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1、一次别离,看字幕学英语这里是一次别离的非完整版只有15页,完整版本一共140页。若需要下载完整版请您前往以上原因都不足以使离婚成立- 如果还有有其他原因,说来听听- 什么样的?比如你丈夫是瘾君子,对你施暴或者不给你家用没有,他无不良嗜好,也没有其他问题,是个好人那你为什么要离婚?他不跟我一起走只要他答应我,我立马撤诉- 你愿意跟我一起走么?- 不愿意- 为什么呢,法官,让他告诉我为什么- 原因你早就知道了我不知道,请你再说一遍让她给我个移民的理由- 那你给我个留下来的理由- 我可以给你个- 我只要一个就够- 我父亲,我不能抛弃他,还要别的理由么?那你就可以抛弃你老婆?我什么时候抛弃你了?是你拉

2、我来这儿的- 你做了什么?- 离婚是你提出来的你叫你的妻儿走,这不是抛弃?他刚才难道没说想走尽管走这样的话么?我说了,我还要再说一遍,如果你不想跟我过了- 我也不会强留- 冷静,声音小点以前你想和我一起生活,但现在你不想了- 你宁愿一走了之- 什么叫宁愿?这是我们商量好的法官,我们一年半来费力费钱,终于拿到签证了现在六个月过去了,还有天签证就过期我们为什么要失去这个机会呢?你不想错失良机,好呀,说说你的提议吧你现在了解我们的情况了告诉我们怎么办,法官,我们该怎么办?- 他纯属以此为借口,他爸- 我没把它当借口- 你说给我一个理由- 不好意思,我正说话呢他爸患有老年痴呆,连自己儿子和周围的人都不

3、认得- 所以在他身边的人是你还是别人,对他有什么影响?- 你为什么这么说?有影响他认得你是他儿子么?但是我知道他是我父亲难道女儿对你来说就不重要了么?她的前途就不重要了么?- 这关女儿什么事?- 其他的孩子都你为什么以为只有你觉得这事重要呢?夫人,难道这个国家的其他孩子都没有前途了么?我不愿让我的孩子在这种环境里成长,作为母亲,我有权这样做在什么样的环境里?哪种环境,夫人?是留在国内由双亲关怀好,还是出国失去父亲好?所以我要他和我们一起走我的情况不允许,我要重复多少遍,还有必要么?所以他走不了,我们该怎么办?没什么,照常过日子要是能的话,我就不会想离婚了夫人,离婚也要征得他的同意的,这是双方的

4、事- 他说同意的,他刚才不是说了么?- 先生,你是否同意离婚?如果她宁愿抛弃孩子的父亲出国,我无所谓好了,他没问题,那我女儿怎么办?各项事宜均须商量妥当,你女儿多大了?还差个星期岁未经她父亲同意,你不能带她走他爸爸不会同意的那是你们两个人的事情请过来签字法官,来这里是让你解决问题的请你也过来签字- 签在哪?- 这儿我什么都不要,只要我女儿女儿跟我也是有感情的,她不会跟你走的- 她不懂事- 你为什么说她不懂事?她都岁了,为什么会不懂事?在此签字,请勿占用法庭时间- 别人都不懂就你懂,你什么都懂- 请勿占用法庭时间法官,我该怎么办?只有天了夫人,每次有点鸡毛蒜皮的小事你都可以来此申请离婚小事这可不

5、是小事- 我的事一点都不小- 谢谢- 这可是关乎我女儿的事- 夫人,那也是他女儿,他也有同等权利我是法官,我说小事就是小事请在此签名,祝您愉快片名:一次别离- 夫人,你说搬到二楼的- 这确实是二楼,先生那下面那一层是几楼?那是底楼,这是一楼,然后就是二楼了我们出的价是搬两层的- 买主已经给过钱了- 但是那钱只够搬两层的我不知道你在说什么,先生那就给买主打电话让他来看,这可不对,这是三层楼多出来的那层我来付钱,让我过去夫人,打扰一下去告诉你爸他们来晚了你为什么不去?- 我说错了么?- 我们怎么商量的来着?我正学习呢- 你好- 你好,夫人我马上就来夫人,不知道你知不知道这儿的情况我要麻烦你来照顾我

6、父亲还要干点家务活不过最重要的是让他按时吃药别点炉子,关好门窗,这样他就不会走失了我七点半要去上班,你到了以后我就走七点半太早了- 要想那会儿到,我五点到五点半就得动身- 那八点呢?上来吧- 我不知道八点行不行- 要是你八点能来也成给我邻居家打电话让他们给你开前门,我把钥匙放在这儿- 行么?- 可以- 够得着么?- 能,请问,月薪是多少?稍等- 每月三十万,夫人- 那也太少了不少了,你可以打听一下,就是这个价我住得太远了要来这儿得倒好几趟车我就能给这么多,你自己清楚要不要干这个活把书给她,也许她要用我没有零钱,夫人下午之前告诉我,这样我也能通知其他人要是你不干,我也能找别人好的特梅,你的衣服!

7、你不进来么?- 你为什么要把书带走?- 我要用两个星期就用这么多?- 谢谢- 不客气- 平常她是设成几呢?- 要不我去问问?你妈还没走呢,你是想让老爸难堪么?- 西敏,你要去哪?- 我马上就回来- 你去哪?- 去街上,有事,马上就回来我会回来的我跟别人约好了- 我觉得是四- 为什么?因为它掉漆最严重你看它掉漆那么严重,肯定最常用那就设成四好了,管它的呢以后我们全都设成四她真的要走了?- 她会回来的,宝贝- 特梅!到爷爷这儿来爸爸?特梅,回房去爸爸,起来,放开手放手,站起来,我带你去厕所,站起来,爸爸你带我去哪?去厕所,然后我给你买报纸看宝贝,不是让你回房么?去吧- 带我去哪?- 厕所别把手放那

8、这盘撒迦利安的cd我拿走了an撒迦利安为波斯语歌手及作曲家,被称为当代最伟大的伊朗波斯语传统歌曲大师- 想要哪盘随便拿- 我只要这盘再见我还以为你也在那儿住呢不了,我回我妈家住一段时间这就有点麻烦了这种事上我完全信任他他是个忠诚的男人,别担心the things youre saying are notenough reasons to get a divorce.- if you have other reasons,lets hear them. - like what other reasons?like your husband being an addict, or beating

9、youor not giving you pocket money.no, hes neither an addict nor does he have any issues;in fact hes a very nice and decent person.then why do you want to get a divorce?because he doesnt want to come with me.if he said hed come with me,ill withdraw my claim right now.- are you willing to come?- no, i

10、m not.- why not, judge? tell me why he wont.- you know the reason already.no, i do not know.please explain it one more time.let her give me one reason why in this situationwe should leave for abroad.- show me a good reason why we should stay.- ill give you a thousand reasons.- tell me just one.- my

11、dad. i cant leave him.do i need to give more?but you can leave your wife?- when did i ever leave you?you brought me here.- what did you do?- you were the one who applied for the divorce.when you tell your wife and kid to go,is that not leaving?did he not just say you can go if you want to?yes, and i

12、ll say it again.when you dont want to live with me,im not going to force you to. just go.- calm down. keep your voices down.someday day you wanted to live with me;now you dont want to.- when you prefer to go over there.- what do you mean prefer?this is something that we both started.judge, after a y

13、ear and a half of running aroundand all the costs, we finally got our visas.its been six months that theyve come,and theyll expire in days.why should we lose this opportunity?you dont want to miss this opportunity, ok;lets hear your proposal.you know our situation now,tell us what we should do.judge

14、, what should we do?this reason hes using as an excuse right now: his father.- i didnt use it as an excuse.- you said give me one reason.- excuse me, im talking.his father is suffering from alzheimers.hes not aware that he is his son. or whos around him.- what difference does it make to him?whether

15、its you or someone else?- why do you say that? it matters.does he understand that youre his son?but i know he is my father.is your daughter not important to you?her future is not important to you?- who said this is about our daughter?- all these other children.- why do you think its only important t

16、o you?all these other children living in this country,do none of them have a future, maam?id prefer that my child didnt grow up under thesecircumstances. as a mother, i have this right.under what conditions?which conditions, maam?is it better growing up here with both parents, orgrowing up over ther

17、e with no father?thats exactly why i want him to come with us.im not in a situation that i could come.how many times do i have to repeat this?did i need to say again?so he doesnt have the conditions.what will happen to me now?nothing.return to your life.if we could, i wouldnt have applied for divorc

18、e.maam, he also has to approve of this divorce.it has to be mutual.- but, he is saying hes willing.isnt he saying that hes ok right now?- sir, are you willing to divorce?if she prefers going abroad to leaving the father of her child,then im ok.ok, so hes fine.what about my daughter?everything has to

19、 be agreed upon.how old is your daughter?shell be in two weeks.if her father doesnt give permission,she cant come with you, maam.her father doesnt allow.thats between you two.please sign here and have a good day.judge, ive come here so you cansolve my problem.you too please.come sign here.- where do

20、 i sign?- here.ill give up everything.just give me my daughter.your daughter is emotionally attached to me.she doesnt even want to come with you.- she doesnt understand.- why do you say she doesnt understand?shes . why doesnt she understand?please sign here,and dont take up the time of the court.- n

21、o one understands but you.- no, its just you that understands everything.- please dont take up the courts time.judge, what do i do?i only have days left.maam, you can just come here every timeyou have a small issue and want to get divorce.small issue?my problem is not small.- my problem is not small

22、.- thank you- the problem is my daughter.- maam, its his daughter too.he has rights too.im the judge and im saying that your issue is small.sign here please and have a good day.a separation- maam, you said second floor.- this is the second floor, sir.then whats the lower floor?this is ground, this i

23、s first,and that would be the second floor.our price was for two floors.- youre getting paid by the buyer, anyway.- but only for two floors though.i dont understand what youre saying, sir.then call the buyer to see what we have to do.this isnt right, this is three floors.ill pay for the extra floor.

24、just open the way for me.excuse me, maam?go tell your dad that theyre late.why dont you tell him yourself?- what did i say?- what was our deal?im studying.- hello.- hello, maam.ill be right with you.maam, i do not know how much youre aware of this, but,its for taking care of my fatherthat im botheri

25、ng you with.itll be some home job too,but the real issue is that youhave to give him the meds on time. doesnt use the stove, doesnt open this door,so hed go out and get lost. doesnt open the window.ill have to go to work at : am.you should be here then so i can leave right after.: is too early.if i

26、were to come then,id have to leave home around : - :am- can you do eight?- come on up- i dont know about .- itd be fine if you could get here by :.ring our neighbors house, theyll openthe front door. ill leave the keys here.- ok?- ok.- can you get to it? - yes- sorry, whats the monthly rate?just one

27、 sec.- , per month, maam.- thats too little.no, its around that price, ask around.my commute is too far.i have to change a couple of buses to get here.look, this is what i can afford.now, you know better whether youd like to take the offer.give these books to her, she might need them.- i dont have c

28、hange, maam.- so let me know by this afternoon soi can let someone else know.so if you couldnt do it, i wouldnt lose them.ok.termeh! your clothes!not coming?- why are you taking your books?- i want them.all this for only two weeks?- thank you.- youre welcome.- usually, what does she put it on?- shou

29、ld i go ask her?you want to make me look bad before your moms even left?- simin, where are you going?- ill be back soon.- where are you going?- going up the street.i have something to do; be right back.ill be back.i have an appointment.- i say put it on four.- why four?because its most faded.see, mom must have use that number mostsince its color has faded so much.ok, well do four then; who cares.in fact, from now on well putall the settings of this hou


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