为它不仅帮助你评估你从事这种咨询服务的能力, 它还会为你找出一些你可以 开发的市场机会。 it should be noted that this is a very similar process to that which yo

12、u will need to go through with your business performance improvement program clients. this process is extremely important since it will assist you to not only evaluate your practices readiness to commence this type of consulting but also identify market opportunities for you to pursue. 在任何有可以帮助你的工具的

13、地方, 都以注明。 有些这类工具也包括在 bpip 或 sme 手册 里。 where there is a tool available to assist you, the tool is named and denoted by . some of these tools are also included in the bpip or sme manual. 工具工具 tools 第一次战略计划会议日程表; 1st strategic planning session agenda; 第一次战略计划会议 powerpoint 演示; 1st strategic planning ses

14、sion powerpoint presentation; firmplan 软件; firmplan; 能力和经验模板; skills and experience template; 波特行业对手和竞争模式演示; porter industry rivalry and competition model powerpoint;” 行业对手分析工作手册; industry rivalry analysis workbook; 你的业务定位演示; “positioning your business powerpoint; 你的业务定位工作手册; “positioning your busin

15、ess workbook; 顾客咨询会议资源文件包; customer advisory session resource pack; and 战略商业计划模板。 strategic business plan template. 1.1 了解你的服务 understanding your practice 为了创立成功的咨询服务, 你首先需要对这一业务的现状做彻底的分析。 你还 需要明确, 所有合伙人的个人和职业目标是完全一致的。 in order to establish a successful consulting practice you will first need to con

16、duct a thorough review of the practice as it currently is. you will also need to ensure that the personal and professional goals and objectives of all the partners all aligned. 为了开始这项工作,你需要完成 bpip 里的战略需要分析问卷。所有合伙人都要 完成这一问卷。 请注意, 这个过程与你将要同 bpip 客户一起经历的过程是相同 的。 in order to start this process, you will

17、 need to complete the strategic needs analysis questionnaire from the bpip program. all partners should complete this. please note that this is the same process that you will have to go through with your consulting clients engaged on the bpip program. 通过完成 snaq, 你对自己业务的了解将得到加深, 你将开始确认那些你需要加 强工作的领域,

18、这样才能保证你的企业取得成功。 这份问卷很全面, 你可能无法 回答其中的全部问题, 但是, 你应当尽力而为。 那些你答不出的问题可能就是你 需要加强工作的领域! by completing the snaq you will renew your understanding of your business and begin to identify the areas that you will need to work on to ensure that your business performance improvement consulting is a success. the q

19、uestionnaire is very comprehensive and it may not be possible for you to answer all of the questions however you should complete as much as possible. those questions that you cannot answer probably highlight areas within your business that you need to work on! 1.打印战略需求分析问卷(snaq); print the strategic

20、 needs analysis questionnaire (snaq); 2.将 snaq 发给所有合伙人填写; distribute the snaq to all partners for completion; 3.指定一位战略计划程序负责人; nominate a chairperson for the strategic planning process; 4.确定内部战略计划会议的日期; establish a date for your internal strategic planning session; 5.确定完成 snaq 的时间; set a deadline fo

21、r the completion of the snaqs; and 6.snaq 完成后, 立即传发给每位合伙人审阅。 once the snaqs have been completed, circulate them to each partner for review. 1.2 第一次战略计划会议 1st strategic planning session 在第一次计划会议上, 你需要完成下列任务: during the planning session you will need to achieve the following: 1.个人目标; personal goals an

22、d objectives; 2.企业目标; business goals and objectives; 3.企业的 “退出” 日; an “e” day for your business; 4.你理想的咨询服务类型; the type of consulting practice you would ideally like to have; 5.你的业务目前面临的优势, 弱点, 机会和威胁; the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats currently facing your practice; and 6.你希望做的工作类

23、型。 the type of work that you want to do. 请参见: please refer to: “第一次计划会议日程表第一次计划会议日程表”; “1st strategic planning session agenda;” and “第一次计划会议第一次计划会议 powerpoint 演示稿演示稿” “1st strategic planning session powerpoint presentation” 请注意, 你应该采用咨询公司业务计划软件来考察你的业务的数字, 而不是做利 润可能性分析。 please note that instead of do

24、ing the profit possibilities exercise you should examine your practice numbers using firmplan. 请功参见: please refer to: “咨询公司业务计划软件咨询公司业务计划软件” “firmplan” 确认你所喜好喜好的工作是制定战略计划的一部分,这是很重要的。 为了开创一项有 效的咨询业务, 你必须做的第一件,也是最重要的一件事情是确定你希望希望从事的工 作类型。 设计一个你并不感兴趣的业务毫无根据意义。 如果你对自己的企业缺 乏同样的热爱, 你就不可能为其他(其所有者无比衷情于无比衷情于他

25、们的企业的)sme 提供 任何成功的咨询! 而且, 你会发现, 从事你所喜欢的工作, 你会干得更好。 it is important that as part of the strategic planning day, you identify your favourite work. in order to set up an effective consulting practice, the first and foremost thing that you must do is to determine the type of work that you like to do. th

26、ere is no point in developing a business that you are not passionate about. you cannot successfully consult to other smes (owners who are passionate about their business!) if you cannot reciprocate the same levels of energy within your own business. in addition, you will find that you are actually b

27、etter at the work that you enjoy doing. 完成了这个第一到第六的各项后, 把你的工作按照一般性和专业性咨询分类。 你属于哪一种? once you have completed this list, categorise the work into general and specialised consulting. which are you? 1.3 了解你的技能和潜力 understanding your skills and potential 第三步是对你在咨询业的技能和经验进行评估, 看它们是否符合你想从事的工作 所需要的技能。 你的企业的经

28、验一般包括: the third step is to review the actual skills and experience that you have in the business and assess whether these match the skills required in order to do the work you want to do. the experience of the firm basically comprises of: 1.企业通过实际工作所取得的经验; the experience that the firm has gained th

29、rough undertaking work; and 2.你的团队成员个人的技能和经验。 the individual skills and experience of your team members. 为了评估你的员工的技能, 你需要重新翻阅每个人的简历。 每位成员的简历都 应当在 “技能和经验模板技能和经验模板” 中作出综述。 in order assess your team member skills you will need to review the resume of each person.each team members resume should be summa

30、rised in the “skills and experience template.” 完成的技能和经验模板很有用, 因为它们不仅提供了对各个成员背景的很好的概 述, 而且可以包括在业务建议书里, 使客户能够很好地了解每位咨询人员的经验。 这将可以增强你的职业形象。 completed skills and experience templates are useful because not only do they provide a good overview of each team member but they can also be included in proposal

31、s so that clients can get a good understanding of each team members experience. this will enhance your professional image. 你还需要做一份综述公司集体经验的表格。你应当在这份表格中明确你的潜在的 行业和工作类型的专业领域。 a spreadsheet should be completed summarising the firms collective experience. in this spreadsheet you should identify your pot

32、ential specialisation areas by industry and type of work. 完成了技能和经验诊断后, 你应当考虑, 你的企业的技能和潜力是否足够承接你 所希望从事的客户咨询业务。 这些技能和潜力是否呈现出任何有规律的东西, 表明你可能应当瞄准一个更合适的市场? once you have completed your skills and experience audit you need to ask whether the skills and potential that you have in the firm are enough to tar

33、get the consulting work that you want to do. are there any patterns emerging that indicate that you would be well placed to target a particular niche market? 一旦你大致确定了这些市场, 你需要进行一些行业分析,然后确定你的市场定位。 once you have roughly defined these markets you will need to do some industry analysis and then define y

34、our preferred market position. 1.4 行业分析和定位 industry analysis and positioning 一旦你确定了自己的技能和经验, 明确了你可能开展业务的行业和市场, 你需要 完成行业分析。 once you have identified your skills and experience audit and identified the possible industries and markets in which you could operate you need to complete an industry analysis

35、. 这同样又是一个与你指导你的经营业绩改善项目客户的过程相似的过程。 once again, this is a similar process to that which you will guide your business performance improvement program clients. 为了完成行业分析, 你需要与所有合伙人一起召开第二次战略计划会议。 to do the industry analysis you will need to hold a second strategic planning session with all the partners.

36、在此次会议上, 你要进行波特行业对手和竞争定位模式评估。 bpip 中有可以帮 助你的工具。 请参见: during this session you will review the michael porter model of industry rivalry and competitive positioning. resources are available within the bpip to assist you. please refer to: “波特行业对手和竞争模式演示波特行业对手和竞争模式演示;” “porter industry rivalry and competi

37、tion model powerpoint;” “行业对手分析工作手册行业对手分析工作手册;” “industry rivalry analysis workbook;” “企业定位演示企业定位演示;” “positioning your business powerpoint;” and 你的企业定位工作手册你的企业定位工作手册;” “positioning your business workbook;” 在进行行业评估时, 你需要确认所有可能面临的业务机会。 瞄准你所感兴趣的, 符合你的客户选择标准的行业-即, 你希望与之工作的客户。 这一步骤的目的 在于明确你的专长和资格的领域, 并且

38、找到与之相适应的市场机会。 这涉及到 把行业的问题和解决办法与你的技能和资历联系起来, 然后把 sme 的问题和解 决方案与你的技能和经验匹配起来。 during your industry review you will need to identify all opportunities that may be facing your consultancy practice. the idea is to target an industry that you are interested in and that meets your client selection criteria

39、the type of clients you want to work with. the purpose of this step is to identify your areas of expertise and qualifications and then match these to opportunities within the marketplace. this involves matching industry problems and solutions to your skills and qualifications and then matching sme p

40、roblems and solutions to your skills and experience. 通过找准你或者你的团队成员集中精力在某一行业, 你将可以利用你的经验 (和 bpip 工具)来帮助你的客户。 这在你与客户一起使他们的企业得到成长的过程 中显然会加强你的地位。 by targeting industry niches where you (or your team members have industry expertise) you will be able to draw upon your experiences (as well as the bpip tool

41、s) to assist your clients. this will obviously support you as you work with your client to grow their business. 这还将使你的团队的努力重点突出, 例如, 阅读相关的行业文献, 收集标准和其 他统计资料等。 这将会进一步增强你的”专长” 和使你的潜在的盈利更强。 你 还可以对不同客户交叉应用你的知识和经验, 例如, 把从一个客户那里学到的东 西应用到另一个客户那里。 这将使你可以进一步发挥经营业绩改善项目的杠杆 作用。 此外, 通过确认行业目标, 你可以成功地修改和侧重你的市场开发工作

42、, 增强你成功地获得经营业绩改善项目客户的可能性。 it will also enable your team to focus their efforts e.g. reading relevant industry literature, collecting benchmarks and other relevant statistics. this will further reinforce your “expertise” and make your earning potential even stronger. you will also be able to apply yo

43、ur knowledge and experiences across your different clients e.g. apply things that you have learnt from client to another. this will enable you to further leverage the business performance improvement program. in addition, by identifying industry niches you will be able to tailor and focus your marke

44、ting efforts and increase your likelihood of successfully engaging business performance improvement clients. 在第二次战略计划会议结束时, 你应该已经明确找出了行业和你计划在这些行业 中达到的市场位置。 现在, 你必须进入这个市场, 探索你所提出的战略是否可行。 by the end of this second strategic planning session you should have identified the industries and market position

45、 within those industries that you plan to achieve. you must now go to the market and establish if your prosed strategy is achievable. 1.5 规划你的未来 mapping out your future 现在, 你需要进行市场调研,来确认你的战略,然后开始撰写你的商业计划。 you now need to do marketplace research to confirm your strategy and then start documenting you

46、r strategic business plan. 市场调研的目的是明确客户的需要, 确立客户最需要的服务类型。 the purpose of the market research is to identify client needs and establish the types of services that would be valued by the. 一种办法是为目前和潜在客户召开客户咨询会议上, 你可以征询他们对你目前提 供的服务的意见, 并同他们一起寻找他们认为有用的服务类型。 客户咨询会议 还可以用来探讨对你的公司为 sme 提供服务的能力的看法。 这将为你提供你在 确

47、定市场开发战略时需要的有价值的信息。 one way to do this is to hold a customer advisory session for your current and potential clients. during the session you can explore their opinions of the services that you currently provide and also work with them to identify the types of services they would find useful. the cust

48、omer advisory session can also be used to explore perceptions about the ability of your firm to deliver the services to the smes. this will provide you with valuable information that you can use when defining your marketing strategy. 请参见: bpip 里的“客户咨询会议资源文件包客户咨询会议资源文件包”。 please refer to: “customer a

49、dvisory session resource pack” in the bpip. 希望这一调研能够确认你所选择的定位和行业具有可行性。 hopefully this research will confirm that your selected positioning and industries are feasible. 一旦确认了你的战略, 你应当开始撰写你的商业计划。 这将涉及考察你的业务 的各个方面以评估你现有的资源, 制定能够支持你的新的咨询服务的战略。 作 为这个过程的一部分, 你需要使用商业计划模板和咨询公司业务计划软件 (以建 立你的金融目标)。 once you h

50、ave confirmed your strategy you should start to document your strategic business plan. this will involve going through every aspect of your business to examine your current resources and develop strategies that will support your new consulting services. as part of this process you will need to use t

51、he strategic business plan template and firmplan (to establish your financial goals). 请参见: “ 商业计划模板商业计划模板” 和 “firmplan 软件软件”。 please refer to: “strategic business plan template;” and “firmplan.” 第二单元: 创立有效的咨询服务 module 2: establishing an effective consulting practice 本单元的目的旨在帮助你建立一个有效的咨询服务机构。 这是第一单元商

52、业计划的继续。 the purpose of this module is to assist you to set-up an effective consulting practice. it is a continuation of the strategic planning process that you started in module 1. 本单元着重讨论确定你要提供的服务类型以及取得成功要求你应具备的技能和能力。 之后, 将 详细指导你如何确定你的运行财务预算, 包括制定收费标准和每个员工的业绩目标。 this module particularly focuses on

53、you determining the types of services you will offer and then examining the skills and capabilities that you will require in order to be successful. in then provides some detail about how you should approach determining your operational financial budget including setting fee levels and productivity

54、targets for each team member. 本单元概括为七个步骤: the module is outlined in 7 steps: 1.问题与目标; issues and objectives; 2.业务与组织结构; business and organisational structure; 3.技能要求; skill requirements; 4.运行预算; operational budgets; 5.成本与收费; costs and fees; 6.可计算成本的服务; costing chargeable services; and 7.制定你的收费结构。 de

55、veloping your fee structure. 工具工具 tools 如何创立有效的咨询服务 powerpoint 演示; how to se up an effective consulting practice powerpoint presentation; 组织结构工作手册; organisational structure workbook; 绩效管理的文章选编. selected performance management articles. 2.1 问题与目标 issues and objectives 为了创立一项有效的咨询服务, 首先必须对几个问题进行评价, 然后

56、才能决定你 的业务目标。 in order to establish an effective consulting practice there are a number of issues that you must first evaluate and then from this you can determine your practice objectives. 有的问题已在战略计划部分讨论过了。 这里你需要将这些工作加以整理, 然后 归纳出你的咨询业务要点和目标。 some of the issues you will have already discussed as part

57、 of the strategic planning session. at this point you will be bringing all this work together and then summarizing your beliefs and objectives for your consulting practice. 你需要回答下列问题: you need to be able to answer the following questions: 1.你的核心文化及咨询理念是什么? what is your core culture and consulting ph

58、ilosophy? 2.你会成为某一专业领域的带头人吗? will you be known as leaders in a technical field? 3.你认为提供哪个范围内的服务才是恰当的? what range of service offering do you consider appropriate? 4.不牺牲当前的技术优势, 还有哪些新的服务项目可以推出? what new service lines can be offered without compromising on the current technical strengths? 5.你打算只是求生存, 增

59、长还是快速扩张? are you going for survival, growth or rapid expansion? 6.你希望处于市场的什么位置? what position within the market do you want to achieve? 7.获得多大的利润? what profits should be achieved? 搞清楚以上问题后, 你就具备了创立你的咨询公司的条件。 once you are clear on all of the above you are ready to begin setting up your consulting pra

60、ctice. 2.2 业务与组织结构 business and organisational structure 有两个领域需要考察。 第一个是企业形式。 there are 2 areas that need to be examined. the first is the trading or business structure of the practice. 咨询业可以采纳的企业类型有很多。 包括下列的类型: there are a number of business structures that consulting practices may use. these inclu


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